Class: LifxApi

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Classes: Error

Constant Summary collapse

	method_name: :list_lights,
	http_method: :get,
	path: '/v1/lights/%{selector}',
	path_params: {
		selector: {required: true, type: :selector, default: 'all'},
}, {
	method_name: :set_state,
	http_method: :put,
	path: '/v1/lights/%{selector}/state',
	path_params: {
		selector: {required: true, type: :selector, default: 'all'},
	body_params: {
		power: {type: :string, description: 'The power state you want to set on the selector. Must be `on` or `off`.'},
		color: {type: :color, description: 'The color to set the light to.'},
		brightness: {type: :numeric, description: 'The brightness level from 0.0 to 1.0. Overrides any brightness set in color (if any).'},
		duration: {type: :numeric, default_description: '1.0', description: 'How long in seconds you want the power action to take. Range: 0.0 - 3155760000.0 (100 years)'},
		infrared: {type: :numeric, description: 'The maximum brightness of the infrared channel from `0.0` to `1.0`.'},
		fast: {type: :boolean, default_description: 'false', description: 'Execute the query fast, without initial state checks and wait for no results.'},
}, {
	method_name: :set_states,
	http_method: :put,
	path: '/v1/lights/states',
	body_params: {
		states: {required: true, type: :array_of_states, description: 'Array of state hashes as per `#set_state`. No more than 50 entries.'},
		defaults: {type: :hash, description: 'Default values to use when not specified in each `states[]` hash.'},
		fast: {type: :boolean, default_description: 'false', description: 'Execute the query fast, without initial state checks and wait for no results.'},
}, {
	method_name: :state_delta,
	http_method: :post,
	path: '/v1/lights/%{selector}/state/delta',
	path_params: {
		selector: {required: true, type: :selector, default: 'all'}
	body_params: {
		power: {type: :on_off, description: 'The power state you want to set on the selector. Must be `on` or `off`.'},
		duration: {type: :numeric, default_description: '1.0', description: 'How long in seconds you want the power action to take. Range: `0.0` - `3155760000.0` (100 years)'},
		infrared: {type: :numeric, description: 'The maximum brightness of the infrared channel.'},
		hue: {type: :numeric, description: 'Rotate the hue by this angle in degrees. Range: `-360.0` - `360.0` degrees.'},
		saturation: {type: :numeric, description: 'Change the saturation by this additive amount; the resulting saturation is clipped to `[0, 1]`.'},
		brightness: {type: :numeric, description: 'Change the brightness by this additive amount; the resulting brightness is clipped to `[0, 1]`.'},
		kelvin: {type: :numeric, description: 'Change the kelvin by this additive amount; the resulting kelvin is clipped to `[2500, 9000]`.'},
}, {
	method_name: :stage_delta,
	deprecation_message: '`#stage_delta` is deprecated, please use `#state_delta` instead',
	http_method: :post,
	path: '/v1/lights/%{selector}/state/delta',
	path_params: {
		selector: {required: true, type: :selector, default: 'all'}
	body_params: {
		power: {type: :on_off, description: 'The power state you want to set on the selector. Must be `on` or `off`.'},
		duration: {type: :numeric, default_description: '1.0', description: 'How long in seconds you want the power action to take. Range: `0.0` - `3155760000.0` (100 years)'},
		infrared: {type: :numeric, description: 'The maximum brightness of the infrared channel.'},
		hue: {type: :numeric, description: 'Rotate the hue by this angle in degrees. Range: `-360.0` - `360.0` degrees.'},
		saturation: {type: :numeric, description: 'Change the saturation by this additive amount; the resulting saturation is clipped to `[0, 1]`.'},
		brightness: {type: :numeric, description: 'Change the brightness by this additive amount; the resulting brightness is clipped to `[0, 1]`.'},
		kelvin: {type: :numeric, description: 'Change the kelvin by this additive amount; the resulting kelvin is clipped to `[2500, 9000]`.'},
}, {
	method_name: :toggle_power,
	http_method: :post,
	path: '/v1/lights/%{selector}/toggle',
	path_params: {
		selector: {required: true, type: :selector, default: 'all'},
	body_params: {
		duration: {type: :numeric, default_description: '1.0', description: 'The time is seconds to spend perfoming the power toggle.'},
}, {
	method_name: :breathe_effect,
	http_method: :post,
	path: '/v1/lights/%{selector}/effects/breathe',
	path_params: {
		selector: {required: true, type: :selector, default: 'all'},
	body_params: {
		color: {required: :true, type: :color, description: 'The color to use for the breathe effect.'},
		from_color:	{type: :string, default_description: 'current bulb color', description: 'The color to start the effect from. If this parameter is omitted then the color the bulb is currently set to is used instead.'},
		period: {type: :numeric, default_description: '1.0', description: 'The time in seconds for one cyles of the effect.'},
		cycles: {type: :numeric, default_description: '1.0', description: 'The number of times to repeat the effect.'},
		persist: {type: :boolean, default_description: 'false', description: 'If `false` set the light back to its previous value when effect ends, if true leave the last effect color.'},
		power_on: {type: :boolean, default_description: 'true', description: 'If `true`, turn the bulb on if it is not already on.'},
		peak: {type: :numeric, default_description: '0.5', description: 'Defines where in a period the target color is at its maximum. Minimum `0.0`, maximum `1.0`.'},
}, {
	method_name: :move_effect,
	http_method: :post,
	path: '/v1/lights/%{selector}/effects/move',
	path_params: {
		selector: {required: true, type: :selector, default: 'all'},
	body_params: {
		direction: {type: :string, default_description: 'forward', description: 'Move direction, can be `forward` or `backward`.'},
