Module: Paperclip::Validators::HelperMethods

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Instance Method Details

#validates_attachment_content_type(*attr_names) ⇒ Object

Places ActiveRecord-style validations on the content type of the file assigned. The possible options are:

  • content_type: Allowed content types. Can be a single content type or an array. Each type can be a String or a Regexp. It should be noted that Internet Explorer uploads files with content_types that you may not expect. For example, JPEG images are given image/pjpeg and PNGs are image/x-png, so keep that in mind when determining how you match. Allows all by default.

  • message: The message to display when the uploaded file has an invalid content type.

  • if: A lambda or name of an instance method. Validation will only be run is this lambda or method returns true.

  • unless: Same as if but validates if lambda or method returns false.

NOTE: If you do not specify an [attachment]_content_type field on your model, content_type validation will work _ONLY upon assignment_ and re-validation after the instance has been reloaded will always succeed. You’ll still need to have a virtual attribute (created by attr_accessor) name [attachment]_content_type to be able to use this validator.

# File 'lib/paperclip/validators/attachment_content_type_validator.rb', line 49

def validates_attachment_content_type(*attr_names)
  validates_with AttachmentContentTypeValidator, _merge_attributes(attr_names)

#validates_attachment_presence(*attr_names) ⇒ Object

Places ActiveRecord-style validations on the presence of a file. Options:

  • if: A lambda or name of an instance method. Validation will only be run if this lambda or method returns true.

  • unless: Same as if but validates if lambda or method returns false.

# File 'lib/paperclip/validators/attachment_presence_validator.rb', line 21

def validates_attachment_presence(*attr_names)
  validates_with AttachmentPresenceValidator, _merge_attributes(attr_names)

#validates_attachment_size(*attr_names) ⇒ Object

Places ActiveRecord-style validations on the size of the file assigned. The possible options are:

  • in: a Range of bytes (i.e. 1..1.megabyte),

  • less_than: equivalent to :in => 0..options

  • greater_than: equivalent to :in => options..Infinity

  • message: error message to display, use :min and :max as replacements

  • if: A lambda or name of an instance method. Validation will only be run if this lambda or method returns true.

  • unless: Same as if but validates if lambda or method returns false.

# File 'lib/paperclip/validators/attachment_size_validator.rb', line 97

def validates_attachment_size(*attr_names)
  validates_with AttachmentSizeValidator, _merge_attributes(attr_names)