Class: AutomateIt::Project

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An AutomateIt Project is a collection of related recipes, tags, fields and custom plugins.

Create a project

You can create a project by running the following from the Unix shell:

automateit --create myproject

This will create a directory called myproject with a number of directories and files. Each directory has a README.txt that explains what it’s used for.

Advantages of a project over raw recipe files

Although you can run recipes without a project, putting your recipes into a project provides you with the following benefits:

  1. Directory structure to organize your files.

  2. Automatically loads tags from project’s config/tags.yml file.

  3. Loads fields from the config/fields.yml file.

  4. Loads all custom plugins and libraries found in the lib directory.

  5. Provides a dist method that corresponds to your project’s dist

directory. Using this method will save you from having to type paths for
files you intend to distribute from recipes, e.g.:
  cp(dist+"/source.txt", "/tmp/target.txt")

Using a project

For example, create a new project:

automateit --create hello_project

Inside this project, edit its fields, which are stored in the config/fields.yml file, and make it look like this:

greeting: Hello world!

Then create a recipe in the recipes/greet.rb file:

puts lookup(:greeting)

You can run the recipe:

automateit recipes/greet.rb

And you should get the following output:

Hello world!

Using project libraries

Any files ending with .rb that you put into the project’s lib directory will be loaded before your recipe starts executing. This is a good way to add common features, custom plugins and such.

For example, put the following into a new lib/meow.rb file:

def meow

Now create a new recipe that uses this method in recipes/speak.rb

puts meow

Now you can run it:

automateit recipes/speak.rb

And you’ll get this:


Specifying project paths on the Unix shell

AutomateIt will load the project automatically if you’re executing a recipe that’s inside a project’s recipes directory.

For example, assume that you’ve create your project as /tmp/hello_project and have a recipe at /tmp/hello_project/recipes/greet.rb.

You can execute the recipe with a full path:

automateit /tmp/hello_project/recipes/greet.rb

Or execute it with a relative path:

cd /tmp/hello_project/recipes
automateit greet.rb

Or you can prepend a header to the greet.rb recipe so it looks like this

#!/usr/bin/env automateit

puts lookup(:greeting)

And then make the file executable:

chmod a+X /tmp/hello_project/recipes/greet.rb

And execute the recipe directly:


Specifying project paths for embedded programs

If you’re embedding the Interpreter into another Ruby program, you can run recipes and they’ll automatically load the project if applicable. For example:

require 'rubygems'
require 'automateit'

Or if you may specify the project path explicitly:

require 'rubygems'
require 'automateit'
interpreter = => "/tmp/hello_project")
puts interpreter.lookup("greeting")

Tag and field command-line helpers

You can access a project’s tags and fields from the Unix shell. This helps other programs access configuration data and make use of your roles.

For example, with the hello_project we’ve created, we can lookup fields from the Unix shell like this:

aifield -p /tmp/hello_project greeting

The -p specifies the project path (its an alias for --project). More commands are available. You can see the documentation and examples for these commands by running:

aifield --help
aitag --help

Sometimes it’s convenient to set a default project path so you don’t need to type as much by specifing the AUTOMATEIT_PROJECT environmental variable (or AIP if you want a shortcut) and use it like this:

export AUTOMATEIT_PROJECT=/tmp/hello_project
aifield greeting

Sharing a project between systems

If you want to share a project between different hosts, you’re responsible for distributing the files between them. This isn’t a big deal though because these are just text files and your OS has dozens of excellent ways to distribute these.

Common approaches to distribution:

  • *Shared directory*: Your hosts mount a shared network directory (e.g., nfs or smb) with your project. This is very easy if your hosts already have a shared directory, but can be a nuisance otherwise because it opens potential security holes and risks having you hosts hang if the master goes offline.

  • *Client pull*: Your hosts download the latest copy of your project from a master repository using a remote copy tool (e.g., rsync) or a revision control system (e.g., cvs, svn, hg). This is a safe, simple and secure option.

  • *Server push*: You have a master push out the project files to clients using a remote copy tool. This can be awkward and time-consuming because the server must go through a list of all hosts and copy files to them individually.

An example of a complete solution for distributing system configuration management files:

  • Setup an svn or hg repository to store your project and create a special account for the hosts to use to checkout code.

  • Write a wrapper script for running the recipes, for example, write a “/usr/bin/myautomateit” shell script like:

    cd /var/local/myautomateit
    svn update --quiet
    automateit recipe/default.rb
  • Run this wrapper once an hour using cron so that your systems are always up to date. AutomateIt only prints output when it makes a change, so cron will only email you when you commit new code to the repository and the hosts make changes.

