Module: Sequel::Plugins::ValidationHelpersGenericTypeMessages

Defined in:


The validation_helpers_generic_type_messages plugin overrides the default type validation failure messages in the validation_helpers plugin to be more generic and understandable by the average user, instead of always be based on the names of the allowed classes for the type. For example:

# :blob type
# validation_helpers default: "value is not a valid sequel::sql::blob"
# with this plugin: "value is not a blob"

# :boolean type
# validation_helpers default: "value is not a valid trueclass or falseclass"
# with this plugin: "value is not true or false"

# :datetime type
# validation_helpers default: "value is not a valid time or datetime"
# with this plugin: "value is not a valid timestamp"

# custom/database-specific types
# validation_helpers default: "value is not a valid sequel::class_name"
# with this plugin: "value is not the expected type"

It is expected that this plugin will become the default behavior of validation_helpers in Sequel 6.

To enable this the use of generic type messages for all models, load this plugin into Sequel::Model.

Sequel::Model.plugin :validation_helpers_generic_type_messages

Defined Under Namespace

Modules: InstanceMethods

Class Method Summary collapse

Class Method Details

.apply(mod) ⇒ Object

# File 'lib/sequel/plugins/validation_helpers_generic_type_messages.rb', line 54

def self.apply(mod)
  mod.plugin :validation_helpers