Class: PayPal::SDK::Merchant::DataTypes::AddressVerifyResponseType

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Confirmation of a match, with one of the following tokens: None: The input value of the Email object does not match any email address on file at PayPal. Confirmed: If the value of the StreetMatch object is Matched, PayPal responds that the entire postal address is confirmed. Unconfirmed: PayPal responds that the postal address is unconfirmed

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# File 'lib/paypal-sdk/merchant/data_types.rb', line 4126

def self.load_members
  # Confirmation of a match, with one of the following tokens: None: The input value of the Email object does not match any email address on file at PayPal. Confirmed: If the value of the StreetMatch object is Matched, PayPal responds that the entire postal address is confirmed. Unconfirmed: PayPal responds that the postal address is unconfirmed
  object_of :ConfirmationCode, AddressStatusCodeType, :namespace => :ns, :required => true
  # PayPal has compared the postal address you want to verify with the postal address on file at PayPal. None: The input value of the Email object does not match any email address on file at PayPal. In addition, an error response is returned. No further comparison of other input values has been made. Matched: The street address matches the street address on file at PayPal. Unmatched: The street address does not match the street address on file at PayPal. 
  object_of :StreetMatch, MatchStatusCodeType, :namespace => :ns, :required => true
  # PayPal has compared the zip code you want to verify with the zip code on file for the email address. None: The street address was unmatched. No further comparison of other input values has been made. Matched: The zip code matches the zip code on file at PayPal. Unmatched: The zip code does not match the zip code on file at PayPal. 
  object_of :ZipMatch, MatchStatusCodeType, :namespace => :ns
  # Two-character country code (ISO 3166) on file for the PayPal email address. 
  object_of :CountryCode, CountryCodeType, :namespace => :ns
  # The token prevents a buyer from using any street address other than the address on file at PayPal during additional purchases he might make from the merchant. It contains encrypted information about the user’s street address and email address. You can pass the value of the token with the Buy Now button HTML address_api_token variable so that PayPal prevents the buyer from using any street address or email address other than those verified by PayPal. The token is valid for 24 hours. Character length and limitations: 94 single-byte characters 
  object_of :PayPalToken, String, :namespace => :ns