Class: OpenC3::Interface
- Includes:
- Api
- Defined in:
- lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb
Defines all the attributes and methods common to all interface classes used by OpenC3.
Direct Known Subclasses
HttpClientInterface, HttpServerInterface, MqttInterface, SimulatedTargetInterface, StreamInterface, UdpInterface
Constant Summary
Constants included from Api
Constants included from ApiShared
Constants included from Extract
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#auto_reconnect ⇒ Boolean
Flag indicating if the interface should automatically reconnect after losing connection.
#bytes_read ⇒ Integer
The number of bytes read from this interface.
#bytes_written ⇒ Integer
The number of bytes written to this interface.
#cmd_routers ⇒ Array<Routers>
Array of cmd routers that mirror packets sent from the interface.
#cmd_target_names ⇒ Array<String>
Array of cmd target names associated with this interface.
#config_params ⇒ Array
Config params from the INTERFACE config line.
#connect_on_startup ⇒ Boolean
Flag indicating if the interface should be connected to on startup.
#disable_disconnect ⇒ Boolean
Flag indicating if the user is allowed to disconnect this interface.
#interfaces ⇒ Array<Interface>
Array of interfaces to route packets to (when used as a BridgeRouter).
#name ⇒ String
Name of the interface.
#num_clients ⇒ Integer
The number of active clients (when used as a Router).
#options ⇒ Hash<option name, option values>
Hash of options supplied to interface/router.
#packet_log_writer_pairs ⇒ Array
Array of packet logger classes for this interface.
#protocol_info ⇒ Array<[Protocol Class, Protocol Args, Protocol kind (:READ, :WRITE, :READ_WRITE)>] Info to recreate protocols
Array<[Protocol Class, Protocol Args, Protocol kind (:READ, :WRITE, :READ_WRITE)>] Info to recreate protocols.
#read_count ⇒ Integer
The number of packets read from this interface.
#read_protocols ⇒ Array<Protocol>
Array of protocols for reading.
#read_queue_size ⇒ Integer
The number of packets in the read queue (when used as a Router).
#read_raw_data ⇒ String
Most recently read raw data.
#read_raw_data_time ⇒ Time
Most recent read raw data time.
#reconnect_delay ⇒ Integer[ Delay between reconnect attempts
Integer[ Delay between reconnect attempts.
#routers ⇒ Array<Routers>
Array of routers that receive packets read from the interface.
#scheduler ⇒ Scheduler
Scheduler used for periodic commanding.
#secrets ⇒ Secrets
Interface secrets manager class.
#state ⇒ String
#stored_packet_log_writer_pairs ⇒ Array
Array of stored packet log writers.
#stream_log_pair ⇒ StreamLogPair
StreamLogPair instance or nil.
#target_names ⇒ Array<String>
Array of target names associated with this interface.
#tlm_target_names ⇒ Array<String>
Array of tlm target names associated with this interface.
#write_count ⇒ Integer
The number of packets written to this interface.
#write_protocols ⇒ Array<Protocol>
Array of protocols for writing.
#write_queue_size ⇒ Integer
The number of packets in the write queue (when used as a Router).
#written_raw_data ⇒ String
Most recently written raw data.
#written_raw_data_time ⇒ Time
Most recent written raw data time.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#_write ⇒ Object
Wrap all writes in a mutex and handle errors.
- #add_protocol(protocol_class, protocol_args, read_write) ⇒ Object
- #as_json(*_a) ⇒ Object
#connect ⇒ Object
Connects the interface to its target(s).
#connected? ⇒ Boolean
Indicates if the interface is connected to its target(s) or not.
#connection_string ⇒ Object
Should be implemented by subclass to return human readable connection string which will be placed in log messages when connecting and during connection failures.
#convert_data_to_packet(data, extra = nil) ⇒ Packet
Called to convert the read data into a OpenC3 Packet object.
#convert_packet_to_data(packet) ⇒ Object
Called to convert a packet into the data to send.
#copy_to(other_interface) ⇒ Object
Copy settings from this interface to another interface.
#disconnect ⇒ Object
Disconnects the interface from its target(s).
#initialize ⇒ Interface
Initialize default attribute values.
- #interface_cmd(cmd_name, *_cmd_args) ⇒ Object
- #protocol_cmd(cmd_name, *cmd_args, read_write: :READ_WRITE, index: -1)) ⇒ Object
#read ⇒ Packet
Retrieves the next packet from the interface.
#read_allowed? ⇒ Boolean
Whether reading is allowed.
