Class: GS1::SSCC

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Identification of a logistic unit (SSCC): AI (00)

The GS1 Application Identifier (00) indicates that the GS1 Application Identifier data field contains an SSCC (Serial Shipping Container Code). The SSCC is used to identify logistic units (see section 2.2).

The extension digit is used to increase the capacity of the serial reference within the SSCC. It is assigned by the company that constructs the SSCC. The extension digit ranges from 0-9.

The GS1 Company Prefix is allocated by GS1 Member Organisations to the company that allocates the SSCC - here the physical builder or the brand owner of the logistic unit (see section 1.4.4). It makes the SSCC unique worldwide but does not identify the origin of the unit.

The structure and content of the serial reference is at the discretion of owner of the GS1 Company Prefix to uniquely identify each logistic unit.

The check digit is explained in section 7.9. Its verification, which must be carried out in the application software, ensures that the number is correctly composed.

                    Figure 3.3.1-1. Format of the element string
|    |                    SSCC (Serial Shipping Container Code)                    |
|    |-----------|---------------------------------------------------------|-------|
| AI | Extension | GS1 Company Prefix                     Serial reference | Check |
|    |   digit   | -------------->                 <-----------------------| digit |
| 00 |    N1     | N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 N10 N11 N12 N13 N14 N15 N16 N17 |  N18  |

The data transmitted from the barcode reader means that the element string denoting the SSCC of a logistic unit has been captured. When indicating this element string in the non-HRI text section of a barcode label, the following data title SHOULD be used (see also section 3.2): SSCC


Constant Summary collapse

AI =

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Record


Method Summary

Methods inherited from Record

#==, ai, #ai, inherited, #initialize, #to_ai, #to_s, underscore_name

Methods included from Validations


Methods included from Definitions


Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from GS1::Record