Module: Kitchen::Logging


Mixin module that delegates logging methods to a local #logger.


Instance Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Details

Log a message with severity of banner


  • message_or_progname (#to_s)

    the message to log. In the block form, this is the progname to use in the log message.


  • evaluates to the message to log. This is not evaluated unless the logger’s level is sufficient to log the message. This allows you to create potentially expensive logging messages that are only called when the logger is configured to show them.


  • (nil, true)

    when the given severity is not high enough (for this particular logger), log no message, and return true

# File 'lib/kitchen/logging.rb', line 49

logger_method :banner

#debug { ... } ⇒ nil, true

Log a message with severity of debug


  • message_or_progname (#to_s)

    the message to log. In the block form, this is the progname to use in the log message.


  • evaluates to the message to log. This is not evaluated unless the logger’s level is sufficient to log the message. This allows you to create potentially expensive logging messages that are only called when the logger is configured to show them.


  • (nil, true)

    when the given severity is not high enough (for this particular logger), log no message, and return true

# File 'lib/kitchen/logging.rb', line 50

logger_method :debug

#error { ... } ⇒ nil, true

Log a message with severity of error


  • message_or_progname (#to_s)

    the message to log. In the block form, this is the progname to use in the log message.


  • evaluates to the message to log. This is not evaluated unless the logger’s level is sufficient to log the message. This allows you to create potentially expensive logging messages that are only called when the logger is configured to show them.


  • (nil, true)

    when the given severity is not high enough (for this particular logger), log no message, and return true

# File 'lib/kitchen/logging.rb', line 53

logger_method :error

#fatal { ... } ⇒ nil, true

Log a message with severity of fatal


  • message_or_progname (#to_s)

    the message to log. In the block form, this is the progname to use in the log message.


  • evaluates to the message to log. This is not evaluated unless the logger’s level is sufficient to log the message. This allows you to create potentially expensive logging messages that are only called when the logger is configured to show them.


  • (nil, true)

    when the given severity is not high enough (for this particular logger), log no message, and return true

# File 'lib/kitchen/logging.rb', line 54

logger_method :fatal

#info { ... } ⇒ nil, true

Log a message with severity of info


  • message_or_progname (#to_s)

    the message to log. In the block form, this is the progname to use in the log message.


  • evaluates to the message to log. This is not evaluated unless the logger’s level is sufficient to log the message. This allows you to create potentially expensive logging messages that are only called when the logger is configured to show them.


  • (nil, true)

    when the given severity is not high enough (for this particular logger), log no message, and return true

# File 'lib/kitchen/logging.rb', line 51

logger_method :info

#warn { ... } ⇒ nil, true

Log a message with severity of warn


  • message_or_progname (#to_s)

    the message to log. In the block form, this is the progname to use in the log message.


  • evaluates to the message to log. This is not evaluated unless the logger’s level is sufficient to log the message. This allows you to create potentially expensive logging messages that are only called when the logger is configured to show them.


  • (nil, true)

    when the given severity is not high enough (for this particular logger), log no message, and return true

# File 'lib/kitchen/logging.rb', line 52

logger_method :warn