Module: Karafka::Errors

Defined in:


Namespace used to encapsulate all the internal errors of Karafka

Constant Summary collapse

BaseError =

Base class for all the Karafka internal errors
SerializationError =

Should be raised when we have that that we cannot serialize
DeserializationError =

Should be raised when we tried to deserialize incoming data but we failed
NonMatchingRouteError =

Raised when router receives topic name which does not correspond with any routes This can only happen in a case when:

- you've received a message and we cannot match it with a consumer
- you've changed the routing, so router can no longer associate your topic to
  any consumer
- or in a case when you do a lot of meta-programming and you change routing/etc on runtime

In case this happens, you will have to create a temporary route that will allow you to “eat” everything from the Sidekiq queue.
InvalidResponderUsageError =

Raised when we don’t use or use responder not in the way it expected to based on the topics usage definitions
InvalidResponderMessageOptionsError =

Raised when options that we provide to the responder to respond aren’t what the contract requires
InvalidConfigurationError =

Raised when configuration doesn’t match with validation contract
MissingBootFileError =

Raised when we try to use Karafka CLI commands (except install) without a boot file
MissingClientError =

Raised when we want to read a persisted thread messages consumer but it is unavailable This should never happen and if it does, please contact us
UnregisteredMonitorEventError =

Raised when want to hook up to an event that is not registered and supported
ForcefulShutdownError =

Raised when we’ve waited enough for shutting down a non-responsive process