Module: Babel

Defined in:

Constant Summary collapse

["To whom it may concern,",
"I wrote to you some time ago, but as yet I have heard nothing from you. I'm not quite sure what to make of this fact, so I decided to write to you again. As you can see from the subject line of this message, the matter is very urgent.",
"How are you?",
"I just thought I'd drop you a line to see how you are.",
"Don't you agree that there is nothing more important than this right now?",
"Dear Sir",
"I am writing to you because I am the representative of the Vatican in this country.",
"Peace, man,",
"What the...???"
["Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla?",
"Okka okka okka okka okka okka okka okka okka okka okka okka. Uk uk.",
"Nessun dorma. Fis ofisasd foi pdsofig oasindd iosdufhjg oiasd oisjd foijsdfsdf sklduifhj sodjf osid fosd ofsldmf sdfsdf, oisdjf osidm foams dad,iopu sodifjsdf. IGOLOLOLO siodfsdf sdfs!!! Ijsd fij FGiojuw pojkwf okokokokokokokok asdifjs dfsf -- nsdifix NIXDORF isjd fiouh qwdoij sdflknsdf....   Foa GOOA CI sdifjsdjf isf iiiiik iiik...!",
"O Fortuna, velut Luna statu variabilis, semper crescis aut decrescis; vita detestabilis nunc obdurat et tunc curat ludo mentis aciem; egestatem, potestatem, dissolvit ut glaciem.",
"Sors immanis et inanis, rota tu volubilis, status malus, vana salus semper dissolubilis; obumbrata et velata mihi quoque niteris; nunc per ludum dorsum nudum fero tui sceleris.", 
"Sors salutis et virtutis mihi nunc contraria; est affectus et defectus semper in angaria. Hac in hora sine mora cordae pulsum tangite! quod per sortem sternit fortem, mecum omnes plangite!",
"Ego sum abbas Cucaniensis et consilium meum est cum bibulis, et in secta Decii voluntas mea est, et qui mane me quaesierit in taberna post vesperam nudus egredietur, et sic denudatus veste clamabit: Wafna, wafna! quid fecisti, Sors turpissima? nostrae vitae gaudia abstulisti omnia!",
"Milli Vanilli - the best band EVER!",
"Nobody knows the trouble I've seen. Nobody knows but George Bush.",
"Sebastian Arce and Mariana Montes are outstanding teachers of the very highest level: clear, concise, humorous and always to the point, coupled with a thorough understanding of the students' needs. Their style of dancing and teaching encompasses all styles, being rooted in a solid classical technique but taking in all new techniques and approaches to teaching. Sebastian came to tango at the tender age of 8 and as a teenager already had performed in practically all tango shows in Buenos Aires and internationally. Mariana began her career as a folklore dancer and was part of the Salta Ballet. They have also appeared in the films Evita (starring Madonna), in Carlos Saura's Tango, and in Happy Together. Sebastian and Mariana are in high demand worldwide: they are simply among the very best, on stage and as teachers.",
"You need to know the following: the history of the building begins in 1878 when the Great Hall of the Royal Musical Academy of Sweden was inaugurated by King Oscar II. It rapidly became the centre of the musical life of Sweden.",
"It's LE PRIÈURÉ DE SION, I tell you! And they're after us!",
"The Ensemble has collaborated with various bandoneonists as Daniel Binelli, Luis Stazo, Hector Raul \"Tito\" Cartechini, Peter Reil, Josè Luis Betancor, Marisa Mercadè, Massimiliano Pitocco, Gilberto Pereyra, Veronique Rioux, and others. These fruitful collaborations has added a deeper dimension to the Hyperion Ensemble's already intense, artistic character.",
"Mario Orlando is undoubtedly the most famous tango DJ in the world. He plays regularly in all the most prestigious and well-known milongas, but he also appears in a number of underground and alternative places. We are extremely proud to present — for the first time ever outside of Argentina — Mario Orlando to the Tango 59° audience. This is a unique opportunity to meet and dance to the music of a true DJ legend, one who defines the art of tango DJ:ing.",
"Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore, While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. \" 'Tis some visitor,\" I muttered, \"tapping at my chamber door; Only this, and nothing more.\"",
