Class: RemedyHelper
- Inherits:
- Object
- BaseHelper
- RemedyHelper
- Defined in:
- lib/nexpose_ticketing/helpers/remedy_helper.rb
Serves as the Remedy interface for creating/updating issues from vulnelrabilities found in Nexpose.
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#client ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute client.
#log ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute log.
Attributes inherited from BaseHelper
Instance Method Summary collapse
#close_tickets(tickets) ⇒ Object
Sends ticket closure (in SOAP format) to Remedy individually (each ticket in the list as a separate web service call).
#create_tickets(tickets) ⇒ Object
Sends a list of tickets (in SOAP format) to Remedy individually (each ticket in the list as a separate web service call).
#extract_queried_incident(queried_incident, notes_header) ⇒ Object
Extracts from a queried Remedy incident the relevant data required for an update to be made to said incident.
#generate_new_ticket(extra_fields = nil) ⇒ Object
Generates a savon-based ticket object.
#get_client(wdsl, endpoint) ⇒ Object
Sends a list of tickets (in SOAP format) to Remedy individually (each ticket in the list as a separate web service call).
#initialize(service_data, options, mode) ⇒ RemedyHelper
A new instance of RemedyHelper.
#prepare_close_tickets(vulnerability_list, nexpose_identifier_id) ⇒ Object
Prepare ticket closures from the CSV of vulnerabilities exported from Nexpose.
#prepare_create_tickets(vulnerability_list, nexpose_identifier_id) ⇒ Object
Prepare tickets from the CSV of vulnerabilities exported from Nexpose.
#prepare_tickets(vulnerability_list, nexpose_identifier_id) ⇒ Object
Prepares a list of vulnerabilities into a list of savon-formatted tickets (incidents) for Remedy.
#prepare_update_tickets(vulnerability_list, nexpose_identifier_id) ⇒ Object
Prepare to update tickets from the CSV of vulnerabilities exported from Nexpose.
#query_for_ticket(unique_id) ⇒ Object
Sends a query (in SOAP format) to Remedy to return back a single ticket based on the criteria.
#send_tickets(client, service, tickets) ⇒ Object
Sends a list of tickets (in SOAP format) to Remedy individually (each ticket in the list as a separate web service call).
#ticket_from_queried_incident(queried_incident, notes_header, status) ⇒ Object
Creates a ticket with the extracted data from a queried Remedy incident.
#update_tickets(tickets) ⇒ Object
Sends ticket updates (in SOAP format) to Remedy individually (each ticket in the list as a separate web service call).
Methods inherited from BaseHelper
Constructor Details
#initialize(service_data, options, mode) ⇒ RemedyHelper
Returns a new instance of RemedyHelper.
15 16 17 |
# File 'lib/nexpose_ticketing/helpers/remedy_helper.rb', line 15 def initialize(service_data, , mode) super(service_data, , mode) end |
Instance Attribute Details
#client ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute client.
14 15 16 |
# File 'lib/nexpose_ticketing/helpers/remedy_helper.rb', line 14 def client @client end |
#log ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute log.
14 15 16 |
# File 'lib/nexpose_ticketing/helpers/remedy_helper.rb', line 14 def log @log end |
Instance Method Details
#close_tickets(tickets) ⇒ Object
Sends ticket closure (in SOAP format) to Remedy individually (each ticket in the list as a separate web service call).
Args :
- List of savon-formatted (hash) ticket closures.
122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 |
# File 'lib/nexpose_ticketing/helpers/remedy_helper.rb', line 122 def close_tickets(tickets) if tickets.nil? || tickets.empty? @log.("No tickets to close.") return end @metrics.closed tickets.count client = get_client('HPD_IncidentInterface_WS.xml', :query_modify_soap_endpoint) send_tickets(client, :help_desk_modify_service, tickets) end |
#create_tickets(tickets) ⇒ Object
Sends a list of tickets (in SOAP format) to Remedy individually (each ticket in the list as a separate web service call).
Args :
- List of savon-formatted (hash) ticket creates (new tickets).
93 94 95 96 97 98 |
# File 'lib/nexpose_ticketing/helpers/remedy_helper.rb', line 93 def create_tickets(tickets) fail 'Ticket(s) cannot be empty' if tickets.nil? || tickets.empty? @metrics.created tickets.count client = get_client('HPD_IncidentInterface_Create_WS.xml', :create_soap_endpoint) send_tickets(client, :help_desk_submit_service, tickets) end |
#extract_queried_incident(queried_incident, notes_header) ⇒ Object
Extracts from a queried Remedy incident the relevant data required for an update to be made to said incident. Creates a ticket with the extracted data.
