Module: Migr8

Defined in:

Defined Under Namespace

Modules: Actions, DBMS, Util Classes: Application, BaseSkeleton, CommandSetupError, HistoryFileError, Migr8Error, Migration, MigrationError, MigrationFileError, Repository, RepositoryError, RepositoryOperation, SQLExecutionError

Constant Summary collapse

"$Release: 0.4.4 $".split()[1]

Migr8.rb is a database schema version management tool.

* Easy to install, easy to setup, and easy to start
* No configuration file; instead, only two environment variables
* Designed carefully to suit Git or Mercurial
* Supports SQLite3, PostgreSQL, and MySQL
* Written in Ruby (>= 1.8)

Quick Start

1. Donwload migr8.rb.

    $ curl -Lo migr8.rb
    $ chmod a+x migr8.rb
    ### or
    $ gem install migr8

2. Set environment variables: $MIGR8_COMMAND and $MIGR8_EDITOR.

    $ export MIGR8_COMMAND="sqlite3 dbfile1"            # for SQLite3
    $ export MIGR8_COMMAND="psql -q -U user1 dbname1"   # for PostgreSQL
    $ export MIGR8_COMMAND="mysql -s -u user1 dbname1"  # for MySQL

    $ export MIGR8_EDITOR="open -a TextMate"     # for TextMate (MacOSX)
    $ export MIGR8_EDITOR="emacsclient"          # for Emacs
    $ export MIGR8_EDITOR="vim"                  # for Vim

3. Create managiment files and table.

    $ ./migr8.rb init         # create files in current directory,
                              # and create a table in DB.

4. Now you can manage DB schema versions.

    $ ./migr8.rb                                 # show current status
    $ ./migr8.rb new -m "create 'users' table"   # create a migration
           # or  ./migr8.rb new --table=users
    $ ./migr8.rb                                 # show status again
    $ ./migr8.rb up                              # apply migration
    $ ./migr8.rb                                 # show status again
    $ ./migr8.rb hist                            # list history

5. You may got confliction error when `git rebase` or `git pull`.
   In this case, you must resolve it by hand.
   (This is intended design.)

    $ git rebase master         # confliction!
    $ ./migr8.rb hist -o        # open 'migr8/history.txt', and
                                # resolve confliction manually
    $ ./migr8.rb hist           # check whether history file is valid
    $ git add migr8/history.txt
    $ git rebase --continue


(!!Attention!! this is experimental feature and may be changed in the future.)

It is possible to embed eRuby code into `up` and `down` scripts.


* `<% ... %>`  : Ruby statement
* `<%= ... %>` : Ruby expression, escaping `'` into `''` (or `\'` on MySQL)
* `<%== ... %>` : Ruby expression, no escaping

For example:

  - table: users

up: |
  insert into ${table}(name) values
  <% comma = "  " %>
  <% for name in ["Haruhi", "Mikuru", "Yuki"] %>
    <%= comma %>('<%= name %>')
    <% comma = ", " %>
  <% end %>

down: |
  <% for name in ["Haruhi", "Mikuru", "Yuki"] %>
  delete from ${table} where name = '<%= name %>';
  <% end %>

The above is the same as the following:

up: |
  insert into users(name) values
    , ('Mikuru')
    , ('Yuki')

down: |
  delete from users where name = 'Haruhi';
  delete from users where name = 'Mikuru';
  delete from users where name = 'Yuki';

In eRuby code, values in `vars` are available as instance variables.
For example:

version:     uhtu4853
desc:        register members
author:      kyon
  - table:   users
  - members: [Haruhi, Mikuru, Yuki]

up: |
  <% for member in @members %>
  insert into ${table}(name) values ('<%= member %>');
  <% end %>

down: |
  <% for member in @members %>
  delete from ${table} where name = '<%= member %>';
  <% end %>

If you want to see up and down scripts rendered, run `migr8.rb show` action.
For example:

$ ./migr8.rb show uhtu4853
version:     uhtu4853
desc:        register members
author:      kyon
  - table:     "users"
  - members:   ["Haruhi", "Mikuru", "Yuki"]

up: |
  insert into users(name) values ('Haruhi');
  insert into users(name) values ('Mikuru');
  insert into users(name) values ('Yuki');

down: |
  delete from users where name = 'Haruhi';
  delete from users where name = 'Mikuru';
  delete from users where name = 'Yuki';

Notice that migration file using eRuby code is not compatible with other
Migr8 implemtation.


* `migr8.rb up -a` applys all migrations, while `migr8.rb up` applys a

* `migr8.rb -D up` saves SQL executed into `migr8/history.txt` file.

* `migr8.rb redo` is equivarent to `migr8.rb down; migr8.rb up`.

* `migr8.rb new -p` generates migration file with plain skeleton, and
  `migr8.rb new --table=name` generates with table name.

* `migr8.rb unapply -x` unapplies migration which is applied in DB but
  corresponding migration file doesn't exist.
  (Describing in detail, `migr8.rb unapply -x abcd1234` runs `down` script
  in `_migr_history` table, while `migr8.rb unapply abcd1234` runs `down`
  script in `migr8/migrations/abcd1234.yaml` file.)
  This may help you when switching Git/Hg branch.

