Module: AvaTax::Client::Certificates

Defined in:

Instance Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Details

#create_certificates(companyId, model, options = {}) ⇒ CertificateModel[]

Create certificates for this company

Record one or more certificates document for this company.

A certificate is a document stored in either AvaTax Exemptions or CertCapture. The certificate document can contain information about a customer's eligibility for exemption from sales or use taxes based on criteria you specify when you store the certificate. To view or manage your certificates directly, please log onto the administrative website for the product you purchased.

When you create a certificate, it will be processed by Avalara and will become available for use in calculating tax exemptions when processing is complete. For a certificate to be used in calculating exemptions, it must have the following:

  • An exposure zone indicating where the certificate is valid
  • A link to the customer that is allowed to use this certificate
  • Your tax transaction must contain the correct customer code

Before you can use any exemption certificates endpoints, you must set up your company for exemption certificate data storage. Companies that do not have this storage system set up will see CertCaptureNotConfiguredError when they call exemption certificate related APIs. To check if this is set up for a company, call GetCertificateSetup. To request setup of exemption certificate storage for this company, call RequestCertificateSetup.

If the users specified in the certificates do not exist, the API will create the user and link them to the certificate

Security Policies

  • This API requires one of the following user roles: AccountAdmin, BatchServiceAdmin, CompanyAdmin, CSPTester, ProStoresOperator, Registrar, SiteAdmin, SSTAdmin, SystemAdmin, TechnicalSupportAdmin.
  • This API depends on the following active services:Required (all): AvaTaxPro. Swagger Name: AvaTaxClient


  • companyId (Integer)

    The ID number of the company recording this certificate

  • preValidatedExemptionReason (Boolean)

    If set to true, the certificate will bypass the human verification process.

  • model (CertificateModel[])

    Certificates to be created


  • (CertificateModel[])

# File 'lib/avatax/client/certificates.rb', line 39

def create_certificates(companyId, model, options={})        path = "/api/v2/companies/#{companyId}/certificates"
post(path, model, options, AvaTax::VERSION)      end

#delete_certificate(companyId, id) ⇒ ErrorDetail[]

Revoke and delete a certificate

Revoke the certificate identified by this URL, then delete it.

A certificate is a document stored in either AvaTax Exemptions or CertCapture. The certificate document can contain information about a customer's eligibility for exemption from sales or use taxes based on criteria you specify when you store the certificate. To view or manage your certificates directly, please log onto the administrative website for the product you purchased.

Revoked certificates can no longer be used.

Before you can use any exemption certificates endpoints, you must set up your company for exemption certificate data storage. Companies that do not have this storage system set up will see CertCaptureNotConfiguredError when they call exemption certificate related APIs. To check if this is set up for a company, call GetCertificateSetup. To request setup of exemption certificate storage for this company, call RequestCertificateSetup.

Security Policies

  • This API requires one of the following user roles: AccountAdmin, AccountOperator, AccountUser, BatchServiceAdmin, CompanyAdmin, CompanyUser, CSPTester, SSTAdmin, TechnicalSupportAdmin.
  • This API depends on the following active services:Required (all): AvaTaxPro. Swagger Name: AvaTaxClient


  • companyId (Integer)

    The unique ID number of the company that recorded this certificate

  • id (Integer)

    The unique ID number of this certificate


  • (ErrorDetail[])

# File 'lib/avatax/client/certificates.rb', line 66

def delete_certificate(companyId, id)        path = "/api/v2/companies/#{companyId}/certificates/#{id}"
delete(path, {}, AvaTax::VERSION)      end

#download_certificate_image(companyId, id, options = {}) ⇒ Object

Download an image for this certificate

Download an image or PDF file for this certificate.

This API can be used to download either a single-page preview of the certificate or a full PDF document. To retrieve a preview image, set the $type parameter to Jpeg and the $page parameter to 1.

A certificate is a document stored in either AvaTax Exemptions or CertCapture. The certificate document can contain information about a customer's eligibility for exemption from sales or use taxes based on criteria you specify when you store the certificate. To view or manage your certificates directly, please log onto the administrative website for the product you purchased.

