Module: Inspec::Schema::ExecJson

Defined in:

Constant Summary collapse


Represents a label and description, to provide human-readable info about a control"Control Description", {
  "type" => "object",
  "additionalProperties" => true,
  "required" => %w{label data},
  "properties" => {
    "label" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The type of description.  Examples: 'fix' or 'check'."),
    "data" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The text of the description."),
}, [], "A description for a control.")

Lists the potential values for a control result"Control Result Status", {
  "type" => "string",
  "enum" => %w{passed failed skipped},
}, [], "The status of a control.  Should be one of 'passed', 'failed', or 'skipped'.")

Represents the statistics/result of a control“s execution"Control Result", {
  "type" => "object",
  "additionalProperties" => true,
  "required" => %w{code_desc run_time start_time},
  "properties" => {
    "status" => Primitives.desc(CONTROL_RESULT_STATUS.ref, "The status of this test within the control.  Example: 'failed'."),
    "code_desc" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "A description of this test.  Example: 'limits.conf * is expected to include ['hard', 'maxlogins', '10']."),
    "run_time" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::NUMBER, "The execution time in seconds for the test."),
    "start_time" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The time at which the test started."),

    # All optional
    "resource" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The resource used in the test.  Example: in Inspec, you can use the 'File' resource."),
    "message" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "An explanation of the test status - usually only provided when the test fails."),
    "skip_message" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "An explanation of the test status if the status was 'skipped."),
    "exception" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The type of exception if an exception was thrown."),
    "resource_id" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The unique identifier of the resource."),
    "backtrace" => {
      "anyOf" => [
      "description" => "The stacktrace/backtrace of the exception if one occurred.",
}, [CONTROL_RESULT_STATUS], "A test within a control and its results and findings such as how long it took to run.")

Represents a control produced"Exec JSON Control", {
  "type" => "object",
  "additionalProperties" => true,
  "required" => %w{id title desc impact refs tags code source_location results},
  "properties" => {
    "id" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The id."),
    "title" => Primitives.desc({ "type" => %w{string null} }, "The title - is nullable."), # Nullable string
    "desc" => Primitives.desc({ "type" => %w{string null} }, "The description for the overarching control."),
    "descriptions" => Primitives.desc(Primitives.array(CONTROL_DESCRIPTION.ref), "A set of additional descriptions.  Example: the 'fix' text."),
    "impact" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::IMPACT, "The impactfulness or severity."),
    "refs" => Primitives.desc(Primitives.array(Primitives::REFERENCE.ref), "The set of references to external documents."),
    "tags" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::TAGS, "A set of tags - usually metadata."),
    "code" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The raw source code of the control. Note that if this is an overlay control, it does not include the underlying source code."),
    "source_location" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::SOURCE_LOCATION.ref, "The explicit location of the control within the source code."),
    "results" => Primitives.desc(Primitives.array(CONTROL_RESULT.ref), %q(
       The set of all tests within the control and their results and findings.  Example:
       For Chef Inspec, if in the control's code we had the following:
         describe sshd_config do
           its('Port') { should cmp 22 }
       The findings from this block would be appended to the results, as well as those of any other blocks within the control.
}, [CONTROL_DESCRIPTION, Primitives::REFERENCE, Primitives::SOURCE_LOCATION, CONTROL_RESULT], "Describes a control and any findings it has.")

Represents a control produced with enhanced outcomes option"Exec JSON Control", {
  "type" => "object",
  "additionalProperties" => true,
  "required" => %w{id title desc impact refs tags code source_location results},
  "properties" => {
    "id" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The id."),
    "title" => Primitives.desc({ "type" => %w{string null} }, "The title - is nullable."), # Nullable string
    "desc" => Primitives.desc({ "type" => %w{string null} }, "The description for the overarching control."),
    "descriptions" => Primitives.desc(Primitives.array(CONTROL_DESCRIPTION.ref), "A set of additional descriptions.  Example: the 'fix' text."),
    "impact" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::IMPACT, "The impactfulness or severity."),
    "status" => {
      "enum" => %w{passed failed not_applicable not_reviewed error},
      "description" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The enhanced outcome status of the control"),
    "refs" => Primitives.desc(Primitives.array(Primitives::REFERENCE.ref), "The set of references to external documents."),
    "tags" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::TAGS, "A set of tags - usually metadata."),
    "code" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The raw source code of the control. Note that if this is an overlay control, it does not include the underlying source code."),
    "source_location" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::SOURCE_LOCATION.ref, "The explicit location of the control within the source code."),
    "results" => Primitives.desc(Primitives.array(CONTROL_RESULT.ref), %q(
       The set of all tests within the control and their results and findings.  Example:
       For Chef Inspec, if in the control's code we had the following:
         describe sshd_config do
           its('Port') { should cmp 22 }
       The findings from this block would be appended to the results, as well as those of any other blocks within the control.
}, [CONTROL_DESCRIPTION, Primitives::REFERENCE, Primitives::SOURCE_LOCATION, CONTROL_RESULT], "Describes a control and any findings it has.")

