Class: Inetmgr::ProcessModel

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Specifies security, performance, health, and reliability features of application pools.

Constant Summary collapse

Identity_type_map =
[:system, :local_service, :network_service, :specific_user, :application_pool_identity]

Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from IisObject

child, children, collection, #initialize, #invoke_method, prop

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Inetmgr::IisObject

Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class Inetmgr::IisObject

Instance Method Details


Specifies the logon type for the process identity.

  • :batch indicates that the application pool identity should logon as a batch user.

  • :service indicates that the application pool identity should logon as a service.

# File 'lib/inetmgr/iis_object/process_model.rb', line 12

prop :logon_type, :logonType, lambda {|value| value == :batch ? 0 : 1 }, lambda { |a| a == 0 ? :batch : :service }