Module: RSpec::Authorization::Matchers::HavePermissionFor

Defined in:


Include this module to enable the have_permission_for matcher inside RSpec. The following module is to be included only inside controller spec, this will add the capability to do a matcher against decalrative_authorization rules as follows:

it { have_permission_for(:user).to(:index) }

For your convenience, the following configuration has been enabled inside RSpec configuration.

RSpec.configure do |config|
  config.include RSpec::Authorization::Matchers::HavePermissionFor, type: :controller

Defined Under Namespace

Classes: HavePermissionFor

Instance Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Details

#have_permission_for(role) ⇒ Object

Matcher to check permission of a role for a given controller in a spec. The following statement shows you how to use this matcher:

describe ArticlesController do
  it { have_permission_for(:user).to(:index) }

Currently this matcher only support restful action check, to check the controller against config/authorization_rules.rb. Skipping the #to method will result in default action assigned as :index.

Therefore, the following statement is exactly the same as above:

it { have_permission_for(:user) }

RESTful helper methods

For your convenience, there are restful helper methods available to be chained from the matcher, consider the following example:

it { have_permission_for(:user).to_read }
it { have_permission_for(:user).to_create }
it { is_expected.not_to have_permission_for(:user).to_update }
it { is_expected.not_to have_permission_for(:user).to_delete }
it { is_expected.not_to have_permission_for(:user).to_manage }

Matcher for restful helper methods is slightly different than that of a single method, following is an example of how restful helper methods request results evaluated:

all_requests (of #to_read)       matches?     does_not_match?
{index: true, show: true}        true         false
{index: true, show: false}       false        false
{index: false, show: false}      false        true

Focused RESTful helper methods

There are cases where you need to focused your matching only for a given criteria, let’s say only match for read actions, or match except delete action, consider the following example:

it { have_permission_for(:user).only_to_read }
it { have_permission_for(:writer).except_to_delete }

The above statements have their negated counterparts, consider the following example:

it { is_expected.not_to have_permission_for(:user).only_to_read }
it { is_expected.not_to have_permission_for(:writer).only_to_delete }

If you see the above negated matcher, they actually have a relationship to the other’s negated counterpart instead of theirs, consider the following example:

it { have_permission_for(:user).only_to_read }
it { is_expected.not_to have_permission_for(:user).except_to_read }

The above examples are doing exactly the same thing, so does the following example, these examples below also doing exactly the same thing and can be used in either case:

it { have_permission_for(:writer).except_to_delete }
it { is_expected.not_to have_permission_for(:writer).only_to_read }

That means, the following example, is actually negating each other and can be used to negate your statements instead of using the negated version of the matcher:

it { have_permission_for(:user).only_to_read }
it { have_permission_for(:user).except_to_read }

Even if you can have a negated matcher using a focused restful helper methods, it is better to stick with the possitive matcher, negated matcher can easily confuse you, and it only serves the purpose of completeness.


  • role (Symbol)

    role name to matched against

See Also:

  • RestfulHelperMethod

# File 'lib/rspec/authorization/matchers/have_permission_for.rb', line 95

def have_permission_for(role)