Class: Azeroth::Options Private

  • Object
show all
Defined in:


This class is part of a private API. You should avoid using this class if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.

Resource buiilding options

See Also:


  • Darthjee

Constant Summary collapse


Default options

  only: %i[create destroy edit index new show update],
  except: [],
  decorator: true,
  before_save: nil,
  after_save: nil,
  build_with: nil,
  update_with: nil,
  paginated: false,
  per_page: 20

Instance Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Details


This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.

Actions to be built


  • (Array<Symbol>)

# File 'lib/azeroth/options.rb', line 34

def actions
  [only] - [except]

#after_saveSymbol, Proc

This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.

Block or method name to be run after save

The given method or block will be ran after committing changes in models to database


  • (Symbol, Proc)

# File 'lib/azeroth/options.rb', line 96

#before_saveSymbol, Proc

This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.

Block or method name to be run before save

The given method or block will be ran before committing changes in models to database


  • (Symbol, Proc)

# File 'lib/azeroth/options.rb', line 85

#build_withSymbol, Proc

This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.

Block or method name to be ran when building the resource


  • (Symbol, Proc)

# File 'lib/azeroth/options.rb', line 107

#decoratorDecorator, ...

This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.

decorator class to be used

when set as true/false, it either infer the class (model_class::Decorator) or do not use a decorator at all calling model.as_json


# File 'lib/azeroth/options.rb', line 73

#event_dispatcher(event) ⇒ Jace::Dispatcher

This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.

Returns event dispatcher

Event dispatcher is responsible for sending events such as before_save to it’s correct calling point


  • (Jace::Dispatcher)

# File 'lib/azeroth/options.rb', line 45

def event_dispatcher(event)
    before: try("before_#{event}"),
    after: try("after_#{event}")


This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.

actions to be ignored


  • (Array<String,Symbol>)

# File 'lib/azeroth/options.rb', line 66


This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.

filter of only actions to be built


  • (Array<String,Symbol>)

# File 'lib/azeroth/options.rb', line 59

#paginatedTrueClass, FalseClass Also known as: paginated?

This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.

Boolean indicating if pagination should or not be used


  • (TrueClass, FalseClass)

# File 'lib/azeroth/options.rb', line 121


This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.

Number of elements when pagination is active


  • (Integer)

# File 'lib/azeroth/options.rb', line 128

#update_withSymbol, Proc

This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.

Block or method name to be ran when updating the resource


  • (Symbol, Proc)

# File 'lib/azeroth/options.rb', line 114