Class: OpenC3::DecomMicroservice
- Inherits:
- Object
- Microservice
- OpenC3::DecomMicroservice
- Includes:
- InterfaceDecomCommon
- Defined in:
- lib/openc3/microservices/decom_microservice.rb
Instance Attribute Summary
Attributes inherited from Microservice
#count, #custom, #error, #logger, #microservice_status_thread, #name, #scope, #secrets, #state
Instance Method Summary collapse
- #decom_packet(_topic, msg_id, msg_hash, _redis) ⇒ Object
#initialize(*args) ⇒ DecomMicroservice
A new instance of DecomMicroservice.
#limits_change_callback(packet, item, old_limits_state, value, log_change) ⇒ Object
Called when an item in any packet changes limits states.
- #run ⇒ Object
Methods included from InterfaceDecomCommon
#handle_build_cmd, #handle_inject_tlm
Methods inherited from Microservice
#as_json, #microservice_cmd, run, #setup_microservice_topic, #shutdown
Constructor Details
#initialize(*args) ⇒ DecomMicroservice
Returns a new instance of DecomMicroservice.
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 |
# File 'lib/openc3/microservices/decom_microservice.rb', line 32 def initialize(*args) super(*args) # Should only be one target, but there might be multiple decom microservices for a given target # First Decom microservice has no number in the name if @name =~ /__DECOM__/ @topics << "#{@scope}__DECOMINTERFACE__{#{@target_names[0]}}" end Topic.update_topic_offsets(@topics) System.telemetry.limits_change_callback = method(:limits_change_callback) LimitsEventTopic.sync_system(scope: @scope) @error_count = 0 @metric.set(name: 'decom_total', value: @count, type: 'counter') @metric.set(name: 'decom_error_total', value: @error_count, type: 'counter') end |
Instance Method Details
#decom_packet(_topic, msg_id, msg_hash, _redis) ⇒ Object
84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 |
# File 'lib/openc3/microservices/decom_microservice.rb', line 84 def decom_packet(_topic, msg_id, msg_hash, _redis) OpenC3.in_span("decom_packet") do msgid_seconds_from_epoch = msg_id.split('-')[0].to_i / 1000.0 delta = - msgid_seconds_from_epoch @metric.set(name: 'decom_topic_delta_seconds', value: delta, type: 'gauge', unit: 'seconds', help: 'Delta time between data written to stream and decom start') start = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) target_name = msg_hash["target_name"] packet_name = msg_hash["packet_name"] packet = System.telemetry.packet(target_name, packet_name) packet.stored = ConfigParser.handle_true_false(msg_hash["stored"]) # Note: Packet time will be recalculated as part of decom so not setting packet.received_time = Time.from_nsec_from_epoch(msg_hash["received_time"].to_i) packet.received_count = msg_hash["received_count"].to_i extra = msg_hash["extra"] if extra and extra.length > 0 extra = JSON.parse(extra, allow_nan: true, create_additions: true) packet.extra = extra end packet.buffer = msg_hash["buffer"] packet.process # Run processors packet.check_limits(System.limits_set) # Process all the limits and call the limits_change_callback (as necessary) TelemetryDecomTopic.write_packet(packet, scope: @scope) diff = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) - start # seconds as a float @metric.set(name: 'decom_duration_seconds', value: diff, type: 'gauge', unit: 'seconds') end end |
#limits_change_callback(packet, item, old_limits_state, value, log_change) ⇒ Object
Called when an item in any packet changes limits states.
122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 |
# File 'lib/openc3/microservices/decom_microservice.rb', line 122 def limits_change_callback(packet, item, old_limits_state, value, log_change) return if @cancel_thread packet_time = packet.packet_time if value = "#{packet.target_name} #{packet.packet_name} #{} = #{value} is #{item.limits.state}" else = "#{packet.target_name} #{packet.packet_name} #{} is disabled" end << " (#{packet.packet_time.sys.formatted})" if packet_time time_nsec = packet_time ? packet_time.to_nsec_from_epoch : if log_change case item.limits.state when :BLUE, :GREEN, :GREEN_LOW, :GREEN_HIGH # Only print INFO messages if we're changing ... not on initialization if old_limits_state when :YELLOW, :YELLOW_LOW, :YELLOW_HIGH @logger.warn(, type: Logger::NOTIFICATION) when :RED, :RED_LOW, :RED_HIGH @logger.error(, type: Logger::ALERT) end end # The openc3_limits_events topic can be listened to for all limits events, it is a continuous stream event = { type: :LIMITS_CHANGE, target_name: packet.target_name, packet_name: packet.packet_name, item_name:, old_limits_state: old_limits_state.to_s, new_limits_state: item.limits.state.to_s, time_nsec: time_nsec, message: .to_s } LimitsEventTopic.write(event, scope: @scope) if item.limits.response begin, item, old_limits_state) rescue Exception => e @error = e @logger.error "#{packet.target_name} #{packet.packet_name} #{} Limits Response Exception!" @logger.error "Called with old_state = #{old_limits_state}, new_state = #{item.limits.state}" @logger.error e.formatted end end end |
#run ⇒ Object
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# File 'lib/openc3/microservices/decom_microservice.rb', line 47 def run setup_microservice_topic() while true break if @cancel_thread begin OpenC3.in_span("read_topics") do Topic.read_topics(@topics) do |topic, msg_id, msg_hash, redis| break if @cancel_thread if topic == @microservice_topic microservice_cmd(topic, msg_id, msg_hash, redis) elsif topic =~ /__DECOMINTERFACE/ if msg_hash.key?('inject_tlm') handle_inject_tlm(msg_hash['inject_tlm']) next end if msg_hash.key?('build_cmd') handle_build_cmd(msg_hash['build_cmd'], msg_id) next end else decom_packet(topic, msg_id, msg_hash, redis) @metric.set(name: 'decom_total', value: @count, type: 'counter') end @count += 1 end end LimitsEventTopic.sync_system_thread_body(scope: @scope) rescue => e @error_count += 1 @metric.set(name: 'decom_error_total', value: @error_count, type: 'counter') @error = e @logger.error("Decom error: #{e.formatted}") end end end |