Before you can use any exemption certificates endpoints, you must set up your company for exemption certificate data storage. Companies that do not have this storage system set up will see CertCaptureNotConfiguredError when they call exemption certificate related APIs. To check if this is set up for a company, call GetCertificateSetup. To request setup of exemption certificate storage for this company, call RequestCertificateSetup.

Security Policies

  • This API requires one of the following user roles: AccountAdmin, AccountOperator, AccountUser, BatchServiceAdmin, CompanyAdmin, CompanyUser, CSPTester, SSTAdmin, TechnicalSupportAdmin, TechnicalSupportUser.
  • This API depends on the following active services:Required (all): AvaTaxPro. Swagger Name: AvaTaxClient


  • companyId (Integer)

    The unique ID number of the company that recorded this certificate

  • id (Integer)

    The unique ID number of this certificate

  • page (Integer)

    If you choose $type=Jpeg, you must specify which page number to retrieve.

  • type (String)

    The data format in which to retrieve the certificate image (See CertificatePreviewType::* for a list of allowable values)


  • (Object)

# File 'lib/avatax/client/certificates.rb', line 96

def download_certificate_image(companyId, id, options={})        path = "/api/v2/companies/#{companyId}/certificates/#{id}/attachment"
get(path, options, AvaTax::VERSION)      end

#get_certificate(companyId, id, options = {}) ⇒ Object

Retrieve a single certificate

Get the current certificate identified by this URL.

A certificate is a document stored in either AvaTax Exemptions or CertCapture. The certificate document can contain information about a customer's eligibility for exemption from sales or use taxes based on criteria you specify when you store the certificate. To view or manage your certificates directly, please log onto the administrative website for the product you purchased.

You can use the $include parameter to fetch the following additional objects for expansion:

  • customers - Retrieves the list of customers linked to the certificate.
  • po_numbers - Retrieves all PO numbers tied to the certificate.
  • attributes - Retrieves all attributes applied to the certificate.

Before you can use any exemption certificates endpoints, you must set up your company for exemption certificate data storage. Companies that do not have this storage system set up will see CertCaptureNotConfiguredError when they call exemption certificate related APIs. To check if this is set up for a company, call GetCertificateSetup. To request setup of exemption certificate storage for this company, call RequestCertificateSetup.

Security Policies

  • This API requires one of the following user roles: AccountAdmin, AccountOperator, AccountUser, BatchServiceAdmin, CompanyAdmin, CompanyUser, CSPTester, SSTAdmin, TechnicalSupportAdmin, TechnicalSupportUser.
  • This API depends on the following active services:Required (all): AvaTaxPro. Swagger Name: AvaTaxClient


  • companyId (Integer)

    The ID number of the company that recorded this certificate

  • id (Integer)

    The unique ID number of this certificate

  • include (String)

    OPTIONAL: A comma separated list of special fetch options. You can specify one or more of the following: * customers - Retrieves the list of customers linked to the certificate. * po_numbers - Retrieves all PO numbers tied to the certificate. * attributes - Retrieves all attributes applied to the certificate.


  • (Object)

# File 'lib/avatax/client/certificates.rb', line 128

def get_certificate(companyId, id, options={})        path = "/api/v2/companies/#{companyId}/certificates/#{id}"
get(path, options, AvaTax::VERSION)      end

#get_certificate_setup(companyId) ⇒ Object

Check a company's exemption certificate status.

Checks whether this company is configured to use exemption certificates in AvaTax.

Exemption certificates are tracked through a different auditable data store than the one that holds AvaTax transactions. To use the AvaTax exemption certificate document store, please call GetCertificateSetup to see if your company is configured to use the exemption certificate document store. To request setup, please call RequestCertificateSetup and your company will be configured with data storage in the auditable certificate system.

Security Policies

  • This API requires one of the following user roles: AccountAdmin, AccountOperator, AccountUser, BatchServiceAdmin, CompanyAdmin, CompanyUser, CSPTester, SSTAdmin, TechnicalSupportAdmin, TechnicalSupportUser.
  • This API depends on the following active services:Required (all): AvaTaxPro. Swagger Name: AvaTaxClient


  • companyId (Integer)

    The company ID to check


  • (Object)

# File 'lib/avatax/client/certificates.rb', line 148

def get_certificate_setup(companyId)        path = "/api/v2/companies/#{companyId}/certificates/setup"
get(path, {}, AvaTax::VERSION)      end

Link attributes to a certificate

Link one or many attributes to a certificate.

