Class: Rserve::Talk
Class which ‘talk’ to the server.
I separated the ‘abstract’ aspect of the protocol on Protocol module, for better testing
Constant Summary
Constants included from Protocol
Protocol::CMD_RESP, Protocol::CMD_SPECIAL_MASK, Protocol::CMD_assignSEXP, Protocol::CMD_attachSession, Protocol::CMD_closeFile, Protocol::CMD_createFile, Protocol::CMD_ctrl, Protocol::CMD_ctrlEval, Protocol::CMD_ctrlShutdown, Protocol::CMD_ctrlSource, Protocol::CMD_detachSession, Protocol::CMD_detachedVoidEval, Protocol::CMD_eval, Protocol::CMD_login, Protocol::CMD_openFile, Protocol::CMD_readFile, Protocol::CMD_removeFile, Protocol::CMD_serAssign, Protocol::CMD_serEEval, Protocol::CMD_serEval, Protocol::CMD_setBufferSize, Protocol::CMD_setEncoding, Protocol::CMD_setSEXP, Protocol::CMD_shutdown, Protocol::CMD_voidEval, Protocol::CMD_writeFile, Protocol::DT_ARRAY, Protocol::DT_BYTESTREAM, Protocol::DT_CHAR, Protocol::DT_DOUBLE, Protocol::DT_INT, Protocol::DT_LARGE, Protocol::DT_SEXP, Protocol::DT_STRING, Protocol::ERROR_DESCRIPTIONS, Protocol::ERR_IOerror, Protocol::ERR_Rerror, Protocol::ERR_accessDenied, Protocol::ERR_auth_failed, Protocol::ERR_conn_broken, Protocol::ERR_ctrl_closed, Protocol::ERR_data_overflow, Protocol::ERR_detach_failed, Protocol::ERR_inv_cmd, Protocol::ERR_inv_par, Protocol::ERR_notOpen, Protocol::ERR_object_too_big, Protocol::ERR_out_of_mem, Protocol::ERR_session_busy, Protocol::ERR_unknownCmd, Protocol::ERR_unsupportedCmd, Protocol::MAX_LONG_SIGNED, Protocol::MAX_LONG_UNSIGNED, Protocol::RESP_ERR, Protocol::RESP_OK
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#io ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute io.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#initialize(io) ⇒ Talk
A new instance of Talk.
#request(params = ⇒ Object
sends a request with attached prefix and parameters.
- #request_int(par) ⇒ Object
- #request_string(s) ⇒ Object
Methods included from Protocol
#doubleToRawLongBits, #get_int, #get_int_original, #get_len, #get_long, #get_long_original, #longBitsToDouble, #longBitsToDouble_old, #new_hdr, #set_hdr, #set_int, #set_long
Constructor Details
#initialize(io) ⇒ Talk
Returns a new instance of Talk.
10 11 12 |
# File 'lib/rserve/talk.rb', line 10 def initialize(io) @io=io end |
Instance Attribute Details
#io ⇒ Object (readonly)
Returns the value of attribute io.
9 10 11 |
# File 'lib/rserve/talk.rb', line 9 def io @io end |
Instance Method Details
#request(params = ⇒ Object
sends a request with attached prefix and parameters. All parameters should be enter on Hash Both :prefix and :cont can be nil
. Effectively request(:cmd=>a,:prefix=>b,:cont=>nil)
and request(:cmd=>a,:prefix=>nil,:cont=>b)
are equivalent.
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# File 'lib/rserve/talk.rb', line 22 def request( cmd = params.delete :cmd prefix = params.delete :prefix cont = params.delete :cont offset = params.delete :offset len = params.delete :len if cont.is_a? String cont=request_string(cont) elsif cont.is_a? Integer cont=request_int(cont) end raise ArgumentError, ":cont should be an Enumerable" if !cont.nil? and !cont.is_a? Enumerable if len.nil? len=(cont.nil?) ? 0 : cont.length end offset||=0 if (!cont.nil?) raise ":cont shouldn't contain anything but Fixnum" if cont.any? {|v| !v.is_a? Fixnum} if (offset>=cont.length) cont=nil;len=0 elsif (len>cont.length-offset) len=cont.length-offset end end offset=0 if offset<0 len=0 if len<0 contlen=(cont.nil?) ? 0 : len contlen+=prefix.length if (!prefix.nil? and prefix.length>0) set_int(cmd,hdr,0) set_int(contlen,hdr,4); 8.upto(15) {|i| hdr[i]=0} if (cmd!=-1) io.write(hdr.pack("C*")) if (!prefix.nil? && prefix.length>0) io.write(prefix.pack("C*")) puts "SEND PREFIX #{prefix}" if $DEBUG end if (!cont.nil? and cont.length>0) puts "SEND CONTENT #{cont.slice(offset, len)} (#{offset},#{len})" if $DEBUG io.write(cont.slice(offset, len).pack("C*")) end end puts "Expecting 16 bytes..." if $DEBUG ih=io.recv(16).unpack("C*") return nil if (ih.length!=16) puts "Answer: #{ih.to_s}" if $DEBUG rep=get_int(ih,0); rl =get_int(ih,4); if $DEBUG puts "rep: #{rep} #{rep.class} #{rep & 0x00FFFFFF}" puts "rl: #{rl} #{rl.class}" end if (rl>0); n=0; while (n<rl) do data=io.recv(rl-n).unpack("C*") ct+=data rd=data.length n+=rd; end return,ct); end return,nil); end |
#request_int(par) ⇒ Object
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# File 'lib/rserve/talk.rb', line 115 def request_int(par) set_int(par,rq,4) set_hdr(DT_INT,4,rq,0) rq end |
#request_string(s) ⇒ Object
102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 |
# File 'lib/rserve/talk.rb', line 102 def request_string(s) b=s.unpack("C*") sl=b.length+1; sl=(sl&0xfffffc)+4 if ((sl&3)>0) # make sure the length is divisible by 4 b.length.times {|i| rq[i+4]=b[i]} ((b.length) {|i| rq[i+4]=0 } set_hdr(DT_STRING,sl,rq,0) rq end |