- #read_interface ⇒ Object
#read_interface_base(data, _extra = nil) ⇒ String
Called to read data and manipulate it until enough data is returned.
#set_option(option_name, option_values) ⇒ Object
Set an interface or router specific option.
#start_raw_logging ⇒ Object
Start raw logging for this interface.
#stop_raw_logging ⇒ Object
Stop raw logging for this interface.
#write(packet) ⇒ Object
Method to send a packet on the interface.
#write_allowed? ⇒ Boolean
Whether writing is allowed.
- #write_interface(_data, _extra = nil) ⇒ Object
#write_interface_base(data, _extra = nil) ⇒ String
Called to write data to the underlying interface.
#write_raw(data, extra = nil) ⇒ Object
Writes preformatted data onto the interface.
#write_raw_allowed? ⇒ Boolean
Whether writing raw data over the interface is allowed.
Methods included from Api
#_build_cmd_output_string, #_cmd_implementation, #_extract_target_command_names, #_extract_target_command_parameter_names, #_extract_target_packet_item_names, #_extract_target_packet_names, #_get_and_set_cmd, #_get_item, #_limits_group, #_set_tlm_process_args, #_tlm_process_args, #_validate_tlm_type, #build_cmd, #cmd, #cmd_no_checks, #cmd_no_hazardous_check, #cmd_no_range_check, #cmd_raw, #cmd_raw_no_checks, #cmd_raw_no_hazardous_check, #cmd_raw_no_range_check, #config_tool_names, #connect_interface, #connect_router, #delete_config, #disable_cmd, #disable_limits, #disable_limits_group, #disconnect_interface, #disconnect_router, #enable_cmd, #enable_limits, #enable_limits_group, #get_all_cmd_names, #get_all_cmds, #get_all_interface_info, #get_all_router_info, #get_all_settings, #get_all_target_info, #get_all_tlm, #get_all_tlm_names, #get_cmd, #get_cmd_buffer, #get_cmd_cnt, #get_cmd_cnts, #get_cmd_hazardous, #get_cmd_time, #get_cmd_value, #get_interface, #get_interface_names, #get_item, #get_limits, #get_limits_events, #get_limits_groups, #get_limits_set, #get_limits_sets, #get_metrics, #get_out_of_limits, #get_overall_limits_state, #get_overrides, #get_packet_derived_items, #get_packets, #get_param, #get_router, #get_router_names, #get_setting, #get_settings, #get_target, #get_target_interfaces, #get_target_names, #get_tlm, #get_tlm_buffer, #get_tlm_cnt, #get_tlm_cnts, #get_tlm_packet, #get_tlm_values, #inject_tlm, #interface_protocol_cmd, #limits_enabled?, #list_configs, #list_settings, #load_config, #map_target_to_interface, #normalize_tlm, #offline_access_needed, #override_tlm, #router_cmd, #router_protocol_cmd, #save_config, #send_raw, #set_limits, #set_limits_set, #set_offline_access, #set_setting, #set_tlm, #start_raw_logging_interface, #start_raw_logging_router, #stash_all, #stash_delete, #stash_get, #stash_keys, #stash_set, #stop_raw_logging_interface, #stop_raw_logging_router, #subscribe_packets, #tlm, #tlm_formatted, #tlm_raw, #tlm_variable, #tlm_with_units
Constructor Details
#initialize ⇒ Interface
Initialize default attribute values
148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 148 def initialize @name = self.class.to_s.split("::")[-1] # Remove namespacing if present @state = 'DISCONNECTED' @target_names = [] @cmd_target_names = [] @tlm_target_names = [] @connect_on_startup = true @auto_reconnect = true @reconnect_delay = 5.0 @disable_disconnect = false @packet_log_writer_pairs = [] @stored_packet_log_writer_pairs = [] @routers = [] @cmd_routers = [] @read_count = 0 @write_count = 0 @bytes_read = 0 @bytes_written = 0 @num_clients = 0 @read_queue_size = 0 @write_queue_size = 0 @write_mutex = @read_allowed = true @write_allowed = true @write_raw_allowed = true @options = {} @read_protocols = [] @write_protocols = [] @protocol_info = [] @read_raw_data = '' @written_raw_data = '' @read_raw_data_time = nil @written_raw_data_time = nil @config_params = [] @interfaces = [] @secrets = Secrets.getClient @scheduler = nil end |
Instance Attribute Details
#auto_reconnect ⇒ Boolean
Returns Flag indicating if the interface should automatically reconnect after losing connection.
