Module: GameData

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Stores game content and parameters as constants. Keeps data separate from logic, so that content or parameters can be added or adjusted without changing the substantive code.

Constant Summary collapse


World map dimensions


Maximum map render distance (field of view)


Constants for calculating XP to next level


Stat points awarded at character creation and on level up


Maximum variance of monster levels from player level


Multiplier for XP lost (per player level) as compared to XP gained (when defeating a monster of the same level)


Default stats for any creature

  atk: {
    value: 5, name: "Attack"
  dfc: {
    value: 5, name: "Defence"
  con: {
    value: 5, name: "Constitution"

Max HP of a creature is equal to its constitution times this multiplier


Player default starting coords

{ x: 2, y: 2 }.freeze

World map tile data

  player: {
    symbol: "@",
    blocking: true,
    color: :blue
  forest: {
    symbol: "T",
    color: :green
  mountain: {
    symbol: "M",
    color: :light_black
  plain: {
    symbol: "P",
    color: :light_yellow
  edge: {
    symbol: "|",
    color: :default,
    blocking: true
  monster: {
    symbol: "%",
    color: :red,
    blocking: true,
    event: :combat
  player: "You, the player.",
  forest: "A forest of towering trees.",
  mountain: "Rugged, mountainous terrain.",
  plain: "Vast, empty plains.",
  edge: "An impassable wall.",
  monster: "A terrifying monster. You should fight it!"
lambda { |player|
    "HEALTH: ".colorize(:light_white) +
    "ATK: ".colorize(:light_white) +
      player.stats[:atk][:value].to_s.colorize(:green) +
      " DEF: ".colorize(:light_white) +
      player.stats[:dfc][:value].to_s.colorize(:green) +
      " CON: ".colorize(:light_white) +
    "LEVEL: ".colorize(:light_white) +
      player.level.to_s.colorize(:green) +
      " XP: ".colorize(:light_white) +
    " "

Keypress inputs for movement, and their associated coord changes

  left: { x: -1, y: 0 },
  a: { x: -1, y: 0 },
  right: { x: 1, y: 0 },
  d: { x: 1, y: 0 },
  up: { x: 0, y: -1 },
  w: { x: 0, y: -1 },
  down: { x: 0, y: 1 },
  s: { x: 0, y: 1 },

Keypress inputs that will attempt to save and then exit the game from the map screen control_left_square_bracket is equivalent to the escape key

[:q, :control_left_square_bracket].freeze
  start_game: ->(game_controller, _params) { game_controller.start_game([]) },
  new_game: ->(game_controller, _params) { game_controller.tutorial },
  load_game: ->(game_controller, params) { game_controller.load_game(params) },
  exit_game: ->(game_controller, _params) { game_controller.exit_game },
  character_creation: ->(game_controller, _params) { game_controller.character_creation },
  world_map: ->(game_controller, params) { game_controller.map_loop(*params) },
  combat: ->(game_controller, params) { game_controller.combat_loop(*params) },
  post_combat: ->(game_controller, params) { game_controller.post_combat(*params) }

Actions that may be taken in combat, and their associated callbacks

  player_attack: ->(player, enemy) { enemy.receive_damage(player.calc_damage_dealt) },

  player_flee: ->(player, enemy) { player.flee(enemy) },

  enemy_attack: ->(player, enemy) { player.receive_damage(enemy.calc_damage_dealt) }

Title menu options and their return values Strings used as keys to match tty-prompt requirements

  "New Game" => :new_game,
  "Load Game" => :load_game,
  "Exit" => :exit_game

Combat menu options and their return values

  "Attack" => :player_attack,
  "Flee" => :player_flee
  new_game: ["-n", "--new"],
  load_game: ["-l", "--load"]

Validation requirements to display to the user

  character_name: "Names must contain only letters, numbers and underscores, be 3 to 15 characters in length"\
  ", and not contain spaces."
  re_load: "Would you like to try loading again?",
  overwrite_save: lambda { |name|
    "It looks like a saved game already exists for that character name. Are you "\
    "sure you want to overwrite the save file for #{name.upcase.colorize(:light_yellow)}?" },
  save_and_exit: "Would you like to exit the game? Your progress will be saved."
  title: lambda { |font, console_size|
    # Pad based on console and text size. Ascii text is centered horizontally,
    #  and about ~1/5 of the way down the screen vertically (leaving room for content below).
    top_pad = [(console_size.rows / 5), 0].max
    left_pad = [(console_size.cols / 2) - 22, 0].max
    return "#{"\n"*top_pad}#{font.write('Terminal'.rjust(left_pad))}\n"\
           "#{font.write('Hero'.rjust(10 + left_pad))}\n".colorize(:light_yellow)
  level_up: lambda { |font, console_size| 
    top_pad = [(console_size.rows / 5), 0].max
    left_pad = [(console_size.cols / 2) - 12, 0].max
    "#{"\n"*top_pad}#{font.write('Level'.rjust(left_pad))}\n#{font.write('Up'.rjust(8 + left_pad))}\n".colorize(:light_yellow)

