Class: Aws::ECS::Client

  • Object
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Defined in:

Class Attribute Summary collapse

API Operations collapse

Class Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Summary collapse

Constructor Details

#initialize(*args) ⇒ Client

Returns a new instance of Client.


  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

# File 'lib/aws-sdk-ecs/client.rb', line 152

def initialize(*args)

Class Attribute Details

.identifierObject (readonly)

This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.

# File 'lib/aws-sdk-ecs/client.rb', line 3990

def identifier

Class Method Details


This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.

# File 'lib/aws-sdk-ecs/client.rb', line 3993

def errors_module

Instance Method Details

#build_request(operation_name, params = {}) ⇒ Object

This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.


  • params ({}) (defaults to: {})

# File 'lib/aws-sdk-ecs/client.rb', line 3849

def build_request(operation_name, params = {})
  handlers = @handlers.for(operation_name)
  context =
    operation_name: operation_name,
    operation: config.api.operation(operation_name),
    client: self,
    params: params,
    config: config)
  context[:gem_name] = 'aws-sdk-ecs'
  context[:gem_version] = '1.0.0', context)

#create_cluster(params = {}) ⇒ Types::CreateClusterResponse

Creates a new Amazon ECS cluster. By default, your account receives a ‘default` cluster when you launch your first container instance. However, you can create your own cluster with a unique name with the `CreateCluster` action.


Example: To create a new cluster

# This example creates a cluster in your default region.

resp = client.create_cluster({
  cluster_name: "my_cluster", 

resp.to_h outputs the following:
  cluster: {
    active_services_count: 0, 
    cluster_arn: "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:012345678910:cluster/my_cluster", 
    cluster_name: "my_cluster", 
    pending_tasks_count: 0, 
    registered_container_instances_count: 0, 
    running_tasks_count: 0, 
    status: "ACTIVE", 

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.create_cluster({
  cluster_name: "String",

Response structure

resp.cluster.cluster_arn #=> String
resp.cluster.cluster_name #=> String
resp.cluster.status #=> String
resp.cluster.registered_container_instances_count #=> Integer
resp.cluster.running_tasks_count #=> Integer
resp.cluster.pending_tasks_count #=> Integer
resp.cluster.active_services_count #=> Integer


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :cluster_name (String)

    The name of your cluster. If you do not specify a name for your cluster, you create a cluster named ‘default`. Up to 255 letters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, hyphens, and underscores are allowed.


See Also:

# File 'lib/aws-sdk-ecs/client.rb', line 215

def create_cluster(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:create_cluster, params)

#create_service(params = {}) ⇒ Types::CreateServiceResponse

Runs and maintains a desired number of tasks from a specified task definition. If the number of tasks running in a service drops below ‘desiredCount`, Amazon ECS spawns another copy of the task in the specified cluster. To update an existing service, see UpdateService.

In addition to maintaining the desired count of tasks in your service, you can optionally run your service behind a load balancer. The load balancer distributes traffic across the tasks that are associated with the service. For more information, see [Service Load Balancing] in the *Amazon EC2 Container Service Developer Guide*.

You can optionally specify a deployment configuration for your service. During a deployment (which is triggered by changing the task definition or the desired count of a service with an UpdateService operation), the service scheduler uses the ‘minimumHealthyPercent` and `maximumPercent` parameters to determine the deployment strategy.

The ‘minimumHealthyPercent` represents a lower limit on the number of your service’s tasks that must remain in the ‘RUNNING` state during a deployment, as a percentage of the `desiredCount` (rounded up to the nearest integer). This parameter enables you to deploy without using additional cluster capacity. For example, if your service has a `desiredCount` of four tasks and a `minimumHealthyPercent` of 50%, the scheduler can stop two existing tasks to free up cluster capacity before starting two new tasks. Tasks for services that *do not* use a load balancer are considered healthy if they are in the `RUNNING` state. Tasks for services that do use a load balancer are considered healthy if they are in the `RUNNING` state and the container instance they are hosted on is reported as healthy by the load balancer. The default value for `minimumHealthyPercent` is 50% in the console and 100% for the AWS CLI, the AWS SDKs, and the APIs.

The ‘maximumPercent` parameter represents an upper limit on the number of your service’s tasks that are allowed in the ‘RUNNING` or `PENDING` state during a deployment, as a percentage of the `desiredCount` (rounded down to the nearest integer). This parameter enables you to define the deployment batch size. For example, if your service has a `desiredCount` of four tasks and a `maximumPercent` value of 200%, the scheduler can start four new tasks before stopping the four older tasks (provided that the cluster resources required to do this are available). The default value for `maximumPercent` is 200%.

When the service scheduler launches new tasks, it determines task placement in your cluster using the following logic:

  • Determine which of the container instances in your cluster can support your service’s task definition (for example, they have the required CPU, memory, ports, and container instance attributes).

  • By default, the service scheduler attempts to balance tasks across Availability Zones in this manner (although you can choose a different placement strategy) with the ‘placementStrategy` parameter):

    • Sort the valid container instances by the fewest number of running tasks for this service in the same Availability Zone as the instance. For example, if zone A has one running service task and zones B and C each have zero, valid container instances in either zone B or C are considered optimal for placement.

    • Place the new service task on a valid container instance in an optimal Availability Zone (based on the previous steps), favoring container instances with the fewest number of running tasks for this service.



Example: To create a new service

# This example creates a service in your default region called ``ecs-simple-service``. The service uses the ``hello_world`` task definition and it maintains 10 copies of that task.

resp = client.create_service({
  desired_count: 10, 
  service_name: "ecs-simple-service", 
  task_definition: "hello_world", 

resp.to_h outputs the following:
  service: {
    cluster_arn: "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:012345678910:cluster/default", 
    created_at: Time.parse("2016-08-29T16:13:47.298Z"), 
    deployment_configuration: {
      maximum_percent: 200, 
      minimum_healthy_percent: 100, 
    deployments: [
        created_at: Time.parse("2016-08-29T16:13:47.298Z"), 
        desired_count: 10, 
        id: "ecs-svc/9223370564342348388", 
        pending_count: 0, 
        running_count: 0, 
        status: "PRIMARY", 
        task_definition: "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:012345678910:task-definition/hello_world:6", 
        updated_at: Time.parse("2016-08-29T16:13:47.298Z"), 
        created_at: Time.parse("2016-08-29T15:52:44.481Z"), 
        desired_count: 0, 
        id: "ecs-svc/9223370564343611322", 
        pending_count: 0, 
        running_count: 0, 
        status: "ACTIVE", 
        task_definition: "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:012345678910:task-definition/hello_world:6", 
        updated_at: Time.parse("2016-08-29T16:11:38.941Z"), 
    desired_count: 10, 
    events: [
    load_balancers: [
    pending_count: 0, 
    running_count: 0, 
    service_arn: "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:012345678910:service/ecs-simple-service", 
    service_name: "ecs-simple-service", 
    status: "ACTIVE", 
    task_definition: "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:012345678910:task-definition/hello_world:6", 

Example: To create a new service behind a load balancer

# This example creates a service in your default region called ``ecs-simple-service-elb``. The service uses the ``ecs-demo`` task definition and it maintains 10 copies of that task. You must reference an existing load balancer in the same region by its name.

resp = client.create_service({
  desired_count: 10, 
  load_balancers: [
      container_name: "simple-app", 
      container_port: 80, 
      load_balancer_name: "EC2Contai-EcsElast-15DCDAURT3ZO2", 
  role: "ecsServiceRole", 
  service_name: "ecs-simple-service-elb", 
  task_definition: "console-sample-app-static", 

resp.to_h outputs the following:
  service: {
    cluster_arn: "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:012345678910:cluster/default", 
    created_at: Time.parse("2016-08-29T16:02:54.884Z"), 
    deployment_configuration: {
      maximum_percent: 200, 
      minimum_healthy_percent: 100, 
    deployments: [
        created_at: Time.parse("2016-08-29T16:02:54.884Z"), 
        desired_count: 10, 
        id: "ecs-svc/9223370564343000923", 
        pending_count: 0, 
        running_count: 0, 
        status: "PRIMARY", 
        task_definition: "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:012345678910:task-definition/console-sample-app-static:6", 
        updated_at: Time.parse("2016-08-29T16:02:54.884Z"), 
    desired_count: 10, 
    events: [
    load_balancers: [
        container_name: "simple-app", 
        container_port: 80, 
        load_balancer_name: "EC2Contai-EcsElast-15DCDAURT3ZO2", 
    pending_count: 0, 
    role_arn: "arn:aws:iam::012345678910:role/ecsServiceRole", 
    running_count: 0, 
    service_arn: "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:012345678910:service/ecs-simple-service-elb", 
    service_name: "ecs-simple-service-elb", 
    status: "ACTIVE", 
    task_definition: "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:012345678910:task-definition/console-sample-app-static:6", 

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.create_service({
  cluster: "String",
  service_name: "String", # required
  task_definition: "String", # required
  load_balancers: [
      target_group_arn: "String",
      load_balancer_name: "String",
      container_name: "String",
      container_port: 1,
  desired_count: 1, # required
  client_token: "String",
  role: "String",
  deployment_configuration: {
    maximum_percent: 1,
    minimum_healthy_percent: 1,
  placement_constraints: [
      type: "distinctInstance", # accepts distinctInstance, memberOf
      expression: "String",
  placement_strategy: [
      type: "random", # accepts random, spread, binpack
      field: "String",

Response structure

resp.service.service_arn #=> String
resp.service.service_name #=> String
resp.service.cluster_arn #=> String
resp.service.load_balancers #=> Array
resp.service.load_balancers[0].target_group_arn #=> String
resp.service.load_balancers[0].load_balancer_name #=> String
resp.service.load_balancers[0].container_name #=> String
resp.service.load_balancers[0].container_port #=> Integer
resp.service.status #=> String
resp.service.desired_count #=> Integer
resp.service.running_count #=> Integer
resp.service.pending_count #=> Integer
resp.service.task_definition #=> String
resp.service.deployment_configuration.maximum_percent #=> Integer
resp.service.deployment_configuration.minimum_healthy_percent #=> Integer
resp.service.deployments #=> Array
resp.service.deployments[0].id #=> String
resp.service.deployments[0].status #=> String
resp.service.deployments[0].task_definition #=> String
resp.service.deployments[0].desired_count #=> Integer
resp.service.deployments[0].pending_count #=> Integer
resp.service.deployments[0].running_count #=> Integer
resp.service.deployments[0].created_at #=> Time
resp.service.deployments[0].updated_at #=> Time
resp.service.role_arn #=> String #=> Array[0].id #=> String[0].created_at #=> Time[0].message #=> String
resp.service.created_at #=> Time
resp.service.placement_constraints #=> Array
resp.service.placement_constraints[0].type #=> String, one of "distinctInstance", "memberOf"
resp.service.placement_constraints[0].expression #=> String
resp.service.placement_strategy #=> Array
resp.service.placement_strategy[0].type #=> String, one of "random", "spread", "binpack"
resp.service.placement_strategy[0].field #=> String


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :cluster (String)

    The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster on which to run your service. If you do not specify a cluster, the default cluster is assumed.

  • :service_name (required, String)

    The name of your service. Up to 255 letters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, hyphens, and underscores are allowed. Service names must be unique within a cluster, but you can have similarly named services in multiple clusters within a region or across multiple regions.

  • :task_definition (required, String)

    The ‘family` and `revision` (`family:revision`) or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the task definition to run in your service. If a `revision` is not specified, the latest `ACTIVE` revision is used.

  • :load_balancers (Array<Types::LoadBalancer>)

    A load balancer object representing the load balancer to use with your service. Currently, you are limited to one load balancer or target group per service. After you create a service, the load balancer name or target group ARN, container name, and container port specified in the service definition are immutable.

    For Elastic Load Balancing Classic load balancers, this object must contain the load balancer name, the container name (as it appears in a container definition), and the container port to access from the load balancer. When a task from this service is placed on a container instance, the container instance is registered with the load balancer specified here.

    For Elastic Load Balancing Application load balancers, this object must contain the load balancer target group ARN, the container name (as it appears in a container definition), and the container port to access from the load balancer. When a task from this service is placed on a container instance, the container instance and port combination is registered as a target in the target group specified here.

  • :desired_count (required, Integer)

    The number of instantiations of the specified task definition to place and keep running on your cluster.

  • :client_token (String)

    Unique, case-sensitive identifier you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. Up to 32 ASCII characters are allowed.

  • :role (String)

    The name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that allows Amazon ECS to make calls to your load balancer on your behalf. This parameter is required if you are using a load balancer with your service. If you specify the ‘role` parameter, you must also specify a load balancer object with the `loadBalancers` parameter.

    If your specified role has a path other than ‘/`, then you must either specify the full role ARN (this is recommended) or prefix the role name with the path. For example, if a role with the name `bar` has a path of `/foo/` then you would specify `/foo/bar` as the role name. For more information, see [Friendly Names and Paths] in the *IAM User Guide*.


  • :deployment_configuration (Types::DeploymentConfiguration)

    Optional deployment parameters that control how many tasks run during the deployment and the ordering of stopping and starting tasks.

  • :placement_constraints (Array<Types::PlacementConstraint>)

    An array of placement constraint objects to use for tasks in your service. You can specify a maximum of 10 constraints per task (this limit includes constraints in the task definition and those specified at run time).