"The tomb of the old Hyde family held a fatal attraction for Jervas Dudley until he communed with the dead and learned their secrets.",
"I'm dreaming of a dead city Where Deep Ones swim in depths of night Where Cthulhu's sleeping And stars go creeping Until the time when they are right",
"Wendigoes Wendigoes - walking in the waste They will soon be whooshing by to find out how you taste - oh! Wendigoes Wendigoes hear the North Wind moan Quicker than the frost will melt they'll strip you to the bone",
"Remember, remember the fifth of November, the Gunpowder Treason and Plot. I see no reason why Gunpowder Treason should ever be forgot.",
"Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, 'twas his intent, to blow up the King and the Parliament. Three score barrels of powder below, Poor old England to overthrow: By God's providence he was catch'd With a dark lantern and burning match. Holloa boys, holloa boys, make the bells ring. Holloa boys, holloa boys, God save the King! Hip hip hoorah!",
"A penny loaf to feed the Pope, A farthing o' cheese to choke him. A pint of beer to rinse it down, A faggot of sticks to burn him. Burn him in a tub of tar, Burn him like a blazing star. Burn his body from his head, Then we'll say ol' Pope is dead. Hip hip hoorah! Hip hip hoorah!",
"How do you do, I see you've met my faithful handyman. He's just a little brought down, because when you knocked, he thought you were the candyman."
["Take care.",
"See you around!",
"I'll give you a ring later tonight.",
"For the sake of the widow's son.",
"May the Force be with you.",
"In LVX",
"Live long and prosper!",
"Yours truly.",
"So there.",
"I remain for ever your loyal servant.",
"You will *never* get away with this, I tell you.",
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law."
TEXT_1 =
['I','You','We','They','The CIA',"My solicitors",'The police','I just','Hey! I', 'They said you', 'Someone said you',
'Howdy! I','What? I', 'I said I', 'MI5', 'Stop! You said you', 'You said I', 'I was told you', 'All rock bands', 
'Many punk bands', 'Goths', 'Metal fans', 'Cock rockers', 'Latin music lovers','The FBI','Trekkies', 'Wetbadgers',
'Fashion victims', 'We think you', 'Somebody mentioned that you', 'We have proof that you', "Don't deny that you",
'Queer theoreticians', 'Modern people', 'The young', 'Jetsetters', 'Drug users', 'Sex addicts', 'AA members',
'Nerdy gynaecologists', 'Your parents', 'All church-goers', 'The conservative party', 'You', 'We', 'They',
'Someone said that you', 'We think you', 'We know that you', 'A friend assured me that you', 'Nobody likes that you',
'It is unacceptable that you', 'Pop stars', 'Jetsetters', 'Thin people', 'Fat people', 'Happy people', 'Sad people',
'Famous film stars', 'Celebrities', 'Our best friends', 'Mensa members', 'Game show hosts', 'Newscasters',
'Psychopaths', 'Kabbalists', 'Only psychos', 'You', 'You', 'You', 'You and I', 'TV evangelists', 'Blizzard',
'Trig members', 'Adocca staff', 'People in Surrey', 'Felix readers', 'Most people', 'All average Joes', 'Porn stars',
'Royalty', 'Fat people', 'Thin people', 'Robots']
TEXT_2 =
TEXT_3 =
['love', "don't love",'hate','like','adore','want to kill','need','loathe','try to look like','bonk',
'need to contact','walk with','have had','have fun with','crave','play with','accost','are into','are totally into',
'snog with','phone','sneeze on','spy on','look at','are interested in','dig','eviscerate','often impersonate',
'promote','trade places with','think I am','fornicate with','go berserk over','get excited over',
'look like','smell like','eat like','dress like','marry','expose yourself to','stalk','follow the example of',
'trig on','stalk','want sexy pics of','never find','are clueless about','phone','mess with',
'diss','underestimate','blackmail','want to forget about','would die for','badly need','love everybody except',
'eat', 'will eat', 'will own', 'totally own', 'manhandle', 'innervate', 'want to be like', 'want to sleep with',
