Module: Qt

Defined in:



                         qtruby.rb  -  description
   begin                : Fri Jul 4 2003
   copyright            : (C) 2003-2008 by Richard Dale
   email                : [email protected]


*                                                                         *
*   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
*   it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as        *
*   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the    *
*   License, or (at your option) any later version.                       *
*                                                                         *

Defined Under Namespace

Modules: DebugLevel, Internal, QtDebugChannel Classes: AbstractSlider, AbstractSocket, AbstractTextDocumentLayout, AccessibleEvent, Action, ActionEvent, Application, Base, BlockInvocation, Boolean, Buffer, ButtonGroup, ByteArray, CheckBox, ChildEvent, CloseEvent, Color, Connection, ContextMenuEvent, CoreApplication, Cursor, CustomEvent, DBusArgument, DBusConnection, DBusConnectionInterface, DBusError, DBusInterface, DBusMessage, DBusReply, DBusVariant, Date, DateTime, Dial, Dialog, Dir, DomAttr, DomDocumentType, DoubleSpinBox, DoubleValidator, DragEnterEvent, DragLeaveEvent, DropEvent, Enum, Event, EventLoop, File, FileIconProvider, FileOpenEvent, FocusEvent, Font, FontDatabase, Ftp, GLContext, GLPixelBuffer, GLWidget, GenericArgument, Gradient, GraphicsEllipseItem, GraphicsItem, GraphicsItemGroup, GraphicsLineItem, GraphicsPathItem, GraphicsPixmapItem, GraphicsPolygonItem, GraphicsProxyWidget, GraphicsRectItem, GraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent, GraphicsSceneHelpEvent, GraphicsSceneHoverEvent, GraphicsSceneMouseEvent, GraphicsSceneWheelEvent, GraphicsSimpleTextItem, GraphicsSvgItem, GraphicsTextItem, GraphicsWidget, HelpEvent, HideEvent, HoverEvent, Http, HttpRequestHeader, IODevice, IconDragEvent, Image, ImageIOHandler, ImageReader, ImageWriter, InputEvent, InputMethodEvent, IntValidator, Integer, ItemSelection, ItemSelectionModel, KeyEvent, KeySequence, LCDNumber, Library, Line, LineF, ListWidgetItem, Locale, Menu, MetaClassInfo, MetaEnum, MetaInfo, MetaMethod, MetaObject, MetaProperty, MetaType, MethodInvocation, ModelIndex, MouseEvent, MoveEvent, Movie, NetworkProxy, Object, PageSetupDialog, PaintEvent, Picture, PictureIO, Pixmap, PluginLoader, Point, PointF, Polygon, PolygonF, PrintDialog, Printer, Process, ProgressBar, ProgressDialog, PushButton, QObjectMember, RadioButton, Rect, RectF, ResizeEvent, ScrollBar, Shortcut, ShortcutEvent, ShowEvent, SignalBlockInvocation, Size, SizeF, SizePolicy, Slider, SocketNotifier, SpinBox, SqlDatabase, SqlError, SqlField, SqlIndex, SqlQuery, SqlResult, SqlTableModel, StandardItem, StandardItemModel, StatusTipEvent, StyleHintReturn, StyleOption, SyntaxHighlighter, TableWidgetItem, TemporaryFile, Test, TextCursor, TextDocument, TextFormat, TextImageFormat, TextInlineObject, TextLength, TextList, TextObject, TextTable, TextTableCell, Time, TimeLine, TimerEvent, ToolButton, Translator, TreeWidget, TreeWidgetItem, TreeWidgetItemIterator, Url, UrlInfo, Uuid, Variant, WhatsThisClickedEvent, Widget, WindowStateChangeEvent, XmlAttributes

Constant Summary collapse

Meta =


WidgetType =

These values are from the enum WindowType in qnamespace.h. Some of the names such as ‘Qt::Dialog’, clash with QtRuby class names. So add some constants here to use instead, renamed with an ending of ‘Type’.

WindowType =
DialogType =
0x00000002 | WindowType
SheetType =
0x00000004 | WindowType
DrawerType =
0x00000006 | WindowType
PopupType =
0x00000008 | WindowType
ToolType =
0x0000000a | WindowType
ToolTipType =
0x0000000c | WindowType
SplashScreenType =
0x0000000e | WindowType
DesktopType =
0x00000010 | WindowType
SubWindowType =
@@debug_level =

Class Method Summary collapse

Class Method Details


# File 'lib/Qt/qtruby4.rb', line 42

def Qt.debug_level

.debug_level=(level) ⇒ Object

# File 'lib/Qt/qtruby4.rb', line 37

def Qt.debug_level=(level)
	@@debug_level = level
	Internal::setDebug Qt::QtDebugChannel::QTDB_ALL if level >= DebugLevel::Extensive