Class: Asciidoctor::PDF::Converter
- Includes:
- Converter, Logging, Asciidoctor::Prawn::Extensions, Writer
- Defined in:
- lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb
Constant Summary collapse
- CodeRayRequirePath =
NOTE: require_library doesn’t support require_relative and we don’t modify the load path for this gem
::File.join __dir__, 'ext/prawn/coderay_encoder'
- RougeRequirePath =
::File.join __dir__, 'ext/rouge'
- PygmentsRequirePath =
::File.join __dir__, 'ext/pygments'
- OptimizerRequirePath =
::File.join __dir__, 'optimizer'
- AdmonitionIcons =
{ caution: { name: 'fas-fire', stroke_color: 'BF3400', size: 24 }, important: { name: 'fas-exclamation-circle', stroke_color: 'BF0000', size: 24 }, note: { name: 'fas-info-circle', stroke_color: '19407C', size: 24 }, tip: { name: 'far-lightbulb', stroke_color: '111111', size: 24 }, warning: { name: 'fas-exclamation-triangle', stroke_color: 'BF6900', size: 24 }, }
- TextAlignmentNames =
{ 'justify' => true, 'left' => true, 'center' => true, 'right' => true }
- IndentableTextAlignments =
{ justify: true, left: true }
- TextAlignmentRoles =
{ 'text-justify' => true, 'text-left' => true, 'text-center' => true, 'text-right' => true }
- TextDecorationStyleTable =
{ 'underline' => :underline, 'line-through' => :strikethrough }
- FontKerningTable =
{ 'normal' => true, 'none' => false }
- BlockFloatNames =
%w(left right)
- BlockAlignmentNames =
%w(left center right)
- ColumnPositions =
[:left, :center, :right]
- PageLayouts =
[:portrait, :landscape]
- PageSides =
[:recto, :verso]
- AuthorAttributeNames =
{ name: 'author', initials: 'authorinitials', firstname: 'firstname', middlename: 'middlename', lastname: 'lastname', email: 'email' }
- DoubleSpace =
' '
- LF =
- DoubleLF =
LF * 2
- TAB =
- InnerIndent =
LF + ' '
- GuardedIndent =
a no-break space is used to replace a leading space to prevent Prawn from trimming indentation a leading zero-width space can’t be used as it gets dropped when calculating the line width
- GuardedInnerIndent =
LF + GuardedIndent
- TabRx =
- TabIndentRx =
- NoBreakSpace =
- ZeroWidthSpace =
- DummyText =
- DigitsRx =
- DotLeaderTextDefault =
'. '
- EmDash =
- RightPointer =
- LowercaseGreekA =
- Bullets =
{ disc: ?\u2022, circle: ?\u25e6, square: ?\u25aa, none: '', }
- BallotBox =
NOTE: default theme font uses ballot boxes from FontAwesome
{ checked: ?\u2611, unchecked: ?\u2610, }
- ConumSets =
{ 'circled' => (?\u2460..?\u2473).to_a, 'filled' => (?\u2776..?\u277f).to_a + (?\u24eb..?\u24f4).to_a, }
- TypographicQuotes =
%w(“ ” ‘ ’)
- InlineFormatSniffRx =
- SimpleAttributeRefRx =
- MeasurementRxt =
- MeasurementPartsRx =
- PageSizeRx =
/^(?:\[(#{MeasurementRxt}), ?(#{MeasurementRxt})\]|(#{MeasurementRxt})(?: x |x)(#{MeasurementRxt})|\S+)$/
- CalloutExtractRx =
%r((?:(?://|#|--|;;) ?)?(\\)?<!?(|--)(\d+|\.)\2> ?(?=(?:\\?<!?\2(?:\d+|\.)\2> ?)*$))
- ImageAttributeValueRx =
- StopPunctRx =
- UriBreakCharsRx =
- UriBreakCharRepl =
- UriSchemeBoundaryRx =
- UrlSniffRx =
- LineScanRx =
- BlankLineRx =
- CjkLineBreakRx =
- WhitespaceChars =
' ' + TAB + LF
- DoubleSpaceRx =
/ (?= )/
- ValueSeparatorRx =
- HexColorRx =
- VimeoThumbnailRx =
- DropAnchorRx =
- SourceHighlighters =
%w(coderay pygments rouge).to_set
- ViewportWidth =
- ImageWidth =
Constants included from Asciidoctor::Prawn::Extensions
Asciidoctor::Prawn::Extensions::ColumnBox, Asciidoctor::Prawn::Extensions::DetectEmptyFirstPage, Asciidoctor::Prawn::Extensions::DetectEmptyFirstPageProc, Asciidoctor::Prawn::Extensions::FontAwesomeIconSets, Asciidoctor::Prawn::Extensions::IconSetPrefixes, Asciidoctor::Prawn::Extensions::IconSets, Asciidoctor::Prawn::Extensions::InhibitNewPageProc, Asciidoctor::Prawn::Extensions::InitialPageContent, Asciidoctor::Prawn::Extensions::NewPageRequiredError, Asciidoctor::Prawn::Extensions::PlaceholderChar
Constants included from TextTransformer
TextTransformer::BareClassRx, TextTransformer::ContiguousCharsRx, TextTransformer::Hyphen, TextTransformer::LowerAlphaChars, TextTransformer::PCDATAFilterRx, TextTransformer::SmallCapsChars, TextTransformer::SoftHyphen, TextTransformer::TagFilterRx, TextTransformer::WordRx, TextTransformer::XMLMarkupRx
Constants included from Sanitizer
Sanitizer::CharRefRx, Sanitizer::InverseXMLSpecialChars, Sanitizer::InverseXMLSpecialCharsRx, Sanitizer::SanitizeXMLRx, Sanitizer::UnescapedAmpersandRx, Sanitizer::XMLSpecialChars, Sanitizer::XMLSpecialCharsRx
Constants included from Measurements
Measurements::InsetMeasurementValueRx, Measurements::MeasurementValueHintRx, Measurements::MeasurementValueRx
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#allow_uri_read ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute allow_uri_read.
