Class: Bolt::Config::Transport::SSH

  • Object
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Constant Summary collapse

%w[sh bash zsh dash ksh powershell].freeze
  "cleanup"            => { type: TrueClass,
                            desc: "Whether to clean up temporary files created on targets." },
  "connect-timeout"    => { type: Integer,
                            desc: "How long to wait when establishing connections." },
  "disconnect-timeout" => { type: Integer,
                            desc: "How long to wait before force-closing a connection." },
  "host"               => { type: String,
                            desc: "Host name." },
  "host-key-check"     => { type: TrueClass,
                            desc: "Whether to perform host key validation when connecting." },
  "extensions"         => { type: Array,
                            desc: "List of file extensions that are accepted for scripts or tasks on Windows. "\
                                 "Scripts with these file extensions rely on the target's file type "\
                                 "association to run. For example, if Python is installed on the system, "\
                                 "a `.py` script runs with `python.exe`. The extensions `.ps1`, `.rb`, and "\
                                 "`.pp` are always allowed and run via hard-coded executables." },
  "interpreters"       => { type: Hash,
                            desc: "A map of an extension name to the absolute path of an executable, "\
                                  "enabling you to override the shebang defined in a task executable. The "\
                                  "extension can optionally be specified with the `.` character (`.py` and "\
                                  "`py` both map to a task executable ``) and the extension is case "\
                                  "sensitive. When a target's name is `localhost`, Ruby tasks run with the "\
                                  "Bolt Ruby interpreter by default." },
  "load-config"        => { type: TrueClass,
                            desc: "Whether to load system SSH configuration." },
  "login-shell"        => { type: String,
                            desc: "Which login shell Bolt should expect on the target. "\
                                  "Supported shells are #{LOGIN_SHELLS.join(', ')}. "\
                                  "**This option is experimental.**" },
  "password"           => { type: String,
                            desc: "Login password." },
  "port"               => { type: Integer,
                            desc: "Connection port." },
  "private-key"        => { desc: "Either the path to the private key file to use for authentication, or a "\
                                  "hash with the key `key-data` and the contents of the private key." },
  "proxyjump"          => { type: String,
                            desc: "A jump host to proxy connections through, and an optional user to "\
                                  "connect with." },
  "run-as"             => { type: String,
                            desc: "A different user to run commands as after login." },
  "run-as-command"     => { type: Array,
                            desc: "The command to elevate permissions. Bolt appends the user and command "\
                                  "strings to the configured `run-as-command` before running it on the "\
                                  "target. This command must not require an interactive password prompt, "\
                                  "and the `sudo-password` option is ignored when `run-as-command` is "\
                                  "specified. The `run-as-command` must be specified as an array." },
  "script-dir"         => { type: String,
                            desc: "The subdirectory of the tmpdir to use in place of a randomized "\
                                  "subdirectory for uploading and executing temporary files on the "\
                                  "target. It's expected that this directory already exists as a subdir "\
                                  "of tmpdir, which is either configured or defaults to `/tmp`." },
  "sudo-executable"    => { type: String,
                            desc: "The executable to use when escalating to the configured `run-as` "\
                                  "user. This is useful when you want to escalate using the configured "\
                                  "`sudo-password`, since `run-as-command` does not use `sudo-password` "\
                                  "or support prompting. The command executed on the target is "\
                                  "`<sudo-executable> -S -u <user> -p custom_bolt_prompt <command>`. "\
                                  "**This option is experimental.**" },
  "sudo-password"      => { type: String,
                            desc: "Password to use when changing users via `run-as`." },
  "tmpdir"             => { type: String,
                            desc: "The directory to upload and execute temporary files on the target." },
  "tty"                => { type: TrueClass,
                            desc: "Request a pseudo tty for the session. This option is generally "\
                                  "only used in conjunction with the `run-as` option when the sudoers "\
                                  "policy requires a `tty`." },
  "user"               => { type: String,
                            desc: "Login user." }
  "cleanup"            => true,
  "connect-timeout"    => 10,
  "tty"                => false,
  "load-config"        => true,
  "disconnect-timeout" => 5,
  "login-shell"        => 'bash'

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Base


Method Summary

Methods inherited from Base

#[], #dig, #fetch, #include?, #initialize, #merge, options, #resolve, #resolved?, #to_h

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Bolt::Config::Transport::Base