Class: MathToItex::Parser

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%w[align align\* alignat alignat\* aligned alignedat array Bmatrix bmatrix cases displaymath eqnarray eqnarray\* equation equation\* gather gather\* gathered math matrix multline multline\* pmatrix smallmatrix split subarray svg Vmatrix vmatrix].freeze
(?<!\\)    # negative look-behind to make sure start is not escaped
(?:       # start non-capture group for all possible match starts
    # group 1, match dollar signs only
    # single or double dollar sign enforced by look-arounds
    # group 2, match escaped parenthesis
    # group 3, match escaped bracket
    # group 4, match begin equation
(.*?(\g<1>)?.*?)  # match everything in between including nested LaTeX equations
(?<!\\)  # negative look-behind to make sure end is not escaped
    # if group 1 was start, match \1
    # if group 2 was start, escaped parenthesis is end
    # if group 3 was start, escaped bracket is end
    # otherwise group 4 was start, match end equation