Class: AutomateIt::FieldManager

Plugin::Manager show all
Defined in:



The FieldManager provides a way of accessing a hash of constants. These are useful for storing configuration data seperately from recipes. # Fields are typically stored in a Project’s config/fields.yml file.

Fields can also be queried from the Unix shell using aifield, run aifield --help for details.

Defined Under Namespace

Classes: BaseDriver, Struct, YAML

Constant Summary

Constants included from Constants

Constants::PERROR, Constants::PEXEC, Constants::PNOTE, Constants::VERSION, Constants::WARNING_BOILERPLATE

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Plugin::Manager


Attributes inherited from Common


Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from Plugin::Manager

#[], abstract_manager, alias_methods, #available?, #default, #default=, #dispatch, #dispatch_safely, #dispatch_safely_to, #dispatch_to, driver_classes, #driver_for, #driver_suitability_levels_for, inherited, #instantiate_drivers, #setup

Methods inherited from Plugin::Base

#setup, #token, token

Methods inherited from Common

#initialize, #log, #nitpick, #noop, #noop=, #noop?, #preview, #preview=, #preview?, #preview_for, #setup, #superuser?, #writing, #writing=, #writing?

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from AutomateIt::Common

Instance Method Details

#lookup(search = nil) ⇒ Object

Lookup a field.

For example, consider a field.yml that contains YAML like:

foo: bar
  my_key: my_value

With the above file, we can query the fields like this:

lookup(:foo) # => "bar"
lookup("foo") # => "bar"
lookup("my_app#my_key") # => "my_value"
lookup("my_app#my_branch") # => "my_value"

You can get a reference to the entire hash:


If a field isn’t found, a IndexError is raised.

# File 'lib/automateit/field_manager.rb', line 29

def lookup(search=nil) dispatch(search) end