#cache_uri ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute cache_uri.
#font_color ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute font_color.
#font_scale ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute font_scale.
#index ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute index.
#jail_dir ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute jail_dir.
#text_decoration_width ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute text_decoration_width.
#theme ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute theme.
Class Method Summary collapse
.method_added(method_sym) ⇒ Object
intercepts “class CustomPDFConverter < (Asciidoctor::Converter.for ‘pdf’)”.
.prepend(*mods) ⇒ Object
intercepts “(Asciidoctor::Converter.for ‘pdf’).prepend CustomConverterExtensions”.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#add_dest_for_block(node, id: nil, y: nil) ⇒ Object
If an id is provided or the node passed as the first argument has an id, add a named destination to the document equivalent to the node id at the current y position.
- #add_outline(doc, num_levels, toc_page_nums, num_front_matter_pages, has_front_cover) ⇒ Object
- #add_outline_level(outline, sections, num_levels, expand_levels) ⇒ Object
- #allocate_running_content_layout(doc, page, periphery, cache) ⇒ Object
- #allocate_toc(doc, toc_num_levels, toc_start_cursor, break_after_toc) ⇒ Object
- #apply_subs_discretely(doc, value, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
#arrange_heading(node, title, opts) ⇒ Object
Position the cursor for where to ink the specified section title or discrete heading node.
#build_pdf_info(doc) ⇒ Object
FIXME: Pdfmark should use the PDF info result.
- #build_pdf_options(doc, theme) ⇒ Object
- #convert(node, name = nil, _opts = {}) ⇒ Object
- #convert_abstract(node) ⇒ Object
- #convert_admonition(node) ⇒ Object
- #convert_audio(node) ⇒ Object
#convert_code(node) ⇒ Object
(also: #convert_listing, #convert_literal, #convert_listing_or_literal)
QUESTION: can we avoid arranging fragments multiple times (conums & autofit) by eagerly preparing arranger?.
- #convert_colist(node) ⇒ Object
- #convert_colist_item(node, opts) ⇒ Object
- #convert_collapsible(node) ⇒ Object
- #convert_dlist(node) ⇒ Object
- #convert_document(doc) ⇒ Object (also: #convert_embedded)
- #convert_example(node) ⇒ Object
- #convert_floating_title(node) ⇒ Object
- #convert_image(node, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
- #convert_index_categories(categories, pagenum_sequence_style = nil) ⇒ Object
- #convert_index_section(node) ⇒ Object
- #convert_index_term(term, pagenum_sequence_style = nil) ⇒ Object
- #convert_inline_anchor(node) ⇒ Object
- #convert_inline_break(node) ⇒ Object
- #convert_inline_button(node) ⇒ Object
- #convert_inline_callout(node) ⇒ Object
- #convert_inline_footnote(node) ⇒ Object
- #convert_inline_icon(node) ⇒ Object
- #convert_inline_image(node) ⇒ Object
- #convert_inline_indexterm(node) ⇒ Object
- #convert_inline_kbd(node) ⇒ Object
- #convert_inline_menu(node) ⇒ Object
- #convert_inline_quoted(node) ⇒ Object
- #convert_list(node) ⇒ Object
- #convert_list_item(node, list, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
- #convert_olist(node) ⇒ Object
- #convert_open(node) ⇒ Object
#convert_page_break(node) ⇒ Object
NOTE: to insert sequential page breaks, you must put nbsp between page breaks.
- #convert_paragraph(node, opts = nil) ⇒ Object
- #convert_pass(node) ⇒ Object
- #convert_preamble(node) ⇒ Object
- #convert_quote_or_verse(node) ⇒ Object (also: #convert_quote, #convert_verse)
- #convert_section(sect, _opts = {}) ⇒ Object
- #convert_sidebar(node) ⇒ Object
- #convert_stem(node) ⇒ Object
- #convert_table(node) ⇒ Object
- #convert_thematic_break(node) ⇒ Object
- #convert_toc(node, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
- #convert_ulist(node) ⇒ Object
- #convert_video(node) ⇒ Object
#expand_tabs(string) ⇒ Object
NOTE: only used when tabsize attribute is not specified tabs must always be replaced with spaces in order for the indentation guards to work.
#extract_conums(string) ⇒ Object
Extract callout marks from string, indexed by 0-based line number Return an Array with the processed string as the first argument and the mapping of lines to conums as the second.
- #fallback_svg_font_name ⇒ Object
- #get_entries_for_toc(node) ⇒ Object
#guard_indentation(string) ⇒ Object
Add an indentation guard at the start of indented lines.
- #guard_indentation_in_fragments(fragments) ⇒ Object
- #height_of_typeset_text(string, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
- #indent_section ⇒ Object
- #init_pdf(doc) ⇒ Object
#initialize(backend, opts) ⇒ Converter
A new instance of Converter.
