Module: Authpds::Session

Defined in:



The Authpds gem mixes in callbacks to Authlogic for persisting sessions based on a valid PDS handle.

The module extends Authlogic and should be compatible with Authlogic configuation. It also provides hooks for custom functionality. The documentation below describes the hooks available for overriding, PDS config methods and further details about the module.

Config Options Available


Base pds url


Name of the system


Does the system allow anonymous access?


Mapping of PDS attributes to record attributes


Custom redirect logout url


Custom url to redirect to in case of system outage


PDS user method to call to identify record


Querystring parameter key for the institution value in this system


URL name for validation action in routes

Hooks Available for Overriding


Allows for more complex logic in determining what should be used as the record identifier. Defaults to what was set in the pds_record_identifier config.


If there is no PDS handle, can we redirect to PDS to establish a SSO session based on some other information?


Allows for additions to the authorization decision


Allows for additional attributes to be stored in the record


Indicates when the record information should be refreshed. Defaults to one week ago.

Further Implementation Details

Persisting a Session in AuthLogic

When persisting a Session, Authlogic attempts to create the Session based on information available without having to perform an actual login by calling the :persisting? method. Authologic provides several callbacks from the :persisting? method, e.g. :before_persisting, :persist, :after_persisting. We’re using the :persist callback and setting it to :persist_session.

Access to the controller in Session

The class that Session extends, Authologic::Session::Base, has an explicit handle to the current controller via the instance method :controller. This gives our custom instance methods access to cookies, session information, loggers, etc. and also allows them to perform redirects and renders.

:before_login vs. :login_url

:before_login allows for customized processing before the SessionController invokes a redirect or render to a /login page. It is is fully generic and can be used for any custom purposes. :login_url is specific for the case of logging in from a remote sytem. The two methods can be used in conjuction, but any redirects or renders performed in :before_login, will supercede a redirect to :login_url.

Defined Under Namespace

Modules: AuthlogicCallbackMethods, AuthpdsCallbackMethods, Config, InstanceMethods

Class Method Summary collapse

Class Method Details

.included(klass) ⇒ Object

# File 'lib/authpds/session.rb', line 44

def self.included(klass)
  klass.class_eval do
    extend Config
    include AuthpdsCallbackMethods
    include InstanceMethods
    include AuthlogicCallbackMethods
    persist :persist_session