- +queried_incident+ - The queried incident from Remedy
- +notes_header+ - The texted to be placed at the top of the Remedy 'Notes' field.
Returns :
A single savon-formated (hash) ticket for updating within Remedy.
334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 |
# File 'lib/nexpose_ticketing/helpers/remedy_helper.rb', line 334 def extract_queried_incident(queried_incident, notes_header) unless queried_incident.first.is_a?(Hash) return ticket_from_queried_incident(queried_incident, notes_header, nil) end fail "Multiple tickets returned for same NXID" if queried_incident.count > 1 ticket_from_queried_incident(queried_incident.first, notes_header, nil) end |
#generate_new_ticket(extra_fields = nil) ⇒ Object
Generates a savon-based ticket object.
Args :
- List of mode-specific fields (hash) to be added to the ticket.
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 |
# File 'lib/nexpose_ticketing/helpers/remedy_helper.rb', line 24 def generate_new_ticket(extra_fields=nil) base_ticket = { 'First_Name' => "#{@service_data[:first_name]}", 'Impact' => '1-Extensive/Widespread', 'Last_Name' => "#{@service_data[:last_name]}", 'Reported_Source' => 'Other', 'Service_Type' => 'Infrastructure Event', 'Status' => 'New', 'Action' => 'CREATE', "Summary"=>"", "Notes"=>"", 'Urgency' => '1-Critical', } extra_fields.each { |k, v| base_ticket[k.to_s] = v } if extra_fields base_ticket end |
#get_client(wdsl, endpoint) ⇒ Object
Sends a list of tickets (in SOAP format) to Remedy individually (each ticket in the list as a separate web service call).
Args :
- XML file which describes the network service. -
- Endpoint to which the data will be submitted.
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 |
# File 'lib/nexpose_ticketing/helpers/remedy_helper.rb', line 48 def get_client(wdsl, endpoint) Savon.client(wsdl: File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../config/remedy_wsdl/#{wdsl}"), adapter: :net_http, ssl_verify_mode: :none, open_timeout: @service_data[:open_timeout], read_timeout: @service_data[:read_timeout], endpoint: @service_data[endpoint.intern], soap_header: { 'AuthenticationInfo' => { 'userName' => "#{@service_data[:username]}", 'password' => "#{@service_data[:password]}", 'authentication' => "#{@service_data[:authentication]}" } }) end |
#prepare_close_tickets(vulnerability_list, nexpose_identifier_id) ⇒ Object
Prepare ticket closures from the CSV of vulnerabilities exported from Nexpose.
Args :
- CSV of vulnerabilities within Nexpose.
Returns :
List of savon-formated (hash) tickets for closing within Remedy.
351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 |
# File 'lib/nexpose_ticketing/helpers/remedy_helper.rb', line 351 def prepare_close_tickets(vulnerability_list, nexpose_identifier_id) @log.("Preparing ticket closures for mode #{@options[:ticket_mode]}.") @nxid = nil tickets = [] CSV.parse(vulnerability_list.chomp, headers: :first_row) do |row| @nxid = @mode_helper.get_nxid(nexpose_identifier_id, row) # Query Remedy for the incident by unique id (generated NXID) queried_incident = query_for_ticket("NXID: #{@nxid}") if queried_incident.nil? || queried_incident.empty? @log.("No incident found for NXID: #{@nxid}") else # Remedy incident updates require populating all fields. ticket = ticket_from_queried_incident(queried_incident, nil, 'Closed') tickets.push(ticket) end end tickets end |
#prepare_create_tickets(vulnerability_list, nexpose_identifier_id) ⇒ Object
Prepare tickets from the CSV of vulnerabilities exported from Nexpose. This method determines how to prepare the tickets (by default, by IP address or by vulnerability) based on config options.
Args :
- CSV of vulnerabilities within Nexpose.
Returns :
List of savon-formated (hash) tickets for creating within Remedy.
166 167 168 169 170 |
# File 'lib/nexpose_ticketing/helpers/remedy_helper.rb', line 166 def prepare_create_tickets(vulnerability_list, nexpose_identifier_id) @metrics.start @log.('Preparing ticket requests...') prepare_tickets(vulnerability_list, nexpose_identifier_id) end |
#prepare_tickets(vulnerability_list, nexpose_identifier_id) ⇒ Object
Prepares a list of vulnerabilities into a list of savon-formatted tickets (incidents) for Remedy.
Args :
- CSV of vulnerabilities within Nexpose.
Returns :
List of savon-formated (hash) tickets for creating within Remedy.