* `migr8.rb` generates sql file and run it with sql command such as `psql`
  (PostgreSQL), `sqlite3` (SQLite3) or `mysql` (MySQL). Therefore you can
  use non-sql command in migration file.
  For example:

    up: |
      -- read data from CSV file and insert into DB (PostgreSQL)
      \copy table1 from 'file1.csv' with csv;

* **MySQL doesn't support transactional DDL**.
  It will cause troubles when you have errors in migration script
  (See for details).
  On the other hand, SQLite3 and PostgreSQL support transactional DDL,
  and DDL will be rollbacked when error occurred in migration script.
  Very good.

Usage and Actions

Usage: migr8.rb [global-options] [action [options] [...]]
  -h, --help          : show help
  -v, --version       : show version
  -D, --debug         : not remove sql file ('migr8/tmp.sql') for debug

Actions:  (default: status)
  readme              : !!READ ME AT FIRST!!
  help [action]       : show help message of action, or list action names
  init                : create necessary files and a table
  hist                : list history of versions
    -o                :   open history file with $MIGR8_EDITOR
    -b                :   rebuild history file from migration files
  new                 : create new migration file and open it by $MIGR8_EDITOR
    -m text           :   description message (mandatory)
    -u user           :   author name (default: current user)
    -v version        :   specify version number instead of random string
    -p                :   plain skeleton
    -e editor         :   editr command (such as 'emacsclient', 'open', ...)
    --table=table     :   skeleton to create table
    --column=tbl.col  :   skeleton to add column
    --index=tbl.col   :   skeleton to create index
    --unique=tbl.col  :   skeleton to add unique constraint
  show [version]      : show migration file with expanding variables
    -x                :   load values of migration from history table in DB
  edit [version]      : open migration file by $MIGR8_EDITOR
    -r N              :   edit N-th file from latest version
    -e editor         :   editr command (such as 'emacsclient', 'open', ...)
  status              : show status
  up                  : apply next migration
    -n N              :   apply N migrations
    -a                :   apply all migrations
  down                : unapply current migration
    -n N              :   unapply N migrations
    --ALL             :   unapply all migrations
  redo                : do migration down, and up it again
    -n N              :   redo N migrations
    --ALL             :   redo all migrations
  apply version ...   : apply specified migrations
  unapply version ... : unapply specified migrations
    -x                :   unapply versions with down-script in DB, not in file
  delete version ...  : delete unapplied migration file
    --Imsure          :   you must specify this option to delete migration


* [_] write more tests
* [_] test on windows
* [_] implement in Python
* [_] implement in JavaScript


### Release 0.4.4 (2014-07-19) ###

* [bugfix] fix `redo` action to run `down` first internally.

### Release 0.4.3 (2014-02-28) ###

* [bugfix] fix reporting error when there is a migration which is
  applied but migration file doesn't exist.

### Release 0.4.2 (2014-02-05) ###

* [bugfix] re-packaging gem file

### Release 0.4.1 (2014-02-05) ###

* [bugfix] Fix to allow migration file which contains no vars.

### Release 0.4.0 (2013-11-28) ###

* [enhance] RubyGems package available.
  You can install migr8.rb by `gem install migr8`.
* [enhance] eRuby templating `up` and `down` script.
  See 'Templating' section of README file for details.
* [enhance] Add new action 'show' which shows migration attributes
  with expanding variables (ex: `${table}`) and renderting template.
* [enhance] Add new action 'delete' which deletes unapplied migration file.
  Note: this action can't delete migration which is already applied.
* [enhance] Add new option 'new -v version' in order to specify version
  number by yourself instead of auto-generated random string.
* [bufix] Action 'edit version' now can open migration file even when
  version number in migration file is wrong.

### Release 0.3.1 (2013-11-24) ###

* [bugfix] Fix 'hist' action not to raise error.

### Release 0.3.0 (2013-11-22) ###

* [enhance] Add `-x` option to `unapply` action which unapplies migrations
  by down-script in DB, not in migration file.
  You can unapply migrations which files are missing in some reason.
* [change] Eliminate indentation from output of 'readme' action.

### Release 0.2.1 (2013-11-20) ###

* [bugfix] Fix `new --table=name` action to set table name correctly

### Release 0.2.0 (2013-11-14) ###

* [enhance] Add new options to `new` action for some skeletons
  * `new --table=table` : create table
  * `new --column=tbl.col` : add column to table
  * `new --index=tbl.col` : create index on column
  * `new --unique=tbl.col` : add unique constraint on column
* [enhance] Add new option `hist -b` action which re-generate history file.
* [change] Change several error messages
* [change] Tweak SQL generated on SQLite3

### Release 0.1.1 (2013-11-12) ###

* [enhance] Fix 'up' action to save both up and down script into history table.

### Release 0.1.0 (2013-11-11) ###

* Public release


$License: MIT License $


$Copyright: copyright(c) 2013-2014 all rights reserved $

Class Method Summary collapse

Class Method Details

.DEBUG=(flag) ⇒ Object

# File 'lib/migr8.rb', line 23

def self.DEBUG=(flag)
  return const_set(:DEBUG, flag)