Class: FancyHash

  • Object
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An interface to a Rally resource

RestObject is an adapter that is initialized with a resource ref (URL) that represents a Rally object. The adapter is responsible for reading the full XML representation and providing a clean API for accessing the elements of the XML.

Additionally, the RestObject adapter can #update and #delete the underlying resource.

When resources have elements that are collections of other objects, then the collection will be represented as a Hash of elements, unless those elements do not carry name attributes (such as cards in Use Case Mode). In the case of collections of object that have no name, the collection of objects will be an array. NOTE: this may change in the future.

RestObjects are aware of the RallyRestAPI that they were accessed through. All further read, update and delete operations will be carried out as the same user as their RallyRestAPI.

Instance Method Summary collapse

Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method

#method_missing(sym, *args) ⇒ Object

:nodoc: all

# File 'lib/rally_rest_api/rest_object.rb', line 24

def method_missing(sym, *args)