#ink_caption(subject, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
(also: #layout_caption)
Render the caption in the current document.
- #ink_chapter_title(node, title, opts = {}) ⇒ Object (also: #ink_part_title, #layout_chapter_title)
- #ink_cover_page(doc, face) ⇒ Object (also: #layout_cover_page)
#ink_footnotes(node) ⇒ Object
(also: #layout_footnotes)
QUESTION: if a footnote ref appears in a separate chapter, should the footnote def be duplicated?.
- #ink_general_heading(_node, title, opts = {}) ⇒ Object (also: #layout_general_heading)
#ink_heading(string, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
(also: #layout_heading)
NOTE: ink_heading doesn’t set the theme font because it’s used for various types of headings.
#ink_prose(string, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
(also: #layout_prose)
NOTE: inline_format option is true by default NOTE: single_line option is not compatible with this method.
#ink_running_content(periphery, doc, skip = [1, 1], body_start_page_number = 1) ⇒ Object
(also: #layout_running_content)
TODO: delegate to ink_page_header and ink_page_footer per page.
#ink_table_caption(node, table_alignment = :left, table_width = nil, max_width = nil, end_ = :top) ⇒ Object
(also: #layout_table_caption)
Render the caption for a table and return the height of the rendered content.
- #ink_title_page(doc) ⇒ Object (also: #layout_title_page)
#ink_toc(doc, num_levels, toc_page_number, start_cursor, num_front_matter_pages = 0) ⇒ Object
(also: #layout_toc)
NOTE: num_front_matter_pages not used during a dry run.
- #ink_toc_level(entries, num_levels, dot_leader, num_front_matter_pages) ⇒ Object (also: #layout_toc_level)
#intrinsic_image_dimensions(path, format) ⇒ Object
Retrieve the intrinsic image dimensions for the specified path in pt.
- #intrinsic_image_width(path, format) ⇒ Object
- #load_theme(doc) ⇒ Object
#log(severity, message = nil, &block) ⇒ Object
Sends the specified message to the log unless this method is called from the scratch document.
#margin(amount, _side) ⇒ Object
Insert a margin at the specified side if the cursor is not at the top of the page.
#margin_bottom(amount) ⇒ Object
Insert a bottom margin equal to amount unless cursor is at the top of the page (not likely).
#margin_top(amount) ⇒ Object
Insert a top margin equal to amount if cursor is not at the top of the page.
- #next_enclosed_block(block, descend: false) ⇒ Object
- #outdent_section(enabled = true) ⇒ Object
- #prepare_theme(theme) ⇒ Object
- #register_fonts(font_catalog, fonts_dir) ⇒ Object
#rendered_width_of_char(char, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
Compute the rendered width of a char, taking fallback fonts into account.
#rendered_width_of_string(str, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
Compute the rendered width of a string, taking fallback fonts into account.
#resolve_background_image(doc, theme, key, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
Resolve the path and sizing of the background image either from a document attribute or theme key.
- #resolve_doctitle(doc, partition = nil) ⇒ Object
#resolve_explicit_width(attrs, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
Resolves the explicit width, if specified, as a PDF pt value.
- #resolve_image_options(image_path, image_format, image_attrs, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
#resolve_image_path(node, image_path, image_format, relative_to = true) ⇒ Object
Resolve the system path of the specified image path.
- #resolve_page_margin(value) ⇒ Object
- #resolve_text_align_from_role(roles, query_theme: false, remove_predefined: false) ⇒ Object (also: #resolve_alignment_from_role)
#restore_conums(fragments, conum_mapping, linenums = nil, highlight_lines = nil) ⇒ Object
Restore the conums into the Array of formatted text fragments – QUESTION: can this be done more efficiently? QUESTION: can we reuse arrange_fragments_by_line?.
- #save_theme ⇒ Object
- #stamp_foreground_image(doc, has_front_cover) ⇒ Object
- #start_new_chapter(chapter) ⇒ Object (also: #start_new_part)
#start_title_page(doc) ⇒ Object
Returns a Boolean indicating whether the title page was created.
- #start_toc_page(node, placement) ⇒ Object
- #supports_float_wrapping?(node) ⇒ Boolean
- #theme_fill_and_stroke_block(category, extent, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
- #theme_fill_and_stroke_bounds(category, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
- #theme_font(category, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
- #theme_font_cascade(categories, &block) ⇒ Object
#theme_margin(category, side, node = true) ⇒ Object
Lookup margin for theme element and side, then delegate to margin method.
- #traverse(node, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
- #traverse_list_item(node, list_type, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
#typeset_formatted_text(fragments, line_metrics, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
QUESTION: combine with typeset_text?.
#typeset_text(string, line_metrics, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
TODO: document me, esp the first line formatting functionality NOTE: single_line option should only be used if height option is specified.
