Class: Icss::Meta::EnumSchema

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An EnumSchema escribes an Enum type.

Enums use the type name “enum” and support the following attributes:

name: a string providing the name of the enum (required). namespace: a string that qualifies the name; doc: a string providing documentation to the user of this schema (optional). symbols: an array, listing symbols, as strings or ruby symbols (required). All

symbols in an enum must be unique; duplicates are prohibited.

For example, playing card suits might be defined with:

{ “type”: “enum”,

"name": "Suit",
"symbols" : ["SPADES", "HEARTS", "DIAMONDS", "CLUBS"]


Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from NamedSchema


Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from NamedSchema

#attrs_to_inscribe, #is_core?, #model_klass, receive, #to_hash

Methods included from ReceiverModel::ActsAsHash

#[], #[]=, #attributes, #delete, included, #keys, #to_hash

Methods included from RecordModel

#attr_set?, included, #receive!, #to_zaml

Instance Method Details


# File 'lib/icss/type/structured_schema.rb', line 228

def type() :enum ; end