Class: SafeDb::ToolBelt::Cipher

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Cipher is a base class that enables cipher varieties to be plugged and played with minimal effort. This Cipher implements much of the use case functionality - all extension classes need to do, is to subclass and implement only the core behaviour that define its identity.

Double Encryption | Cipher Parent vs Cipher Child

Double encryption first with a symmetric and then an asymmetric one fulfills the safe promise of making the stored ciphertext utterly worthless.

The child ciphers implement the inner symmetric encyption whilst the parent implements the outer asymmetric encryption algorithm.

The process is done twice resulting in two stores that are mirrored in structure. The front end store holds doubly encrypted keys whist the backend store holds the doubly encrypted secrets.

Attackers wouldn’t be able to distinguish one from the other. Even if they theoretically cracked the asymmetric encryption - they would then be faced with a powerful symmetric encryption algorithm which could be any one of the leading ciphers such as TwoFish or the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).

Ciphers at 3 Levels

Ciphers are implemented at three distinct levels.

Low Level Ciphers

Low level ciphers are given text to encrypt and an instantiated dictionary in which to place the encryption parameters such as keys and initialization vectors (iv)s.

Some more specific ciphers can handle authorization data for example the Galois Counter Mode (GCM) cipher.

Low level ciphers know nothing about text IO nor reading and writing to persistence structures like files, queues and databases.

Mid Level Ciphers

Mid level ciphers talk to the low level ciphers and bring in input and output textual formats like SafeDb’s two-part block structures.

Mid level ciphers still know nothing of persistence structures like files, queues and databases.

Use Case Level Ciphers

The ciphers operating at the use case level talk to mid level ciphers. They interact with the safe store API which brings persistence functions such as read/write as well as remoting functions such as push/pull.

Use Case level ciphers interact with the latest crypt technologies due to interface separation. Also they talk classes implementing persistence stores allowing assets liek Git, S3, DropBox, simple files, SSH filesystems, Samba to hold locked key and material crypts.

Databases stores will be introduced soon allowing safe to plug in and exploit database managers like Mongo, Hadoop, MySQL, Maria, and PostgreSQL.

Plugging into DevOps orchestration platforms like Terraform, Ansible, Chef and Puppet will soon be available. Add this with integrations to other credential managers like HashiCorp’s Vault, Credstash, Amazon KMS, Git Secrets, PGP, LastPass, KeePass and KeePassX.

How to Implement a Cipher

Extend this base class to inherit lots of unexciting functionality that essentially

  • manages the main encryption and decryption use case flow

  • concatenates the symmetric encryption meta data with ciphertext after encryption

  • splits and objectifies the key/value metadata plus ciphertext before decryption

  • handles file read/writes in conjunction with the store plugins

  • handles exceptions and malicious input detection and incubation

  • _performs the asymmetric encryption_ of the cipher’s symmetrically encrypted output

What Behaviour Must Ciphers Implement

Ciphers bring the cryptographic mathematics and implementation algorithms to the table. So when at home they must implement

  • do_symmetric_encryption(plain_text) - resulting in ciphertext

  • do_symmetric_decryption(ciphertext, encryption_dictionary) » plaintext

and also set the @dictionary hash (map) of pertinent key/value pairs including the encryption algorithm, the encryption key and the ciphertext signature to thwart any at-rest tampering.

That’s It. Cipher children can rely on the Cipher parent to do the nitty gritty of file-handling plus managing stores and paths.

Class Method Summary collapse

Class Method Details

.decrypt_it(private_key, os_block_text) ⇒ String

This method takes and safe formatted cipher-text block generated by selfself.encrypt_it and returns the original message that has effectively been doubly encrypted using a symmetric and asymmetric cipher. This type of encryption is standard best practice when serializing secrets.

safe cipher-text blocks look like a two(2) part bundle but they are actually a three(3) part bundle because the second part is in itself an amalgam of two distinct objects, serialized as text blocks.

The 3 SafeDb Blocks

Even though the incoming text appears to contain two (2) blocks, it actually contains three (3).

  • a massive symmetric encryption key (locked by an asymmetric keypair)

  • a dictionary denoting the algorithm and parameters used to encrypt the 3rd block

  • the true message whose encryption is parametized by the dictionary (in 2nd block)

The second and third block are only revealed by asymmetrically decrypting the key in the first block and using it to symmetrically decrypt what appears to be a unified second block.


  • private_key (OpenSSL::PKey::RSA)

    the asymmetric private key whose corresponding public key was employed during the encryption of a super-strong 128 character symmetric key embalmed by the first ciphertext block.

  • os_block_text (String)

    the locked cipher text is the safe formatted block which comes in two main chunks. First is the long strong symmetric encryption key crypted with the public key portion of the private key in the first parameter.

    The second chunk is the symmetrically crypted text that was locked with the encryption key revealed in the first chunk.


  • (String)

    the doubly encrypted plain text that is locked by a symmetric key and that symmetric key itself locked using the public key portion of the private key whose crypted form is presented in the first parameter.

# File 'lib/utils/ciphers/cipher.rb', line 185

def self.decrypt_it private_key, os_block_text

  first_block = Base64.decode64( CryptIO.outer_crypt_deserialize os_block_text, true  )
  trail_block = Base64.decode64( CryptIO.outer_crypt_deserialize os_block_text, false )

  decrypt_key = private_key.private_decrypt first_block
  inner_block = Blowfish.decryptor( trail_block, decrypt_key )

  crypt_props =
  cipher_text = CryptIO.inner_crypt_deserialize( crypt_props, inner_block )

  return Aes256.do_decrypt( crypt_props, cipher_text )


.encrypt_it(public_key, payload_text) ⇒ String

Ciphers use symmetric algorithms to encrypt the given text, which is then wrapped up along with the encryption key and other metadata pertinent to the algorithm, they then encrypt this bundle with the public key provided and return the text that can safely be stored in a text file.

Ciphers should never interact with the filesystem which makes them reusable in API and remote store scenarios.

Binary files should be converted into the base64 format before being presented to ciphers.

Every component in the pipeline bears the responsibility for nullifying and rejecting malicious content.


  • public_key (OpenSSL::PKey::RSA)

    an OpenSSL::PKey::RSA public key. The unique selling point of asymmetric encryption is it can be done without recourse to the heavily protected private key. Thus the encryption process can continue with just a public key as long as its authenticity is assured.

  • payload_text (String)

    plaintext (or base64 encoded) text to encrypt


  • (String)

    doubly (symmetric and asymmetric) encrypted cipher text

# File 'lib/utils/ciphers/cipher.rb', line 129

def self.encrypt_it public_key, payload_text

  crypt_data = {}
  crypted_payload = Base64.encode64( Aes256.do_encrypt( crypt_data, payload_text ) )
  unified_material = CryptIO.inner_crypt_serialize crypt_data, crypted_payload

  outer_crypt_key = Engineer.strong_key( 128 )
  crypted_cryptkey = Base64.encode64( public_key.public_encrypt( outer_crypt_key ) )

  crypted_material = Base64.encode64(Blowfish.encryptor unified_material, outer_crypt_key)

  return CryptIO.outer_crypt_serialize( crypted_cryptkey, crypted_material )