- #write(pdf_doc, target) ⇒ Object
Methods included from Asciidoctor::Prawn::Extensions
#advance_page, #allocate_scratch_prototype, #arrange_block, #at_page_top?, #bounds_margin_left, #bounds_margin_right, #calc_line_metrics, #catalog, #column_box, #conceal_page_top, #delete_current_page, #dest_top, #draw_indented_formatted_line, #dry_run, #effective_page_height, #expand_grid_values, #expand_indent_value, #expand_padding_value, #expand_rect_values, #fill_absolute_bounds, #fill_and_stroke_bounds, #fill_bounds, #fill_formatted_text_box, #float, #flow_bounding_box, #font, #font_family, #font_info, #font_size, #font_style, #font_styles, #generate_margin_box, #get_dest, #hyphenate_text, #icon_font_data, #image_page, #import_page, #last_page?, #min_version, #move_down, #move_text_position, #move_up, #pad_box, #page_height, #page_margin, #page_margin_bottom, #page_margin_left, #page_margin_right, #page_margin_top, #page_side, #page_width, #parse_text, #perform_discretely, #perform_on_single_page, #recto_page?, #register_font, #resolve_font_style, #resolve_legacy_icon_name, #scratch, #scratch?, #set_font, #set_page_margin, #span_page_width_if, #start_new_page_discretely, #stop_if_first_page_empty, #stroke_horizontal_rule, #stroke_vertical_rule, #tare_first_page_content_stream, #text_with_formatted_first_line, #verso_page?, #width_of_string, #with_dry_run
Methods included from TextTransformer
#capitalize_words, #capitalize_words_pcdata, #hyphenate_words, #hyphenate_words_pcdata, #lowercase_pcdata, #smallcaps, #smallcaps_pcdata, #transform_text, #uppercase_pcdata
Methods included from Sanitizer
#encode_quotes, #escape_amp, #escape_xml, #sanitize, #unescape_xml
Methods included from Measurements
#resolve_measurement_values, #str_to_pt, #to_pt
Constructor Details
#initialize(backend, opts) ⇒ Converter
Returns a new instance of Converter.
135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 135 def initialize backend, opts super basebackend 'html' filetype 'pdf' htmlsyntax 'html' outfilesuffix '.pdf' if (doc = opts[:document]) # NOTE: enabling data-uri forces Asciidoctor Diagram to produce absolute image paths doc.attributes['data-uri'] = (doc.instance_variable_get :@attribute_overrides)['data-uri'] = '' end @label = :primary @initial_instance_variables = [:@initial_instance_variables] + instance_variables end |
Instance Attribute Details
#allow_uri_read ⇒ Object (readonly)
Returns the value of attribute allow_uri_read.
20 21 22 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 20 def allow_uri_read @allow_uri_read end |
#cache_uri ⇒ Object (readonly)
Returns the value of attribute cache_uri.
22 23 24 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 22 def cache_uri @cache_uri end |
#font_color ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute font_color.
26 27 28 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 26 def font_color @font_color end |
#font_scale ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute font_scale.
28 29 30 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 28 def font_scale @font_scale end |
#index ⇒ Object (readonly)
Returns the value of attribute index.
30 31 32 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 30 def index @index end |
#jail_dir ⇒ Object (readonly)
Returns the value of attribute jail_dir.
24 25 26 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 24 def jail_dir @jail_dir end |
#text_decoration_width ⇒ Object (readonly)
Returns the value of attribute text_decoration_width.
34 35 36 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 34 def text_decoration_width @text_decoration_width end |
#theme ⇒ Object (readonly)
Returns the value of attribute theme.
32 33 34 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 32 def theme @theme end |
Class Method Details
.method_added(method_sym) ⇒ Object
intercepts “class CustomPDFConverter < (Asciidoctor::Converter.for ‘pdf’)”
4674 4675 4676 4677 4678 4679 4680 4681 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 4674 def self.method_added method_sym if (method_name = method_sym.to_s).start_with? 'layout_' alias_method %(ink_#{method_name.slice 7, method_name.length}).to_sym, method_sym elsif method_name == 'convert_listing_or_literal' || method_name == 'convert_code' alias_method :convert_listing, method_sym alias_method :convert_literal, method_sym end end |
.prepend(*mods) ⇒ Object
intercepts “(Asciidoctor::Converter.for ‘pdf’).prepend CustomConverterExtensions”
4684 4685 4686 4687 4688 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 4684 def self.prepend *mods super mods.each {|mod| (mod.instance_methods false).each {|method| method_added method } } self end |
Instance Method Details
#add_dest_for_block(node, id: nil, y: nil) ⇒ Object
If an id is provided or the node passed as the first argument has an id, add a named destination to the document equivalent to the node id at the current y position. If the node does not have an id and an id is not specified, do nothing.
If the node is a section, and the current y position is the top of the page, set the y position equal to the page height to improve the navigation experience. If the current x position is at or inside the left margin, set the x position equal to 0 (left edge of page) to improve the navigation experience.