A certificate may have multiple attributes that control its behavior. You may link or unlink attributes to a certificate at any time. The full list of defined attributes may be found using ListCertificateAttributes.

A certificate is a document stored in either AvaTax Exemptions or CertCapture. The certificate document can contain information about a customer's eligibility for exemption from sales or use taxes based on criteria you specify when you store the certificate. To view or manage your certificates directly, please log onto the administrative website for the product you purchased.

Before you can use any exemption certificates endpoints, you must set up your company for exemption certificate data storage. Companies that do not have this storage system set up will see CertCaptureNotConfiguredError when they call exemption certificate related APIs. To check if this is set up for a company, call GetCertificateSetup. To request setup of exemption certificate storage for this company, call RequestCertificateSetup.

Security Policies

  • This API requires one of the following user roles: AccountAdmin, AccountOperator, AccountUser, BatchServiceAdmin, CompanyAdmin, CompanyUser, CSPTester, SSTAdmin, TechnicalSupportAdmin.
  • This API depends on the following active services:Required (all): AvaTaxPro. Swagger Name: AvaTaxClient


  • companyId (Integer)

    The unique ID number of the company that recorded this certificate

  • id (Integer)

    The unique ID number of this certificate

  • model (CertificateAttributeModel[])

    The list of attributes to link to this certificate.


  • (FetchResult)

# File 'lib/avatax/client/certificates.rb', line 177

def link_attributes_to_certificate(companyId, id, model)        path = "/api/v2/companies/#{companyId}/certificates/#{id}/attributes/link"
post(path, model, {}, AvaTax::VERSION)      end

Link customers to a certificate

Link one or more customers to an existing certificate.

Customers and certificates must be linked before a customer can make use of a certificate to obtain a tax exemption in AvaTax. Since some certificates may cover more than one business entity, a certificate can be connected to multiple customer records using the LinkCustomersToCertificate API.

A certificate is a document stored in either AvaTax Exemptions or CertCapture. The certificate document can contain information about a customer's eligibility for exemption from sales or use taxes based on criteria you specify when you store the certificate. To view or manage your certificates directly, please log onto the administrative website for the product you purchased.

Before you can use any exemption certificates endpoints, you must set up your company for exemption certificate data storage. Companies that do not have this storage system set up will see CertCaptureNotConfiguredError when they call exemption certificate related APIs. To check if this is set up for a company, call GetCertificateSetup. To request setup of exemption certificate storage for this company, call RequestCertificateSetup.

Security Policies

  • This API requires one of the following user roles: AccountAdmin, AccountOperator, AccountUser, BatchServiceAdmin, CompanyAdmin, CompanyUser, CSPTester, SSTAdmin, TechnicalSupportAdmin.
  • This API depends on the following active services:Required (all): AvaTaxPro. Swagger Name: AvaTaxClient


  • companyId (Integer)

    The unique ID number of the company that recorded this certificate

  • id (Integer)

    The unique ID number of this certificate

  • model (Object)

    The list of customers needed be added to the Certificate for exemption


  • (FetchResult)

# File 'lib/avatax/client/certificates.rb', line 207

def link_customers_to_certificate(companyId, id, model)        path = "/api/v2/companies/#{companyId}/certificates/#{id}/customers/link"
post(path, model, {}, AvaTax::VERSION)      end

#list_attributes_for_certificate(companyId, id) ⇒ FetchResult

List all attributes applied to this certificate

Retrieve the list of attributes that are linked to this certificate.

A certificate may have multiple attributes that control its behavior. You may link or unlink attributes to a certificate at any time. The full list of defined attributes may be found using ListCertificateAttributes API.

A certificate is a document stored in either AvaTax Exemptions or CertCapture. The certificate document can contain information about a customer's eligibility for exemption from sales or use taxes based on criteria you specify when you store the certificate. To view or manage your certificates directly, please log onto the administrative website for the product you purchased.

Before you can use any exemption certificates endpoints, you must set up your company for exemption certificate data storage. Companies that do not have this storage system set up will see CertCaptureNotConfiguredError when they call exemption certificate related APIs. To check if this is set up for a company, call GetCertificateSetup. To request setup of exemption certificate storage for this company, call RequestCertificateSetup.