60 61 62 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 60 def auto_reconnect @auto_reconnect end |
#bytes_read ⇒ Integer
Returns The number of bytes read from this interface.
93 94 95 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 93 def bytes_read @bytes_read end |
#bytes_written ⇒ Integer
Returns The number of bytes written to this interface.
96 97 98 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 96 def bytes_written @bytes_written end |
#cmd_routers ⇒ Array<Routers>
Returns Array of cmd routers that mirror packets sent from the interface.
84 85 86 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 84 def cmd_routers @cmd_routers end |
#cmd_target_names ⇒ Array<String>
Returns Array of cmd target names associated with this interface.
49 50 51 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 49 def cmd_target_names @cmd_target_names end |
#config_params ⇒ Array
Returns Config params from the INTERFACE config line.
135 136 137 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 135 def config_params @config_params end |
#connect_on_startup ⇒ Boolean
Returns Flag indicating if the interface should be connected to on startup.
56 57 58 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 56 def connect_on_startup @connect_on_startup end |
#disable_disconnect ⇒ Boolean
Returns Flag indicating if the user is allowed to disconnect this interface.
67 68 69 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 67 def disable_disconnect @disable_disconnect end |
#interfaces ⇒ Array<Interface>
Returns Array of interfaces to route packets to (when used as a BridgeRouter).
139 140 141 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 139 def interfaces @interfaces end |
#name ⇒ String
Returns Name of the interface.
40 41 42 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 40 def name @name end |
#num_clients ⇒ Integer
Returns The number of active clients (when used as a Router).
100 101 102 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 100 def num_clients @num_clients end |
#options ⇒ Hash<option name, option values>
Returns Hash of options supplied to interface/router.
111 112 113 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 111 def @options end |
#packet_log_writer_pairs ⇒ Array
Returns Array of packet logger classes for this interface.
70 71 72 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 70 def packet_log_writer_pairs @packet_log_writer_pairs end |
#protocol_info ⇒ Array<[Protocol Class, Protocol Args, Protocol kind (:READ, :WRITE, :READ_WRITE)>] Info to recreate protocols
Returns Array<[Protocol Class, Protocol Args, Protocol kind (:READ, :WRITE, :READ_WRITE)>] Info to recreate protocols.
120 121 122 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 120 def protocol_info @protocol_info end |
#read_count ⇒ Integer
Returns The number of packets read from this interface.
87 88 89 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 87 def read_count @read_count end |
#read_protocols ⇒ Array<Protocol>
Returns Array of protocols for reading.
114 115 116 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 114 def read_protocols @read_protocols end |
#read_queue_size ⇒ Integer
Returns The number of packets in the read queue (when used as a Router).
104 105 106 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 104 def read_queue_size @read_queue_size end |
#read_raw_data ⇒ String
Returns Most recently read raw data.
123 124 125 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 123 def read_raw_data @read_raw_data end |
#read_raw_data_time ⇒ Time
Returns Most recent read raw data time.
129 130 131 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 129 def read_raw_data_time @read_raw_data_time end |
#reconnect_delay ⇒ Integer[ Delay between reconnect attempts
Returns Integer[ Delay between reconnect attempts.
63 64 65 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 63 def reconnect_delay @reconnect_delay end |
#routers ⇒ Array<Routers>
Returns Array of routers that receive packets read from the interface.
80 81 82 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 80 def routers @routers end |
#scheduler ⇒ Scheduler
Returns Scheduler used for periodic commanding.
145 146 147 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 145 def scheduler @scheduler end |
#secrets ⇒ Secrets
Returns Interface secrets manager class.
142 143 144 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 142 def secrets @secrets end |
#state ⇒ String
Returns State of the interface: CONNECTED, ATTEMPTING, DISCONNECTED.
43 44 45 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 43 def state @state end |
#stored_packet_log_writer_pairs ⇒ Array
Returns Array of stored packet log writers.
73 74 75 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 73 def stored_packet_log_writer_pairs @stored_packet_log_writer_pairs end |
#stream_log_pair ⇒ StreamLogPair
Returns StreamLogPair instance or nil.
76 77 78 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 76 def stream_log_pair @stream_log_pair end |
#target_names ⇒ Array<String>
Returns Array of target names associated with this interface.
46 47 48 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 46 def target_names @target_names end |
#tlm_target_names ⇒ Array<String>
Returns Array of tlm target names associated with this interface.