  • If you need to run a recipe on the machine right now, SSH into it and run the wrapper.

  • If you need to run the script early on a bunch of machines and don’t want to manually SSH into each one, you can leverage the aitag (see aitag --help) to execute a Unix command across multiple systems. For example, you could use a Unix shell command like this to execute the wrapper on all hosts tagged with apache_servers:

    for host in `aitag -p /var/local/myautomateit -w apache_server`; do
        echo "# $host"
        ssh $host myautomateit


In case you’re interested, the project creator is actually an AutomateIt recipe. You can read the recipe source code by looking at the AutomateIt::Project::create method.

Constant Summary collapse


—[ Default text content for generated files ]————————

"Welcome to AutomateIt!\n\nLearn:\n* See it in action at\n* Read the tutorial at\n* Read the documentation at\n* See the README files created in the project\n\nRun:\n* `automateit -p .` -- Starts interactive shell for project\n* `automateit recipes/hello.rb` -- Runs a recipe called recipes/hello.rb\n* `automateit -n recipes/hello.rb` -- Previews recipe\n\nRake:\n* `rake` -- Starts interactive shell for project\n* `rake hello` -- Runs sample recipe\n* `rake preview` -- Turns on preview mode\n* `rake preview hello` -- Previews the sample recipe\n\nChanges:\n* Sign up for RSS feed at\n" #:nodoc:


"#-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n#\n# == \#{welcome_title}\n#\n\#{{|t| \"# %s\" % t}.join(\"\\n\")}\n#\n#------------------------------------------------------------------\n" #:nodoc:


"# Put your roles here\n\n#-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n#\n# == TAGS\n#\n# This is an AutomateIt tags file. Use it to assign tags to hosts so you\n# can manage multiple hosts as a group.\n#\n# For example, in this file assign the tag \"myrole\" to two computers\n# named \"host1\" and \"host2\":\n#\n#     myrole:\n#       - host1\n#       - host2\n#\n# Then check from a recipe if this host has this tag:\n#\n#     if tagged?(\"myrole\")\n#       # Code will only run if this host is tagged with \"myrole\"\n#     end\n#\n# You can also retrieve tags:\n#\n#     puts \"Tags for this host: \\\#{tags.inspect}\"\n#     # => [\"myrole\"]\n#     puts \"Tags for a specific host: \\\#{tags_for(\"host1\").inspect}\"\n#     # => [\"myrole\"]\n#     puts \"Hosts with a tag: \\\#{hosts_tagged_with(\"myrole\").inspect}\"\n#     # => [\"host1\", \"host2\"]\n#\n# You will likely see additional tags which are automatically added\n# based on the host's operating system, architecture, hostnames, etc.\n#\n# You may use ERB statements within this file.\n#\n# See AutomateIt::TagManager for further details.\n#\n#---------------------------------------------------------------------\n" # :nodoc:


"# Put your fields here\n\n#-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n#\n# == FIELDS\n#\n# This is an AutomateIt fields file. Fields are useful for extracting\n# configuration-specific arguments out of your recipe logic, and making\n# them easier to share between recipes and access from other programs.\n#\n# For example, declare fields using YAML:\n#\n#   foo: bar\n#   mydaemon:\n#     mykey: myvalue\n#\n# And retrieve field values from a recipe:\n#\n#   lookup(\"foo\") # => \"bar\"\n#   lookup(\"mydaemon\") # => {\"mykey\" => \"myvalue\"}\n#   lookup(\"mydaemon#mykey\") # => \"myvalue\"\n#\n# You may use ERB statements within this file. Because this file is\n# loaded after the tags, you can use ERB to dynamically set fields for\n# specific groups of hosts, e.g.:\n#\n#   magical: <%%= tagged?(\"magical_hosts\") ? true : false %>\n#\n# See AutomateIt::FieldManager for further details.\n#\n#----------------------------------------------------------------------\n" #:nodoc:


"# Put your environment commands here\n\n#-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n#\n# == ENVIRONMENT\n#\n# This is an AutomateIt environment file. Use it to customize AutomateIt\n# and provide settings to recipes, interactive shell, or embedded\n# Interpreters using this project.\n#\n# The \"self\" in this file is an Interpreter instance, so you can execute\n# all the same commands that you'd normally put in a recipe.\n#\n# This file is loaded after the project's tags, fields and libraries.\n#\n#----------------------------------------------------------------------\n" #:nodoc:


"#-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n#\n# == LIB\n#\n# This is your AutomateIt project's \"lib\" directory. You can put custom\n# plugins and convenience methods into this directory.\n#\n# For example, create a convenience method for geteting the time by\n# creating a \"lib/now.rb\" file with the following contents:\n#\n#   def now\n#\n#   end\n#\n# This will provide a \"now\" method that's available to your recipes,\n# interactive shell or embedded interpreter.\n#\n# Libraries are loaded every time an AutomateIt interpreter is started.\n# It loads all \"*.rb\" files in this directory, and all \"init.rb\" files\n# in subdirectories of this directory.\n#\n#----------------------------------------------------------------------\n" #:nodoc:


"#-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n#\n# == DIST\n#\n# This is your AutomateIt project's \"dist\" directory. It's a place for\n# keeping files and templates you plan to distribute.\n#\n# You can retrieve this directory's path using the \"dist\" method in\n# recipes, for example:\n#\n#     # Display the \"dist\" directory's path\n#     puts dist\n#\n#     # Render the template file \"dist/foo.erb\"\n#     render(:file => dist+\"/foo.erb\", ...)\n#\n#     # Or copy the same file somewhere\n#     cp(dist+\"/foo.erb\", ...)\n#\n#----------------------------------------------------------------------\n" #:nodoc:


"#-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n#\n# == RECIPES\n#\n# This is your AutomateIt project's \"recipes\" directory. You should put\n# recipes into this directory.\n#\n# For example, create a \"recipes/hello.rb\" file with these contents:\n#\n#   puts \"Hello\"\n#\n# And execute it with:\n#\n#     automateit recipes/your_recipe.rb\n#\n#----------------------------------------------------------------------\n" #:nodoc:


"puts \"Hello, I'm an \#{self.class} -- pleased to meet you!\"\nputs \"I'm in preview mode\" if preview?\n" #:nodoc


"require \"automateit\"\n\n# Create an Interpreter for project in current directory.\n@interpreter = => \".\")\n\n# Include Interpreter's methods into Rake session.\[email protected]_in(self)\n\ntask :default => :shell\n\ndesc \"Interactive AutomateIt shell\"\ntask :shell do\\nend\n\ndesc \"Run a recipe\"\ntask :hello do\ninvoke \"hello\"\nend\n\ndesc \"Preview action, e.g, 'rake preview hello'\"\ntask :preview do\npreview true\nend\n" #:nodoc

Constants included from Constants

Constants::PERROR, Constants::PEXEC, Constants::PNOTE, Constants::VERSION, Constants::WARNING_BOILERPLATE

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Common


Class Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from Common

#initialize, #log, #nitpick, #noop, #noop=, #noop?, #preview, #preview=, #preview?, #preview_for, #setup, #superuser?, #writing, #writing=, #writing?

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from AutomateIt::Common

Class Method Details

.create(opts) ⇒ Object

Create a new project.


  • :create – Project path to create. Required.

  • All other options are passed to the AutomateIt::Interpreter.

# File 'lib/automateit/project.rb', line 186

def self.create(opts)
  display = lambda {|message| puts message if ! opts[:verbosity] || (opts[:verbosity] && opts[:verbosity] <= Logger::INFO) }

  path = opts.delete(:create) \
    or raise":create option not specified")
  interpreter =
  interpreter.instance_eval do
    # +render+ only files that don't exist.
    template_manager.default_check = :exists

    mkdir_p(path) do |created| PNOTE+"%s AutomateIt project at: %s" %
        [created ? "Creating" : "Updating", path]

      render(:text => WELCOME_CONTENT, :to => "README_AutomateIt.txt")
      render(:text => RAKEFILE_CONTENT, :to => "Rakefile")

      render(:text => TAGS_CONTENT, :to => "config/tags.yml")
      render(:text => FIELDS_CONTENT, :to => "config/fields.yml")
      render(:text => ENV_CONTENT, :to => "config/automateit_env.rb")

      render(:text => DIST_README_CONTENT, :to => "dist/README_AutomateIt_dist.txt")

      render(:text => BASE_README_CONTENT, :to => "lib/README_AutomateIt_lib.txt")

      render(:text => RECIPE_README_CONTENT, :to => "recipes/README_AutomateIt_recipes.txt")
      render(:text => RECIPE_HELLO_CONTENT, :to => "recipes/hello.rb")

    if and not opts[:quiet]
      puts '-----------------------------------------------------------------------'
      puts '-----------------------------------------------------------------------'
  end # of interpreter.instance_eval