Security Policies

  • This API requires one of the following user roles: AccountAdmin, AccountOperator, AccountUser, BatchServiceAdmin, CompanyAdmin, CompanyUser, CSPTester, SSTAdmin, TechnicalSupportAdmin.
  • This API depends on the following active services:Required (all): AvaTaxPro. Swagger Name: AvaTaxClient


  • companyId (Integer)

    The unique ID number of the company that recorded this certificate

  • id (Integer)

    The unique ID number of this certificate


  • (FetchResult)

# File 'lib/avatax/client/certificates.rb', line 235

def list_attributes_for_certificate(companyId, id)        path = "/api/v2/companies/#{companyId}/certificates/#{id}/attributes"
get(path, {}, AvaTax::VERSION)      end

#list_customers_for_certificate(companyId, id, options = {}) ⇒ FetchResult

List customers linked to this certificate

List all customers linked to this certificate.

Customers must be linked to a certificate in order to make use of its tax exemption features. You can link or unlink customers to a certificate at any time.

A certificate is a document stored in either AvaTax Exemptions or CertCapture. The certificate document can contain information about a customer's eligibility for exemption from sales or use taxes based on criteria you specify when you store the certificate. To view or manage your certificates directly, please log onto the administrative website for the product you purchased.

Before you can use any exemption certificates endpoints, you must set up your company for exemption certificate data storage. Companies that do not have this storage system set up will see CertCaptureNotConfiguredError when they call exemption certificate related APIs. To check if this is set up for a company, call GetCertificateSetup. To request setup of exemption certificate storage for this company, call RequestCertificateSetup.

Security Policies

  • This API requires one of the following user roles: AccountAdmin, AccountOperator, AccountUser, BatchServiceAdmin, CompanyAdmin, CompanyUser, CSPTester, SSTAdmin, TechnicalSupportAdmin.
  • This API depends on the following active services:Required (all): AvaTaxPro. Swagger Name: AvaTaxClient


  • companyId (Integer)

    The unique ID number of the company that recorded this certificate

  • id (Integer)

    The unique ID number of this certificate

  • include (String)

    OPTIONAL: A comma separated list of special fetch options. No options are currently available when fetching customers.


  • (FetchResult)

# File 'lib/avatax/client/certificates.rb', line 264

def list_customers_for_certificate(companyId, id, options={})        path = "/api/v2/companies/#{companyId}/certificates/#{id}/customers"
get(path, options, AvaTax::VERSION)      end

#query_certificates(companyId, options = {}) ⇒ FetchResult

List all certificates for a company

List all certificates recorded by a company

A certificate is a document stored in either AvaTax Exemptions or CertCapture. The certificate document can contain information about a customer's eligibility for exemption from sales or use taxes based on criteria you specify when you store the certificate. To view or manage your certificates directly, please log onto the administrative website for the product you purchased.

You can use the $include parameter to fetch the following additional objects for expansion:

  • customers - Retrieves the list of customers linked to the certificate.
  • po_numbers - Retrieves all PO numbers tied to the certificate.
  • attributes - Retrieves all attributes applied to the certificate.

Before you can use any exemption certificates endpoints, you must set up your company for exemption certificate data storage. Companies that do not have this storage system set up will see CertCaptureNotConfiguredError when they call exemption certificate related APIs. To check if this is set up for a company, call GetCertificateSetup. To request setup of exemption certificate storage for this company, call RequestCertificateSetup.

Security Policies

  • This API requires one of the following user roles: AccountAdmin, AccountOperator, AccountUser, BatchServiceAdmin, CompanyAdmin, CompanyUser, CSPTester, SSTAdmin, TechnicalSupportAdmin, TechnicalSupportUser.
  • This API depends on the following active services:Required (all): AvaTaxPro. Swagger Name: AvaTaxClient


  • companyId (Integer)

    The ID number of the company to search

  • include (String)

    OPTIONAL: A comma separated list of special fetch options. You can specify one or more of the following: * customers - Retrieves the list of customers linked to the certificate. * po_numbers - Retrieves all PO numbers tied to the certificate. * attributes - Retrieves all attributes applied to the certificate.