		period: {type: :numeric, default_description: '1.0', description: 'The time in seconds for one cyles of the effect.'},
		cycles: {type: :numeric, default_description: 'infinite', description: 'The number of times to move the pattern across the device. Special cases are `0` to switch the effect off, and unspecified to continue indefinitely.'},
		power_on: {type: :boolean, default_description: 'true', description: 'Switch any selected device that is off to on before performing the effect.'},
}, {
	method_name: :morph_effect,
	http_method: :post,
	path: '/v1/lights/%{selector}/effects/morph',
	path_params: {
		selector: {required: true, type: :selector, default: 'all'},
	body_params: {
		period: {type: :numeric, default_description: '5.0', description: 'This controls how quickly the morph runs. It is measured in seconds. A lower number means the animation is faster.'},
		duration: {type: :numeric, default_description: 'infinite', description: 'How long the animation lasts for in seconds. Not specifying a duration makes the animation never stop. Specifying `0` makes the animation stop. Note that there is a known bug where the tile remains in the animation once it has completed if duration is nonzero.'},
		palette: {type: :array_of_colors, default_description: '7 colours across the spectrum', description: 'You can control the colors in the animation by specifying a list of color specifiers. For example `["red", "hue:100 saturation:1"]`.'},
		power_on: {type: :boolean, default_description: 'true', description: 'Switch any selected device that is off to on before performing the effect.'},
}, {
	method_name: :flame_effect,
	http_method: :post,
	path: '/v1/lights/%{selector}/effects/flame',
	path_params: {
		selector: {required: true, type: :selector, default: 'all'},
	body_params: {
		period: {type: :numeric, default_description: '5.0', description: 'This controls how quickly the flame runs. It is measured in seconds. A lower number means the animation is faster.'},
		duration: {type: :numeric, default_description: 'infinite', description: 'How long the animation lasts for in seconds. Not specifying a duration makes the animation never stop. Specifying `0` makes the animation stop. Note that there is a known bug where the tile remains in the animation once it has completed if duration is nonzero.'},
		power_on: {type: :boolean, default_description: 'true', description: 'Switch any selected device that is off to on before performing the effect.'},
}, {
	method_name: :pulse_effect,
	http_method: :post,
	path: '/v1/lights/%{selector}/effects/pulse',
	path_params: {
		selector: {required: true, type: :selector, default: 'all'},
	body_params: {
		color: {required: true, type: :string, description: 'The color to use for the pulse effect.'},
		from_color: {type: :string, default_description: 'current bulb color', description: 'The color to start the effect from. If this parameter is omitted then the color the bulb is currently set to is used instead.'},
		period: {type: :numeric, default_description: '1.0', description: 'The time in seconds for one cyles of the effect.'},
		cycles: {type: :numeric, default_description: '1.0', description: 'The number of times to repeat the effect.'},
		persist: {type: :boolean, default_description: 'false', description: 'If `false` set the light back to its previous value when effect ends, if true leave the last effect color.'},
		power_on: {type: :boolean, default_description: 'true', description: 'If `true`, turn the bulb on if it is not already on.'},
}, {
	method_name: :effects_off,
	http_method: :post,
	path: '/v1/lights/%{selector}/effects/off',
	path_params: {
		selector: {required: true, type: :selector, default: 'all'},
	body_params: {
		power_off: {type: :boolean, default_description: 'false', description: 'If `true`, the devices will also be turned off.'},
}, {
	method_name: :cycle,
	http_method: :post,
	path: '/v1/lights/%{selector}/cycle',
	path_params: {
		selector: {required: true, type: :selector, default: 'all'},
	body_params: {
		states: {required: true, type: :array_of_states, description: 'Array of state hashes as per `#set_state`. Must have 2 to 5 entries.'},
		defaults: {type: :state, description: 'Default values to use when not specified in each `states[]` object.'},
		direction: {type: :direction, default_description: 'forward', description: 'Direction in which to cycle through the list. Can be `forward` or `backward`.'},
}, {
	method_name: :list_scenes,
	http_method: :get,
	path: '/v1/scenes',
}, {
	method_name: :activate_scene,
	http_method: :put,
	path: '/v1/scenes/scene_id:%{scene_uuid}/activate',
	path_params: {
		scene_uuid: {required: true, type: :uuid, description: 'The UUID for the scene you wish to activate'},
	body_params: {
		duration: {type: :numeric, default_description: '1.0', description: 'The time in seconds to spend performing the scene transition.'},
		ignore: {type: :ignore_array, description: 'Any of `power`, `infrared`, `duration`, `intensity`, `hue`, `saturation`, `brightness` or `kelvin`, specifying that these properties should not be changed on devices when applying the scene.'},
		overrides: {type: :state, description: 'A state hash as per `#set_state` specifying properties to apply to all devices in the scene, overriding those configured in the scene.'},
}, {
	method_name: :validate_color,
	http_method: :put,
	path: '/v1/color',
	query_params: {
		color: {type: :color, required: true, description: 'Color string you\'d like to validate'},

Instance Method Summary collapse

Constructor Details

#initialize(access_token) ⇒ LifxApi

Returns a new instance of LifxApi.

# File 'lib/lifx_api.rb', line 15

def initialize(access_token)
	@access_token = access_token
	@base_uri = URI "#{PROTOCOL}://#{HOST}"

	@agent =, @base_uri.port
	@agent.use_ssl = PROTOCOL == 'https',
	@agent.keep_alive_timeout = 10
	@agent.set_debug_output $stdout if DEBUG