52 53 54 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 52 def tlm_target_names @tlm_target_names end |
#write_count ⇒ Integer
Returns The number of packets written to this interface.
90 91 92 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 90 def write_count @write_count end |
#write_protocols ⇒ Array<Protocol>
Returns Array of protocols for writing.
117 118 119 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 117 def write_protocols @write_protocols end |
#write_queue_size ⇒ Integer
Returns The number of packets in the write queue (when used as a Router).
108 109 110 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 108 def write_queue_size @write_queue_size end |
#written_raw_data ⇒ String
Returns Most recently written raw data.
126 127 128 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 126 def written_raw_data @written_raw_data end |
#written_raw_data_time ⇒ Time
Returns Most recent written raw data time.
132 133 134 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 132 def written_raw_data_time @written_raw_data_time end |
Instance Method Details
#_write ⇒ Object
Wrap all writes in a mutex and handle errors
398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 398 def _write if @write_mutex.owned? yield else @write_mutex.synchronize { yield } end rescue WriteRejectError => e Logger.error("#{@name}: Write rejected by interface: #{e.}") raise e rescue Exception => e Logger.error("#{@name}: Error writing to interface") disconnect() raise e end |
#add_protocol(protocol_class, protocol_args, read_write) ⇒ Object
557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 557 def add_protocol(protocol_class, protocol_args, read_write) protocol_args = protocol_args.clone protocol =*protocol_args) case read_write when :READ @read_protocols << protocol when :WRITE @write_protocols.unshift(protocol) when :READ_WRITE, :PARAMS @read_protocols << protocol @write_protocols.unshift(protocol) else raise "Unknown protocol descriptor: #{read_write}. Must be :READ, :WRITE, or :READ_WRITE." end @protocol_info << [protocol_class, protocol_args, read_write] protocol.interface = self return protocol end |
#as_json(*_a) ⇒ Object
413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 413 def as_json(*_a) config = {} config['name'] = @name config['state'] = @state config['clients'] = self.num_clients config['txsize'] = @write_queue_size config['rxsize'] = @read_queue_size config['txbytes'] = @bytes_written config['rxbytes'] = @bytes_read config['txcnt'] = @write_count config['rxcnt'] = @read_count config end |
#connect ⇒ Object
Connects the interface to its target(s). Must be implemented by a subclass.
195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 195 def connect (@read_protocols | @write_protocols).each { |protocol| protocol.connect_reset } periodic_cmds = @options['PERIODIC_CMD'] if periodic_cmds if not @scheduler @scheduler = periodic_cmds.each do |log_dont_log, period, cmd_string| log_dont_log.upcase! period = "#{period.to_f}s" @scheduler.every period do if connected?() begin if log_dont_log == 'DONT_LOG' cmd(cmd_string, log_message: false) else cmd(cmd_string) end rescue Exception => e Logger.error("Error sending periodic cmd(#{cmd_string}):\n#{e.formatted}") end end end end else @scheduler.resume end end end |
#connected? ⇒ Boolean
Indicates if the interface is connected to its target(s) or not. Must be implemented by a subclass.
228 229 230 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 228 def connected? raise "connected? not defined by Interface" end |
#connection_string ⇒ Object
Should be implemented by subclass to return human readable connection string which will be placed in log messages when connecting and during connection failures
189 190 191 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 189 def connection_string return @name end |
#convert_data_to_packet(data, extra = nil) ⇒ Packet
Called to convert the read data into a OpenC3 Packet object
515 516 517 518 519 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 515 def convert_data_to_packet(data, extra = nil) packet =, nil, :BIG_ENDIAN, nil, data) packet.extra = extra return packet end |
#convert_packet_to_data(packet) ⇒ Object
Called to convert a packet into the data to send
525 526 527 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 525 def convert_packet_to_data(packet) return packet.buffer(true), packet.extra # Copy buffer so logged command isn't modified end |
#copy_to(other_interface) ⇒ Object
Copy settings from this interface to another interface. All instance variables are copied except for num_clients, read_queue_size, and write_queue_size since these are all specific to the operation of the interface rather than its instantiation.
