Class: Jamf::Building

CollectionResource show all
Extended by:
Defined in:


A building defined in the JSS

Constant Summary collapse




Object Model / Attributes See APIObject class documentation for details of how the OBJECT_MODEL hash works.


  # @!attribute [r] id
  #   @return [Integer]
  id: {
    class: :j_id,
    identifier: :primary,
    readonly: true

  # @!attribute name
  #   @return [String]
  name: {
    class: :string,
    identifier: true,
    validator: :non_empty_string,
    required: true,
    filter_key: true

  # @!attribute street1
  #   @return [String]
  streetAddress1: {
    class: :string,
    filter_key: true

  # @!attribute street2
  #   @return [String]
  streetAddress2: {
    class: :string,
    filter_key: true

  # @!attribute city
  #   @return [String]
  city: {
    class: :string,
    filter_key: true

  # @!attribute state_province
  #   @return [String]
  stateProvince: {
    class: :string,
    aliases: %i[state province],
    filter_key: true

  # @!attribute zip_postal_code
  #   @return [String]
  zipPostalCode: {
    class: :string,
    aliases: %i[zip zipcode zip_code postal_code postalcode],
    filter_key: true

  # @!attribute country
  #   @return [String]
  country: {
    class: :string,
    filter_key: true

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Class Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Summary collapse

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Jamf::JSONObject

Instance Attribute Details



# File 'lib/jamf/api/resources/collection_resources/building.rb', line 86



# File 'lib/jamf/api/resources/collection_resources/building.rb', line 109

#idInteger (readonly)


  • (Integer)

# File 'lib/jamf/api/resources/collection_resources/building.rb', line 54



# File 'lib/jamf/api/resources/collection_resources/building.rb', line 62



# File 'lib/jamf/api/resources/collection_resources/building.rb', line 93



# File 'lib/jamf/api/resources/collection_resources/building.rb', line 72



# File 'lib/jamf/api/resources/collection_resources/building.rb', line 79



# File 'lib/jamf/api/resources/collection_resources/building.rb', line 101

Class Method Details

.bulk_delete(ids, cnx: Jamf.cnx) ⇒ Array<Jamf::Connection::APIError::ErrorInfo] Info about any ids that failed to be deleted. Originally defined in module BulkDeletable

Delete multiple objects by providing an array of their


  • ids (Array<String,Integer>)

    The ids to delete

  • cnx (Jamf::Connection) (defaults to: Jamf.cnx)

    The connection to use, default: Jamf.cnx


Instance Method Details

#add_change_log_note(note, cnx: Jamf.cnx) ⇒ void Originally defined in module ChangeLog

This method returns an undefined value.

Add a note to this resource’s change log.

If the change history has been cached already, the cache is flushed after adding the note.


  • note (String)

    The note to add. It cannot be empty.

#change_log(sort: nil, filter: nil, paged: nil, page_size: nil, refresh: false, cnx: Jamf.cnx) ⇒ Array<Jamf::ChangeLogEntry> Originally defined in module ChangeLog

The change and note history for this resource. This is a collection of objects as a sub-resource of some primary resource. As such, retriving the change log returns an array of objects, and can be paged, sorted and filtered.

This method is very similar to CollectionResource.all, see the docs for that method for more details

successive page.


  • sort (String, Array<String>) (defaults to: nil)

    Server-side sorting criteria in the format: property:direction, where direction is ‘asc’ or ‘desc’. Multiple properties are supported, either as separate strings in an Array, or a single string, comma separated.

  • filter (String) (defaults to: nil)

    An RSQL filter string. Not all change_log resources currently support filters, and if they don’t, this will be ignored.

  • paged (Boolean) (defaults to: nil)

    Defaults to false. Returns only the first page of ‘page_size` log entries. Use #next_page_of_change_log to retrieve each

  • page_size (Integer) (defaults to: nil)

    How many log entries are returned per page? Minimum is 1, maximum is 2000, default is 100. Ignored unless paged: is truthy. Note: the final page may contain fewer entries than the page_size

  • refresh (Boolean) (defaults to: false)

    re-fetch and re-cache the full list of all entries. Ignored if paged:, page_size:, sort:, or filter: are used.

  • cnx (Jamf::Connection) (defaults to: Jamf.cnx)

    The API connection to use, default: Jamf.cnx. If this is an instance of a Collection Resource, this is always the connection from which it was fetched.


#change_log_count(cnx: Jamf.cnx) ⇒ Integer Originally defined in module ChangeLog

how many change log entries are there? needed when using paged #change_log calls


  • cnx (Jamf::Connection) (defaults to: Jamf.cnx)

    The API connection to use, default: Jamf.cnx This is ignored for instances of Collection Resources, which always use the same connection from which they were fetched.


  • (Integer)

    How many changelog entries exist?

#next_page_of_change_logArray<Jamf::ChangeHistoryEntry> Originally defined in module ChangeLog

Fetch the next page of a paged #change_log request Returns an empty array if there’s been no paged request or if the last one has no more pages.


  • (Array<Jamf::ChangeHistoryEntry>)

    The next page of the change and note history for this resource