  • :placement_strategy (Array<Types::PlacementStrategy>)

    The placement strategy objects to use for tasks in your service. You can specify a maximum of 5 strategy rules per service.


See Also:

# File 'lib/aws-sdk-ecs/client.rb', line 564

def create_service(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:create_service, params)

#delete_attributes(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DeleteAttributesResponse

Deletes one or more custom attributes from an Amazon ECS resource.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.delete_attributes({
  cluster: "String",
  attributes: [ # required
      name: "String", # required
      value: "String",
      target_type: "container-instance", # accepts container-instance
      target_id: "String",

Response structure

resp.attributes #=> Array
resp.attributes[0].name #=> String
resp.attributes[0].value #=> String
resp.attributes[0].target_type #=> String, one of "container-instance"
resp.attributes[0].target_id #=> String


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :cluster (String)

    The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster that contains the resource to delete attributes. If you do not specify a cluster, the default cluster is assumed.

  • :attributes (required, Array<Types::Attribute>)

    The attributes to delete from your resource. You can specify up to 10 attributes per request. For custom attributes, specify the attribute name and target ID, but do not specify the value. If you specify the target ID using the short form, you must also specify the target type.


See Also:

# File 'lib/aws-sdk-ecs/client.rb', line 612

def delete_attributes(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:delete_attributes, params)

#delete_cluster(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DeleteClusterResponse

Deletes the specified cluster. You must deregister all container instances from this cluster before you may delete it. You can list the container instances in a cluster with ListContainerInstances and deregister them with DeregisterContainerInstance.


Example: To delete an empty cluster

# This example deletes an empty cluster in your default region.

resp = client.delete_cluster({
  cluster: "my_cluster", 

resp.to_h outputs the following:
  cluster: {
    active_services_count: 0, 
    cluster_arn: "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:012345678910:cluster/my_cluster", 
    cluster_name: "my_cluster", 
    pending_tasks_count: 0, 
    registered_container_instances_count: 0, 
    running_tasks_count: 0, 
    status: "INACTIVE", 

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.delete_cluster({
  cluster: "String", # required

Response structure

resp.cluster.cluster_arn #=> String
resp.cluster.cluster_name #=> String
resp.cluster.status #=> String
resp.cluster.registered_container_instances_count #=> Integer
resp.cluster.running_tasks_count #=> Integer
resp.cluster.pending_tasks_count #=> Integer
resp.cluster.active_services_count #=> Integer


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :cluster (required, String)

    The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster to delete.


See Also:

# File 'lib/aws-sdk-ecs/client.rb', line 672

def delete_cluster(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:delete_cluster, params)

#delete_service(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DeleteServiceResponse

Deletes a specified service within a cluster. You can delete a service if you have no running tasks in it and the desired task count is zero. If the service is actively maintaining tasks, you cannot delete it, and you must update the service to a desired task count of zero. For more information, see UpdateService.

<note markdown=“1”> When you delete a service, if there are still running tasks that require cleanup, the service status moves from ‘ACTIVE` to `DRAINING`, and the service is no longer visible in the console or in ListServices API operations. After the tasks have stopped, then the service status moves from `DRAINING` to `INACTIVE`. Services in the `DRAINING` or `INACTIVE` status can still be viewed with DescribeServices API operations; however, in the future, `INACTIVE` services may be cleaned up and purged from Amazon ECS record keeping, and DescribeServices API operations on those services will return a `ServiceNotFoundException` error.



Example: To delete a service

# This example deletes the my-http-service service. The service must have a desired count and running count of 0 before you can delete it.

resp = client.delete_service({
  service: "my-http-service", 

resp.to_h outputs the following:

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.delete_service({
  cluster: "String",
  service: "String", # required

Response structure

resp.service.service_arn #=> String
resp.service.service_name #=> String
resp.service.cluster_arn #=> String
resp.service.load_balancers #=> Array
resp.service.load_balancers[0].target_group_arn #=> String
resp.service.load_balancers[0].load_balancer_name #=> String
resp.service.load_balancers[0].container_name #=> String
resp.service.load_balancers[0].container_port #=> Integer
resp.service.status #=> String
resp.service.desired_count #=> Integer
resp.service.running_count #=> Integer
resp.service.pending_count #=> Integer
resp.service.task_definition #=> String
resp.service.deployment_configuration.maximum_percent #=> Integer
resp.service.deployment_configuration.minimum_healthy_percent #=> Integer
resp.service.deployments #=> Array
resp.service.deployments[0].id #=> String
resp.service.deployments[0].status #=> String
resp.service.deployments[0].task_definition #=> String
resp.service.deployments[0].desired_count #=> Integer
resp.service.deployments[0].pending_count #=> Integer
resp.service.deployments[0].running_count #=> Integer
resp.service.deployments[0].created_at #=> Time
resp.service.deployments[0].updated_at #=> Time
resp.service.role_arn #=> String #=> Array[0].id #=> String[0].created_at #=> Time[0].message #=> String
resp.service.created_at #=> Time
resp.service.placement_constraints #=> Array
resp.service.placement_constraints[0].type #=> String, one of "distinctInstance", "memberOf"
resp.service.placement_constraints[0].expression #=> String
resp.service.placement_strategy #=> Array
resp.service.placement_strategy[0].type #=> String, one of "random", "spread", "binpack"
resp.service.placement_strategy[0].field #=> String


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :cluster (String)

    The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster that hosts the service to delete. If you do not specify a cluster, the default cluster is assumed.

  • :service (required, String)

    The name of the service to delete.


See Also:

# File 'lib/aws-sdk-ecs/client.rb', line 771

def delete_service(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:delete_service, params)

#deregister_container_instance(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DeregisterContainerInstanceResponse

Deregisters an Amazon ECS container instance from the specified cluster. This instance is no longer available to run tasks.

If you intend to use the container instance for some other purpose after deregistration, you should stop all of the tasks running on the container instance before deregistration to avoid any orphaned tasks from consuming resources.

Deregistering a container instance removes the instance from a cluster, but it does not terminate the EC2 instance; if you are finished using the instance, be sure to terminate it in the Amazon EC2 console to stop billing.

<note markdown=“1”> If you terminate a running container instance, Amazon ECS automatically deregisters the instance from your cluster (stopped container instances or instances with disconnected agents are not automatically deregistered when terminated).



Example: To deregister a container instance from a cluster

# This example deregisters a container instance from the specified cluster in your default region. If there are still tasks running on the container instance, you must either stop those tasks before deregistering, or use the force option.

resp = client.deregister_container_instance({
  cluster: "default", 
  container_instance: "container_instance_UUID", 
  force: true, 

resp.to_h outputs the following:

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.deregister_container_instance({
  cluster: "String",
  container_instance: "String", # required
  force: false,

Response structure

resp.container_instance.container_instance_arn #=> String
resp.container_instance.ec2_instance_id #=> String
resp.container_instance.version #=> Integer
resp.container_instance.version_info.agent_version #=> String
resp.container_instance.version_info.agent_hash #=> String
resp.container_instance.version_info.docker_version #=> String
resp.container_instance.remaining_resources #=> Array
resp.container_instance.remaining_resources[0].name #=> String
resp.container_instance.remaining_resources[0].type #=> String
resp.container_instance.remaining_resources[0].double_value #=> Float
resp.container_instance.remaining_resources[0].long_value #=> Integer
resp.container_instance.remaining_resources[0].integer_value #=> Integer
resp.container_instance.remaining_resources[0].string_set_value #=> Array
resp.container_instance.remaining_resources[0].string_set_value[0] #=> String
resp.container_instance.registered_resources #=> Array
resp.container_instance.registered_resources[0].name #=> String
resp.container_instance.registered_resources[0].type #=> String
resp.container_instance.registered_resources[0].double_value #=> Float
resp.container_instance.registered_resources[0].long_value #=> Integer
resp.container_instance.registered_resources[0].integer_value #=> Integer
resp.container_instance.registered_resources[0].string_set_value #=> Array
resp.container_instance.registered_resources[0].string_set_value[0] #=> String
resp.container_instance.status #=> String
resp.container_instance.agent_connected #=> Boolean
resp.container_instance.running_tasks_count #=> Integer
resp.container_instance.pending_tasks_count #=> Integer
resp.container_instance.agent_update_status #=> String, one of "PENDING", "STAGING", "STAGED", "UPDATING", "UPDATED", "FAILED"
resp.container_instance.attributes #=> Array
resp.container_instance.attributes[0].name #=> String
resp.container_instance.attributes[0].value #=> String
resp.container_instance.attributes[0].target_type #=> String, one of "container-instance"
resp.container_instance.attributes[0].target_id #=> String
resp.container_instance.registered_at #=> Time


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :cluster (String)

    The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster that hosts the container instance to deregister. If you do not specify a cluster, the default cluster is assumed.

  • :container_instance (required, String)

    The container instance ID or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the container instance to deregister. The ARN contains the ‘arn:aws:ecs` namespace, followed by the region of the container instance, the AWS account ID of the container instance owner, the `container-instance` namespace, and then the container instance ID. For example, `arn:aws:ecs:region:aws_account_id:container-instance/container_instance_ID `.

  • :force (Boolean)

    Forces the deregistration of the container instance. If you have tasks running on the container instance when you deregister it with the ‘force` option, these tasks remain running until you terminate the instance or the tasks stop through some other means, but they are orphaned (no longer monitored or accounted for by Amazon ECS). If an orphaned task on your container instance is part of an Amazon ECS service, then the service scheduler starts another copy of that task, on a different container instance if possible.

    Any containers in orphaned service tasks that are registered with a Classic load balancer or an Application load balancer target group are deregistered, and they will begin connection draining according to the settings on the load balancer or target group.


See Also:

# File 'lib/aws-sdk-ecs/client.rb', line 892

def deregister_container_instance(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:deregister_container_instance, params)

#deregister_task_definition(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DeregisterTaskDefinitionResponse

Deregisters the specified task definition by family and revision. Upon deregistration, the task definition is marked as ‘INACTIVE`. Existing tasks and services that reference an `INACTIVE` task definition continue to run without disruption. Existing services that reference an `INACTIVE` task definition can still scale up or down by modifying the service’s desired count.

You cannot use an ‘INACTIVE` task definition to run new tasks or create new services, and you cannot update an existing service to reference an `INACTIVE` task definition (although there may be up to a 10 minute window following deregistration where these restrictions have not yet taken effect).

<note markdown=“1”> At this time, ‘INACTIVE` task definitions remain discoverable in your account indefinitely; however, this behavior is subject to change in the future, so you should not rely on `INACTIVE` task definitions persisting beyond the life cycle of any associated tasks and services.



Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.deregister_task_definition({
  task_definition: "String", # required

Response structure

resp.task_definition.task_definition_arn #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].name #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].image #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].cpu #=> Integer
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].memory #=> Integer
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].memory_reservation #=> Integer
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].links #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].links[0] #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].port_mappings #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].port_mappings[0].container_port #=> Integer
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].port_mappings[0].host_port #=> Integer
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].port_mappings[0].protocol #=> String, one of "tcp", "udp"
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].essential #=> Boolean
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].entry_point #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].entry_point[0] #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].command #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].command[0] #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].environment #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].environment[0].name #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].environment[0].value #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].mount_points #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].mount_points[0].source_volume #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].mount_points[0].container_path #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].mount_points[0].read_only #=> Boolean
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].volumes_from #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].volumes_from[0].source_container #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].volumes_from[0].read_only #=> Boolean
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].hostname #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].user #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].working_directory #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].disable_networking #=> Boolean
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].privileged #=> Boolean
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].readonly_root_filesystem #=> Boolean
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].dns_servers #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].dns_servers[0] #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].dns_search_domains #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].dns_search_domains[0] #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].extra_hosts #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].extra_hosts[0].hostname #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].extra_hosts[0].ip_address #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].docker_security_options #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].docker_security_options[0] #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].docker_labels #=> Hash
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].docker_labels["String"] #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].ulimits #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].ulimits[0].name #=> String, one of "core", "cpu", "data", "fsize", "locks", "memlock", "msgqueue", "nice", "nofile", "nproc", "rss", "rtprio", "rttime", "sigpending", "stack"
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].ulimits[0].soft_limit #=> Integer
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].ulimits[0].hard_limit #=> Integer
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].log_configuration.log_driver #=> String, one of "json-file", "syslog", "journald", "gelf", "fluentd", "awslogs", "splunk"
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].log_configuration.options #=> Hash
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].log_configuration.options["String"] #=> String #=> String
resp.task_definition.task_role_arn #=> String
resp.task_definition.network_mode #=> String, one of "bridge", "host", "none"
resp.task_definition.revision #=> Integer
resp.task_definition.volumes #=> Array
resp.task_definition.volumes[0].name #=> String
resp.task_definition.volumes[0].host.source_path #=> String
resp.task_definition.status #=> String, one of "ACTIVE", "INACTIVE"
resp.task_definition.requires_attributes #=> Array
resp.task_definition.requires_attributes[0].name #=> String
resp.task_definition.requires_attributes[0].value #=> String
resp.task_definition.requires_attributes[0].target_type #=> String, one of "container-instance"
resp.task_definition.requires_attributes[0].target_id #=> String
resp.task_definition.placement_constraints #=> Array
resp.task_definition.placement_constraints[0].type #=> String, one of "memberOf"
resp.task_definition.placement_constraints[0].expression #=> String


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :task_definition (required, String)

    The ‘family` and `revision` (`family:revision`) or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the task definition to deregister. You must specify a `revision`.


