Module: Docter::Resource

Defined in:


Base class for resources like pages, templates, ToC, and anything else that you can create dynamically, or load from a file. It’s the second usage that’s more interesting: when coming from a file, the resource is created lazily, and you can detect when it is modified and reload it.

A class that inherits from Resource must: a) call #load before using any value obtain from the resource (e.g page title), and b) implement one or more create_from_ methods for each content format it supports (e.g. create_from_textile).

Defined Under Namespace

Modules: Reloadable Classes: Base

Constant Summary collapse


Maps various filename extensions to the appropriate format. You only need to use this when the filename extension is not the same as the format, e.g. map ‘.txt’ to :plain, but not necessary to map ‘.textile’.

{ ''=>:plain, '.txt'=>:plain, '.text'=>:plain, '.thtml'=>:textile, '.mhtml'=>:markdown }

Class Method Summary collapse

Class Method Details

.format_from(filename) ⇒ Object


format_from(filename) => symbol

Returns the format based on the filename. Basically uses the filename extension, possibly mapped using EXTENSIONS, and returns :plain if the filename has no extension.

# File 'lib/docter/common.rb', line 47

def format_from(filename)
  ext = File.extname(filename)
  EXTENSIONS[ext] || ext[1..-1].to_sym