Module: Paginate::AR

Defined in:


.pagination method for ActiveRecord models.

Instance Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Details

#paginate(options = {}) ⇒ Object

Implementation of .paginate for ActiveRecord.

To make available to your model: class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base

extend Paginate::AR


Accepts same options as ActiveRecord::Base.all, plus:

  • page: The desired page number, 1-indexed. Negative numbers represent page from the last page (with -1) being the last.

The limit option should also be specified and represents records per page. Any offset option will be overriden.

Returns the records for the given page number, with other options processed by all. In addition, two methods are added to the result:

  • pages: The total number of pages that the given options would produce.

  • current_page: The number of the current page (as actually returned). This is never a negative number even if given.

If the page option is zero, or less than (-1 * pages) or greater than the total pages, it will be recalculated to return either page 1 or the last page, respectively.

# File 'lib/paginate/ar.rb', line 29

def paginate(options = {}), options).paginate