See Also:

# File 'lib/aws-sdk-ecs/client.rb', line 1007

def deregister_task_definition(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:deregister_task_definition, params)

#describe_clusters(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeClustersResponse

Describes one or more of your clusters.


Example: To describe a cluster

# This example provides a description of the specified cluster in your default region.

resp = client.describe_clusters({
  clusters: [

resp.to_h outputs the following:
  clusters: [
      cluster_arn: "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:aws_account_id:cluster/default", 
      cluster_name: "default", 
      status: "ACTIVE", 
  failures: [

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.describe_clusters({
  clusters: ["String"],

Response structure

resp.clusters #=> Array
resp.clusters[0].cluster_arn #=> String
resp.clusters[0].cluster_name #=> String
resp.clusters[0].status #=> String
resp.clusters[0].registered_container_instances_count #=> Integer
resp.clusters[0].running_tasks_count #=> Integer
resp.clusters[0].pending_tasks_count #=> Integer
resp.clusters[0].active_services_count #=> Integer
resp.failures #=> Array
resp.failures[0].arn #=> String
resp.failures[0].reason #=> String


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :clusters (Array<String>)

    A list of up to 100 cluster names or full cluster Amazon Resource Name (ARN) entries. If you do not specify a cluster, the default cluster is assumed.


See Also:

# File 'lib/aws-sdk-ecs/client.rb', line 1072

def describe_clusters(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:describe_clusters, params)

#describe_container_instances(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeContainerInstancesResponse

Describes Amazon EC2 Container Service container instances. Returns metadata about registered and remaining resources on each container instance requested.


Example: To describe container instance

# This example provides a description of the specified container instance in your default region, using the container instance UUID as an identifier.

resp = client.describe_container_instances({
  cluster: "default", 
  container_instances: [

resp.to_h outputs the following:
  container_instances: [
      agent_connected: true, 
      container_instance_arn: "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:012345678910:container-instance/f2756532-8f13-4d53-87c9-aed50dc94cd7", 
      ec2_instance_id: "i-807f3249", 
      pending_tasks_count: 0, 
      registered_resources: [
          name: "CPU", 
          type: "INTEGER", 
          double_value: 0.0, 
          integer_value: 2048, 
          long_value: 0, 
          name: "MEMORY", 
          type: "INTEGER", 
          double_value: 0.0, 
          integer_value: 3768, 
          long_value: 0, 
          name: "PORTS", 
          type: "STRINGSET", 
          double_value: 0.0, 
          integer_value: 0, 
          long_value: 0, 
          string_set_value: [
      remaining_resources: [
          name: "CPU", 
          type: "INTEGER", 
          double_value: 0.0, 
          integer_value: 1948, 
          long_value: 0, 
          name: "MEMORY", 
          type: "INTEGER", 
          double_value: 0.0, 
          integer_value: 3668, 
          long_value: 0, 
          name: "PORTS", 
          type: "STRINGSET", 
          double_value: 0.0, 
          integer_value: 0, 
          long_value: 0, 
          string_set_value: [
      running_tasks_count: 1, 
      status: "ACTIVE", 
  failures: [

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.describe_container_instances({
  cluster: "String",
  container_instances: ["String"], # required

Response structure

resp.container_instances #=> Array
resp.container_instances[0].container_instance_arn #=> String
resp.container_instances[0].ec2_instance_id #=> String
resp.container_instances[0].version #=> Integer
resp.container_instances[0].version_info.agent_version #=> String
resp.container_instances[0].version_info.agent_hash #=> String
resp.container_instances[0].version_info.docker_version #=> String
resp.container_instances[0].remaining_resources #=> Array
resp.container_instances[0].remaining_resources[0].name #=> String
resp.container_instances[0].remaining_resources[0].type #=> String
resp.container_instances[0].remaining_resources[0].double_value #=> Float
resp.container_instances[0].remaining_resources[0].long_value #=> Integer
resp.container_instances[0].remaining_resources[0].integer_value #=> Integer
resp.container_instances[0].remaining_resources[0].string_set_value #=> Array
resp.container_instances[0].remaining_resources[0].string_set_value[0] #=> String
resp.container_instances[0].registered_resources #=> Array
resp.container_instances[0].registered_resources[0].name #=> String
resp.container_instances[0].registered_resources[0].type #=> String
resp.container_instances[0].registered_resources[0].double_value #=> Float
resp.container_instances[0].registered_resources[0].long_value #=> Integer
resp.container_instances[0].registered_resources[0].integer_value #=> Integer
resp.container_instances[0].registered_resources[0].string_set_value #=> Array
resp.container_instances[0].registered_resources[0].string_set_value[0] #=> String
resp.container_instances[0].status #=> String
resp.container_instances[0].agent_connected #=> Boolean
resp.container_instances[0].running_tasks_count #=> Integer
resp.container_instances[0].pending_tasks_count #=> Integer
resp.container_instances[0].agent_update_status #=> String, one of "PENDING", "STAGING", "STAGED", "UPDATING", "UPDATED", "FAILED"
resp.container_instances[0].attributes #=> Array
resp.container_instances[0].attributes[0].name #=> String
resp.container_instances[0].attributes[0].value #=> String
resp.container_instances[0].attributes[0].target_type #=> String, one of "container-instance"
resp.container_instances[0].attributes[0].target_id #=> String
resp.container_instances[0].registered_at #=> Time
resp.failures #=> Array
resp.failures[0].arn #=> String
resp.failures[0].reason #=> String


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :cluster (String)

    The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster that hosts the container instances to describe. If you do not specify a cluster, the default cluster is assumed.

  • :container_instances (required, Array<String>)

    A list of container instance IDs or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) entries.


See Also:

# File 'lib/aws-sdk-ecs/client.rb', line 1233

def describe_container_instances(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:describe_container_instances, params)

#describe_services(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeServicesResponse

Describes the specified services running in your cluster.


Example: To describe a service

# This example provides descriptive information about the service named ``ecs-simple-service``.

resp = client.describe_services({
  services: [

resp.to_h outputs the following:
  failures: [
  services: [
      cluster_arn: "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:012345678910:cluster/default", 
      created_at: Time.parse("2016-08-29T16:25:52.130Z"), 
      deployment_configuration: {
        maximum_percent: 200, 
        minimum_healthy_percent: 100, 
      deployments: [
          created_at: Time.parse("2016-08-29T16:25:52.130Z"), 
          desired_count: 1, 
          id: "ecs-svc/9223370564341623665", 
          pending_count: 0, 
          running_count: 0, 
          status: "PRIMARY", 
          task_definition: "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:012345678910:task-definition/hello_world:6", 
          updated_at: Time.parse("2016-08-29T16:25:52.130Z"), 
      desired_count: 1, 
      events: [
          created_at: Time.parse("2016-08-29T16:25:58.520Z"), 
          id: "38c285e5-d335-4b68-8b15-e46dedc8e88d", 
          message: "(service ecs-simple-service) was unable to place a task because no container instance met all of its requirements. The closest matching (container-instance 3f4de1c5-ffdd-4954-af7e-75b4be0c8841) is already using a port required by your task. For more information, see the Troubleshooting section of the Amazon ECS Developer Guide.", # In this example, there is a service event that shows unavailable cluster resources.
      load_balancers: [
      pending_count: 0, 
      running_count: 0, 
      service_arn: "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:012345678910:service/ecs-simple-service", 
      service_name: "ecs-simple-service", 
      status: "ACTIVE", 
      task_definition: "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:012345678910:task-definition/hello_world:6", 

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.describe_services({
  cluster: "String",
  services: ["String"], # required

Response structure #=> Array[0].service_arn #=> String[0].service_name #=> String[0].cluster_arn #=> String[0].load_balancers #=> Array[0].load_balancers[0].target_group_arn #=> String[0].load_balancers[0].load_balancer_name #=> String[0].load_balancers[0].container_name #=> String[0].load_balancers[0].container_port #=> Integer[0].status #=> String[0].desired_count #=> Integer[0].running_count #=> Integer[0].pending_count #=> Integer[0].task_definition #=> String[0].deployment_configuration.maximum_percent #=> Integer[0].deployment_configuration.minimum_healthy_percent #=> Integer[0].deployments #=> Array[0].deployments[0].id #=> String[0].deployments[0].status #=> String[0].deployments[0].task_definition #=> String[0].deployments[0].desired_count #=> Integer[0].deployments[0].pending_count #=> Integer[0].deployments[0].running_count #=> Integer[0].deployments[0].created_at #=> Time[0].deployments[0].updated_at #=> Time[0].role_arn #=> String[0].events #=> Array[0].events[0].id #=> String[0].events[0].created_at #=> Time[0].events[0].message #=> String[0].created_at #=> Time[0].placement_constraints #=> Array[0].placement_constraints[0].type #=> String, one of "distinctInstance", "memberOf"[0].placement_constraints[0].expression #=> String[0].placement_strategy #=> Array[0].placement_strategy[0].type #=> String, one of "random", "spread", "binpack"[0].placement_strategy[0].field #=> String
resp.failures #=> Array
resp.failures[0].arn #=> String
resp.failures[0].reason #=> String


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :cluster (String)

    The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN)the cluster that hosts the service to describe. If you do not specify a cluster, the default cluster is assumed.

  • :services (required, Array<String>)

    A list of services to describe. You may specify up to 10 services to describe in a single operation.


See Also:

# File 'lib/aws-sdk-ecs/client.rb', line 1363

def describe_services(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:describe_services, params)

#describe_task_definition(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeTaskDefinitionResponse

Describes a task definition. You can specify a ‘family` and `revision` to find information about a specific task definition, or you can simply specify the family to find the latest `ACTIVE` revision in that family.

<note markdown=“1”> You can only describe ‘INACTIVE` task definitions while an active task or service references them.



Example: To describe a task definition

# This example provides a description of the specified task definition.

resp = client.describe_task_definition({
  task_definition: "hello_world:8", 

resp.to_h outputs the following:
  task_definition: {
    container_definitions: [
        name: "wordpress", 
        cpu: 10, 
        environment: [
        essential: true, 
        image: "wordpress", 
        links: [
        memory: 500, 
        mount_points: [
        port_mappings: [
            container_port: 80, 
            host_port: 80, 
        volumes_from: [
        name: "mysql", 
        cpu: 10, 
        environment: [
            name: "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD", 
            value: "password", 
        essential: true, 
        image: "mysql", 
        memory: 500, 
        mount_points: [
        port_mappings: [
        volumes_from: [
    family: "hello_world", 
    revision: 8, 
    task_definition_arn: "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:<aws_account_id>:task-definition/hello_world:8", 
    volumes: [

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.describe_task_definition({
  task_definition: "String", # required

Response structure

resp.task_definition.task_definition_arn #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].name #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].image #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].cpu #=> Integer
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].memory #=> Integer
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].memory_reservation #=> Integer
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].links #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].links[0] #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].port_mappings #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].port_mappings[0].container_port #=> Integer
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].port_mappings[0].host_port #=> Integer
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].port_mappings[0].protocol #=> String, one of "tcp", "udp"
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].essential #=> Boolean
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].entry_point #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].entry_point[0] #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].command #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].command[0] #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].environment #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].environment[0].name #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].environment[0].value #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].mount_points #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].mount_points[0].source_volume #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].mount_points[0].container_path #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].mount_points[0].read_only #=> Boolean
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].volumes_from #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].volumes_from[0].source_container #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].volumes_from[0].read_only #=> Boolean
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].hostname #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].user #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].working_directory #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].disable_networking #=> Boolean
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].privileged #=> Boolean
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].readonly_root_filesystem #=> Boolean
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].dns_servers #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].dns_servers[0] #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].dns_search_domains #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].dns_search_domains[0] #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].extra_hosts #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].extra_hosts[0].hostname #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].extra_hosts[0].ip_address #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].docker_security_options #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].docker_security_options[0] #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].docker_labels #=> Hash
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].docker_labels["String"] #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].ulimits #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].ulimits[0].name #=> String, one of "core", "cpu", "data", "fsize", "locks", "memlock", "msgqueue", "nice", "nofile", "nproc", "rss", "rtprio", "rttime", "sigpending", "stack"
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].ulimits[0].soft_limit #=> Integer
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].ulimits[0].hard_limit #=> Integer
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].log_configuration.log_driver #=> String, one of "json-file", "syslog", "journald", "gelf", "fluentd", "awslogs", "splunk"
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].log_configuration.options #=> Hash
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].log_configuration.options["String"] #=> String #=> String
resp.task_definition.task_role_arn #=> String
resp.task_definition.network_mode #=> String, one of "bridge", "host", "none"
resp.task_definition.revision #=> Integer
resp.task_definition.volumes #=> Array
resp.task_definition.volumes[0].name #=> String
resp.task_definition.volumes[0].host.source_path #=> String
resp.task_definition.status #=> String, one of "ACTIVE", "INACTIVE"
resp.task_definition.requires_attributes #=> Array
resp.task_definition.requires_attributes[0].name #=> String
resp.task_definition.requires_attributes[0].value #=> String
resp.task_definition.requires_attributes[0].target_type #=> String, one of "container-instance"
resp.task_definition.requires_attributes[0].target_id #=> String
resp.task_definition.placement_constraints #=> Array
resp.task_definition.placement_constraints[0].type #=> String, one of "memberOf"
resp.task_definition.placement_constraints[0].expression #=> String


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :task_definition (required, String)

    The ‘family` for the latest `ACTIVE` revision, `family` and `revision` (`family:revision`) for a specific revision in the family, or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the task definition to describe.