465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 465 def copy_to(other_interface) = other_interface.target_names = self.target_names.clone other_interface.cmd_target_names = self.cmd_target_names.clone other_interface.tlm_target_names = self.tlm_target_names.clone other_interface.connect_on_startup = self.connect_on_startup other_interface.auto_reconnect = self.auto_reconnect other_interface.reconnect_delay = self.reconnect_delay other_interface.disable_disconnect = self.disable_disconnect other_interface.packet_log_writer_pairs = self.packet_log_writer_pairs.clone other_interface.routers = self.routers.clone other_interface.cmd_routers = self.cmd_routers.clone other_interface.read_count = self.read_count other_interface.write_count = self.write_count other_interface.bytes_read = self.bytes_read other_interface.bytes_written = self.bytes_written other_interface.stream_log_pair = self.stream_log_pair.clone if @stream_log_pair # num_clients is per interface so don't copy # read_queue_size is the number of packets in the queue so don't copy # write_queue_size is the number of packets in the queue so don't copy self..each do |option_name, option_values| other_interface.set_option(option_name, option_values) end other_interface.protocol_info = [] self.protocol_info.each do |protocol_class, protocol_args, read_write| unless read_write == :PARAMS other_interface.add_protocol(protocol_class, protocol_args, read_write) end end end |
#disconnect ⇒ Object
Disconnects the interface from its target(s). Must be implemented by a subclass.
234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 234 def disconnect periodic_cmds = @options['PERIODIC_CMD'] if periodic_cmds and @scheduler @scheduler.pause end (@read_protocols | @write_protocols).each { |protocol| protocol.disconnect_reset } end |
#interface_cmd(cmd_name, *_cmd_args) ⇒ Object
576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 576 def interface_cmd(cmd_name, *_cmd_args) case cmd_name when 'clear_counters' @write_queue_size = 0 @read_queue_size = 0 @bytes_written = 0 @bytes_read = 0 @write_count = 0 @read_count = 0 end end |
#protocol_cmd(cmd_name, *cmd_args, read_write: :READ_WRITE, index: -1)) ⇒ Object
588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 588 def protocol_cmd(cmd_name, *cmd_args, read_write: :READ_WRITE, index: -1) read_write = read_write.to_s.upcase.intern raise "Unknown protocol descriptor: #{read_write}. Must be :READ, :WRITE, or :READ_WRITE." unless [:READ, :WRITE, :READ_WRITE].include?(read_write) handled = false if index >= 0 or read_write == :READ_WRITE # Reconstruct full list of protocols in correct order protocols = [] read_protocols = @read_protocols write_protocols = @write_protocols.reverse read_index = 0 write_index = 0 @protocol_info.each do |_protocol_class, _protocol_args, protocol_read_write| case protocol_read_write when :READ protocols << read_protocols[read_index] read_index += 1 when :WRITE protocols << write_protocols[write_index] write_index += 1 when :READ_WRITE, :PARAMS protocols << read_protocols[read_index] read_index += 1 write_index += 1 end end protocols.each_with_index do |protocol, protocol_index| # If index is given that is all that matters result = protocol.protocol_cmd(cmd_name, *cmd_args) if index == protocol_index or index == -1 handled = true if result end elsif read_write == :READ # and index == -1 @read_protocols.each do |protocol| result = protocol.protocol_cmd(cmd_name, *cmd_args) handled = true if result end else # read_write == :WRITE and index == -1 @write_protocols.each do |protocol| result = protocol.protocol_cmd(cmd_name, *cmd_args) handled = true if result end end return handled end |
#read ⇒ Packet
Retrieves the next packet from the interface.
254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 254 def read raise "Interface not connected for read: #{@name}" unless connected? raise "Interface not readable: #{@name}" unless read_allowed? first = true loop do # Protocols may have cached data for a packet, so initially just inject a blank string # Otherwise we can hold off outputing other packets where all the data has already # been received extra = nil if !first or @read_protocols.length <= 0 # Read data for a packet data, extra = read_interface() unless data"#{@name}: read_interface requested disconnect") return nil end else data = '' first = false end @read_protocols.each do |protocol| # Extra check is for backwards compatibility if extra data, extra = protocol.read_data(data, extra) else data, extra = protocol.read_data(data) end if data == :DISCONNECT"#{@name}: Protocol #{protocol.class} read_data requested disconnect") return nil end break if data == :STOP end next if data == :STOP # Extra check is for backwards compatibility if extra packet = convert_data_to_packet(data, extra) else packet = convert_data_to_packet(data) end # Potentially modify packet @read_protocols.each do |protocol| packet = protocol.read_packet(packet) if packet == :DISCONNECT"#{@name}: Protocol #{protocol.class} read_packet requested disconnect") return nil end break if packet == :STOP end next if packet == :STOP # Return packet @read_count += 1 Logger.warn("#{@name}: Interface unexpectedly requested disconnect") unless packet return packet end rescue Exception => e Logger.error("#{@name}: Error reading from interface") disconnect() raise e end |
#read_allowed? ⇒ Boolean
Returns Whether reading is allowed.