2741 2742 2743 2744 2745 2746 2747 2748 2749 2750 2751 2752 2753 2754 2755 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 2741 def add_dest_for_block node, id: nil, y: nil if !scratch? && (id ||= dest_x = bounds.absolute_left.truncate 4 # QUESTION: when content is aligned to left margin, should we keep precise x value or just use 0? dest_x = 0 if dest_x <= page_margin_left unless (dest_y = y) dest_y = @y dest_y += [page_height - dest_y, -@theme.block_anchor_top.to_f].min end # TODO: find a way to store only the ref of the destination; look it up when we need it node.set_attr 'pdf-destination', (node_dest = (dest_xyz dest_x, dest_y)) add_dest id, node_dest end nil end |
#add_outline(doc, num_levels, toc_page_nums, num_front_matter_pages, has_front_cover) ⇒ Object
2757 2758 2759 2760 2761 2762 2763 2764 2765 2766 2767 2768 2769 2770 2771 2772 2773 2774 2775 2776 2777 2778 2779 2780 2781 2782 2783 2784 2785 2786 2787 2788 2789 2790 2791 2792 2793 2794 2795 2796 2797 2798 2799 2800 2801 2802 2803 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 2757 def add_outline doc, num_levels, toc_page_nums, num_front_matter_pages, has_front_cover if ::String === num_levels if num_levels.include? ':' num_levels, = num_levels.split ':', 2 num_levels = num_levels.empty? ? (doc.attr 'toclevels', 2).to_i : num_levels.to_i = .to_i else num_levels = = num_levels.to_i end else = num_levels end front_matter_counter = 0, :lower pagenum_labels = {} num_front_matter_pages.times do |n| pagenum_labels[n] = { P: (!.to_s) } end # add labels for each content page, which is required for reader's page navigator to work correctly (num_front_matter_pages..(page_count - 1)).each_with_index do |n, i| pagenum_labels[n] = { P: ( (i + 1).to_s) } end unless toc_page_nums.none? || (toc_title = doc.attr 'toc-title').nil_or_empty? toc_section = insert_toc_section doc, toc_title, toc_page_nums end outline.define do initial_pagenum = has_front_cover ? 2 : 1 # FIXME: use sanitize: :plain_text on Document#doctitle once available if document.page_count >= initial_pagenum && (outline_title = doc.attr 'outline-title') && (outline_title.empty? ? (outline_title = document.resolve_doctitle doc) : outline_title) page title: (document.sanitize outline_title), destination: (document.dest_top initial_pagenum) end # QUESTION: is there any way to get add_outline_level to invoke in the context of the outline? document.add_outline_level self, doc.sections, num_levels, end if doc.attr? 'outline' toc_section&.remove[:PageLabels] = Nums: pagenum_labels.flatten primary_page_mode, secondary_page_mode = PageModes[(doc.attr 'pdf-page-mode') || @theme.page_mode][:PageMode] = primary_page_mode[:NonFullScreenPageMode] = secondary_page_mode if secondary_page_mode nil end |
#add_outline_level(outline, sections, num_levels, expand_levels) ⇒ Object
2805 2806 2807 2808 2809 2810 2811 2812 2813 2814 2815 2816 2817 2818 2819 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 2805 def add_outline_level outline, sections, num_levels, sections.each do |sect| next if (num_levels_for_sect = (sect.attr 'outlinelevels', num_levels).to_i) < (level = sect.level) || ((sect.option? 'notitle') && sect == sect.document.last_child && sect.empty?) sect_title = sanitize sect.numbered_title formal: true sect_destination = sect.attr 'pdf-destination' if level < num_levels_for_sect && sect.sections? outline.section sect_title, destination: sect_destination, closed: < 1 do add_outline_level outline, sect.sections, num_levels_for_sect, ( - 1) end else title: sect_title, destination: sect_destination end end end |
#allocate_running_content_layout(doc, page, periphery, cache) ⇒ Object
3324 3325 3326 3327 3328 3329 3330 3331 3332 3333 3334 3335 3336 3337 3338 3339 3340 3341 3342 3343 3344 3345 3346 3347 3348 3349 3350 3351 3352 3353 3354 3355 3356 3357 3358 3359 3360 3361 3362 3363 3364 3365 3366 3367 3368 3369 3370 3371 3372 3373 3374 3375 3376 3377 3378 3379 3380 3381 3382 3383 3384 3385 3386 3387 3388 3389 3390 3391 3392 3393 3394 3395 3396 3397 3398 3399 3400 3401 3402 3403 3404 3405 3406 3407 3408 3409 3410 3411 3412 3413 3414 3415 3416 3417 3418 3419 3420 3421 3422 3423 3424 3425 3426 3427 3428 3429 3430 3431 3432 3433 3434 3435 3436 3437 3438 3439 3440 3441 3442 3443 3444 3445 3446 3447 3448 3449 3450 3451 3452 3453 3454 3455 3456 3457 3458 3459 3460 3461 3462 3463 3464 3465 3466 3467 3468 3469 3470 3471 3472 3473 3474 3475 3476 3477 3478 3479 3480 3481 3482 3483 3484 3485 3486 3487 3488 3489 3490 3491 3492 3493 3494 3495 3496 3497 3498 3499 3500 3501 3502 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 3324 def allocate_running_content_layout doc, page, periphery, cache cache[layout = page.layout] ||= begin page_margin_recto = @page_margin[layout][:recto] trim_margin_recto = @theme[%(#{periphery}_recto_margin)] || @theme[%(#{periphery}_margin)] || [0, 'inherit', 0, 'inherit'] trim_margin_recto = ( trim_margin_recto).map.with_index {|v, i| i.odd? && v == 'inherit' ? page_margin_recto[i] : v.to_f } trim_content_margin_recto = @theme[%(#{periphery}_recto_content_margin)] || @theme[%(#{periphery}_content_margin)] || [0, 'inherit', 0, 'inherit'] trim_content_margin_recto = ( trim_content_margin_recto).map.with_index {|v, i| i.odd? && v == 