See Also:

# File 'lib/aws-sdk-ecs/client.rb', line 1531

def describe_task_definition(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:describe_task_definition, params)

#describe_tasks(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeTasksResponse

Describes a specified task or tasks.


Example: To describe a task

# This example provides a description of the specified task, using the task UUID as an identifier.

resp = client.describe_tasks({
  tasks: [

resp.to_h outputs the following:
  failures: [
  tasks: [
      cluster_arn: "arn:aws:ecs:<region>:<aws_account_id>:cluster/default", 
      container_instance_arn: "arn:aws:ecs:<region>:<aws_account_id>:container-instance/18f9eda5-27d7-4c19-b133-45adc516e8fb", 
      containers: [
          name: "ecs-demo", 
          container_arn: "arn:aws:ecs:<region>:<aws_account_id>:container/7c01765b-c588-45b3-8290-4ba38bd6c5a6", 
          last_status: "RUNNING", 
          network_bindings: [
              bind_ip: "", 
              container_port: 80, 
              host_port: 80, 
          task_arn: "arn:aws:ecs:<region>:<aws_account_id>:task/c5cba4eb-5dad-405e-96db-71ef8eefe6a8", 
      desired_status: "RUNNING", 
      last_status: "RUNNING", 
      overrides: {
        container_overrides: [
            name: "ecs-demo", 
      started_by: "ecs-svc/9223370608528463088", 
      task_arn: "arn:aws:ecs:<region>:<aws_account_id>:task/c5cba4eb-5dad-405e-96db-71ef8eefe6a8", 
      task_definition_arn: "arn:aws:ecs:<region>:<aws_account_id>:task-definition/amazon-ecs-sample:1", 

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.describe_tasks({
  cluster: "String",
  tasks: ["String"], # required

Response structure

resp.tasks #=> Array
resp.tasks[0].task_arn #=> String
resp.tasks[0].cluster_arn #=> String
resp.tasks[0].task_definition_arn #=> String
resp.tasks[0].container_instance_arn #=> String
resp.tasks[0].overrides.container_overrides #=> Array
resp.tasks[0].overrides.container_overrides[0].name #=> String
resp.tasks[0].overrides.container_overrides[0].command #=> Array
resp.tasks[0].overrides.container_overrides[0].command[0] #=> String
resp.tasks[0].overrides.container_overrides[0].environment #=> Array
resp.tasks[0].overrides.container_overrides[0].environment[0].name #=> String
resp.tasks[0].overrides.container_overrides[0].environment[0].value #=> String
resp.tasks[0].overrides.container_overrides[0].cpu #=> Integer
resp.tasks[0].overrides.container_overrides[0].memory #=> Integer
resp.tasks[0].overrides.container_overrides[0].memory_reservation #=> Integer
resp.tasks[0].overrides.task_role_arn #=> String
resp.tasks[0].last_status #=> String
resp.tasks[0].desired_status #=> String
resp.tasks[0].containers #=> Array
resp.tasks[0].containers[0].container_arn #=> String
resp.tasks[0].containers[0].task_arn #=> String
resp.tasks[0].containers[0].name #=> String
resp.tasks[0].containers[0].last_status #=> String
resp.tasks[0].containers[0].exit_code #=> Integer
resp.tasks[0].containers[0].reason #=> String
resp.tasks[0].containers[0].network_bindings #=> Array
resp.tasks[0].containers[0].network_bindings[0].bind_ip #=> String
resp.tasks[0].containers[0].network_bindings[0].container_port #=> Integer
resp.tasks[0].containers[0].network_bindings[0].host_port #=> Integer
resp.tasks[0].containers[0].network_bindings[0].protocol #=> String, one of "tcp", "udp"
resp.tasks[0].started_by #=> String
resp.tasks[0].version #=> Integer
resp.tasks[0].stopped_reason #=> String
resp.tasks[0].created_at #=> Time
resp.tasks[0].started_at #=> Time
resp.tasks[0].stopped_at #=> Time
resp.tasks[0].group #=> String
resp.failures #=> Array
resp.failures[0].arn #=> String
resp.failures[0].reason #=> String


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :cluster (String)

    The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster that hosts the task to describe. If you do not specify a cluster, the default cluster is assumed.

  • :tasks (required, Array<String>)

    A list of up to 100 task IDs or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) entries.


See Also:

# File 'lib/aws-sdk-ecs/client.rb', line 1656

def describe_tasks(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:describe_tasks, params)

#discover_poll_endpoint(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DiscoverPollEndpointResponse

<note markdown=“1”> This action is only used by the Amazon EC2 Container Service agent, and it is not intended for use outside of the agent.


Returns an endpoint for the Amazon EC2 Container Service agent to poll for updates.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.discover_poll_endpoint({
  container_instance: "String",
  cluster: "String",

Response structure

resp.endpoint #=> String
resp.telemetry_endpoint #=> String


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :container_instance (String)

    The container instance ID or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the container instance. The ARN contains the ‘arn:aws:ecs` namespace, followed by the region of the container instance, the AWS account ID of the container instance owner, the `container-instance` namespace, and then the container instance ID. For example, `arn:aws:ecs:region:aws_account_id:container-instance/container_instance_ID `.

  • :cluster (String)

    The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster that the container instance belongs to.


See Also:

# File 'lib/aws-sdk-ecs/client.rb', line 1703

def discover_poll_endpoint(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:discover_poll_endpoint, params)

#list_attributes(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListAttributesResponse

Lists the attributes for Amazon ECS resources within a specified target type and cluster. When you specify a target type and cluster, ‘ListAttributes` returns a list of attribute objects, one for each attribute on each resource. You can filter the list of results to a single attribute name to only return results that have that name. You can also filter the results by attribute name and value, for example, to see which container instances in a cluster are running a Linux AMI (`ecs.os-type=linux`).


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.list_attributes({
  cluster: "String",
  target_type: "container-instance", # required, accepts container-instance
  attribute_name: "String",
  attribute_value: "String",
  next_token: "String",
  max_results: 1,

Response structure

resp.attributes #=> Array
resp.attributes[0].name #=> String
resp.attributes[0].value #=> String
resp.attributes[0].target_type #=> String, one of "container-instance"
resp.attributes[0].target_id #=> String
resp.next_token #=> String


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :cluster (String)

    The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster to list attributes. If you do not specify a cluster, the default cluster is assumed.

  • :target_type (required, String)

    The type of the target with which to list attributes.

  • :attribute_name (String)

    The name of the attribute with which to filter the results.

  • :attribute_value (String)

    The value of the attribute with which to filter results. You must also specify an attribute name to use this parameter.

  • :next_token (String)

    The ‘nextToken` value returned from a previous paginated `ListAttributes` request where `maxResults` was used and the results exceeded the value of that parameter. Pagination continues from the end of the previous results that returned the `nextToken` value. This value is `null` when there are no more results to return.

    <note markdown=“1”> This token should be treated as an opaque identifier that is only used to retrieve the next items in a list and not for other programmatic purposes.

  • :max_results (Integer)

    The maximum number of cluster results returned by ‘ListAttributes` in paginated output. When this parameter is used, `ListAttributes` only returns `maxResults` results in a single page along with a `nextToken` response element. The remaining results of the initial request can be seen by sending another `ListAttributes` request with the returned `nextToken` value. This value can be between 1 and 100. If this parameter is not used, then `ListAttributes` returns up to 100 results and a `nextToken` value if applicable.


See Also:

# File 'lib/aws-sdk-ecs/client.rb', line 1784

def list_attributes(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:list_attributes, params)

#list_clusters(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListClustersResponse

Returns a list of existing clusters.


Example: To list your available clusters

# This example lists all of your available clusters in your default region.

resp = client.list_clusters({

resp.to_h outputs the following:
  cluster_arns: [

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.list_clusters({
  next_token: "String",
  max_results: 1,

Response structure

resp.cluster_arns #=> Array
resp.cluster_arns[0] #=> String
resp.next_token #=> String


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :next_token (String)

    The ‘nextToken` value returned from a previous paginated `ListClusters` request where `maxResults` was used and the results exceeded the value of that parameter. Pagination continues from the end of the previous results that returned the `nextToken` value. This value is `null` when there are no more results to return.

    <note markdown=“1”> This token should be treated as an opaque identifier that is only used to retrieve the next items in a list and not for other programmatic purposes.

  • :max_results (Integer)

    The maximum number of cluster results returned by ‘ListClusters` in paginated output. When this parameter is used, `ListClusters` only returns `maxResults` results in a single page along with a `nextToken` response element. The remaining results of the initial request can be seen by sending another `ListClusters` request with the returned `nextToken` value. This value can be between 1 and 100. If this parameter is not used, then `ListClusters` returns up to 100 results and a `nextToken` value if applicable.


See Also:

# File 'lib/aws-sdk-ecs/client.rb', line 1852

def list_clusters(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:list_clusters, params)

#list_container_instances(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListContainerInstancesResponse

Returns a list of container instances in a specified cluster. You can filter the results of a ‘ListContainerInstances` operation with cluster query language statements inside the `filter` parameter. For more information, see [Cluster Query Language] in the *Amazon EC2 Container Service Developer Guide*.



Example: To list your available container instances in a cluster

# This example lists all of your available container instances in the specified cluster in your default region.

resp = client.list_container_instances({
  cluster: "default", 

resp.to_h outputs the following:
  container_instance_arns: [

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.list_container_instances({
  cluster: "String",
  filter: "String",
  next_token: "String",
  max_results: 1,
  status: "ACTIVE", # accepts ACTIVE, DRAINING

Response structure

resp.container_instance_arns #=> Array
resp.container_instance_arns[0] #=> String
resp.next_token #=> String


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :cluster (String)

    The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster that hosts the container instances to list. If you do not specify a cluster, the default cluster is assumed.

  • :filter (String)

    You can filter the results of a ‘ListContainerInstances` operation with cluster query language statements. For more information, see

    Cluster Query Language][1

    in the *Amazon EC2 Container Service

    Developer Guide*.


  • :next_token (String)

    The ‘nextToken` value returned from a previous paginated `ListContainerInstances` request where `maxResults` was used and the results exceeded the value of that parameter. Pagination continues from the end of the previous results that returned the `nextToken` value. This value is `null` when there are no more results to return.

    <note markdown=“1”> This token should be treated as an opaque identifier that is only used to retrieve the next items in a list and not for other programmatic purposes.

  • :max_results (Integer)

    The maximum number of container instance results returned by ‘ListContainerInstances` in paginated output. When this parameter is used, `ListContainerInstances` only returns `maxResults` results in a single page along with a `nextToken` response element. The remaining results of the initial request can be seen by sending another `ListContainerInstances` request with the returned `nextToken` value. This value can be between 1 and 100. If this parameter is not used, then `ListContainerInstances` returns up to 100 results and a `nextToken` value if applicable.

  • :status (String)

    Filters the container instances by status. For example, if you specify the ‘DRAINING` status, the results include only container instances that have been set to `DRAINING` using UpdateContainerInstancesState. If you do not specify this parameter, the default is to include container instances set to `ACTIVE` and `DRAINING`.


See Also:

# File 'lib/aws-sdk-ecs/client.rb', line 1955

def list_container_instances(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:list_container_instances, params)

#list_services(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListServicesResponse

Lists the services that are running in a specified cluster.


Example: To list the services in a cluster

# This example lists the services running in the default cluster for an account.

resp = client.list_services({

resp.to_h outputs the following:
  service_arns: [

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.list_services({
  cluster: "String",
  next_token: "String",
  max_results: 1,

Response structure

resp.service_arns #=> Array
resp.service_arns[0] #=> String
resp.next_token #=> String


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :cluster (String)

    The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster that hosts the services to list. If you do not specify a cluster, the default cluster is assumed.

  • :next_token (String)

    The ‘nextToken` value returned from a previous paginated `ListServices` request where `maxResults` was used and the results exceeded the value of that parameter. Pagination continues from the end of the previous results that returned the `nextToken` value. This value is `null` when there are no more results to return.

    <note markdown=“1”> This token should be treated as an opaque identifier that is only used to retrieve the next items in a list and not for other programmatic purposes.

  • :max_results (Integer)

    The maximum number of container instance results returned by ‘ListServices` in paginated output. When this parameter is used, `ListServices` only returns `maxResults` results in a single page along with a `nextToken` response element. The remaining results of the initial request can be seen by sending another `ListServices` request with the returned `nextToken` value. This value can be between 1 and 10. If this parameter is not used, then `ListServices` returns up to 10 results and a `nextToken` value if applicable.


See Also:

# File 'lib/aws-sdk-ecs/client.rb', line 2028

def list_services(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:list_services, params)

#list_task_definition_families(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListTaskDefinitionFamiliesResponse

Returns a list of task definition families that are registered to your account (which may include task definition families that no longer have any ‘ACTIVE` task definition revisions).

You can filter out task definition families that do not contain any ‘ACTIVE` task definition revisions by setting the `status` parameter to `ACTIVE`. You can also filter the results with the `familyPrefix` parameter.


