Class: Formular::Element::Bootstrap3::Icon

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returns the class of the bootstrap Glyphicons accepts the string or symbolized name of the glyphicon (see list below for available options) asterisk, plus, euro, minus, cloud, envelope, pencil, glass, music, search, heart, star, star-empty, user, film, th-large, th, th-list, ok, remove, zoom-in, zoom-out, off, signal, cog, trash, home, file, time, road, download-alt, download, upload, inbox, play-circle, repeat, refresh, list-alt, lock, flag, headphones, volume-off, volume-down, volume-up, qrcode, barcode, tag, tags, book, bookmark, print, camera, font, bold, italic, text-height, text-width, align-left, align-center, align-right, align-justify, list, indent-left, indent-right, facetime-video, picture, map-marker, adjust, tint, edit, share, check, move, step-backward, fast-backward, backward, play, pause, stop, forward, fast-forward, step-forward, eject, chevron-left, chevron-right, plus-sign, minus-sign, remove-sign, ok-sign, question-sign, info-sign, screenshot, remove-circle, ok-circle, ban-circle, arrow-left, arrow-right, arrow-up, arrow-down, share-alt, resize-full, resize-small, exclamation-sign, gift, leaf, fire, eye-open, eye-close, warning-sign, plane, calendar, random, comment, magnet, chevron-up, chevron-down, retweet, shopping-cart, folder-close, folder-open, resize-vertical, resize-horizontal, hdd, bullhorn, bell, certificate, thumbs-up, thumbs-down, hand-right, hand-left, hand-up, hand-down, circle-arrow-right, circle-arrow-left, circle-arrow-up, circle-arrow-down, globe, wrench, tasks, filter, briefcase, fullscreen, dashboard, paperclip, heart-empty, link, phone, pushpin, usd, gbp, sort, sort-by-alphabet, sort-by-alphabet-alt, sort-by-order, sort-by-order-alt, sort-by-attributes, sort-by-attributes-alt, unchecked, expand, collapse-down, collapse-up, log-in, flash, log-out, new-window, record, save, open, saved, import, export, send, floppy-disk, floppy-saved, floppy-remove, floppy-save, floppy-open, credit-card, transfer, cutlery, header, compressed, earphone, phone-alt, tower, stats, sd-video, hd-video, subtitles, sound-stereo, sound-dolby, sound-5-1, sound-6-1, sound-7-1, copyright-mark, registration-mark, cloud-download, cloud-upload, tree-conifer, tree-deciduous

# File 'lib/formular/element/bootstrap3.rb', line 43

def icon_class
  icon_name = options[:name].to_s.gsub("_","-")
  %(glyphicon glyphicon-#{icon_name})