Arrays of strings to be displayed in turn by the display controller (or callbacks generating such arrays)

  not_implemented: ["Sorry, it looks like you're trying to access a feature that hasn't been implemented yet."\
  "Try choosing something else!"],

  tutorial: lambda {
    msgs = []
    msgs.push "Welcome to Terminal Hero! In a moment, you will be prompted to create a character, but first,"\
    "let's go over how things work."
    msgs.push "When you enter the game, you will be presented with a map made up of the following symbols:"
    MAP_TILES.each do |key, tile|
      msgs.push "  #{tile[:symbol]} : #{TILE_DESCRIPTIONS[key]}".colorize(tile[:color])
    msgs.push "You can move your character around the map using the arrow keys or \"WASD\" controls."
    msgs.push "It's a good idea to expand your terminal to full-screen, so that you can see further on the map."
    msgs.push "If you run into a monster, you will enter combat."
    msgs.push "In combat, you and the enemy will take turns to act."\
    "You will select your action each round from a list of options."
    msgs.push "Combat continues until you or the enemy loses all their hit points (HP), or you flee the battle."
    msgs.push "When you defeat an enemy, you will gain experience points (XP). When you lose, you will lose some XP"\
    "(but you won't lose levels). You will then be revived with full HP."
    msgs.push "When you gain enough XP, you will level up."
    msgs.push "Leveling up awards stat points, which you can expend to increase your combat statistics. These are:"
    msgs.push "#{'Attack'.colorize(:red)}: With higher attack, you will deal more damage in combat."
    msgs.push "#{'Defence'.colorize(:blue)}: With higher defence, you will receive less damage in combat."
    msgs.push "#{'Constitution'.colorize(:green)}: Determines your maximum HP."
    msgs.push "You can see your current level, HP and stats above the map at any time."
    msgs.push "The game will automatically save after every battle."
    msgs.push "To load a saved game, select \"load\" from the title menu and enter the name of a character with "\
    "an existing save file when prompted."
    msgs.push "Alternatively, you can pass the arguments \"-l\" or \"--load\" followed by a saved character's name"\
    "when running the game from the command line."
    msgs.push "You can also pass the arguments \"-n\" or \"--new\" to skip the title menu and "\
    "jump straight into a new game."
    msgs.push "You can press \"escape\" or \"q\" on the map screen at any time to save and exit the game."
    msgs.push "That's all there is to it. Have fun!"
    return msgs

  enter_combat: ->(enemy) { ["You encountered a level #{enemy.level} #{}!"] },

  combat_status: lambda { |player, enemy|
      "Your health: #{"#{player.current_hp} / #{player.max_hp}".colorize(player.health_color)} | "\
      "Enemy health: #{"#{enemy.current_hp} / #{enemy.max_hp}".colorize(enemy.health_color)}"

  player_attack: lambda { |damage|
    ["You attacked the enemy, dealing #{damage} damage!\n"]

  enemy_attack: lambda { |damage|
    ["The enemy attacked you, dealing #{damage} damage!\n"]

  player_flee: lambda { |success|
    msgs = ["You attempt to flee..."]
    msgs.push("You couldn't get away!") unless success
    return msgs

  combat_victory: lambda { |xp|
    msgs = ["You defeated the enemy!"]
    msgs.push xp == 1 ? "You received #{xp} experience point!" : "You received #{xp} experience points!"
    return msgs

  leveled_up: lambda { |player, levels| 
    msgs = levels == 1 ? ["You gained #{levels} level!"] : ["You gained #{levels} levels!"]
    msgs[0] += " You are now level #{player.level}!"
    return msgs

  level_progress: ->(player) { ["XP to next level: #{player.xp_progress}"] },

  combat_defeat: ->(xp) { ["You were defeated! You lost #{xp} XP."] },

  combat_escaped: ["You got away!"],

  exit_game: ["Thanks for playing! See you next time."],

  general_error: ->(action, e, file_path, msg: "#{action} failed: an error occurred.") {
      " \"#{e.message}.\"".colorize(:yellow),
      "Details of the error have been logged to \"#{file_path.colorize(:light_blue)}.\" "\
      "If you would like to submit a bug report, please include a copy of this file."

  out_of_bounds_error: "You have attempted to move outside the game map. If you loaded the game,"\
    "your save file may have been modified or corrupted.".colorize(:red),

  error_hide_msg: ->(file_path) {
      "Details of the error have been logged to \"#{file_path.colorize(:light_blue)}.\" "\
      "If you would like to submit a bug report, please include a copy of this file."

  save_permission_error: [
    "To enable saving, please ensure that the current user has "\
    "write access to the directory where the game has been installed"\
    "and to files in the \"termina_hero/saves\" subfolder."

  no_save_file_error: [
    "No save was file found for that character. Input "\
    "must match the character's name exactly (but is not case sensitive).".colorize(:red)

  load_permission_error: [
    "To enable loading, please ensure that the current user has "\
    "read access to files in the \"terminal_hero/saves\" subfolder."

  parse_error: [
    "The save file you are trying to load could not be parsed. It may have been modified or corrupted.".colorize(:red)

  dependency_load_error: [
    "It appears that a dependency was not able to be loaded.",
    "Please try installing dependencies mannually by running the command \"bundle install\" from within the installation directory.",
    "If you installed this application as a gem, you could try reinstalling it by running \"gem uninstall terminal_hero\" followed by \"gem install terminal_hero\""