'inherit' ? page_margin_recto[i] - trim_margin_recto[i] : v.to_f } if (trim_padding_recto = @theme[%(#{periphery}_recto_padding)] || @theme[%(#{periphery}_padding)]) trim_padding_recto = ( trim_padding_recto).map.with_index {|v, i| v + trim_content_margin_recto[i] } else trim_padding_recto = trim_content_margin_recto end page_margin_verso = @page_margin[layout][:verso] trim_margin_verso = @theme[%(#{periphery}_verso_margin)] || @theme[%(#{periphery}_margin)] || [0, 'inherit', 0, 'inherit'] trim_margin_verso = ( trim_margin_verso).map.with_index {|v, i| i.odd? && v == 'inherit' ? page_margin_verso[i] : v.to_f } trim_content_margin_verso = @theme[%(#{periphery}_verso_content_margin)] || @theme[%(#{periphery}_content_margin)] || [0, 'inherit', 0, 'inherit'] trim_content_margin_verso = ( trim_content_margin_verso).map.with_index {|v, i| i.odd? && v == 'inherit' ? page_margin_verso[i] - trim_margin_verso[i] : v.to_f } if (trim_padding_verso = @theme[%(#{periphery}_verso_padding)] || @theme[%(#{periphery}_padding)]) trim_padding_verso = ( trim_padding_verso).map.with_index {|v, i| v + trim_content_margin_verso[i] } else trim_padding_verso = trim_content_margin_verso end valign, valign_offset = @theme[%(#{periphery}_vertical_align)] if (valign = valign&.to_sym || :middle) == :middle valign = :center end trim_styles = { line_metrics: (trim_line_metrics = calc_line_metrics @theme[%(#{periphery}_line_height)] || @base_line_height), # NOTE: we've already verified this property is set height: (trim_height = @theme[%(#{periphery}_height)]), bg_color: (resolve_theme_color %(#{periphery}_background_color).to_sym), border_width: (trim_border_width = @theme[%(#{periphery}_border_width)] || 0), border_color: trim_border_width > 0 ? (resolve_theme_color %(#{periphery}_border_color).to_sym, @theme.base_border_color) : nil, border_style: (@theme[%(#{periphery}_border_style)]&.to_sym || :solid), column_rule_width: (trim_column_rule_width = @theme[%(#{periphery}_column_rule_width)] || 0), column_rule_color: trim_column_rule_width > 0 ? (resolve_theme_color %(#{periphery}_column_rule_color).to_sym) : nil, column_rule_style: (@theme[%(#{periphery}_column_rule_style)]&.to_sym || :solid), column_rule_spacing: (@theme[%(#{periphery}_column_rule_spacing)] || 0), valign: valign_offset ? [valign, valign_offset] : valign, img_valign: @theme[%(#{periphery}_image_vertical_align)], top: { recto: periphery == :header ? page_height - trim_margin_recto[0] : trim_height + trim_margin_recto[2], verso: periphery == :header ? page_height - trim_margin_verso[0] : trim_height + trim_margin_verso[2], }, left: { recto: (trim_left_recto = trim_margin_recto[3]), verso: (trim_left_verso = trim_margin_verso[3]), }, width: { recto: (trim_width_recto = page_width - trim_left_recto - trim_margin_recto[1]), verso: (trim_width_verso = page_width - trim_left_verso - trim_margin_verso[1]), }, padding: { recto: trim_padding_recto, verso: trim_padding_verso, }, content_left: { recto: trim_left_recto + trim_padding_recto[3], verso: trim_left_verso + trim_padding_verso[3], }, content_width: (trim_content_width = { recto: trim_width_recto - trim_padding_recto[1] - trim_padding_recto[3], verso: trim_width_verso - trim_padding_verso[1] - trim_padding_verso[3], }), content_height: (trim_content_height = { recto: trim_height - trim_padding_recto[0] - trim_padding_recto[2] - (trim_border_width * 0.5), verso: trim_height - trim_padding_verso[0] - trim_padding_verso[2] - (trim_border_width * 0.5), }), prose_content_height: { recto: trim_content_height[:recto] - trim_line_metrics.padding_top - trim_line_metrics.padding_bottom, verso: trim_content_height[:verso] - trim_line_metrics.padding_top - trim_line_metrics.padding_bottom, }, # NOTE: content offset adjusts y position to account for border content_offset: (periphery == :footer ? trim_border_width * 0.5 : 0), } case trim_styles[:img_valign] when nil trim_styles[:img_valign] = valign when 'middle' trim_styles[:img_valign] = :center when 'top', 'center', 'bottom' trim_styles[:img_valign] = trim_styles[:img_valign].to_sym end if (trim_bg_image_recto = resolve_background_image doc, @theme, %(#{periphery}_background_image).to_sym, container_size: [trim_width_recto, trim_height])&.first trim_bg_image = { recto: trim_bg_image_recto } if trim_width_recto == trim_width_verso trim_bg_image[:verso] = trim_bg_image_recto else trim_bg_image[:verso] = resolve_background_image doc, @theme, %(#{periphery}_background_image).to_sym, container_size: [trim_width_verso, trim_height] end end colspec_dict = {}.tap do |acc| PageSides.each do |side| side_trim_content_width = trim_content_width[side] if (custom_colspecs = @theme[%(#{periphery}_#{side}_columns)] || @theme[%(#{periphery}_columns)]) case (colspecs = ( ',', ' ').split).size when 0, 1 colspecs = { left: '0', center: colspecs[0] || '100', right: '0' } when 2 colspecs = { left: colspecs[0], center: '0', right: colspecs[1] } else # 3 colspecs = { left: colspecs[0], center: colspecs[1], right: colspecs[2] } end tot_width = 0 side_colspecs = {}.tap do |accum| colspecs.each do |col, spec| if (alignment_char = spec.chr).to_i.to_s == alignment_char alignment = :left rel_width = spec.to_f else alignment = AlignmentTable[alignment_char] rel_width = (spec.slice 1, spec.length).to_f end tot_width += rel_width