Module: Remit::ErrorCodes

Defined in:


Scraped and categorized from\ 2007-01-08/FPSDeveloperGuide/index.html?ErrorCodesTable.html. You can use these categories to specify default error handling in your application such as asking users to retry or sending an exception email.

Constant Summary collapse

  :InactiveAccount_Sender, # The sender's account is in suspended or closed state.
  :InactiveInstrument, # The payment instrument used for this transaction is no longer active.
  :InstrumentExpired, # The prepaid or the postpaid instrument has expired.
  :InstrumentNotActive, # The prepaid or postpaid instrument used in the transaction is not active.
  :InvalidAccountState_Sender, # Sender account cannot participate in the transaction.
  :InvalidInstrumentForAccountType, # The sender account can use only credit cards
  :InvalidInstrumentState, # The prepaid or credit instrument should be active
  :InvalidTokenId_Sender, # The send token specified is either invalid or canceled or the token is not active.
  :PaymentInstrumentNotCC, # The payment method specified in the transaction is not a credit card. You can only use a credit card for this transaction.
  :PaymentInstrumentMissing, # There needs to be a payment instrument defined in the token which defines the payment method.
  :TokenNotActive_Sender, # The sender token is canceled.
  :UnverifiedAccount_Sender, # The sender's account must have a verified U.S. credit card or a verified U.S bank account before this transaction can be initiated
  :UnverifiedBankAccount, # A verified bank account should be used for this transaction
  :UnverifiedEmailAddress_Sender, # The sender account must have a verified e-mail address for this payment
  :InactiveAccount_Recipient, # The recipient's account is in suspended or closed state.
  :InvalidAccountState_Recipient, # Recipient account cannot participate in the transaction
  :InvalidRecipientRoleForAccountType, # The recipient account is not allowed to receive payments
  :InvalidRecipientForCCTransaction, # This account cannot receive credit card payments.
  :InvalidTokenId_Recipient, # The recipient token specified is either invalid or canceled.
  :TokenNotActive_Recipient, # The recipient token is canceled.
  :UnverifiedAccount_Recipient, # The recipient's account must have a verified bank account or a credit card before this transaction can be initiated.
  :UnverifiedEmailAddress_Recipient, # The recipient account must have a verified e-mail address for receiving payments.
  :InactiveAccount_Caller, # The caller's account is in suspended or closed state.
  :InvalidAccountState_Caller, # The caller account cannot participate in the transaction
  :InvalidTokenId_Caller, # The caller token specified is either invalid or canceled or the specified token is not active.
  :TokenNotActive_Caller, # The caller token is canceled.
  :UnverifiedEmailAddress_Caller, # The caller account must have a verified e-mail address
  :InternalError # A retriable error that happens due to some transient problem in the system.

bad syntax or logic

  :AmountOutOfRange, # The transaction amount is more than the allowed range.
  :BadRule, # One of the GK constructs is not well defined
  :CannotSpecifyUsageForSingleUseToken, # Token usages cannot be specified for a single use token.
  :ConcurrentModification, # A retriable error can happen due to concurrent modification of data by two processes.
  :DuplicateRequest, # A different request associated with this caller reference already exists.
  :IncompatibleTokens, # The transaction could not be completed because the tokens have incompatible payment instructions.
  :InstrumentAccessDenied, # The external calling application is not the recipient for this postpaid or prepaid instrument. The caller should be the liability holder
  :InvalidCallerReference, # The CallerReferece does not have a token associated with it.
  :InvalidDateRange, # The end date specified is before the start date or the start date is in the future.
  :InvalidEvent, # The event specified was not subscribed using the SubscribeForCallerNotification operation.
  :InvalidParams, # One or more parameters in the request is invalid.
  :InvalidPaymentInstrument, # The payment method used in the transaction is invalid.
  :InvalidPaymentMethod, # Payment method specified in the GK construct is invalid.
  :InvalidSenderRoleForAccountType, # This token cannot be used for this operation.
  :InvalidTokenId, # The token that you are trying to cancel was not installed by you.
  :InvalidTokenType, # Invalid operation performed on the token. Example, getting the token usage information on a single use token.
  :InvalidTransactionId, # The specified transaction could not be found or the caller did not execute the transaction or this is not a Pay or Reserve call.
  :InvalidTransactionState, # The transaction is not completed or it has been temporarily failed.
  :InvalidUsageDuration, # The duration cannot be less than one hour.
  :InvalidUsageLimitCount, # The usage count is null or empty.
  :InvalidUsageStartTime, # The start time specified for the token is not valid.
  :InvalidUsageType, # The usage type specified is invalid.
  :OriginalTransactionIncomplete, # The original transaction is still in progress.
  :OriginalTransactionFailed, # The original transaction has failed
  :PaymentMethodNotDefined, # Payment method is not defined in the transaction.
  :RefundAmountExceeded, # The refund amount is more than the refundable amount.
  :SameTokenIdUsedMultipleTimes, # This token is already used in earlier transactions.
  :SenderNotOriginalRecipient, # The sender in the refund transaction is not the recipient of the original transaction.
  :SettleAmountGreaterThanReserveAmount, # The amount being settled is greater than the reserved amount.
  :TransactionDenied, # This transaction is not allowed.
  :TransactionExpired, # Returned when the Caller attempts to explicitly retry a transaction that is temporarily declined and is in queue for implicit retry.
  :TransactionFullyRefundedAlready, # The complete refund for this transaction is already completed
  :TransactionTypeNotRefundable, # You cannot refund this transaction.
  :TokenAccessDenied, # Permission is denied to cancel the token.
  :TokenUsageError, # The token usage limit is exceeded.
  :UsageNotDefined, # For a multi-use token or a recurring token the usage limits are not specified in the GateKeeper text.

these errors don’t specify who is at fault

  :InvalidAccountState, # The account is either suspended or closed. Payment instructions cannot be installed on this account.
  :InsufficientBalance, # The sender, caller, or recipient's account balance has insufficient funds to complete the transaction.
  :AccountLimitsExceeded, # The spending or the receiving limit on the account is exceeded

Class Method Summary collapse

Class Method Details

.amazon_error?(code) ⇒ Boolean


  • (Boolean)

# File 'lib/remit/error_codes.rb', line 19

def amazon_error?(code)
  AMAZON.include? code.to_sym

.api_error?(code) ⇒ Boolean


  • (Boolean)

# File 'lib/remit/error_codes.rb', line 23

def api_error?(code)
  API.include? code.to_sym

.caller_error?(code) ⇒ Boolean


  • (Boolean)

# File 'lib/remit/error_codes.rb', line 15

def caller_error?(code)

.recipient_error?(code) ⇒ Boolean


  • (Boolean)

# File 'lib/remit/error_codes.rb', line 11

def recipient_error?(code)
  RECIPIENT.include? code.to_sym

.sender_error?(code) ⇒ Boolean


  • (Boolean)

# File 'lib/remit/error_codes.rb', line 7

def sender_error?(code)
  SENDER.include? code.to_sym

.unknown_error?(code) ⇒ Boolean


  • (Boolean)

# File 'lib/remit/error_codes.rb', line 27

def unknown_error?(code)
  UNKNOWN.include? code.to_sym