Example: To list your registered task definition families

# This example lists all of your registered task definition families.

resp = client.list_task_definition_families({

resp.to_h outputs the following:
  families: [

Example: To filter your registered task definition families

# This example lists the task definition revisions that start with "hpcc".

resp = client.list_task_definition_families({
  family_prefix: "hpcc", 

resp.to_h outputs the following:
  families: [

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.list_task_definition_families({
  family_prefix: "String",
  status: "ACTIVE", # accepts ACTIVE, INACTIVE, ALL
  next_token: "String",
  max_results: 1,

Response structure

resp.families #=> Array
resp.families[0] #=> String
resp.next_token #=> String


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :family_prefix (String)

    The ‘familyPrefix` is a string that is used to filter the results of `ListTaskDefinitionFamilies`. If you specify a `familyPrefix`, only task definition family names that begin with the `familyPrefix` string are returned.

  • :status (String)

    The task definition family status with which to filter the ‘ListTaskDefinitionFamilies` results. By default, both `ACTIVE` and `INACTIVE` task definition families are listed. If this parameter is set to `ACTIVE`, only task definition families that have an `ACTIVE` task definition revision are returned. If this parameter is set to `INACTIVE`, only task definition families that do not have any `ACTIVE` task definition revisions are returned. If you paginate the resulting output, be sure to keep the `status` value constant in each subsequent request.

  • :next_token (String)

    The ‘nextToken` value returned from a previous paginated `ListTaskDefinitionFamilies` request where `maxResults` was used and the results exceeded the value of that parameter. Pagination continues from the end of the previous results that returned the `nextToken` value. This value is `null` when there are no more results to return.

    <note markdown=“1”> This token should be treated as an opaque identifier that is only used to retrieve the next items in a list and not for other programmatic purposes.

  • :max_results (Integer)

    The maximum number of task definition family results returned by ‘ListTaskDefinitionFamilies` in paginated output. When this parameter is used, `ListTaskDefinitions` only returns `maxResults` results in a single page along with a `nextToken` response element. The remaining results of the initial request can be seen by sending another `ListTaskDefinitionFamilies` request with the returned `nextToken` value. This value can be between 1 and 100. If this parameter is not used, then `ListTaskDefinitionFamilies` returns up to 100 results and a `nextToken` value if applicable.


See Also:

# File 'lib/aws-sdk-ecs/client.rb', line 2141

def list_task_definition_families(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:list_task_definition_families, params)

#list_task_definitions(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListTaskDefinitionsResponse

Returns a list of task definitions that are registered to your account. You can filter the results by family name with the ‘familyPrefix` parameter or by status with the `status` parameter.


Example: To list your registered task definitions

# This example lists all of your registered task definitions.

resp = client.list_task_definitions({

resp.to_h outputs the following:
  task_definition_arns: [

Example: To list the registered task definitions in a family

# This example lists the task definition revisions of a specified family.

resp = client.list_task_definitions({
  family_prefix: "wordpress", 

resp.to_h outputs the following:
  task_definition_arns: [

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.list_task_definitions({
  family_prefix: "String",
  status: "ACTIVE", # accepts ACTIVE, INACTIVE
  sort: "ASC", # accepts ASC, DESC
  next_token: "String",
  max_results: 1,

Response structure

resp.task_definition_arns #=> Array
resp.task_definition_arns[0] #=> String
resp.next_token #=> String


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :family_prefix (String)

    The full family name with which to filter the ‘ListTaskDefinitions` results. Specifying a `familyPrefix` limits the listed task definitions to task definition revisions that belong to that family.

  • :status (String)

    The task definition status with which to filter the ‘ListTaskDefinitions` results. By default, only `ACTIVE` task definitions are listed. By setting this parameter to `INACTIVE`, you can view task definitions that are `INACTIVE` as long as an active task or service still references them. If you paginate the resulting output, be sure to keep the `status` value constant in each subsequent request.

  • :sort (String)

    The order in which to sort the results. Valid values are ‘ASC` and `DESC`. By default (`ASC`), task definitions are listed lexicographically by family name and in ascending numerical order by revision so that the newest task definitions in a family are listed last. Setting this parameter to `DESC` reverses the sort order on family name and revision so that the newest task definitions in a family are listed first.

  • :next_token (String)

    The ‘nextToken` value returned from a previous paginated `ListTaskDefinitions` request where `maxResults` was used and the results exceeded the value of that parameter. Pagination continues from the end of the previous results that returned the `nextToken` value. This value is `null` when there are no more results to return.

    <note markdown=“1”> This token should be treated as an opaque identifier that is only used to retrieve the next items in a list and not for other programmatic purposes.

  • :max_results (Integer)

    The maximum number of task definition results returned by ‘ListTaskDefinitions` in paginated output. When this parameter is used, `ListTaskDefinitions` only returns `maxResults` results in a single page along with a `nextToken` response element. The remaining results of the initial request can be seen by sending another `ListTaskDefinitions` request with the returned `nextToken` value. This value can be between 1 and 100. If this parameter is not used, then `ListTaskDefinitions` returns up to 100 results and a `nextToken` value if applicable.


See Also:

# File 'lib/aws-sdk-ecs/client.rb', line 2260

def list_task_definitions(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:list_task_definitions, params)

#list_tasks(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListTasksResponse

Returns a list of tasks for a specified cluster. You can filter the results by family name, by a particular container instance, or by the desired status of the task with the ‘family`, `containerInstance`, and `desiredStatus` parameters.

Recently-stopped tasks might appear in the returned results. Currently, stopped tasks appear in the returned results for at least one hour.


Example: To list the tasks in a cluster

# This example lists all of the tasks in a cluster.

resp = client.list_tasks({
  cluster: "default", 

resp.to_h outputs the following:
  task_arns: [

Example: To list the tasks on a particular container instance

# This example lists the tasks of a specified container instance. Specifying a ``containerInstance`` value limits  the  results  to  tasks  that belong to that container instance.

resp = client.list_tasks({
  cluster: "default", 
  container_instance: "f6bbb147-5370-4ace-8c73-c7181ded911f", 

resp.to_h outputs the following:
  task_arns: [

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.list_tasks({
  cluster: "String",
  container_instance: "String",
  family: "String",
  next_token: "String",
  max_results: 1,
  started_by: "String",
  service_name: "String",
  desired_status: "RUNNING", # accepts RUNNING, PENDING, STOPPED

Response structure

resp.task_arns #=> Array
resp.task_arns[0] #=> String
resp.next_token #=> String


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :cluster (String)

    The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster that hosts the tasks to list. If you do not specify a cluster, the default cluster is assumed.

  • :container_instance (String)

    The container instance ID or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the container instance with which to filter the ‘ListTasks` results. Specifying a `containerInstance` limits the results to tasks that belong to that container instance.

  • :family (String)

    The name of the family with which to filter the ‘ListTasks` results. Specifying a `family` limits the results to tasks that belong to that family.

  • :next_token (String)

    The ‘nextToken` value returned from a previous paginated `ListTasks` request where `maxResults` was used and the results exceeded the value of that parameter. Pagination continues from the end of the previous results that returned the `nextToken` value. This value is `null` when there are no more results to return.

    <note markdown=“1”> This token should be treated as an opaque identifier that is only used to retrieve the next items in a list and not for other programmatic purposes.

  • :max_results (Integer)

    The maximum number of task results returned by ‘ListTasks` in paginated output. When this parameter is used, `ListTasks` only returns `maxResults` results in a single page along with a `nextToken` response element. The remaining results of the initial request can be seen by sending another `ListTasks` request with the returned `nextToken` value. This value can be between 1 and 100. If this parameter is not used, then `ListTasks` returns up to 100 results and a `nextToken` value if applicable.

  • :started_by (String)

    The ‘startedBy` value with which to filter the task results. Specifying a `startedBy` value limits the results to tasks that were started with that value.

  • :service_name (String)

    The name of the service with which to filter the ‘ListTasks` results. Specifying a `serviceName` limits the results to tasks that belong to that service.

  • :desired_status (String)

    The task desired status with which to filter the ‘ListTasks` results. Specifying a `desiredStatus` of `STOPPED` limits the results to tasks that ECS has set the desired status to `STOPPED`, which can be useful for debugging tasks that are not starting properly or have died or finished. The default status filter is `RUNNING`, which shows tasks that ECS has set the desired status to `RUNNING`.

    <note markdown=“1”> Although you can filter results based on a desired status of ‘PENDING`, this will not return any results because ECS never sets the desired status of a task to that value (only a task’s ‘lastStatus` may have a value of `PENDING`).



See Also:

# File 'lib/aws-sdk-ecs/client.rb', line 2399

def list_tasks(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:list_tasks, params)

#put_attributes(params = {}) ⇒ Types::PutAttributesResponse

Create or update an attribute on an Amazon ECS resource. If the attribute does not exist, it is created. If the attribute exists, its value is replaced with the specified value. To delete an attribute, use DeleteAttributes. For more information, see [Attributes] in the *Amazon EC2 Container Service Developer Guide*.



Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.put_attributes({
  cluster: "String",
  attributes: [ # required
      name: "String", # required
      value: "String",
      target_type: "container-instance", # accepts container-instance
      target_id: "String",

Response structure

resp.attributes #=> Array
resp.attributes[0].name #=> String
resp.attributes[0].value #=> String
resp.attributes[0].target_type #=> String, one of "container-instance"
resp.attributes[0].target_id #=> String


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :cluster (String)

    The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster that contains the resource to apply attributes. If you do not specify a cluster, the default cluster is assumed.

  • :attributes (required, Array<Types::Attribute>)

    The attributes to apply to your resource. You can specify up to 10 custom attributes per resource. You can specify up to 10 attributes in a single call.


See Also:

# File 'lib/aws-sdk-ecs/client.rb', line 2454

def put_attributes(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:put_attributes, params)

#register_container_instance(params = {}) ⇒ Types::RegisterContainerInstanceResponse

<note markdown=“1”> This action is only used by the Amazon EC2 Container Service agent, and it is not intended for use outside of the agent.


Registers an EC2 instance into the specified cluster. This instance becomes available to place containers on.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.register_container_instance({
  cluster: "String",
  instance_identity_document: "String",
  instance_identity_document_signature: "String",
  total_resources: [
      name: "String",
      type: "String",
      double_value: 1.0,
      long_value: 1,
      integer_value: 1,
      string_set_value: ["String"],
  version_info: {
    agent_version: "String",
    agent_hash: "String",
    docker_version: "String",
  container_instance_arn: "String",
  attributes: [
      name: "String", # required
      value: "String",
      target_type: "container-instance", # accepts container-instance
      target_id: "String",

Response structure

resp.container_instance.container_instance_arn #=> String
resp.container_instance.ec2_instance_id #=> String
resp.container_instance.version #=> Integer
resp.container_instance.version_info.agent_version #=> String
resp.container_instance.version_info.agent_hash #=> String
resp.container_instance.version_info.docker_version #=> String
resp.container_instance.remaining_resources #=> Array
resp.container_instance.remaining_resources[0].name #=> String
resp.container_instance.remaining_resources[0].type #=> String
resp.container_instance.remaining_resources[0].double_value #=> Float
resp.container_instance.remaining_resources[0].long_value #=> Integer
resp.container_instance.remaining_resources[0].integer_value #=> Integer
resp.container_instance.remaining_resources[0].string_set_value #=> Array
resp.container_instance.remaining_resources[0].string_set_value[0] #=> String
resp.container_instance.registered_resources #=> Array
resp.container_instance.registered_resources[0].name #=> String
resp.container_instance.registered_resources[0].type #=> String
resp.container_instance.registered_resources[0].double_value #=> Float
resp.container_instance.registered_resources[0].long_value #=> Integer
resp.container_instance.registered_resources[0].integer_value #=> Integer
resp.container_instance.registered_resources[0].string_set_value #=> Array
resp.container_instance.registered_resources[0].string_set_value[0] #=> String
resp.container_instance.status #=> String
resp.container_instance.agent_connected #=> Boolean
resp.container_instance.running_tasks_count #=> Integer
resp.container_instance.pending_tasks_count #=> Integer
resp.container_instance.agent_update_status #=> String, one of "PENDING", "STAGING", "STAGED", "UPDATING", "UPDATED", "FAILED"
resp.container_instance.attributes #=> Array
resp.container_instance.attributes[0].name #=> String
resp.container_instance.attributes[0].value #=> String
resp.container_instance.attributes[0].target_type #=> String, one of "container-instance"
resp.container_instance.attributes[0].target_id #=> String
resp.container_instance.registered_at #=> Time


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :cluster (String)

    The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster with which to register your container instance. If you do not specify a cluster, the default cluster is assumed.

  • :instance_identity_document (String)

    The instance identity document for the EC2 instance to register. This document can be found by running the following command from the instance: ‘curl`

  • :instance_identity_document_signature (String)

    The instance identity document signature for the EC2 instance to register. This signature can be found by running the following command from the instance: ‘curl`

  • :total_resources (Array<Types::Resource>)

    The resources available on the instance.

  • :version_info (Types::VersionInfo)

    The version information for the Amazon ECS container agent and Docker daemon running on the container instance.

  • :container_instance_arn (String)

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the container instance (if it was previously registered).

  • :attributes (Array<Types::Attribute>)

    The container instance attributes that this container instance supports.