accum[col] = { align: alignment, width: rel_width, x: 0 } end end # QUESTION: should we allow the columns to overlap (capping width at 100%)? side_colspecs.each {|_, colspec| colspec[:width] = (colspec[:width] / tot_width) * side_trim_content_width } side_colspecs[:right][:x] = (side_colspecs[:center][:x] = side_colspecs[:left][:width]) + side_colspecs[:center][:width] acc[side] = side_colspecs else acc[side] = { left: { align: :left, width: side_trim_content_width, x: 0 }, center: { align: :center, width: side_trim_content_width, x: 0 }, right: { align: :right, width: side_trim_content_width, x: 0 }, } end end end content_dict = {}.tap do |acc| PageSides.each do |side| side_content = {} ColumnPositions.each do |position| next if (val = @theme[%(#{periphery}_#{side}_#{position}_content)]).nil_or_empty? val = val.to_s unless ::String === val if (val.include? ':') && val =~ ImageAttributeValueRx attrlist = $2 image_attrs = ( attrlist).parse %w(alt width) image_path, image_format = ::Asciidoctor::Image.target_and_format $1, image_attrs image_path = apply_subs_discretely doc, image_path, subs: [:attributes], imagesdir: @themesdir if (image_path = resolve_image_path doc, image_path, image_format, @themesdir) && (::File.readable? image_path) image_opts = image_path, image_format, image_attrs, container_size: [colspec_dict[side][position][:width], trim_content_height[side]] side_content[position] = [image_path, image_opts, image_attrs['link']] else # NOTE: allows inline image handler to report invalid reference and replace with alt text side_content[position] = %(image:#{image_path}[#{attrlist}]) end else side_content[position] = val end end acc[side] = side_content end end if (trim_bg_color = trim_styles[:bg_color]) || trim_bg_image || trim_border_width > 0 stamp_names = { recto: %(#{layout}_#{periphery}_recto), verso: %(#{layout}_#{periphery}_verso) } PageSides.each do |side| create_stamp stamp_names[side] do canvas do bounding_box [trim_styles[:left][side], trim_styles[:top][side]], width: trim_styles[:width][side], height: trim_height do fill_bounds trim_bg_color if trim_bg_color # NOTE: must draw line before image or SVG will cause border to disappear stroke_horizontal_rule trim_styles[:border_color], line_width: trim_border_width, line_style: trim_styles[:border_style], at: (periphery == :header ? bounds.height : 0) if trim_border_width > 0 image trim_bg_image[side][0], ({ position: :center, vposition: :center }.merge trim_bg_image[side][1]) if trim_bg_image end end end end end [trim_styles, colspec_dict, content_dict, stamp_names] end end |
#allocate_toc(doc, toc_num_levels, toc_start_cursor, break_after_toc) ⇒ Object
3842 3843 3844 3845 3846 3847 3848 3849 3850 3851 3852 3853 3854 3855 3856 3857 3858 3859 3860 3861 3862 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 3842 def allocate_toc doc, toc_num_levels, toc_start_cursor, break_after_toc toc_start_page_number = page_number to_page = nil extent = dry_run onto: self do to_page = (ink_toc doc, toc_num_levels, toc_start_page_number, toc_start_cursor).end theme_margin :block, :bottom unless break_after_toc end # NOTE: patch for custom converters that allocate extra TOC pages without actually creating them if to_page > = to_page = bounds.height end # NOTE: reserve pages for the toc; leaves cursor on page after last page in toc if break_after_toc extent.each_page { start_new_page } else extent.each_page {|first_page| start_new_page unless first_page } move_cursor_to end extent end |
#apply_subs_discretely(doc, value, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
2821 2822 2823 2824 2825 2826 2827 2828 2829 2830 2831 2832 2833 2834 2835 2836 2837 2838 2839 2840 2841 2842 2843 2844 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 2821 def apply_subs_discretely doc, value, opts = {} if (imagesdir = opts[:imagesdir]) imagesdir_to_restore = doc.attr 'imagesdir' doc.set_attr 'imagesdir', imagesdir remove_docimagesdir = doc.set_attr 'docimagesdir', (::File.absolute_path imagesdir_to_restore.to_s, (doc.attr 'docdir', '')), false end if (page_layout = opts[:page_layout]) page_layout_to_restore = doc.attr 'page-layout' doc.set_attr 'page-layout', page.layout.to_s end # FIXME: get sub_attributes to handle drop-line w/o a warning doc.set_attr 'attribute-missing', 'skip' unless (attribute_missing = doc.attr 'attribute-missing') == 'skip' value = value.gsub '\{', '\\\\\\{' if (escaped_attr_ref = value.include? '\{') value = (subs = opts[:subs]) ? (doc.apply_subs value, subs) : (doc.apply_subs value) value = (value.split LF).delete_if {|line| SimpleAttributeRefRx.match? line }.join LF if opts[:drop_lines_with_unresolved_attributes] && (value.include? '{') value = value.gsub '\{', '{' if escaped_attr_ref doc.set_attr 'attribute-missing', attribute_missing unless attribute_missing == 'skip' page_layout_to_restore ? (doc.set_attr 'page-layout', page_layout_to_restore) : (doc.remove_attr 'page-layout') if page_layout if imagesdir imagesdir_to_restore ? (doc.set_attr 'imagesdir', imagesdir_to_restore) : (doc.remove_attr 'imagesdir') doc.remove_attr 'docimagesdir' if remove_docimagesdir end value end |
#arrange_heading(node, title, opts) ⇒ Object
Position the cursor for where to ink the specified section title or discrete heading node.
