Module: Regexen

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Regexen module provides pattern Constants that are used by Sections to describe its data structure

Constant Summary collapse

Name =

Defining basic regex patterns…

Sname =
' +?' + Name
Fname =

first Name in line (may be preceded by spaces, or not)

'^ *?' + Name
Num =
Snum =
' +?' + Num
Fnum =
'^ *?' + Num
Int =
Sint =
' +?' + Int
Fint =

first int in line (may be preceded by spaces, or not)

'^ *?' + Int
Line =
'([[:punct:]\w ]+)'
Scargo =
' +?(COL|CAP|MAT|-)'
Sstatus =

may need further refining for productivity

' +?(War|Peace|-|In_Battle|Out_Battle|In_Space|In_Orbit|Upgrade|Launched|Transfer_Status|Damaged|Wiped)'
Group =

Different from actual Groups?! Have to check…

Sname + Snum * 4 + Scargo + Snum
Header =
Reports_header =

Defining section header/footer patterns

Name + ' Report for Galaxy PLUS' + Sname + ' Turn' + Sint + ' ' + Line + '$\s*' + Line
Races_header =

+ ‘$$s*Size:’ + Snum + ‘s*Planets:’ + Snum + ‘s*Players:’+ Snum

'^\s*?Status of Players .+?' + Snum + ' votes\)' + Header
Science_products_header =
'^\s*?' + Name + ' Sciences' + Header
Ship_products_header =
'^\s*?' + Name + ' Ship Types' + Header
Battle_planets_header =
'^\s*?Battle at \(#' + Int + '\) ' + Name
Bombings_header =
'^\s*?Bombings' + Header
Maps_header =
'^\s*Map around'
Incoming_groups_header =
'^\s*?(Incoming) Groups' + Header
Your_planets_header =
'^\s*?(Your) Planets' + Header
Planets_header =
'^\s*?' + Name + ' Planets' + Header
Production_planets_header =
'^\s*?Ships In Production' + Header
Routes_header =
'^\s*?(Your) Routes' + Header
Uninhabited_planets_header =
'^\s*?(Uninhabited) Planets' + Header
Unidentified_planets_header =
'^\s*?(Unidentified) Planets' + Header
Fleets_header =
'^\s*?(Your) Fleets' + Header
Your_groups_header =
'^\s*?(Your) Groups' + Header
Groups_header =

‘ Groups(?<!Your Groups)(?<!Unidentified Groups)s+?’ + Header

'^\s*?' + Name + ' Groups(?<!Your Groups)(?<!Unidentified Groups)\s+?'
Battle_groups_header =
Unidentified_groups_header =
'^\s*(Unidentified) Groups' + Header
Races_record =

Defining data record patterns

Fname + Snum * 7 + Sstatus + Snum
Science_products_record =
Fname + Snum * 4
Ship_products_record =
Fname + Snum * 6
Battle_planets_record =

Battles_line = ‘^’ + Line + ‘(fires on)’ + Line + ‘($)’

Battle_groups_record =
Fint + Group + Sint + Sstatus
Bombings_record =
Fname + Sname + Sint + Sname + Snum * 2 + Sname + Snum * 4 + Sstatus
Incoming_groups_record =
Fname + Sname + Snum * 3
Unidentified_planets_record =
Fint + Snum * 2
Uninhabited_planets_record =
Unidentified_planets_record + Sname + Snum * 4
Planets_record =
Uninhabited_planets_record + Sname + Snum * 4
Your_planets_record =
Production_planets_record =
Fint + Sname * 2 + Snum * 3
Routes_record =

Attention! routes_record captures column headers line

Fname + Sname * 4
Fleets_record =
Fint + Sname + Sint + Sname * 2 + Snum * 2 + Sstatus
Your_groups_record =
Fint + Sint + Group + Sname * 2 + Snum * 3 + Sname + Sstatus
Groups_record =
Fint + Group + Sname + Snum * 2
Unidentified_groups_record =
Fnum + Snum
Default_header_proc =

Defining data processing Procs

lambda do |match, state| 
  state[:race] = match[1] == 'Your' ? Race.lookup(state[:owner]) : Race.lookup(match[1]) if match[1]