Class: DcDesign

  • Object
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Mongoid::Document, Mongoid::Timestamps
Defined in:


Schema information

Collection name: dc_design : Designs

_id                  BSON::ObjectId       _id
created_at           Time                 created_at
updated_at           Time                 updated_at
description          String               Short description of design
body                 String               Body of design which will be rendered like any Rails view
params               String               Parameters used by design
css                  String               CSS for design
rails_view           String               Rails view (file) name which will be used to render design
author               String               Creater if design
active               Mongoid::Boolean     Is the design active
created_by           BSON::ObjectId       created_by
updated_by           BSON::ObjectId       Last updated by
site_id              BSON::ObjectId       Select site name if this design belongs to singe site
dc_parts             Embedded:DcPart      Parts of design

Designs are essential parts of DRG CMS. Every DcPage document must have its design document defined. If DcPage documents are anchors for url addresses, DcDesign documents define how will page data be rendered in browser.

DcDesign documents define what would normally be written into Rails view file. The code is saved in the body field of DcDesign document. If you prefere Rails way, enter view file name into rails_view field and put your code into file into views directory (ex. designs/home_page for ../views/designs/home_page.html.erb file).

If you choose to save code to Rails view file you must add one top and bottom line to every source file. Top line will provide CMS edit menu, bottom line will provide additional CSS and javascript code scooped when renderers are called.

Example (as written in body of dc_design):

<div id="site">
  <div id="site-top-bg">
    <div id="site-top"><div id="logo"><%= dc_render(:dc_piece, name: 'site-top') %></div>
      <div id="login"><%= dc_render(:common, method: 'login') %></div>
    <%= dc_render(:dc_menu, name: 'test-menu') %>

  <div id="page"><%= dc_render(:dc_page) %></div>
<div id="site-bottom"><%= dc_render(:dc_piece, name: 'site-bottom') %></div>

Example (as written in Rails view file):

<!-- Pay attention on lines added at the top and bottom of file -->
<%= render partial: 'cmsedit/edit_stuff' if session[:edit_mode] > 0 %>

<div id="site">
  <div id="site-top-bg">
    <div id="site-top"><div id="logo"><%= dc_render(:dc_piece, name: 'site-top') %></div>
      <div id="login"><%= dc_render(:common, method: 'login') %></div>
    <%= dc_render(:dc_menu, name: 'test-menu') %>

  <div id="page"><%= dc_render(:dc_page) %></div>
<div id="site-bottom"><%= dc_render(:dc_piece, name: 'site-bottom') %></div>

<style type="text/css"><%= @css.html_safe %></style><%= javascript_tag @js %>

Class Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Summary collapse

Class Method Details

.choices4_design(site) ⇒ Object

Return choices for select for design_id.

If site is passed as parameter, only designs which belong to site or do not have site assigned will be selected. Too much designs to select often confuses end user.

# File 'app/models/dc_design.rb', line 127

def self.choices4_design(site)
  (site.blank? ? where(active: true) : where( => [nil, BSON::ObjectId.from_string(site) ], active: true))
    .only(:id, :description)
    .order_by(description: 1)
    .map { |design| [design.description,] }

Instance Method Details


Clear cache if cache is configured

# File 'app/models/dc_design.rb', line 116

def cache_clear