Based loosely on as of July 3, 2019 However, concessions were made to the reality of current reporters, specifically with how description is omitted and version/inspec_version aren’t as advertised online"Exec JSON Profile", {
  "type" => "object",
  "additionalProperties" => true,
  "required" => %w{name sha256 supports attributes groups controls},
  # Name is mandatory in inspec.yml.
  # supports, controls, groups, and attributes are always present, even if empty
  # sha256, status, status_message
  "properties" => {
    # These are provided in inspec.yml
    "name" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The name - must be unique."),
    "title" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The title - should be human readable."),
    "maintainer" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The maintainer(s)."),
    "copyright" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The copyright holder(s)."),
    "copyright_email" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The email address or other contact information of the copyright holder(s)."),
    "depends" => Primitives.desc(Primitives.array(Primitives::DEPENDENCY.ref), "The set of dependencies this profile depends on.  Example: an overlay profile is dependent on another profile."),
    "parent_profile" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The name of the parent profile if the profile is a dependency of another."),
    "license" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The copyright license.  Example: the full text or the name, such as 'Apache License, Version 2.0'."),
    "summary" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The summary.  Example: the Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) header."),
    "version" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The version of the profile."),
    "supports" => Primitives.desc(Primitives.array(Primitives::SUPPORT.ref), "The set of supported platform targets."),
    "description" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The description - should be more detailed than the summary."),
    "inspec_version" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The version of Inspec."),

    # These are generated at runtime, and all except status_message and skip_message are guaranteed
    "sha256" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The checksum of the profile."),
    "status" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The status.  Example: loaded."), # enum? loaded, failed, skipped
    "status_message" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The reason for the status.  Example: why it was skipped or failed to load."),
    "skip_message" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The reason for skipping if it was skipped."), # Deprecated field - status_message should be used instead.
    "controls" => Primitives.desc(Primitives.array(CONTROL.ref), "The set of controls including any findings."),
    "groups" => Primitives.desc(Primitives.array(Primitives::CONTROL_GROUP.ref), "A set of descriptions for the control groups.  Example: the ids of the controls."),
    "attributes" => Primitives.desc(Primitives.array(Primitives::INPUT), "The input(s) or attribute(s) used in the run."),
}, [CONTROL, Primitives::CONTROL_GROUP, Primitives::DEPENDENCY, Primitives::SUPPORT], "Information on the set of controls assessed.  Example: it can include the name of the Inspec profile and any findings.")
  "type" => "object",
  "additionalProperties" => true,
  "required" => %w{name sha256 supports attributes groups controls},
  # Name is mandatory in inspec.yml.
  # supports, controls, groups, and attributes are always present, even if empty
  # sha256, status, status_message
  "properties" => {
    # These are provided in inspec.yml
    "name" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The name - must be unique."),
    "title" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The title - should be human readable."),
    "maintainer" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The maintainer(s)."),
    "copyright" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The copyright holder(s)."),
    "copyright_email" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The email address or other contact information of the copyright holder(s)."),
    "depends" => Primitives.desc(Primitives.array(Primitives::DEPENDENCY.ref), "The set of dependencies this profile depends on.  Example: an overlay profile is dependent on another profile."),
    "parent_profile" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The name of the parent profile if the profile is a dependency of another."),
    "license" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The copyright license.  Example: the full text or the name, such as 'Apache License, Version 2.0'."),
    "summary" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The summary.  Example: the Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) header."),
    "version" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The version of the profile."),
    "supports" => Primitives.desc(Primitives.array(Primitives::SUPPORT.ref), "The set of supported platform targets."),
    "description" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The description - should be more detailed than the summary."),
    "inspec_version" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The version of Inspec."),

    # These are generated at runtime, and all except status_message and skip_message are guaranteed
    "sha256" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The checksum of the profile."),
    "status" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The status.  Example: loaded."), # enum? loaded, failed, skipped
    "status_message" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The reason for the status.  Example: why it was skipped or failed to load."),
    "skip_message" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "The reason for skipping if it was skipped."), # Deprecated field - status_message should be used instead.
    "controls" => Primitives.desc(Primitives.array(CONTROL.ref), "The set of controls including any findings."),
    "groups" => Primitives.desc(Primitives.array(Primitives::CONTROL_GROUP.ref), "A set of descriptions for the control groups.  Example: the ids of the controls."),
    "attributes" => Primitives.desc(Primitives.array(Primitives::INPUT), "The input(s) or attribute(s) used in the run."),
}, [ENHANCED_OUTCOME_CONTROL, Primitives::CONTROL_GROUP, Primitives::DEPENDENCY, Primitives::SUPPORT], "Information on the set of controls assessed.  Example: it can include the name of the Inspec profile and any findings.")

Result of exec json. Top level value TODO: Include the format of top level controls. This was omitted for lack of sufficient examples"Exec JSON Output", {
  "type" => "object",
  "additionalProperties" => true,
  "required" => %w{platform profiles statistics version},
  "properties" => {
    "platform" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::PLATFORM.ref, "Information on the platform the run from the tool that generated the findings was from.  Example: the name of the operating system."),
    "profiles" => Primitives.desc(Primitives.array(PROFILE.ref), "Information on the run(s) from the tool that generated the findings.  Example: the findings."),
    "statistics" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STATISTICS.ref, "Statistics for the run(s) from the tool that generated the findings.  Example: the runtime duration."),
    "version" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "Version number of the tool that generated the findings.  Example: '4.18.108' is a version of Chef InSpec."),
}, [Primitives::PLATFORM, PROFILE, Primitives::STATISTICS], "The top level value containing all of the results.")
  "type" => "object",
  "additionalProperties" => true,
  "required" => %w{platform profiles statistics version},
  "properties" => {
    "platform" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::PLATFORM.ref, "Information on the platform the run from the tool that generated the findings was from.  Example: the name of the operating system."),
    "profiles" => Primitives.desc(Primitives.array(PROFILE.ref), "Information on the run(s) from the tool that generated the findings.  Example: the findings."),
    "statistics" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STATISTICS.ref, "Statistics for the run(s) from the tool that generated the findings.  Example: the runtime duration."),
    "version" => Primitives.desc(Primitives::STRING, "Version number of the tool that generated the findings.  Example: '4.18.108' is a version of Chef InSpec."),
}, [Primitives::PLATFORM, ENHANCED_OUTCOME_PROFILE, Primitives::STATISTICS], "The top level value containing all of the results.")