Module: HandyRegexps

Defined in:

Constant Summary collapse

DomainName =
  # Match the leading part (proto://hostname, or just hostname)
    # http://, or https:// leading part
    # or, try to find a hostname with more specific sub-expression
    (?i: [a-z0-9] (?:[-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? \. )+ # sub domains
    # Now ending .com, etc. For these, require lowercase
    (?-i: com\b
        | edu\b
        | name\b
        | biz\b
        | gov\b
        | in(?:t|fo)\b # .int or .info
        | mil\b
        | net\b
        | org\b
        | [a-z][a-z]\b
        | [a-z][a-z]\.[a-z][a-z]\b # two-letter country code
Url =
  # Allow an optional port number
  ( : \d+ )?

  # The rest of the URL is optional, and begins with /
    # The rest are heuristics for what seems to work well
      [.!,?]+ [^.!,?;"'<>()\[\]\{\}\s\x7F-\xFF]+
Email =