See Also:

# File 'lib/aws-sdk-ecs/client.rb', line 2575

def register_container_instance(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:register_container_instance, params)

#register_task_definition(params = {}) ⇒ Types::RegisterTaskDefinitionResponse

Registers a new task definition from the supplied ‘family` and `containerDefinitions`. Optionally, you can add data volumes to your containers with the `volumes` parameter. For more information about task definition parameters and defaults, see [Amazon ECS Task Definitions] in the *Amazon EC2 Container Service Developer Guide*.

You can specify an IAM role for your task with the ‘taskRoleArn` parameter. When you specify an IAM role for a task, its containers can then use the latest versions of the AWS CLI or SDKs to make API requests to the AWS services that are specified in the IAM policy associated with the role. For more information, see [IAM Roles for Tasks] in the *Amazon EC2 Container Service Developer Guide*.

You can specify a Docker networking mode for the containers in your task definition with the ‘networkMode` parameter. The available network modes correspond to those described in [Network settings] in the Docker run reference.

[1]: [2]: [3]:


Example: To register a task definition

# This example registers a task definition to the specified family.

resp = client.register_task_definition({
  container_definitions: [
      name: "sleep", 
      command: [
      cpu: 10, 
      essential: true, 
      image: "busybox", 
      memory: 10, 
  family: "sleep360", 
  task_role_arn: "", 
  volumes: [

resp.to_h outputs the following:
  task_definition: {
    container_definitions: [
        name: "sleep", 
        command: [
        cpu: 10, 
        environment: [
        essential: true, 
        image: "busybox", 
        memory: 10, 
        mount_points: [
        port_mappings: [
        volumes_from: [
    family: "sleep360", 
    revision: 1, 
    task_definition_arn: "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:<aws_account_id>:task-definition/sleep360:19", 
    volumes: [

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.register_task_definition({
  family: "String", # required
  task_role_arn: "String",
  network_mode: "bridge", # accepts bridge, host, none
  container_definitions: [ # required
      name: "String",
      image: "String",
      cpu: 1,
      memory: 1,
      memory_reservation: 1,
      links: ["String"],
      port_mappings: [
          container_port: 1,
          host_port: 1,
          protocol: "tcp", # accepts tcp, udp
      essential: false,
      entry_point: ["String"],
      command: ["String"],
      environment: [
          name: "String",
          value: "String",
      mount_points: [
          source_volume: "String",
          container_path: "String",
          read_only: false,
      volumes_from: [
          source_container: "String",
          read_only: false,
      hostname: "String",
      user: "String",
      working_directory: "String",
      disable_networking: false,
      privileged: false,
      readonly_root_filesystem: false,
      dns_servers: ["String"],
      dns_search_domains: ["String"],
      extra_hosts: [
          hostname: "String", # required
          ip_address: "String", # required
      docker_security_options: ["String"],
      docker_labels: {
        "String" => "String",
      ulimits: [
          name: "core", # required, accepts core, cpu, data, fsize, locks, memlock, msgqueue, nice, nofile, nproc, rss, rtprio, rttime, sigpending, stack
          soft_limit: 1, # required
          hard_limit: 1, # required
      log_configuration: {
        log_driver: "json-file", # required, accepts json-file, syslog, journald, gelf, fluentd, awslogs, splunk
        options: {
          "String" => "String",
  volumes: [
      name: "String",
      host: {
        source_path: "String",
  placement_constraints: [
      type: "memberOf", # accepts memberOf
      expression: "String",

Response structure

resp.task_definition.task_definition_arn #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].name #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].image #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].cpu #=> Integer
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].memory #=> Integer
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].memory_reservation #=> Integer
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].links #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].links[0] #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].port_mappings #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].port_mappings[0].container_port #=> Integer
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].port_mappings[0].host_port #=> Integer
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].port_mappings[0].protocol #=> String, one of "tcp", "udp"
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].essential #=> Boolean
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].entry_point #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].entry_point[0] #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].command #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].command[0] #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].environment #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].environment[0].name #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].environment[0].value #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].mount_points #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].mount_points[0].source_volume #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].mount_points[0].container_path #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].mount_points[0].read_only #=> Boolean
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].volumes_from #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].volumes_from[0].source_container #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].volumes_from[0].read_only #=> Boolean
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].hostname #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].user #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].working_directory #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].disable_networking #=> Boolean
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].privileged #=> Boolean
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].readonly_root_filesystem #=> Boolean
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].dns_servers #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].dns_servers[0] #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].dns_search_domains #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].dns_search_domains[0] #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].extra_hosts #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].extra_hosts[0].hostname #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].extra_hosts[0].ip_address #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].docker_security_options #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].docker_security_options[0] #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].docker_labels #=> Hash
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].docker_labels["String"] #=> String
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].ulimits #=> Array
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].ulimits[0].name #=> String, one of "core", "cpu", "data", "fsize", "locks", "memlock", "msgqueue", "nice", "nofile", "nproc", "rss", "rtprio", "rttime", "sigpending", "stack"
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].ulimits[0].soft_limit #=> Integer
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].ulimits[0].hard_limit #=> Integer
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].log_configuration.log_driver #=> String, one of "json-file", "syslog", "journald", "gelf", "fluentd", "awslogs", "splunk"
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].log_configuration.options #=> Hash
resp.task_definition.container_definitions[0].log_configuration.options["String"] #=> String #=> String
resp.task_definition.task_role_arn #=> String
resp.task_definition.network_mode #=> String, one of "bridge", "host", "none"
resp.task_definition.revision #=> Integer
resp.task_definition.volumes #=> Array
resp.task_definition.volumes[0].name #=> String
resp.task_definition.volumes[0].host.source_path #=> String
resp.task_definition.status #=> String, one of "ACTIVE", "INACTIVE"
resp.task_definition.requires_attributes #=> Array
resp.task_definition.requires_attributes[0].name #=> String
resp.task_definition.requires_attributes[0].value #=> String
resp.task_definition.requires_attributes[0].target_type #=> String, one of "container-instance"
resp.task_definition.requires_attributes[0].target_id #=> String
resp.task_definition.placement_constraints #=> Array
resp.task_definition.placement_constraints[0].type #=> String, one of "memberOf"
resp.task_definition.placement_constraints[0].expression #=> String


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :family (required, String)

    You must specify a ‘family` for a task definition, which allows you to track multiple versions of the same task definition. The `family` is used as a name for your task definition. Up to 255 letters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, hyphens, and underscores are allowed.

  • :task_role_arn (String)

    The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that containers in this task can assume. All containers in this task are granted the permissions that are specified in this role. For more information, see [IAM Roles for Tasks] in the *Amazon EC2 Container Service Developer Guide*.


  • :network_mode (String)

    The Docker networking mode to use for the containers in the task. The valid values are ‘none`, `bridge`, and `host`.

    The default Docker network mode is ‘bridge`. If the network mode is set to `none`, you cannot specify port mappings in your container definitions, and the task’s containers do not have external connectivity. The ‘host` network mode offers the highest networking performance for containers because they use the host network stack instead of the virtualized network stack provided by the `bridge` mode; however, exposed container ports are mapped directly to the corresponding host port, so you cannot take advantage of dynamic host port mappings or run multiple instantiations of the same task on a single container instance if port mappings are used.

    For more information, see [Network settings] in the *Docker run reference*.


  • :container_definitions (required, Array<Types::ContainerDefinition>)

    A list of container definitions in JSON format that describe the different containers that make up your task.

  • :volumes (Array<Types::Volume>)

    A list of volume definitions in JSON format that containers in your task may use.

  • :placement_constraints (Array<Types::TaskDefinitionPlacementConstraint>)

    An array of placement constraint objects to use for the task. You can specify a maximum of 10 constraints per task (this limit includes constraints in the task definition and those specified at run time).


See Also:

# File 'lib/aws-sdk-ecs/client.rb', line 2884

def register_task_definition(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:register_task_definition, params)

#run_task(params = {}) ⇒ Types::RunTaskResponse

Starts a new task using the specified task definition.

You can allow Amazon ECS to place tasks for you, or you can customize how Amazon ECS places tasks using placement constraints and placement strategies. For more information, see [Scheduling Tasks] in the *Amazon EC2 Container Service Developer Guide*.

Alternatively, you can use StartTask to use your own scheduler or place tasks manually on specific container instances.



Example: To run a task on your default cluster

# This example runs the specified task definition on your default cluster.

resp = client.run_task({
  cluster: "default", 
  task_definition: "sleep360:1", 

resp.to_h outputs the following:
  tasks: [
      container_instance_arn: "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:<aws_account_id>:container-instance/ffe3d344-77e2-476c-a4d0-bf560ad50acb", 
      containers: [
          name: "sleep", 
          container_arn: "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:<aws_account_id>:container/58591c8e-be29-4ddf-95aa-ee459d4c59fd", 
          last_status: "PENDING", 
          task_arn: "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:<aws_account_id>:task/a9f21ea7-c9f5-44b1-b8e6-b31f50ed33c0", 
      desired_status: "RUNNING", 
      last_status: "PENDING", 
      overrides: {
        container_overrides: [
            name: "sleep", 
      task_arn: "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:<aws_account_id>:task/a9f21ea7-c9f5-44b1-b8e6-b31f50ed33c0", 
      task_definition_arn: "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:<aws_account_id>:task-definition/sleep360:1", 

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.run_task({
  cluster: "String",
  task_definition: "String", # required
  overrides: {
    container_overrides: [
        name: "String",
        command: ["String"],
        environment: [
            name: "String",
            value: "String",
        cpu: 1,
        memory: 1,
        memory_reservation: 1,
    task_role_arn: "String",
  count: 1,
  started_by: "String",
  group: "String",
  placement_constraints: [
      type: "distinctInstance", # accepts distinctInstance, memberOf
      expression: "String",
  placement_strategy: [
      type: "random", # accepts random, spread, binpack
      field: "String",

Response structure

resp.tasks #=> Array
resp.tasks[0].task_arn #=> String
resp.tasks[0].cluster_arn #=> String
resp.tasks[0].task_definition_arn #=> String
resp.tasks[0].container_instance_arn #=> String
resp.tasks[0].overrides.container_overrides #=> Array
resp.tasks[0].overrides.container_overrides[0].name #=> String
resp.tasks[0].overrides.container_overrides[0].command #=> Array
resp.tasks[0].overrides.container_overrides[0].command[0] #=> String
resp.tasks[0].overrides.container_overrides[0].environment #=> Array
resp.tasks[0].overrides.container_overrides[0].environment[0].name #=> String
resp.tasks[0].overrides.container_overrides[0].environment[0].value #=> String
resp.tasks[0].overrides.container_overrides[0].cpu #=> Integer
resp.tasks[0].overrides.container_overrides[0].memory #=> Integer
resp.tasks[0].overrides.container_overrides[0].memory_reservation #=> Integer
resp.tasks[0].overrides.task_role_arn #=> String
resp.tasks[0].last_status #=> String
resp.tasks[0].desired_status #=> String
resp.tasks[0].containers #=> Array
resp.tasks[0].containers[0].container_arn #=> String
resp.tasks[0].containers[0].task_arn #=> String
resp.tasks[0].containers[0].name #=> String
resp.tasks[0].containers[0].last_status #=> String
resp.tasks[0].containers[0].exit_code #=> Integer
resp.tasks[0].containers[0].reason #=> String
resp.tasks[0].containers[0].network_bindings #=> Array
resp.tasks[0].containers[0].network_bindings[0].bind_ip #=> String
resp.tasks[0].containers[0].network_bindings[0].container_port #=> Integer
resp.tasks[0].containers[0].network_bindings[0].host_port #=> Integer
resp.tasks[0].containers[0].network_bindings[0].protocol #=> String, one of "tcp", "udp"
resp.tasks[0].started_by #=> String
resp.tasks[0].version #=> Integer
resp.tasks[0].stopped_reason #=> String
resp.tasks[0].created_at #=> Time
resp.tasks[0].started_at #=> Time
resp.tasks[0].stopped_at #=> Time
resp.tasks[0].group #=> String
resp.failures #=> Array
resp.failures[0].arn #=> String
resp.failures[0].reason #=> String


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :cluster (String)

    The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster on which to run your task. If you do not specify a cluster, the default cluster is assumed.

  • :task_definition (required, String)

    The ‘family` and `revision` (`family:revision`) or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the task definition to run. If a `revision` is not specified, the latest `ACTIVE` revision is used.

  • :overrides (Types::TaskOverride)

    A list of container overrides in JSON format that specify the name of a container in the specified task definition and the overrides it should receive. You can override the default command for a container (that is specified in the task definition or Docker image) with a ‘command` override. You can also override existing environment variables (that are specified in the task definition or Docker image) on a container or add new environment variables to it with an `environment` override.

    <note markdown=“1”> A total of 8192 characters are allowed for overrides. This limit includes the JSON formatting characters of the override structure.

  • :count (Integer)

    The number of instantiations of the specified task to place on your cluster. You can specify up to 10 tasks per call.

  • :started_by (String)

    An optional tag specified when a task is started. For example if you automatically trigger a task to run a batch process job, you could apply a unique identifier for that job to your task with the ‘startedBy` parameter. You can then identify which tasks belong to that job by filtering the results of a ListTasks call with the `startedBy` value. Up to 36 letters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, hyphens, and underscores are allowed.

