Class: BittrexEnterprise::Transfers

  • Object
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Class Method Summary collapse

Methods included from ApiHelpers


Class Method Details

.create(new_transfer) ⇒ Object

—————————————- CREATE ——————————————– Executes a new transfer. (NOTE: This API is limited to partners and not available for traders.)

—— PARAMS —— NewTransfer - object - required - information specifying the transfer to execute

        "toSubaccountId": "string (uuid)",
        "requestId": "string (uuid)",
        "currencySymbol": "string",
        "amount": "number (double)",
        "toMasterAccount": "boolean"
*** REQUIRED - currencySymbol, amount ***

# File 'lib/bittrex-enterprise/transfers.rb', line 106

def self.create(new_transfer)
  post_signed 'transfers', new_transfer

.received(params = {}) ⇒ Object

————————————– RECEIVED ——————————————– List sent transfers. (NOTE: This API is limited to partners and not available for traders.) Pagination and the sort order of the results are in inverse order of the Executed field.

—— PARAMS —— PARAMS MUST BE PASSED AS KEY VALUE PAIRS fromSubaccountId - string - optional

fromMasterAccount - boolean - optional

currencySymbol - string - optional

nextPageToken - string - The unique identifier of the item that the resulting query result

should start after, in the sort order of the given endpoint. Used for traversing
a paginated set in the forward direction. (May only be specified if PreviousPageToken
is not specified.)

previousPageToken - string - The unique identifier of the item that the resulting query

result should end before, in the sort order of the given endpoint. Used for traversing
a paginated set in the reverse direction. (May only be specified if NextPageToken is
not specified.)

pageSize - integer - maximum number of items to retrieve – default 100, minimum 1, maximum 200

startDate - string(date-time) - Filters out results before this timestamp. In ISO 8601 format

(e.g., "2019-01-02T16:23:45Z"). Precision beyond one second is not supported. Use
pagination parameters for more precise filtering.

endDate - string(date-time) - Filters out result after this timestamp. Uses the same format

as StartDate. Either, both, or neither of StartDate and EndDate can be set. The only
constraint on the pair is that, if both are set, then EndDate cannot be before StartDate.

# File 'lib/bittrex-enterprise/transfers.rb', line 76

def self.received(params={})
  get_signed 'transfers/received', params

.retrieve(transfer_id) ⇒ Object

————————————— RETRIEVE ——————————————- Retrieve information on the specified transfer. (NOTE: This API is limited to partners and not available for traders.)

—— PARAMS —— transfer_id - string - required - (guid-formatted string) - ID of the transfer to retrieve

# File 'lib/bittrex-enterprise/transfers.rb', line 88

def self.retrieve(transfer_id)
  get_signed 'transfers/{transferId}', transferId: transfer_id

.sent(params = {}) ⇒ Object

—————————————– SENT ——————————————— List sent transfers. (NOTE: This API is limited to partners and not available for traders.) Pagination and the sort order of the results are in inverse order of the Executed field.

—— PARAMS —— PARAMS MUST BE PASSED AS KEY VALUE PAIRS toSubaccountId - string - optional

toMasterAccount - boolean - optional

currencySymbol - string - optional

nextPageToken - string - The unique identifier of the item that the resulting query result

should start after, in the sort order of the given endpoint. Used for traversing
a paginated set in the forward direction. (May only be specified if PreviousPageToken
is not specified.)

previousPageToken - string - The unique identifier of the item that the resulting query

result should end before, in the sort order of the given endpoint. Used for traversing
a paginated set in the reverse direction. (May only be specified if NextPageToken is
not specified.)

pageSize - integer - maximum number of items to retrieve – default 100, minimum 1, maximum 200

startDate - string(date-time) - Filters out results before this timestamp. In ISO 8601 format

(e.g., "2019-01-02T16:23:45Z"). Precision beyond one second is not supported. Use
pagination parameters for more precise filtering.

endDate - string(date-time) - Filters out result after this timestamp. Uses the same format

as StartDate. Either, both, or neither of StartDate and EndDate can be set. The only
constraint on the pair is that, if both are set, then EndDate cannot be before StartDate.

# File 'lib/bittrex-enterprise/transfers.rb', line 40

def self.sent(params={})
  get_signed 'transfers/sent', params