428 429 430 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 428 def read_allowed? @read_allowed end |
#read_interface ⇒ Object
243 244 245 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 243 def read_interface raise "read_interface not defined by Interface" end |
#read_interface_base(data, _extra = nil) ⇒ String
Called to read data and manipulate it until enough data is returned. The definition of ‘enough data’ changes depending on the protocol used which is why this method exists. This method is also used to perform operations on the data before it can be interpreted as packet data such as decryption. After this method is called the post_read_data method is called. Subclasses must implement this method.
537 538 539 540 541 542 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 537 def read_interface_base(data, _extra = nil) @read_raw_data_time = @read_raw_data = data.clone @bytes_read += data.length @stream_log_pair.read_log.write(data) if @stream_log_pair end |
#set_option(option_name, option_values) ⇒ Object
Set an interface or router specific option
499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 499 def set_option(option_name, option_values) option_name_upcase = option_name.upcase if option_name_upcase == 'PERIODIC_CMD' # OPTION PERIODIC_CMD LOG/DONT_LOG 1.0 "INST COLLECT with TYPE NORMAL" @options[option_name_upcase] ||= [] @options[option_name_upcase] << option_values.clone else @options[option_name_upcase] = option_values.clone end end |
#start_raw_logging ⇒ Object
Start raw logging for this interface
443 444 445 446 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 443 def start_raw_logging @stream_log_pair = unless @stream_log_pair @stream_log_pair.start end |
#stop_raw_logging ⇒ Object
Stop raw logging for this interface
449 450 451 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 449 def stop_raw_logging @stream_log_pair.stop if @stream_log_pair end |
#write(packet) ⇒ Object
Method to send a packet on the interface.
322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 322 def write(packet) raise "Interface not connected for write: #{@name}" unless connected? raise "Interface not writable: #{@name}" unless write_allowed? _write do @write_count += 1 # Potentially modify packet @write_protocols.each do |protocol| packet = protocol.write_packet(packet) if packet == :DISCONNECT"#{@name}: Protocol #{protocol.class} write_packet requested disconnect") disconnect() return end return if packet == :STOP end data, extra = convert_packet_to_data(packet) # Potentially modify packet data @write_protocols.each do |protocol| # Extra check is for backwards compatibility if extra data, extra = protocol.write_data(data, extra) else data, extra = protocol.write_data(data) end if data == :DISCONNECT"#{@name}: Protocol #{protocol.class} write_data requested disconnect") disconnect() return end return if data == :STOP end # Actually write out data if not handled by protocol # Extra check is for backwards compatibility if extra write_interface(data, extra) else write_interface(data) end # Potentially block and wait for response @write_protocols.each do |protocol| if extra packet, data, extra = protocol.post_write_interface(packet, data, extra) else packet, data, extra = protocol.post_write_interface(packet, data) end if packet == :DISCONNECT"#{@name}: Protocol #{protocol.class} post_write_packet requested disconnect") disconnect() return end return if packet == :STOP end end return nil end |
#write_allowed? ⇒ Boolean
Returns Whether writing is allowed.
433 434 435 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 433 def write_allowed? @write_allowed end |
#write_interface(_data, _extra = nil) ⇒ Object
247 248 249 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 247 def write_interface(_data, _extra = nil) raise "write_interface not defined by Interface" end |
#write_interface_base(data, _extra = nil) ⇒ String
Called to write data to the underlying interface. Subclasses must implement this method and call super to count the raw bytes and allow raw logging.
550 551 552 553 554 555 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 550 def write_interface_base(data, _extra = nil) @written_raw_data_time = @written_raw_data = data.clone @bytes_written += data.length @stream_log_pair.write_log.write(data) if @stream_log_pair end |
#write_raw(data, extra = nil) ⇒ Object
Writes preformatted data onto the interface. Malformed data may cause problems.
388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 388 def write_raw(data, extra = nil) raise "Interface not connected for write_raw: #{@name}" unless connected? raise "Interface not write-rawable: #{@name}" unless write_raw_allowed? _write do write_interface(data, extra) end end |
#write_raw_allowed? ⇒ Boolean
Returns Whether writing raw data over the interface is allowed.
438 439 440 |
# File 'lib/openc3/interfaces/interface.rb', line 438 def write_raw_allowed? @write_raw_allowed end |