Class: Mailchimp::Helper

  • Object
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Instance Attribute Summary collapse

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Constructor Details

#initialize(master) ⇒ Helper

Returns a new instance of Helper.

# File 'lib/mailchimp/api.rb', line 237

def initialize(master)
    @master = master

Instance Attribute Details


Returns the value of attribute master.

# File 'lib/mailchimp/api.rb', line 235

def master

Instance Method Details

#account_details(exclude = []) ⇒ Hash

Retrieve lots of account information including payments made, plan info, some account stats, installed modules, contact info, and more. No private information like Credit Card numbers is available.


  • exclude (Array) (defaults to: [])

    defaults to nothing for backwards compatibility. Allows controlling which extra arrays are returned since they can slow down calls. Valid keys are “modules”, “orders”, “rewards-credits”, “rewards-inspections”, “rewards-referrals”, “rewards-applied”, “integrations”. Hint: “rewards-referrals” is typically the culprit. To avoid confusion, if data is excluded, the corresponding key <strong>will not be returned at all</strong>.


  • (Hash)

    containing the details for the account tied to this API Key

    • String

      username The Account username

    • String

      user_id The Account user unique id (for building some links)

    • Bool

      is_trial Whether the Account is in Trial mode (can only send campaigns to less than 100 emails)

    • Bool

      is_approved Whether the Account has been approved for purchases

    • Bool

      has_activated Whether the Account has been activated

    • String

      timezone The timezone for the Account - default is “US/Eastern”

    • String

      plan_type Plan Type - “monthly”, “payasyougo”, or “free”

    • Int

      plan_low only for Monthly plans - the lower tier for list size

    • Int

      plan_high only for Monthly plans - the upper tier for list size

    • String

      plan_start_date only for Monthly plans - the start date for a monthly plan

    • Int

      emails_left only for Free and Pay-as-you-go plans emails credits left for the account

    • Bool

      pending_monthly Whether the account is finishing Pay As You Go credits before switching to a Monthly plan

    • String

      first_payment date of first payment

    • String

      last_payment date of most recent payment

    • Int

      times_logged_in total number of times the account has been logged into via the web

    • String

      last_login date/time of last login via the web

    • String

      affiliate_link Monkey Rewards link for our Affiliate program

    • String

      industry the user’s selected industry

    • Hash

      contact Contact details for the account

      - [String] fname First Name
      - [String] lname Last Name
      - [String] email Email Address
      - [String] company Company Name
      - [String] address1 Address Line 1
      - [String] address2 Address Line 2
      - [String] city City
      - [String] state State or Province
      - [String] zip Zip or Postal Code
      - [String] country Country name
      - [String] url Website URL
      - [String] phone Phone number
      - [String] fax Fax number
    • Array

      modules a struct for each addon module installed in the account

      - [String] id An internal module id
      - [String] name The module name
      - [String] added The date the module was added
      - [Hash] data Any extra data associated with this module as key=>value pairs
    • Array

      orders a struct for each order for the account

      - [Int] order_id The order id
      - [String] type The order type - either "monthly" or "credits"
      - [Double] amount The order amount
      - [String] date The order date
      - [Double] credits_used The total credits used
    • Hash

      rewards Rewards details for the account including credits & inspections earned, number of referrals, referral details, and rewards used

      - [Int] referrals_this_month the total number of referrals this month
      - [String] notify_on whether or not we notify the user when rewards are earned
      - [String] notify_email the email address address used for rewards notifications
      - [Hash] credits Email credits earned:
          - [Int] this_month credits earned this month
          - [Int] total_earned credits earned all time
          - [Int] remaining credits remaining
      - [Hash] inspections Inbox Inspections earned:
          - [Int] this_month credits earned this month
          - [Int] total_earned credits earned all time
          - [Int] remaining credits remaining
      - [Array] referrals a struct for each referral, including:
          - [String] name the name of the account
          - [String] email the email address associated with the account
          - [String] signup_date the signup date for the account
          - [String] type the source for the referral
      - [Array] applied a struct for each applied rewards, including:
          - [Int] value the number of credits user
          - [String] date the date applied
          - [Int] order_id the order number credits were applied to
          - [String] order_desc the order description
    • Array

      integrations a struct for each connected integrations that can be used with campaigns, including:

