
A Ruby Gem containing bioinformatics tools for processing viral NGS data.

Specifically for Primer-ID sequencing and HIV drug resistance analysis.


    $ gem install viral_seq



Use executable locator to get the coordinates of the sequences on HIV/SIV reference genome from a FASTA file through a terminal

    $ locator -i sequence.fasta -o sequence.fasta.csv

Use executable tcs pipeline to process Primer ID MiSeq sequencing data.

    $ tcs -p params.json # run TCS pipeline with params.json
    $ tcs -j # CLI to generate params.json
    $ tcs -h # print out the help

Some Examples

Load all ViralSeq classes by requiring 'viral_seq.rb' in your Ruby scripts.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'viral_seq'

Load nucleotide sequences from a FASTA format sequence file

my_seqhash = ViralSeq::SeqHash.fa('my_seq_file.fasta')

Make an alignment (using MUSCLE)

aligned_seqhash = my_seqhash.align

Filter nucleotide sequences with the reference coordinates (HIV Protease)

qc_seqhash = aligned_seqhash.hiv_seq_qc(2253, 2549, false, :HXB2)

Further filter out sequences with Apobec3g/f hypermutations

qc_seqhash = qc_seqhash.a3g

Calculate nucleotide diveristy π


Calculate cut-off for minority variants based on Poisson model

cut_off =

Examine for drug resistance mutations for HIV PR region



Version 1.1.0-11112020:

  1. Modularize TCS pipeline. Move key functions into /viral_seq/tcs_core.rb
  2. tcs_json_generator is removed. This CLI is delivered within the tcs pipeline, by running tcs -j. The scripts are included in the /viral_seq/tcs_json.rb
  3. consensus model now includes a true simple majority model, where no nt needs to be over 50% to be called.
  4. a few optimizations.
  5. TCS 2.1.0 delivered.
  6. Tried parallel processing. Cannot achieve the goal because parallel gem by default can't pool data from memory of child processors and in_threads does not help with the speed.

Version 1.0.9-07182020:

  1. Change ViralSeq::SeqHash#stop_codon and ViralSeq::SeqHash#a3g_hypermut return value to hash object.

  2. TCS pipeline updated to version 2.0.1. Add optional export_raw: TRUE/FALSE in json params. If export_raw is TRUE, raw sequence reads (have to pass quality filters) will be exported, along with TCS reads.

Version 1.0.8-02282020:

  1. TCS pipeline (version 2.0.0) added as executable. tcs - main TCS pipeline script. tcs_json_generator - step-by-step script to generate json file for tcs pipeline.

  2. Methods added: ViralSeq::SeqHash#trim

  3. Bug fix for several methods.

Version 1.0.7-01282020:

  1. Several methods added, including ViralSeq::SeqHash#error_table ViralSeq::SeqHash#random_select
  2. Improved performance for several functions.

Version 1.0.6-07232019:

  1. Several methods added to ViralSeq::SeqHash, including ViralSeq::SeqHash#size ViralSeq::SeqHash#+ ViralSeq::SeqHash#write_nt_fa ViralSeq::SeqHash#mutation
  2. Update documentations and rspec samples.

Version 1.0.5-07112019:

  1. Update ViralSeq::SeqHash#sequence_locator. Program will try to determine the direction (+ or - of the query sequence)
  2. update executable locator to have a column of direction in output .csv file

Version 1.0.4-07102019:

  1. Use home directory (Dir.home) instead of the directory of the script file for temp MUSCLE file.
  2. Fix bugs in bin locator

Version 1.0.3-07102019:

  1. Bug fix.

Version 1.0.2-07102019:

  1. Fixed a gem loading issue.

Version 1.0.1-07102019:

  1. Add keyword argument :model to ViralSeq::SeqHashPair#join2.
  2. Add method ViralSeq::SeqHash#sequence_locator (also: #loc), a function to locate sequences on HIV/SIV reference genomes, as HIV Sequence Locator from LANL.
  3. Add executable 'locator'. An HIV/SIV sequence locator tool similar to LANL Sequence Locator.
  4. update documentations

Version 1.0.0-07092019:

  1. Rewrote the whole ViralSeq gem, grouping methods into modules and classes under main Module::ViralSeq


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The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the viral_seq project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.