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Modules: Mobility, Sequel

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Mobility is a gem for storing and retrieving localized data through attributes on a class.

There are two ways to translate attributes on a class, both of which are variations on the same basic mechanism. The first and most common way is to extend the ‘Mobility` module, which adds a class method translates. Translated attributes can then be defined like this:

class Post
  extend Mobility
  translates :title, backend: :key_value

Behind the scenes, translates simply creates an instance of Mobility.translations_class, passes it whatever arguments are passed to translates, and includes the instance (which is a module) into the class.

So the above example is equivalent to:

class Post, backend: :key_value)

‘Mobility.translations_class` is a subclass of `Mobility::Translations` created when `Mobility.configure` is called to configure Mobility. In fact, when you call `Mobility.configure`, it is the subclass of `Mobility::Translations` which is passed to the block as `config` (or as `self` if no argument is passed to the block). Plugins and plugin configuration is all applied to the same `Mobility.translations_class`.

There is another way to use Mobility, which is to create your own subclass or subclasses of Mobility::Translations and include them explicitly, without using translates.

For example:

class Translations < Mobility::Translations
  plugins do
    backend :key_value
    # ...

class Post

This usage might be handy if, for example, you want to have more complex configuration, where some models use some plugins while others do not. Since ‘Mobility::Translations` is a class like any other, you can subclass it and define plugins specifically on the subclass which are not present on its parent:

class TranslationsWithFallbacks < Translations
  plugins do

class Comment

In this case, Comment uses TranslationsWithFallbacks and thus has the fallbacks plugin, whereas Post uses Translations which does not have that plugin enabled.

# File 'lib/mobility.rb', line 77

def ruby2_keywords(*); end