      - [Int] id an internal id for the integration
      - [String] name the integration name
      - [String] list_id either "_any_" when globally accessible or the list id it's valid for use against
      - [String] user_id if applicable, the user id for the integrated system
      - [String] account if applicable, the user/account name for the integrated system
      - [Array] profiles For Facebook, users/page that can be posted to.
          - [String] id the user or page id
          - [String] name the user or page name
          - [Bool] is_page whether this is a user or a page

# File 'lib/mailchimp/api.rb', line 319

def (exclude=[])
    _params = {:exclude => exclude}
    return 'helper/account-details', _params

#campaigns_for_email(email, options = nil) ⇒ Array

Retrieve minimal data for all Campaigns a member was sent


  • email (Hash)

    a struct with one fo the following keys - failing to provide anything will produce an error relating to the email address

    • String

      email an email address

    • String

      euid the unique id for an email address (not list related) - the email “id” returned from listMemberInfo, Webhooks, Campaigns, etc.

    • String

      leid the list email id (previously called web_id) for a list-member-info type call. this doesn’t change when the email address changes

  • options (Hash) (defaults to: nil)

    optional extra options to modify the returned data.

    • String

      list_id optional A list_id to limit the campaigns to


  • (Array)

    an array of structs containing campaign data for each matching campaign (ordered by send time ascending), including:

    • String

      id the campaign unique id

    • String

      title the campaign’s title

    • String

      subject the campaign’s subject

    • String

      send_time the time the campaign was sent

    • String

      type the campaign type

# File 'lib/mailchimp/api.rb', line 337

def campaigns_for_email(email, options=nil)
    _params = {:email => email, :options => options}
    return 'helper/campaigns-for-email', _params


Return the current Chimp Chatter messages for an account.


  • (Array)

    An array of structs containing data for each chatter message

    • String

      message The chatter message

    • String

      type The type of the message - one of lists:new-subscriber, lists:unsubscribes, lists:profile-updates, campaigns:facebook-likes, campaigns:facebook-comments, campaigns:forward-to-friend, lists:imports, or campaigns:inbox-inspections

    • String

      url a url into the web app that the message could link to, if applicable

    • String

      list_id the list_id a message relates to, if applicable. Deleted lists will return -DELETED-

    • String

      campaign_id the list_id a message relates to, if applicable. Deleted campaigns will return -DELETED-

    • String

      update_time The date/time the message was last updated

# File 'lib/mailchimp/api.rb', line 350

def chimp_chatter()
    _params = {}
    return 'helper/chimp-chatter', _params

#generate_text(type, content) ⇒ Hash

Have HTML content auto-converted to a text-only format. You can send: plain HTML, an existing Campaign Id, or an existing Template Id. Note that this will <strong>not</strong> save anything to or update any of your lists, campaigns, or templates. It’s also not just Lynx and is very fine tuned for our template layouts - your mileage may vary.


  • type (String)

    The type of content to parse. Must be one of: “html”, “url”, “cid” (Campaign Id), “user_template_id”, “base_template_id”, “gallery_template_id”

  • content (Hash)

    The content to use. The key names should be the same as type and while listed as optional, may cause errors if the content is obviously required (ie, html)

    • String

      html optional a single string value,

    • String

      cid a valid Campaign Id

    • String

      user_template_id the id of a user template

    • String

      base_template_id the id of a built in base/basic template

    • String

      gallery_template_id the id of a built in gallery template

    • String

      url a valid & public URL to pull html content from


  • (Hash)

    the content pass in converted to text.

    • String

      text the converted html

# File 'lib/mailchimp/api.rb', line 366

def generate_text(type, content)
    _params = {:type => type, :content => content}
    return 'helper/generate-text', _params

#inline_css(html, strip_css = false) ⇒ Hash

Send your HTML content to have the CSS inlined and optionally remove the original styles.


  • html (String)

    Your HTML content

  • strip_css (Bool) (defaults to: false)

    optional Whether you want the CSS &lt;style&gt; tags stripped from the returned document. Defaults to false.


  • (Hash)

    with a “html” key

    • String

      html Your HTML content with all CSS inlined, just like if we sent it.

