Top Level Namespace


Defined Under Namespace

Modules: Ditz, Enumerable, Lowline, Trollop Classes: Array, NilClass, Numeric, Object, String, Time

Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods included from Lowline

#ask, #ask_for_many, #ask_for_selection, #ask_multiline, #ask_via_editor, #ask_yon, #run_editor

Instance Method Details


git ditz plugin

This plugin allows issues to be associated with git commits and git branches. Git commits can be easily tagged with a ditz issue with the ‘ditz commit’ command, and both ‘ditz show’ and the ditz HTML output will then contain a list of associated commits for each issue.

Issues can also be assigned a single git feature branch. In this case, all commits on that branch will listed as commits for that issue. This particular feature is fairly rudimentary, however—it assumes the reference point is the ‘master’ branch, and once the feature branch is merged back into master, the list of commits disappears.

Two configuration variables are added, which, when specified, are used to construct HTML links for the git commit id and branch names in the generated HTML output.

Commands added:

ditz set-branch: set the git branch of an issue
ditz commit: run git-commit, and insert the issue id into the commit


1. add a line "- git" to the .ditz-plugins file in the project root
2. run ditz reconfigure, and enter the URL prefixes, if any, from
   which to create commit and branch links.
3. use 'ditz commit' with abandon.

# File 'lib/plugins/git.rb', line 29

require 'time'