195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 |
# File 'lib/nexpose_ticketing/helpers/remedy_helper.rb', line 195 def prepare_tickets(vulnerability_list, nexpose_identifier_id) matching_fields = @mode_helper.get_matching_fields @ticket = @log.("Preparing tickets for #{@options[:ticket_mode]} mode.") tickets = [] previous_row = nil description = nil CSV.parse(vulnerability_list.chomp, headers: :first_row) do |row| if previous_row.nil? previous_row = row.dup description = @mode_helper.get_description(nexpose_identifier_id, row) @ticket = generate_new_ticket({'Summary' => "#{@mode_helper.get_title(row)}"[0...100], 'Notes' => ""}) #Skip querying for ticket if it's the initial scan next if row['comparison'].nil? # Query Remedy for the incident by unique id (generated NXID) queried_incident = query_for_ticket("NXID: #{@mode_helper.get_nxid(nexpose_identifier_id, row)}") if !queried_incident.nil? && queried_incident.first.is_a?(Hash)! { |t| !['Closed', 'Resolved', 'Cancelled'].include?(t[:status]) } end if queried_incident.nil? || queried_incident.empty? @log.("No incident found for NXID: #{@mode_helper.get_nxid(nexpose_identifier_id, row)}. Creating...") new_ticket_csv = vulnerability_list.split("\n").first new_ticket_csv += "\n#{row.to_s}" #delete the comparison row data =, headers: true)) data.delete("comparison") new_ticket = prepare_create_tickets(data.to_s, nexpose_identifier_id) @log.('Created ticket. Sending to Remedy...') create_tickets(new_ticket) @log.('Ticket sent. Performing update for ticket...') #Now that there is a ticket for this NXID update it as if it existed this whole time... previous_row = nil redo else info = @mode_helper.get_field_info(matching_fields, previous_row) @log.("Creating ticket update with #{info} for Nexpose Identifier with ID: #{nexpose_identifier_id}") @log.("Ticket status #{row['comparison']}") # Remedy incident updates require populating all fields. @ticket = extract_queried_incident(queried_incident, "") end elsif matching_fields.any? { |x| previous_row[x].nil? || previous_row[x] != row[x] } info = @mode_helper.get_field_info(matching_fields, previous_row) @log.("Generated ticket with #{info}") @ticket['Notes'] = @mode_helper.print_description(description) tickets.push(@ticket) previous_row = nil description = nil redo else description = @mode_helper.update_description(description, row) end end unless @ticket.nil? || @ticket.empty? info = @mode_helper.get_field_info(matching_fields, previous_row) @log.("Creating ticket update with #{info} for Nexpose Identifier with ID: #{nexpose_identifier_id}") @ticket['Notes'] = @mode_helper.print_description(description) tickets.push(@ticket) end @log.("Generated <#{tickets.count.to_s}> tickets.") tickets end |
#prepare_update_tickets(vulnerability_list, nexpose_identifier_id) ⇒ Object
Prepare to update tickets from the CSV of vulnerabilities exported from Nexpose. This method determines how to prepare the tickets for update (by IP address or by vulnerability) based on config options.
Args :
- CSV of vulnerabilities within Nexpose.
Returns :
List of savon-formated (hash) tickets for creating within Remedy.
181 182 183 184 |
# File 'lib/nexpose_ticketing/helpers/remedy_helper.rb', line 181 def prepare_update_tickets(vulnerability_list, nexpose_identifier_id) @metrics.start prepare_tickets(vulnerability_list, nexpose_identifier_id) end |
#query_for_ticket(unique_id) ⇒ Object
Sends a query (in SOAP format) to Remedy to return back a single ticket based on the criteria.
Args :
- Unique identifier generated by the helper.
Returns :
Remedy incident information in hash format or nil if no results are found.
140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 |
# File 'lib/nexpose_ticketing/helpers/remedy_helper.rb', line 140 def query_for_ticket(unique_id) client = get_client('HPD_IncidentInterface_WS.xml', :query_modify_soap_endpoint) begin response =, message: {'Qualification' => "'Status' < \"Closed\" AND 'Detailed Decription' LIKE \"%#{unique_id}%\""}) rescue Savon::SOAPFault => e @log.("SOAP exception in query ticket: #{e.}") return if e.to_hash[:fault][:faultstring].index("ERROR (302)") == 0 raise rescue Savon::HTTPError => e @log.("HTTP error in query ticket: #{e.}") raise end response.body[:help_desk_query_list_service_response][:get_list_values] end |
#send_tickets(client, service, tickets) ⇒ Object
Sends a list of tickets (in SOAP format) to Remedy individually (each ticket in the list as a separate web service call).
Args :
- The helpdesk service to which the tickets should be submitted. -
- List of savon-formatted (hash) ticket creates (new tickets).