  • filter (String)

    A filter statement to identify specific records to retrieve. For more information on filtering, see Filtering in REST.
    Not filterable: exemptionNumber, status, ecmsId, ecmsStatus, pdf, pages

  • top (Integer)

    If nonzero, return no more than this number of results. Used with $skip to provide pagination for large datasets. Unless otherwise specified, the maximum number of records that can be returned from an API call is 1,000 records.

  • skip (Integer)

    If nonzero, skip this number of results before returning data. Used with $top to provide pagination for large datasets.

  • orderBy (String)

    A comma separated list of sort statements in the format (fieldname) [ASC|DESC], for example id ASC.


  • (FetchResult)

# File 'lib/avatax/client/certificates.rb', line 299

def query_certificates(companyId, options={})        path = "/api/v2/companies/#{companyId}/certificates"
get(path, options, AvaTax::VERSION)      end

#request_certificate_setup(companyId) ⇒ Object

Request setup of exemption certificates for this company.

Requests the setup of exemption certificates for this company.

Exemption certificates are tracked through a different auditable data store than the one that holds AvaTax transactions. To use the AvaTax exemption certificate document store, please call GetCertificateSetup to see if your company is configured to use the exemption certificate document store. To request setup, please call RequestCertificateSetup and your company will be configured with data storage in the auditable certificate system.

This API will return the current status of exemption certificate setup for this company.

Security Policies

  • This API requires one of the following user roles: AccountAdmin, AccountOperator, AccountUser, BatchServiceAdmin, CompanyAdmin, CompanyUser, CSPTester, SSTAdmin, TechnicalSupportAdmin, TechnicalSupportUser.
  • This API depends on the following active services:Required (all): AvaTaxPro. Swagger Name: AvaTaxClient


  • companyId (Integer)


  • (Object)

# File 'lib/avatax/client/certificates.rb', line 321

def request_certificate_setup(companyId)        path = "/api/v2/companies/#{companyId}/certificates/setup"
post(path, {}, {}, AvaTax::VERSION)      end

Unlink attributes from a certificate

Unlink one or many attributes from a certificate.

A certificate may have multiple attributes that control its behavior. You may link or unlink attributes to a certificate at any time. The full list of defined attributes may be found using ListCertificateAttributes.

A certificate is a document stored in either AvaTax Exemptions or CertCapture. The certificate document can contain information about a customer's eligibility for exemption from sales or use taxes based on criteria you specify when you store the certificate. To view or manage your certificates directly, please log onto the administrative website for the product you purchased.

Before you can use any exemption certificates endpoints, you must set up your company for exemption certificate data storage. Companies that do not have this storage system set up will see CertCaptureNotConfiguredError when they call exemption certificate related APIs. To check if this is set up for a company, call GetCertificateSetup. To request setup of exemption certificate storage for this company, call RequestCertificateSetup.

Security Policies

  • This API requires one of the following user roles: AccountAdmin, AccountOperator, AccountUser, BatchServiceAdmin, CompanyAdmin, CompanyUser, CSPTester, SSTAdmin, TechnicalSupportAdmin.
  • This API depends on the following active services:Required (all): AvaTaxPro. Swagger Name: AvaTaxClient


  • companyId (Integer)

    The unique ID number of the company that recorded this certificate

  • id (Integer)

    The unique ID number of this certificate

  • model (CertificateAttributeModel[])

    The list of attributes to unlink from this certificate.


  • (FetchResult)

# File 'lib/avatax/client/certificates.rb', line 350

def unlink_attributes_from_certificate(companyId, id, model)        path = "/api/v2/companies/#{companyId}/certificates/#{id}/attributes/unlink"
post(path, model, {}, AvaTax::VERSION)      end

Unlink customers from a certificate

Unlinks one or more customers from a certificate.

Unlinking a certificate from a customer will prevent the certificate from being used to generate tax exemptions for the customer in the future. If any previous transactions for this customer had used this linked certificate, those transactions will be unchanged and will still have a link to the exemption certificate in question.

A certificate is a document stored in either AvaTax Exemptions or CertCapture. The certificate document can contain information about a customer's eligibility for exemption from sales or use taxes based on criteria you specify when you store the certificate. To view or manage your certificates directly, please log onto the administrative website for the product you purchased.

