Module: Authpds::Session

Defined in:



The Auth module mixes in callbacks to Authlogic::Session::Base for persisting, validating and managing the destruction of sessions. The module also provides instance methods used by the SessionController for managing UserSessions before login and redirecting to login and logout urls. The methods in this module are intended to be overridden for custom authentication/authorization needs. The documentation below describes the methods available for overriding, convenience methods available for use by custom implementations, instructions for mixing in custom implementations and further details about the module.

Methods Available for Overriding


Used for creating a UserSession without the User having to explicitly login, thereby supporting single sign-on. When overridden, implementations should update the UserSession User, via UserSession#get_user based on custom authentication/authorization criteria. Authlogic will take care of the rest by saving the User and creating the UserSession.


Allows for custom logic immediately before a login is initiated. If a controller :redirect_to or :render is performed, the directive will supercede :login_url. Precedes :login_url.


Should return a custom login URL for redirection to when logging in via a remote system. If undefined, /login will go to the UserSession login view, default user_session/new). Preceded by :before_login.


Used for creating a UserSession after login credentials are provided. When overridden, custom implementations should update the UserSession User, via UserSession#get_user based on authentication/authorization criteria. Authlogic will take care of the rest by saving the User and creating the UserSession.


Allows for custom logic immediately before logout is performed


Allows for custom logic immediately after logout is performed


Should return a custom logout URL for redirection to after logout has been performed.

Allows for single sign-out via a remote system.

Convenience Methods for Use by Custom Implementations


Returns the current controller. Used for accessing cookies and session information, performing redirects, etc.


Returns the User for updating by :on_every_request and :after_login. Returns an existing User if she exists, otherwise creates a new User.


Returns the URL for validating a UserSession on return from a remote login system.


Sets the expiration date for the User. Default is one week ago.


Sets the last time the User was refreshed and saves the value to the database.


Returns a boolean based on whether the User has been refreshed recently.

If User#refreshed_at is older than User#expiration_date, the User is expired and the data may need to be refreshed.


“Smart” updating of user_attributes. Maintains user_attributes that are not explicity overwritten.

Mixing in Custom Implementations

Once you’ve built your class, you can mix it in to Authlogic with the following config setting in config/environment.rb

config.app_config.login = { 
  :module => :PDS,
  :cookie_name => "user_credentials_is_the_default"
  :remember_me => true|false
  :remember_me_for => seconds, e.g. 5.minutes }

Further Implementation Details

Persisting a UserSession in AuthLogic

When persisting a UserSession, Authlogic attempts to create the UserSession based on information available without having to perform an actual login by calling the :persisting? method. Authologic provides several callbacks from the :persisting? method, e.g. :before_persisting, :persist, :after_persisting. We’re using the :persist callback and setting it to :on_every_request.

Validating a UserSession in AuthLogic

When validating a UserSession, Authlogic attempts to create the UserSession based on information available from login by calling the :valid? method. Authologic provides several callbacks from the :valid? method, e.g. :before_validation, :validate, :after_validation. We’re using the :validate callback and setting it to :after_login.

Access to the controller in UserSession

The class that UserSession extends, Authologic::Session::Base, has an explicit handle to the current controller via the instance method :controller. This gives our custom instance methods the access to cookies, session information, loggers, etc. and also allows them to perform redirects and renders.

:before_login vs. :login_url

:before_login allows for customized processing before the UserSessionController invokes a redirect or render to a /login page. It is is fully generic and can be used for any custom purposes. :login_url is specific for the case of logging in from a remote sytem. The two methods can be used in conjuction, but any redirects or renders performed in :before_login, will supercede a redirect to :login_url.

UserSession#get_user vs. UserSession#attempted_record

Both UserSession#get_user and UserSession#attempted_record provide access to the instance variable @attempted_record, but UserSession#get_user set the instance variable to either an existing User (based on the username parameter), or creates a new User for use by implementing systems. If custom implementations want to interact directly with UserSession#attempted_record and @attempted_record, they are welcome to do so.

Defined Under Namespace

Modules: AuthlogicCallbackMethods, AuthpdsCallbackMethods, Config, InstanceMethods

Class Method Summary collapse

Class Method Details

.included(klass) ⇒ Object

# File 'lib/authpds/session.rb', line 79

def self.included(klass)
  klass.class_eval do
    extend Config
    include AuthpdsCallbackMethods
    include InstanceMethods
    include AuthlogicCallbackMethods
    persist :persist_session
    validate :after_login
    before_destroy :before_logout
    after_destroy :after_logout