Class: OpenTelemetry::Instrumentation::Que::Instrumentation

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The Instrumentation class contains logic to detect and install the Que instrumentation

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Supported configuration keys for the install config hash:

propagation_style: controls how the job's execution is traced and related to the trace where the job was enqueued. Can be one of:

  • :link (default) - the job will be executed in a separate trace. The initial span of the execution trace will be linked to the span that enqueued the job, via a Span Link.
  • :child - the job will be executed in the same logical trace, as a direct child of the span that enqueued the job.
  • :none - the job's execution will not be explicitly linked to the span that enqueued the job. trace_poller: controls whether Que Poller is traced or not.

Note that in all cases, we will store Que's Job ID as the messaging.message_id attribute, so out-of-band correlation may still be possible depending on your backend system.

# File 'lib/opentelemetry/instrumentation/que/instrumentation.rb', line 48

option :propagation_style, default: :link, validate: %i[link child none]