Class: RubyTerraform::Commands::ForceUnlock

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Wraps the terraform force-unlock command which manually unlocks the state for the defined configuration.

This will not modify your infrastructure. This command removes the lock on the state for the current workspace. The behavior of this lock is dependent on the backend being used. Local state files cannot be unlocked by another process.

For options accepted on construction, see Base#initialize.

When executing an instance of ForceUnlock via Base#execute, the following options are supported:

  • :lock_id: the lock ID output when attempting an operation that failed due to a lock; required.

  • :directory: the path to a directory containing terraform configuration (deprecated in terraform 0.14, removed in terraform 0.15, use :chdir instead).

  • :chdir: the path of a working directory to switch to before executing the given subcommand.

  • :force: If true, does not ask for input for unlock confirmation; defaults to false.

The Base#execute method accepts an optional second parameter which is a map of invocation options. Currently, the only supported option is :environment which is a map of environment variables to expose during invocation of the command.


Basic Invocation
  lock_id: '50e844a7-ebb0-fcfd-da85-5cce5bd1ec90')

Method Summary

Methods inherited from Base

#execute, #initialize

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from RubyTerraform::Commands::Base