Class: OpenActive::JsonLdModel

BaseModel show all
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Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Method Summary

Methods inherited from BaseModel

#assign_attributes, define_property, deserialize, #deserialize, deserialize_class, #initialize, #serialize, serialize, #set_property, #to_json

Methods included from Concerns::TypeChecker

#check_types, included

Methods included from Concerns::JsonLdSerializable

included, #to_h, #values

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from OpenActive::BaseModel

Instance Attribute Details


Gets the context used to define the short-hand names that are used throughout a JSON-LD document. These short-hand names are called terms and help developers to express specific identifiers in a compact manner. When two people communicate with one another, the conversation takes place in a shared environment, typically called “the context of the conversation”. This shared context allows the individuals to use shortcut terms, like the first name of a mutual friend, to communicate more quickly but without losing accuracy. A context in JSON-LD works in the same way. It allows two applications to use shortcut terms to communicate with one another more efficiently, but without losing accuracy. Simply speaking, a context is used to map terms to IRIs. Terms are case sensitive and any valid string that is not a reserved JSON-LD keyword can be used as a term.


  • (Array<string>)

# File 'lib/openactive/json_ld_model.rb', line 28

def context


Gets or sets the identifier used to uniquely identify things that are being described in the document with IRIs or blank node identifiers. To be able to externally reference nodes in a graph, it is important that nodes have an identifier. IRIs are a fundamental concept of Linked Data, for nodes to be truly linked, dereferencing the identifier should result in a representation of that node.This may allow an application to retrieve further information about a node. In JSON-LD, a node is identified using the @id keyword:


  • (string)

# File 'lib/openactive/json_ld_model.rb', line 11

def id