    If a task is started by an Amazon ECS service, then the ‘startedBy` parameter contains the deployment ID of the service that starts it.

  • :group (String)

    The name of the task group to associate with the task. The default value is the family name of the task definition (for example, family:my-family-name).

  • :placement_constraints (Array<Types::PlacementConstraint>)

    An array of placement constraint objects to use for the task. You can specify up to 10 constraints per task (including constraints in the task definition and those specified at run time).

  • :placement_strategy (Array<Types::PlacementStrategy>)

    The placement strategy objects to use for the task. You can specify a maximum of 5 strategy rules per task.


See Also:

# File 'lib/aws-sdk-ecs/client.rb', line 3088

def run_task(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:run_task, params)

#start_task(params = {}) ⇒ Types::StartTaskResponse

Starts a new task from the specified task definition on the specified container instance or instances.

Alternatively, you can use RunTask to place tasks for you. For more information, see [Scheduling Tasks] in the *Amazon EC2 Container Service Developer Guide*.



Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.start_task({
  cluster: "String",
  task_definition: "String", # required
  overrides: {
    container_overrides: [
        name: "String",
        command: ["String"],
        environment: [
            name: "String",
            value: "String",
        cpu: 1,
        memory: 1,
        memory_reservation: 1,
    task_role_arn: "String",
  container_instances: ["String"], # required
  started_by: "String",
  group: "String",

Response structure

resp.tasks #=> Array
resp.tasks[0].task_arn #=> String
resp.tasks[0].cluster_arn #=> String
resp.tasks[0].task_definition_arn #=> String
resp.tasks[0].container_instance_arn #=> String
resp.tasks[0].overrides.container_overrides #=> Array
resp.tasks[0].overrides.container_overrides[0].name #=> String
resp.tasks[0].overrides.container_overrides[0].command #=> Array
resp.tasks[0].overrides.container_overrides[0].command[0] #=> String
resp.tasks[0].overrides.container_overrides[0].environment #=> Array
resp.tasks[0].overrides.container_overrides[0].environment[0].name #=> String
resp.tasks[0].overrides.container_overrides[0].environment[0].value #=> String
resp.tasks[0].overrides.container_overrides[0].cpu #=> Integer
resp.tasks[0].overrides.container_overrides[0].memory #=> Integer
resp.tasks[0].overrides.container_overrides[0].memory_reservation #=> Integer
resp.tasks[0].overrides.task_role_arn #=> String
resp.tasks[0].last_status #=> String
resp.tasks[0].desired_status #=> String
resp.tasks[0].containers #=> Array
resp.tasks[0].containers[0].container_arn #=> String
resp.tasks[0].containers[0].task_arn #=> String
resp.tasks[0].containers[0].name #=> String
resp.tasks[0].containers[0].last_status #=> String
resp.tasks[0].containers[0].exit_code #=> Integer
resp.tasks[0].containers[0].reason #=> String
resp.tasks[0].containers[0].network_bindings #=> Array
resp.tasks[0].containers[0].network_bindings[0].bind_ip #=> String
resp.tasks[0].containers[0].network_bindings[0].container_port #=> Integer
resp.tasks[0].containers[0].network_bindings[0].host_port #=> Integer
resp.tasks[0].containers[0].network_bindings[0].protocol #=> String, one of "tcp", "udp"
resp.tasks[0].started_by #=> String
resp.tasks[0].version #=> Integer
resp.tasks[0].stopped_reason #=> String
resp.tasks[0].created_at #=> Time
resp.tasks[0].started_at #=> Time
resp.tasks[0].stopped_at #=> Time
resp.tasks[0].group #=> String
resp.failures #=> Array
resp.failures[0].arn #=> String
resp.failures[0].reason #=> String


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :cluster (String)

    The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster on which to start your task. If you do not specify a cluster, the default cluster is assumed.

  • :task_definition (required, String)

    The ‘family` and `revision` (`family:revision`) or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the task definition to start. If a `revision` is not specified, the latest `ACTIVE` revision is used.

  • :overrides (Types::TaskOverride)

    A list of container overrides in JSON format that specify the name of a container in the specified task definition and the overrides it should receive. You can override the default command for a container (that is specified in the task definition or Docker image) with a ‘command` override. You can also override existing environment variables (that are specified in the task definition or Docker image) on a container or add new environment variables to it with an `environment` override.

    <note markdown=“1”> A total of 8192 characters are allowed for overrides. This limit includes the JSON formatting characters of the override structure.

  • :container_instances (required, Array<String>)

    The container instance IDs or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) entries for the container instances on which you would like to place your task. You can specify up to 10 container instances.

  • :started_by (String)

    An optional tag specified when a task is started. For example if you automatically trigger a task to run a batch process job, you could apply a unique identifier for that job to your task with the ‘startedBy` parameter. You can then identify which tasks belong to that job by filtering the results of a ListTasks call with the `startedBy` value. Up to 36 letters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, hyphens, and underscores are allowed.

    If a task is started by an Amazon ECS service, then the ‘startedBy` parameter contains the deployment ID of the service that starts it.

  • :group (String)

    The name of the task group to associate with the task. The default value is the family name of the task definition (for example, family:my-family-name).


See Also:

# File 'lib/aws-sdk-ecs/client.rb', line 3231

def start_task(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:start_task, params)

#stop_task(params = {}) ⇒ Types::StopTaskResponse

Stops a running task.

When StopTask is called on a task, the equivalent of ‘docker stop` is issued to the containers running in the task. This results in a `SIGTERM` and a default 30-second timeout, after which `SIGKILL` is sent and the containers are forcibly stopped. If the container handles the `SIGTERM` gracefully and exits within 30 seconds from receiving it, no `SIGKILL` is sent.

<note markdown=“1”> The default 30-second timeout can be configured on the Amazon ECS container agent with the ‘ECS_CONTAINER_STOP_TIMEOUT` variable. For more information, see [Amazon ECS Container Agent Configuration] in the *Amazon EC2 Container Service Developer Guide*.




Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.stop_task({
  cluster: "String",
  task: "String", # required
  reason: "String",

Response structure

resp.task.task_arn #=> String
resp.task.cluster_arn #=> String
resp.task.task_definition_arn #=> String
resp.task.container_instance_arn #=> String
resp.task.overrides.container_overrides #=> Array
resp.task.overrides.container_overrides[0].name #=> String
resp.task.overrides.container_overrides[0].command #=> Array
resp.task.overrides.container_overrides[0].command[0] #=> String
resp.task.overrides.container_overrides[0].environment #=> Array
resp.task.overrides.container_overrides[0].environment[0].name #=> String
resp.task.overrides.container_overrides[0].environment[0].value #=> String
resp.task.overrides.container_overrides[0].cpu #=> Integer
resp.task.overrides.container_overrides[0].memory #=> Integer
resp.task.overrides.container_overrides[0].memory_reservation #=> Integer
resp.task.overrides.task_role_arn #=> String
resp.task.last_status #=> String
resp.task.desired_status #=> String
resp.task.containers #=> Array
resp.task.containers[0].container_arn #=> String
resp.task.containers[0].task_arn #=> String
resp.task.containers[0].name #=> String
resp.task.containers[0].last_status #=> String
resp.task.containers[0].exit_code #=> Integer
resp.task.containers[0].reason #=> String
resp.task.containers[0].network_bindings #=> Array
resp.task.containers[0].network_bindings[0].bind_ip #=> String
resp.task.containers[0].network_bindings[0].container_port #=> Integer
resp.task.containers[0].network_bindings[0].host_port #=> Integer
resp.task.containers[0].network_bindings[0].protocol #=> String, one of "tcp", "udp"
resp.task.started_by #=> String
resp.task.version #=> Integer
resp.task.stopped_reason #=> String
resp.task.created_at #=> Time
resp.task.started_at #=> Time
resp.task.stopped_at #=> Time #=> String


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :cluster (String)

    The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster that hosts the task to stop. If you do not specify a cluster, the default cluster is assumed.

  • :task (required, String)

    The task ID or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) entry of the task to stop.

  • :reason (String)

    An optional message specified when a task is stopped. For example, if you are using a custom scheduler, you can use this parameter to specify the reason for stopping the task here, and the message will appear in subsequent DescribeTasks API operations on this task. Up to 255 characters are allowed in this message.


See Also:

# File 'lib/aws-sdk-ecs/client.rb', line 3327

def stop_task(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:stop_task, params)

#submit_container_state_change(params = {}) ⇒ Types::SubmitContainerStateChangeResponse

<note markdown=“1”> This action is only used by the Amazon EC2 Container Service agent, and it is not intended for use outside of the agent.


Sent to acknowledge that a container changed states.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.submit_container_state_change({
  cluster: "String",
  task: "String",
  container_name: "String",
  status: "String",
  exit_code: 1,
  reason: "String",
  network_bindings: [
      bind_ip: "String",
      container_port: 1,
      host_port: 1,
      protocol: "tcp", # accepts tcp, udp

Response structure

resp.acknowledgment #=> String


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :cluster (String)

    The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster that hosts the container.

  • :task (String)

    The task ID or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the task that hosts the container.

  • :container_name (String)

    The name of the container.

  • :status (String)

    The status of the state change request.

  • :exit_code (Integer)

    The exit code returned for the state change request.

  • :reason (String)

    The reason for the state change request.

  • :network_bindings (Array<Types::NetworkBinding>)

    The network bindings of the container.


See Also:

# File 'lib/aws-sdk-ecs/client.rb', line 3393

def submit_container_state_change(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:submit_container_state_change, params)

#submit_task_state_change(params = {}) ⇒ Types::SubmitTaskStateChangeResponse

<note markdown=“1”> This action is only used by the Amazon EC2 Container Service agent, and it is not intended for use outside of the agent.


Sent to acknowledge that a task changed states.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.submit_task_state_change({
  cluster: "String",
  task: "String",
  status: "String",
  reason: "String",

Response structure

resp.acknowledgment #=> String


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :cluster (String)

    The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster that hosts the task.

  • :task (String)

    The task ID or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the task in the state change request.

  • :status (String)

    The status of the state change request.

  • :reason (String)

    The reason for the state change request.


See Also:

# File 'lib/aws-sdk-ecs/client.rb', line 3440

def submit_task_state_change(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:submit_task_state_change, params)

#update_container_agent(params = {}) ⇒ Types::UpdateContainerAgentResponse

Updates the Amazon ECS container agent on a specified container instance. Updating the Amazon ECS container agent does not interrupt running tasks or services on the container instance. The process for updating the agent differs depending on whether your container instance was launched with the Amazon ECS-optimized AMI or another operating system.

‘UpdateContainerAgent` requires the Amazon ECS-optimized AMI or Amazon Linux with the `ecs-init` service installed and running. For help updating the Amazon ECS container agent on other operating systems, see [Manually Updating the Amazon ECS Container Agent] in the *Amazon EC2 Container Service Developer Guide*.



Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.update_container_agent({
  cluster: "String",
  container_instance: "String", # required

Response structure

resp.container_instance.container_instance_arn #=> String
resp.container_instance.ec2_instance_id #=> String
resp.container_instance.version #=> Integer
resp.container_instance.version_info.agent_version #=> String
resp.container_instance.version_info.agent_hash #=> String
resp.container_instance.version_info.docker_version #=> String
resp.container_instance.remaining_resources #=> Array
resp.container_instance.remaining_resources[0].name #=> String
resp.container_instance.remaining_resources[0].type #=> String
resp.container_instance.remaining_resources[0].double_value #=> Float
resp.container_instance.remaining_resources[0].long_value #=> Integer
resp.container_instance.remaining_resources[0].integer_value #=> Integer
resp.container_instance.remaining_resources[0].string_set_value #=> Array
resp.container_instance.remaining_resources[0].string_set_value[0] #=> String
resp.container_instance.registered_resources #=> Array
resp.container_instance.registered_resources[0].name #=> String
resp.container_instance.registered_resources[0].type #=> String
resp.container_instance.registered_resources[0].double_value #=> Float
resp.container_instance.registered_resources[0].long_value #=> Integer
resp.container_instance.registered_resources[0].integer_value #=> Integer
resp.container_instance.registered_resources[0].string_set_value #=> Array
resp.container_instance.registered_resources[0].string_set_value[0] #=> String
resp.container_instance.status #=> String
resp.container_instance.agent_connected #=> Boolean
resp.container_instance.running_tasks_count #=> Integer
resp.container_instance.pending_tasks_count #=> Integer
resp.container_instance.agent_update_status #=> String, one of "PENDING", "STAGING", "STAGED", "UPDATING", "UPDATED", "FAILED"
resp.container_instance.attributes #=> Array
resp.container_instance.attributes[0].name #=> String
resp.container_instance.attributes[0].value #=> String
resp.container_instance.attributes[0].target_type #=> String, one of "container-instance"
resp.container_instance.attributes[0].target_id #=> String
resp.container_instance.registered_at #=> Time


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :cluster (String)

    The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster that your container instance is running on. If you do not specify a cluster, the default cluster is assumed.

  • :container_instance (required, String)

    The container instance ID or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) entries for the container instance on which you would like to update the Amazon ECS container agent.


See Also:

# File 'lib/aws-sdk-ecs/client.rb', line 3523

def update_container_agent(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:update_container_agent, params)

#update_container_instances_state(params = {}) ⇒ Types::UpdateContainerInstancesStateResponse

Modifies the status of an Amazon ECS container instance.