# File 'lib/mailchimp/api.rb', line 376

def inline_css(html, strip_css=false)
    _params = {:html => html, :strip_css => strip_css}
    return 'helper/inline-css', _params

#lists_for_email(email) ⇒ Array

Retrieve minimal List data for all lists a member is subscribed to.


  • email (Hash)

    a struct with one fo the following keys - failing to provide anything will produce an error relating to the email address

    • String

      email an email address

    • String

      euid the unique id for an email address (not list related) - the email “id” returned from listMemberInfo, Webhooks, Campaigns, etc.

    • String

      leid the list email id (previously called web_id) for a list-member-info type call. this doesn’t change when the email address changes


  • (Array)

    An array of structs with info on the list_id the member is subscribed to.

    • String

      id the list unique id

    • Web_id

      the id referenced in web interface urls

    • Name

      the list name

# File 'lib/mailchimp/api.rb', line 390

def lists_for_email(email)
    _params = {:email => email}
    return 'helper/lists-for-email', _params


“Ping” the MailChimp API - a simple method you can call that will return a constant value as long as everything is good. Note than unlike most all of our methods, we don’t throw an Exception if we are having issues. You will simply receive a different string back that will explain our view on what is going on.


  • (Hash)

    a with a “msg” key

    • String

      msg containing “Everything’s Chimpy!” if everything is chimpy, otherwise returns an error message

# File 'lib/mailchimp/api.rb', line 398

def ping()
    _params = {}
    return 'helper/ping', _params

#search_campaigns(query, offset = 0, snip_start = nil, snip_end = nil) ⇒ Hash

Search all campaigns for the specified query terms


  • query (String)

    terms to search on

  • offset (Int) (defaults to: 0)

    optional the paging offset to use if more than 100 records match

  • snip_start (String) (defaults to: nil)

    optional by default clear text is returned. To have the match highlighted with something (like a strong HTML tag), <strong>both</strong> this and “snip_end” must be passed. You’re on your own to not break the tags - 25 character max.

  • snip_end (String) (defaults to: nil)

    optional see “snip_start” above.


  • (Hash)

    containing the total matches and current results

    • Int

      total total campaigns matching

    • Array

      results matching campaigns and snippets

    • String

      snippet the matching snippet for the campaign

    • Hash

      campaign the matching campaign’s details - will return same data as single campaign from campaigns()

    • Hash

      summary if available, the matching campaign’s report/summary data, other wise empty

# File 'lib/mailchimp/api.rb', line 414

def search_campaigns(query, offset=0, snip_start=nil, snip_end=nil)
    _params = {:query => query, :offset => offset, :snip_start => snip_start, :snip_end => snip_end}
    return 'helper/search-campaigns', _params

#search_members(query, id = nil, offset = 0) ⇒ Hash

Search account wide or on a specific list using the specified query terms


  • query (String)

    terms to search on, <a href=“” target=“_blank”>just like you do in the app</a>

  • id (String) (defaults to: nil)

    optional the list id to limit the search to. Get by calling lists()

  • offset (Int) (defaults to: 0)

    optional the paging offset to use if more than 100 records match


  • (Hash)

    An array of both exact matches and partial matches over a full search

    • Hash

      exact_matches containing the total matches and current results

    • Int

      total total members matching

    • Array

      members each entry will be struct matching the data format for a single member as returned by listMemberInfo()

    • Hash

      full_search containing the total matches and current results

    • Int

      total total members matching

    • Array

      members each entry will be struct matching the data format for a single member as returned by listMemberInfo()

# File 'lib/mailchimp/api.rb', line 430

def search_members(query, id=nil, offset=0)
    _params = {:query => query, :id => id, :offset => offset}
    return 'helper/search-members', _params


Retrieve all domain verification records for an account


  • (Array)

    structs for each domain verification has been attempted for

    • String

      domain the verified domain

    • String

      status the status of the verification - either “verified” or “pending”

    • String

      email the email address used for verification - “pre-existing” if we automatically backfilled it at some point

# File 'lib/mailchimp/api.rb', line 440

def verified_domains()
    _params = {}
    return 'helper/verified-domains', _params