70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 |
# File 'lib/nexpose_ticketing/helpers/remedy_helper.rb', line 70 def send_tickets(client, service, tickets) service_name = service.to_s.match(/desk_([a-z]*)_/) service_name = service_name.captures.first unless service_name.nil? tickets.each do |ticket| begin @log.(ticket) response =, message: ticket) rescue Savon::SOAPFault => e @log.("SOAP exception in #{service_name} ticket: #{e.}") raise rescue Savon::HTTPError => e @log.("HTTP error in #{service_name} ticket: #{e.}") raise end end end |
#ticket_from_queried_incident(queried_incident, notes_header, status) ⇒ Object
Creates a ticket with the extracted data from a queried Remedy incident.
- +queried_incident+ - The queried incident from Remedy
- +notes_header+ - The texted to be placed at the top of the Remedy 'Notes' field.
- +status+ - The status to which the ticket will be set.
Returns :
A single savon-formated (hash) ticket for updating within Remedy.
276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 |
# File 'lib/nexpose_ticketing/helpers/remedy_helper.rb', line 276 def ticket_from_queried_incident(queried_incident, notes_header, status) { 'Categorization_Tier_1' => queried_incident[:categorization_tier_1], 'Categorization_Tier_2' => queried_incident[:categorization_tier_2], 'Categorization_Tier_3' => queried_incident[:categorization_tier_3], 'Closure_Manufacturer' => queried_incident[:closure_manufacturer], 'Closure_Product_Category_Tier1' => queried_incident[:closure_product_category_tier1], 'Closure_Product_Category_Tier2' => queried_incident[:closure_product_category_tier2], 'Closure_Product_Category_Tier3' => queried_incident[:closure_product_category_tier3], 'Closure_Product_Model_Version' => queried_incident[:closure_product_model_version], 'Closure_Product_Name' => queried_incident[:closure_product_name], 'Company' => queried_incident[:company], 'Summary' => queried_incident[:summary], 'Notes' => notes_header || queried_incident[:notes], 'Impact' => queried_incident[:impact], 'Manufacturer' => queried_incident[:manufacturer], 'Product_Categorization_Tier_1' => queried_incident[:product_categorization_tier_1], 'Product_Categorization_Tier_2' => queried_incident[:product_categorization_tier_2], 'Product_Categorization_Tier_3' => queried_incident[:product_categorization_tier_3], 'Product_Model_Version' => queried_incident[:product_model_version], 'Product_Name' => queried_incident[:product_name], 'Reported_Source' => queried_incident[:reported_source], 'Resolution' => queried_incident[:resolution], 'Resolution_Category' => queried_incident[:resolution_category], 'Resolution_Category_Tier_2' => queried_incident[:resolution_category_tier_2], 'Resolution_Category_Tier_3' => queried_incident[:resolution_category_tier_3], 'Resolution_Method' => queried_incident[:resolution_method], 'Service_Type' => queried_incident[:service_type], 'Status' => status || queried_incident[:status], 'Urgency' => queried_incident[:urgency], 'Action' => 'MODIFY', 'Work_Info_Summary' => queried_incident[:work_info_summary], 'Work_Info_Notes' => queried_incident[:work_info_notes], 'Work_Info_Type' => queried_incident[:work_info_type], 'Work_Info_Date' => queried_incident[:work_info_date], 'Work_Info_Source' => queried_incident[:work_info_source], 'Work_Info_Locked' => queried_incident[:work_info_locked], 'Work_Info_View_Access' => queried_incident[:work_info_view_access], 'Incident_Number' => queried_incident[:incident_number], 'Status_Reason' => queried_incident[:status_reason], 'ServiceCI' => queried_incident[:service_ci], 'ServiceCI_ReconID' => queried_incident[:service_ci_recon_id], 'HPD_CI' => queried_incident[:hpd_ci], 'HPD_CI_ReconID' => queried_incident[:hpd_ci_recon_id], 'HPD_CI_FormName' => queried_incident[:hpd_ci_form_name], 'z1D_CI_FormName' => queried_incident[:z1d_ci_form_name] } end |
#update_tickets(tickets) ⇒ Object
Sends ticket updates (in SOAP format) to Remedy individually (each ticket in the list as a separate web service call).
Args :
- List of savon-formatted (hash) ticket updates.
106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 |
# File 'lib/nexpose_ticketing/helpers/remedy_helper.rb', line 106 def update_tickets(tickets) if tickets.nil? || tickets.empty? @log.("No tickets to update.") return end @metrics.updated tickets.count - @metrics.get_created client = get_client('HPD_IncidentInterface_WS.xml', :query_modify_soap_endpoint) send_tickets(client, :help_desk_modify_service, tickets) end |