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Modules: XCSim

Instance Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Details

#xcsim(*args) ⇒ Object


xcsim(:list, pattern) => Array of DeviceListItem
xcsim(:bundle, options) => BundleInfo

Main function to call when using xcsim gem. #xcsim works in two modes: list mode and bundle mode. List mode is for getting information about installed iOS Simulators, available OS versions and bundle IDs of the applications installed on these smiulators. Bundle mode focuses on individual applications and provides means of getting absolute paths for the application’s data or bundle directories.

List mode

List mode is invoked by calling

xcsim(:list, pattern)

Pattern is expected to be a String containing partial match for iOS version / device model pair in 'iOS 9.2, iPhone 5s' format. Both of the patterns are optional and coult be omitted, i.e. the following calls are all valid:

xcsim(:list, "iOS 9.2, iPhone 5s") # exact match for both iOS version and device
xcsim(:list, "iOS 9.2")            # match only iOS version
xcsim(:list, "iPhone 5s")          # match only device
xcsim(:list, "iOS")                # partial match for iOS version (all iOS simulators)
xcsim(:list, "9.2")                # partial match for iOS version (including watchOS, tvOS etc.)
xcsim(:list, "iPad")               # partial match for device model (all iPads)
xcsim(:list, "9, iPhone")          # partial match for both iOS version and device model

In list mode #xcsim function returns an array of DeviceListItem object representing iOS Simulators found, which match the pattern provided. Partial matches are processed in a case-sensitive manner (basically, it finds all devices, whose OS version has the provided OS version pattern as a substring and whose device model contains the provided device model pattern as a substring).

Each DeviceListItem will contain info about applications installed on the corresponding Simulator, excluding system apps (Safari et al.)

Note that since #xcsim signature is

def xcsim(*args)

multiple arguments may be provided to the function. In list mode all arguments are concatenated into a single pattern string by using single whitespace as a separator.

Bundle mode

Bundle mode is invoked by calling

xcsim(:bundle, options)

Options is expected to be a Hash with the following keys:


Specifies the bundle ID of the application in question. #xcsim will then try to locate the bundle with the ID provided and return the corresponding BundleInfo. This is the only required option.

Bundle ID can be partially matched. Actual bundle IDs of the applications found in the iOS Simulator are checked for having the provided bundle ID suffix, so passing "application" as the :bundleID option will match bundle ID "com.yourcompany.application" for example. If multiple matches are found, the result is ambiguous and #xcsim will raise an error. See Errors section for more info.


Specifies, which iOS version to use when searching in "iOS 9.2" format. If omitted, #xcsim will default the OS version to the latest one found in the parsed device_set.plist


Specifies, which device model to use when searching in "iPad Air 2" format. If omitted, #xcsim will default the device model to "iPhone 5s"

Note that the :os and :device options do not perform partial matching to the contrary of what the list mode does.

#xcsim will return a BundleInfo instance for bundle matching the options or raise an error.


#xcsim may raise errors of several types when matching its results:


An ArgumentError is raised if the parameters provided do not make sense as described above. That is, if in list mode multiple comma-separated components are found in the pattern string, or in bundle mode :bundleID parameter is not found, an ArgumentError will be raised.


XCSim::NonUniqueBundleIDError is raised when multiple data or bundle directories are found matching the same bundle ID (should not generally happen since bundle IDs are unique in iOS Simulator) or when partial match of bundle ID in bundle mode finds multiple results.


XCSim::OSNotFoundError is raised in bundle mode when OS version specified by the :os option cannot be found in installed iOS simulators list.


XCSim::DeviceNotFoundError is raised in bundle mode when device model specified by the :device option cannot be found in installed iOS simulators list for the selected OS version.


XCSim::BundleNotFoundError is raised in bundle mode when the bundle ID specified by the :bundleID option does not match any application installed on the selected iOS Simulator.

# File 'lib/xcsim/rbXCSim.rb', line 107

def xcsim(*args)
  case args.first
  when :list
    return[1..-1].join(" "))

  when :bundle
    raise ArgumentError if args.count != 2

    raise ArgumentError