Before you can use any exemption certificates endpoints, you must set up your company for exemption certificate data storage. Companies that do not have this storage system set up will see CertCaptureNotConfiguredError when they call exemption certificate related APIs. To check if this is set up for a company, call GetCertificateSetup. To request setup of exemption certificate storage for this company, call RequestCertificateSetup.

Security Policies

  • This API requires one of the following user roles: AccountAdmin, AccountOperator, AccountUser, BatchServiceAdmin, CompanyAdmin, CompanyUser, CSPTester, SSTAdmin, TechnicalSupportAdmin.
  • This API depends on the following active services:Required (all): AvaTaxPro. Swagger Name: AvaTaxClient


  • companyId (Integer)

    The unique ID number of the company that recorded this certificate

  • id (Integer)

    The unique ID number of this certificate

  • model (Object)

    The list of customers to unlink from this certificate


  • (FetchResult)

# File 'lib/avatax/client/certificates.rb', line 381

def unlink_customers_from_certificate(companyId, id, model)        path = "/api/v2/companies/#{companyId}/certificates/#{id}/customers/unlink"
post(path, model, {}, AvaTax::VERSION)      end

#update_certificate(companyId, id, model) ⇒ Object

Update a single certificate

Replace the certificate identified by this URL with a new one.

A certificate is a document stored in either AvaTax Exemptions or CertCapture. The certificate document can contain information about a customer's eligibility for exemption from sales or use taxes based on criteria you specify when you store the certificate. To view or manage your certificates directly, please log onto the administrative website for the product you purchased.

Before you can use any exemption certificates endpoints, you must set up your company for exemption certificate data storage. Companies that do not have this storage system set up will see CertCaptureNotConfiguredError when they call exemption certificate related APIs. To check if this is set up for a company, call GetCertificateSetup. To request setup of exemption certificate storage for this company, call RequestCertificateSetup.

Security Policies

  • This API requires one of the following user roles: AccountAdmin, AccountOperator, AccountUser, BatchServiceAdmin, CompanyAdmin, CompanyUser, CSPTester, SSTAdmin, TechnicalSupportAdmin.
  • This API depends on the following active services:Required (all): AvaTaxPro. Swagger Name: AvaTaxClient


  • companyId (Integer)

    The ID number of the company that recorded this certificate

  • id (Integer)

    The unique ID number of this certificate

  • model (Object)

    The new certificate object that will replace the existing one


  • (Object)

# File 'lib/avatax/client/certificates.rb', line 407

def update_certificate(companyId, id, model)        path = "/api/v2/companies/#{companyId}/certificates/#{id}"
put(path, model, {}, AvaTax::VERSION)      end

#upload_certificate_image(companyId, id) ⇒ String

Upload an image or PDF attachment for this certificate

Upload an image or PDF attachment for this certificate.

Image attachments can be of the format PDF, JPEG, TIFF, or PNG. To upload a multi-page image, please use the PDF data type.

A certificate is a document stored in either AvaTax Exemptions or CertCapture. The certificate document can contain information about a customer's eligibility for exemption from sales or use taxes based on criteria you specify when you store the certificate. To view or manage your certificates directly, please log onto the administrative website for the product you purchased.

Before you can use any exemption certificates endpoints, you must set up your company for exemption certificate data storage. Companies that do not have this storage system set up will see CertCaptureNotConfiguredError when they call exemption certificate related APIs. To check if this is set up for a company, call GetCertificateSetup. To request setup of exemption certificate storage for this company, call RequestCertificateSetup.

Security Policies

  • This API requires one of the following user roles: AccountAdmin, AccountOperator, AccountUser, BatchServiceAdmin, CompanyAdmin, CompanyUser, CSPTester, SSTAdmin, TechnicalSupportAdmin, TechnicalSupportUser.
  • This API depends on the following active services:Required (all): AvaTaxPro. Swagger Name: AvaTaxClient


  • companyId (Integer)

    The unique ID number of the company that recorded this certificate

  • id (Integer)

    The unique ID number of this certificate

  • file (Object)

    The exemption certificate file you wanted to upload. Accepted formats are: PDF, JPEG, TIFF, PNG.


  • (String)

# File 'lib/avatax/client/certificates.rb', line 436

def upload_certificate_image(companyId, id)        path = "/api/v2/companies/#{companyId}/certificates/#{id}/attachment"
post(path, {}, {}, AvaTax::VERSION)      end