You can change the status of a container instance to ‘DRAINING` to manually remove an instance from a cluster, for example to perform system updates, update the Docker daemon, or scale down the cluster size.

When you set a container instance to ‘DRAINING`, Amazon ECS prevents new tasks from being scheduled for placement on the container instance and replacement service tasks are started on other container instances in the cluster if the resources are available. Service tasks on the container instance that are in the `PENDING` state are stopped immediately.

Service tasks on the container instance that are in the ‘RUNNING` state are stopped and replaced according the service’s deployment configuration parameters, ‘minimumHealthyPercent` and `maximumPercent`. Note that you can change the deployment configuration of your service using UpdateService.

  • If ‘minimumHealthyPercent` is below 100%, the scheduler can ignore `desiredCount` temporarily during task replacement. For example, `desiredCount` is four tasks, a minimum of 50% allows the scheduler to stop two existing tasks before starting two new tasks. If the minimum is 100%, the service scheduler can’t remove existing tasks until the replacement tasks are considered healthy. Tasks for services that do not use a load balancer are considered healthy if they are in the ‘RUNNING` state. Tasks for services that use a load balancer are considered healthy if they are in the `RUNNING` state and the container instance they are hosted on is reported as healthy by the load balancer.

  • The ‘maximumPercent` parameter represents an upper limit on the number of running tasks during task replacement, which enables you to define the replacement batch size. For example, if `desiredCount` of four tasks, a maximum of 200% starts four new tasks before stopping the four tasks to be drained (provided that the cluster resources required to do this are available). If the maximum is 100%, then replacement tasks can’t start until the draining tasks have stopped.

Any ‘PENDING` or `RUNNING` tasks that do not belong to a service are not affected; you must wait for them to finish or stop them manually.

A container instance has completed draining when it has no more ‘RUNNING` tasks. You can verify this using ListTasks.

When you set a container instance to ‘ACTIVE`, the Amazon ECS scheduler can begin scheduling tasks on the instance again.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.update_container_instances_state({
  cluster: "String",
  container_instances: ["String"], # required
  status: "ACTIVE", # required, accepts ACTIVE, DRAINING

Response structure

resp.container_instances #=> Array
resp.container_instances[0].container_instance_arn #=> String
resp.container_instances[0].ec2_instance_id #=> String
resp.container_instances[0].version #=> Integer
resp.container_instances[0].version_info.agent_version #=> String
resp.container_instances[0].version_info.agent_hash #=> String
resp.container_instances[0].version_info.docker_version #=> String
resp.container_instances[0].remaining_resources #=> Array
resp.container_instances[0].remaining_resources[0].name #=> String
resp.container_instances[0].remaining_resources[0].type #=> String
resp.container_instances[0].remaining_resources[0].double_value #=> Float
resp.container_instances[0].remaining_resources[0].long_value #=> Integer
resp.container_instances[0].remaining_resources[0].integer_value #=> Integer
resp.container_instances[0].remaining_resources[0].string_set_value #=> Array
resp.container_instances[0].remaining_resources[0].string_set_value[0] #=> String
resp.container_instances[0].registered_resources #=> Array
resp.container_instances[0].registered_resources[0].name #=> String
resp.container_instances[0].registered_resources[0].type #=> String
resp.container_instances[0].registered_resources[0].double_value #=> Float
resp.container_instances[0].registered_resources[0].long_value #=> Integer
resp.container_instances[0].registered_resources[0].integer_value #=> Integer
resp.container_instances[0].registered_resources[0].string_set_value #=> Array
resp.container_instances[0].registered_resources[0].string_set_value[0] #=> String
resp.container_instances[0].status #=> String
resp.container_instances[0].agent_connected #=> Boolean
resp.container_instances[0].running_tasks_count #=> Integer
resp.container_instances[0].pending_tasks_count #=> Integer
resp.container_instances[0].agent_update_status #=> String, one of "PENDING", "STAGING", "STAGED", "UPDATING", "UPDATED", "FAILED"
resp.container_instances[0].attributes #=> Array
resp.container_instances[0].attributes[0].name #=> String
resp.container_instances[0].attributes[0].value #=> String
resp.container_instances[0].attributes[0].target_type #=> String, one of "container-instance"
resp.container_instances[0].attributes[0].target_id #=> String
resp.container_instances[0].registered_at #=> Time
resp.failures #=> Array
resp.failures[0].arn #=> String
resp.failures[0].reason #=> String


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :cluster (String)

    The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster that hosts the container instance to update. If you do not specify a cluster, the default cluster is assumed.

  • :container_instances (required, Array<String>)

    A list of container instance IDs or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) entries.

  • :status (required, String)

    The container instance state with which to update the container instance.


See Also:

# File 'lib/aws-sdk-ecs/client.rb', line 3648

def update_container_instances_state(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:update_container_instances_state, params)

#update_service(params = {}) ⇒ Types::UpdateServiceResponse

Modifies the desired count, deployment configuration, or task definition used in a service.

You can add to or subtract from the number of instantiations of a task definition in a service by specifying the cluster that the service is running in and a new ‘desiredCount` parameter.

You can use UpdateService to modify your task definition and deploy a new version of your service.

You can also update the deployment configuration of a service. When a deployment is triggered by updating the task definition of a service, the service scheduler uses the deployment configuration parameters, ‘minimumHealthyPercent` and `maximumPercent`, to determine the deployment strategy.

  • If ‘minimumHealthyPercent` is below 100%, the scheduler can ignore `desiredCount` temporarily during a deployment. For example, if `desiredCount` is four tasks, a minimum of 50% allows the scheduler to stop two existing tasks before starting two new tasks. Tasks for services that do not use a load balancer are considered healthy if they are in the `RUNNING` state. Tasks for services that use a load balancer are considered healthy if they are in the `RUNNING` state and the container instance they are hosted on is reported as healthy by the load balancer.

  • The ‘maximumPercent` parameter represents an upper limit on the number of running tasks during a deployment, which enables you to define the deployment batch size. For example, if `desiredCount` is four tasks, a maximum of 200% starts four new tasks before stopping the four older tasks (provided that the cluster resources required to do this are available).

When UpdateService stops a task during a deployment, the equivalent of ‘docker stop` is issued to the containers running in the task. This results in a `SIGTERM` and a 30-second timeout, after which `SIGKILL` is sent and the containers are forcibly stopped. If the container handles the `SIGTERM` gracefully and exits within 30 seconds from receiving it, no `SIGKILL` is sent.

When the service scheduler launches new tasks, it determines task placement in your cluster with the following logic:

  • Determine which of the container instances in your cluster can support your service’s task definition (for example, they have the required CPU, memory, ports, and container instance attributes).

  • By default, the service scheduler attempts to balance tasks across Availability Zones in this manner (although you can choose a different placement strategy):

    • Sort the valid container instances by the fewest number of running tasks for this service in the same Availability Zone as the instance. For example, if zone A has one running service task and zones B and C each have zero, valid container instances in either zone B or C are considered optimal for placement.

    • Place the new service task on a valid container instance in an optimal Availability Zone (based on the previous steps), favoring container instances with the fewest number of running tasks for this service.

When the service scheduler stops running tasks, it attempts to maintain balance across the Availability Zones in your cluster using the following logic:

  • Sort the container instances by the largest number of running tasks for this service in the same Availability Zone as the instance. For example, if zone A has one running service task and zones B and C each have two, container instances in either zone B or C are considered optimal for termination.

  • Stop the task on a container instance in an optimal Availability Zone (based on the previous steps), favoring container instances with the largest number of running tasks for this service.


Example: To change the task definition used in a service

# This example updates the my-http-service service to use the amazon-ecs-sample task definition.

resp = client.update_service({
  service: "my-http-service", 
  task_definition: "amazon-ecs-sample", 

resp.to_h outputs the following:

Example: To change the number of tasks in a service

# This example updates the desired count of the my-http-service service to 10.

resp = client.update_service({
  desired_count: 10, 
  service: "my-http-service", 

resp.to_h outputs the following:

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.update_service({
  cluster: "String",
  service: "String", # required
  desired_count: 1,
  task_definition: "String",
  deployment_configuration: {
    maximum_percent: 1,
    minimum_healthy_percent: 1,

Response structure

resp.service.service_arn #=> String
resp.service.service_name #=> String
resp.service.cluster_arn #=> String
resp.service.load_balancers #=> Array
resp.service.load_balancers[0].target_group_arn #=> String
resp.service.load_balancers[0].load_balancer_name #=> String
resp.service.load_balancers[0].container_name #=> String
resp.service.load_balancers[0].container_port #=> Integer
resp.service.status #=> String
resp.service.desired_count #=> Integer
resp.service.running_count #=> Integer
resp.service.pending_count #=> Integer
resp.service.task_definition #=> String
resp.service.deployment_configuration.maximum_percent #=> Integer
resp.service.deployment_configuration.minimum_healthy_percent #=> Integer
resp.service.deployments #=> Array
resp.service.deployments[0].id #=> String
resp.service.deployments[0].status #=> String
resp.service.deployments[0].task_definition #=> String
resp.service.deployments[0].desired_count #=> Integer
resp.service.deployments[0].pending_count #=> Integer
resp.service.deployments[0].running_count #=> Integer
resp.service.deployments[0].created_at #=> Time
resp.service.deployments[0].updated_at #=> Time
resp.service.role_arn #=> String #=> Array[0].id #=> String[0].created_at #=> Time[0].message #=> String
resp.service.created_at #=> Time
resp.service.placement_constraints #=> Array
resp.service.placement_constraints[0].type #=> String, one of "distinctInstance", "memberOf"
resp.service.placement_constraints[0].expression #=> String
resp.service.placement_strategy #=> Array
resp.service.placement_strategy[0].type #=> String, one of "random", "spread", "binpack"
resp.service.placement_strategy[0].field #=> String


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :cluster (String)

    The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster that your service is running on. If you do not specify a cluster, the default cluster is assumed.

  • :service (required, String)

    The name of the service to update.

  • :desired_count (Integer)

    The number of instantiations of the task to place and keep running in your service.

  • :task_definition (String)

    The ‘family` and `revision` (`family:revision`) or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the task definition to run in your service. If a `revision` is not specified, the latest `ACTIVE` revision is used. If you modify the task definition with `UpdateService`, Amazon ECS spawns a task with the new version of the task definition and then stops an old task after the new version is running.

  • :deployment_configuration (Types::DeploymentConfiguration)

    Optional deployment parameters that control how many tasks run during the deployment and the ordering of stopping and starting tasks.


See Also:

# File 'lib/aws-sdk-ecs/client.rb', line 3840

def update_service(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:update_service, params)

#wait_until(waiter_name, params = {}, options = {}) {|w.waiter| ... } ⇒ Boolean

Polls an API operation until a resource enters a desired state.

## Basic Usage

A waiter will call an API operation until:

  • It is successful

  • It enters a terminal state

  • It makes the maximum number of attempts

In between attempts, the waiter will sleep.

# polls in a loop, sleeping between attempts
client.waiter_until(waiter_name, params)

## Configuration

You can configure the maximum number of polling attempts, and the delay (in seconds) between each polling attempt. You can pass configuration as the final arguments hash.

# poll for ~25 seconds
client.wait_until(waiter_name, params, {
  max_attempts: 5,
  delay: 5,

## Callbacks

You can be notified before each polling attempt and before each delay. If you throw ‘:success` or `:failure` from these callbacks, it will terminate the waiter.

started_at =
client.wait_until(waiter_name, params, {

  # disable max attempts
  max_attempts: nil,

  # poll for 1 hour, instead of a number of attempts
  before_wait: -> (attempts, response) do
    throw :failure if - started_at > 3600

## Handling Errors

When a waiter is unsuccessful, it will raise an error. All of the failure errors extend from Waiters::Errors::WaiterFailed.

rescue Aws::Waiters::Errors::WaiterFailed
  # resource did not enter the desired state in time

## Valid Waiters

The following table lists the valid waiter names, the operations they call, and the default ‘:delay` and `:max_attempts` values.

| waiter_name | params | :delay | :max_attempts | | —————– | ——————– | ——– | ————- | | services_inactive | #describe_services | 15 | 40 | | services_stable | #describe_services | 15 | 40 | | tasks_running | #describe_tasks | 6 | 100 | | tasks_stopped | #describe_tasks | 6 | 100 |


  • waiter_name (Symbol)
  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (options):

  • :max_attempts (Integer)
  • :delay (Integer)
  • :before_attempt (Proc)
  • :before_wait (Proc)


  • (w.waiter)


  • (Boolean)

    Returns ‘true` if the waiter was successful.


  • (Errors::FailureStateError)

    Raised when the waiter terminates because the waiter has entered a state that it will not transition out of, preventing success.

  • (Errors::TooManyAttemptsError)

    Raised when the configured maximum number of attempts have been made, and the waiter is not yet successful.

  • (Errors::UnexpectedError)

    Raised when an error is encounted while polling for a resource that is not expected.

  • (Errors::NoSuchWaiterError)

    Raised when you request to wait for an unknown state.

# File 'lib/aws-sdk-ecs/client.rb', line 3953

def wait_until(waiter_name, params = {}, options = {})
  w = waiter(waiter_name, options)
  yield(w.waiter) if block_given? # deprecated


This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.


# File 'lib/aws-sdk-ecs/client.rb', line 3961

def waiter_names