Class: Google::Cloud::Dialogflow::V2::StreamingDetectIntentResponse

  • Object
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The top-level message returned from the StreamingDetectIntent method.

Multiple response messages can be returned in order:

  1. If the input was set to streaming audio, the first one or more messages contain recognition_result. Each recognition_result represents a more complete transcript of what the user said. The last recognition_result has is_final set to true.

  2. The next message contains response_id, query_result and optionally webhook_status if a WebHook was called.

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


Returns The audio data bytes encoded as specified in the request. Note: The output audio is generated based on the values of default platform text responses found in the query_result.fulfillment_messages field. If multiple default text responses exist, they will be concatenated when generating audio. If no default platform text responses exist, the generated audio content will be empty.


  • (String)

    The audio data bytes encoded as specified in the request. Note: The output audio is generated based on the values of default platform text responses found in the query_result.fulfillment_messages field. If multiple default text responses exist, they will be concatenated when generating audio. If no default platform text responses exist, the generated audio content will be empty.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/dialogflow/v2/doc/google/cloud/dialogflow/v2/session.rb', line 326

class StreamingDetectIntentResponse; end


Returns The config used by the speech synthesizer to generate the output audio.


# File 'lib/google/cloud/dialogflow/v2/doc/google/cloud/dialogflow/v2/session.rb', line 326

class StreamingDetectIntentResponse; end


Returns The result of the conversational query or event processing.


# File 'lib/google/cloud/dialogflow/v2/doc/google/cloud/dialogflow/v2/session.rb', line 326

class StreamingDetectIntentResponse; end


Returns The result of speech recognition.


# File 'lib/google/cloud/dialogflow/v2/doc/google/cloud/dialogflow/v2/session.rb', line 326

class StreamingDetectIntentResponse; end


Returns The unique identifier of the response. It can be used to locate a response in the training example set or for reporting issues.


  • (String)

    The unique identifier of the response. It can be used to locate a response in the training example set or for reporting issues.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/dialogflow/v2/doc/google/cloud/dialogflow/v2/session.rb', line 326

class StreamingDetectIntentResponse; end


Returns Specifies the status of the webhook request.


# File 'lib/google/cloud/dialogflow/v2/doc/google/cloud/dialogflow/v2/session.rb', line 326

class StreamingDetectIntentResponse; end