Class: Metasploit::Credential::NonreplayableHash

PasswordHash show all
Defined in:


A password hash that cannot be replayed to authenticate to other services. Contrast with ReplayableHash. #data is any password hash, such as those recovered from ‘/etc/passwd` or `/etc/shadow`.

Constant Summary collapse


The names of John the Ripper supported formats, from the “jumbo” edition. Listed in the format section of the output of john –help on the CLI Current as of 2014-06-12

%w(afs bf bf-opencl bfegg bsdi crc32 des django dmd5 dominosec dragonfly3-32 dragonfly3-64
dragonfly4-32 dragonfly4-64 drupal7 dummy dynamic_n epi episerver gost hdaa hmac-md5 hmac-sha1
hmac-sha224 hmac-sha256 hmac-sha384 hmac-sha512 hmailserver ipb2 keepass keychain krb4 krb5 lm
lotus5 md4-gen md5 md5crypt-opencl md5ns mediawiki mscash mscash2 mscash2-opencl mschapv2
mskrb5 mssql mssql05 mysql mysql-sha1 mysql-sha1-opencl nethalflm netlm netlmv2 netntlm
netntlmv2 nsldap nt nt-opencl nt2 odf office oracle oracle11 osc pdf phpass phpass-opencl phps
pix-md5 pkzip po pwsafe pwsafe-opencl racf rar raw-md4 raw-md4-opencl raw-md5 raw-md5-opencl
raw-md5u raw-sha raw-sha1 raw-sha1-linkedin raw-sha1-ng raw-sha1-opencl raw-sha224 raw-sha256
raw-sha384 raw-sha512 raw-sha512-opencl salted-sha1 sapb sapg sha1-gen sha256crypt sha512crypt
sha512crypt-opencl sip ssh ssha-opencl sybasease trip vnc wbb3 wpapsk wpapsk-opencl xsha
xsha512 xsha512-opencl zip)

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Attributes inherited from Private

#cores, #created_at, #id, #type, #updated_at

Method Summary

Methods inherited from Private


Instance Attribute Details


Password hash that cannot be replayable for authenticating to other services.


  • (String)

# File 'app/models/metasploit/credential/nonreplayable_hash.rb', line 34