'fondle','mystify','shock','murder','kidnap','examine','are fascinated by','are a bit like','taste like','burn like',
'are buried like','doubt the existence of','doubt the veracity of','are inspired by','are put off by',
'crave','wonder about','clean up after']
TEXT_4 =
['you','myself','a dog','a cat','a small furry animal','the underage','someone','the IRS','Hitler', 'Madonna',
'a hamburger','more food','a lasagna','God','Satan','Elton John','everybody','the elderly','the poor',
'Brad Pitt','Angelina Jolie','Demis Roussos','Liberace','the YMCA','Beatrix Potter','my budgie','a wreck',
'Göran Persson','the FBI','Mustafa Çan','a mortician','Siegfried & Roy','Oprah','a wino','J-Lo','Toby','50c',
'the Mormon Tabernacle Choir','the hired help','a neural network','Gandhi','Deepak Chopra','the real thing',
'an illusion','the mentally handicapped','the Japanese','anyone','gay people', 'all disco dancers', 
'gospel music fans', 'grunge nostalgics', 'Elvis', 'Elvis Costello', 'Maria Carey', 'Gary Glitter',
'KC & the Sunshine band', 'New York gallery owners', 'the rich', 'anybody', 'MC Hammer', 'Eminem', 
'a republican', 'the straight', 'a democrat', 'the FBI', 'The Mysterons', 'fashion victims', 
'Californian airheads', 'the Hollywood Kabbala crowd', 'Penn & Teller', 'geeks', 'suckers', 'imperialist fascist pigs',
'the Pro Life movement', 'the middle classes', 'the Scottish', 'Geordies', 'Micks', 'Australians',
'Trig members', 'Adocca staff', 'World of Warcraft players', 'your guildies', 'the guildless', 'your mama',
'other people','Kate Moss','Isabella Rossellini','your nightmares','your mental state','your friends',
'your enemies','your body','my body','my life','Versace','Hugo Boss','Vogue','Karl Lagerfelt','Chanel',
'cock rockers', 'royalty', 'teenagers', 'adolescents', 'adults', 'the overweight', 'the thin and gorgeous',
'robots', 'androids']
['you','myself','a dog','a cat','a small furry animal','the underage','someone','the IRS','Hitler', 'Madonna',
'a hamburger','more food','a lasagna','God','Satan','Elton John','everybody','the elderly','the poor',
'Brad Pitt','Angelina Jolie','Demis Roussos','Liberace','the YMCA','Beatrix Potter','my budgie','a wreck',
'Göran Persson','the FBI','Mustafa Çan','a mortician','Siegfried & Roy','Oprah','a wino','J-Lo','Toby','50c',
'the Mormon Tabernacle Choir','the hired help','a neural network','Gandhi','Deepak Chopra','the real thing',
'an illusion','the mentally handicapped','the Japanese','anyone','gay people', 'all disco dancers', 
'gospel music fans', 'grunge nostalgics', 'Elvis', 'Elvis Costello', 'Maria Carey', 'Gary Glitter',
'KC & the Sunshine band', 'New York gallery owners', 'the rich', 'anybody', 'MC Hammer', 'Eminem', 
'a republican', 'the straight', 'a democrat', 'the FBI', 'The Mysterons', 'fashion victims', 
'Californian airheads', 'the Hollywood Kabbala crowd', 'Penn & Teller', 'geeks', 'suckers', 'imperialist fascist pigs',
'the Pro Life movement', 'the middle classes', 'the Scottish', 'Geordies', 'Micks', 'Australians',
'Trig members', 'Adocca staff', 'World of Warcraft players', 'your guildies', 'the guildless', 'your mama',
'other people','Kate Moss','Isabella Rossellini','your nightmares','your mental state','your friends',
'your enemies','your body','my body','my life','Versace','Hugo Boss','Vogue','Karl Lagerfelt','Chanel',
'cock rockers', 'royalty', 'teenagers', 'adolescents', 'adults', 'the overweight', 'the thin and gorgeous',
'robots', 'androids']

Class Method Summary collapse

Class Method Details

.produce(n) ⇒ Object

# File 'lib/babel.rb', line 2460

def produce(n) do |e|


# File 'lib/babel.rb', line 2381

def random_long
  result = LONG_TEXT_1[rand(LONG_TEXT_1.size)] + "\n\n"  
  for i in 1..(rand(5)+1)
    result.concat(LONG_TEXT_2[rand(LONG_TEXT_2.size)] + "\n\n")
  result.squeeze(' ')

.random_short(length = 70) ⇒ Object

# File 'lib/babel.rb', line 2434

def random_short(length = 70)
  (TEXT_1[rand(TEXT_1.size)] + ' ' + TEXT_2[rand(TEXT_2.size)] + ' ' + 
   TEXT_3[rand(TEXT_3.size)] + ' ' + TEXT_4[rand(TEXT_4.size)]).squeeze(' ')[0...length]


# File 'lib/babel.rb', line 2456

def random_single