This method computes whether there’s enough room on the page to prevent the specified node from being orphaned. If there’s not enough room, the method will advance the cursor to the next page. This method is not called if the cursor is already at the top of the page or whether this node has no node that follows it in document order.
2852 2853 2854 2855 2856 2857 2858 2859 2860 2861 2862 2863 2864 2865 2866 2867 2868 2869 2870 2871 2872 2873 2874 2875 2876 2877 2878 2879 2880 2881 2882 2883 2884 2885 2886 2887 2888 2889 2890 2891 2892 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 2852 def arrange_heading node, title, opts if (min_height_after = @theme.heading_min_height_after) == 'auto' || (node.option? 'breakable') orphaned = nil doc = node.document dry_run single_page: true do push_scratch doc start_page = page theme_font :heading, level: opts[:level] do if opts[:part] ink_part_title node, title, opts elsif opts[:chapterlike] ink_chapter_title node, title, opts else ink_general_heading node, title, opts end end if page == start_page page.tare_content_stream orphaned = stop_if_first_page_empty { node.context == :section ? (traverse node) : (convert node.next_sibling) } end ensure pop_scratch doc end advance_page if orphaned else theme_font :heading, level: (hlevel = opts[:level]) do if (space_below = ::Numeric === min_height_after ? min_height_after : 0) > 0 && (node.context == :section ? node.blocks? : !node.last_child?) space_below += @theme[%(heading_h#{hlevel}_margin_bottom)] || @theme.heading_margin_bottom else space_below = 0 end h_padding_t, h_padding_r, h_padding_b, h_padding_l = @theme[%(heading_h#{hlevel}_padding)] h_fits = indent h_padding_l, h_padding_r do cursor >= (height_of_typeset_text title, inline_format: true, text_transform: @text_transform) + h_padding_t + h_padding_b + (@theme[%(heading_h#{hlevel}_margin_top)] || @theme.heading_margin_top) + space_below end advance_page unless h_fits end end nil end |
#build_pdf_info(doc) ⇒ Object
FIXME: Pdfmark should use the PDF info result
514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 514 def build_pdf_info doc info = {} if (doctitle = resolve_doctitle doc) info[:Title] = (sanitize doctitle).as_pdf end if (doc.attribute_locked? 'author') && !(doc.attribute_locked? 'authors') info[:Author] = (sanitize doc.attr 'author').as_pdf elsif doc.attr? 'authors' info[:Author] = (sanitize doc.attr 'authors').as_pdf elsif doc.attr? 'author' # rubocop:disable Lint/DuplicateBranch info[:Author] = (sanitize doc.attr 'author').as_pdf end info[:Subject] = (sanitize doc.attr 'subject').as_pdf if doc.attr? 'subject' info[:Keywords] = (sanitize doc.attr 'keywords').as_pdf if doc.attr? 'keywords' info[:Creator] = (doc.attr? 'publisher') ? (sanitize doc.attr 'publisher').as_pdf : (info[:Author] || '') info[:Producer] = (sanitize doc.attr 'producer').as_pdf if doc.attr? 'producer' if doc.attr? 'reproducible' info[:Producer] ||= 'Asciidoctor PDF, based on Prawn'.as_pdf else info[:Producer] ||= %(Asciidoctor PDF #{::Asciidoctor::PDF::VERSION}, based on Prawn #{::Prawn::VERSION}).as_pdf # NOTE: since we don't track the creation date of the input file, we map the ModDate header to the last modified # date of the input document and the CreationDate header to the date the PDF was produced by the converter. info[:ModDate] = (::Time.parse doc.attr 'docdatetime') rescue (now ||= info[:CreationDate] = (::Time.parse doc.attr 'localdatetime') rescue (now || end info end |
#build_pdf_options(doc, theme) ⇒ Object
453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 453 def doc, theme page_margin = resolve_page_margin (doc.attr 'pdf-page-margin') || theme.page_margin if (doc.attr? 'pdf-page-size') && PageSizeRx =~ (doc.attr 'pdf-page-size') # e.g, [8.5in, 11in] if $1 page_size = [$1, $2] # e.g, 8.5in x 11in elsif $3 page_size = [$3, $4] # e.g, A4 else page_size = $& end else page_size = theme.page_size end case page_size when ::String, ::Symbol # TODO: extract helper method to check for named page size page_size = page_size.to_s.upcase page_size = nil unless ::PDF::Core::PageGeometry::SIZES.key? page_size when ::Array if page_size.empty? page_size = nil else page_size[1] ||= page_size[0] page_size = (page_size.slice 0, 2).map do |dim| if ::Numeric === dim # dimension cannot be less than 0 dim > 0 ? dim : break elsif ::String === dim && MeasurementPartsRx =~ dim # NOTE: truncate to max precision retained by PDF::Core (dim = (to_pt $1.to_f, $2).truncate 4) > 0 ? dim : break else break end end end else page_size = nil end if (page_layout = (doc.attr 'pdf-page-layout') || theme.page_layout).nil_or_empty? || !(PageLayouts.include? (page_layout = page_layout.to_sym)) page_layout = nil end { margin: (page_margin || 36), page_size: (page_size || 'A4'), page_layout: (page_layout || :portrait), info: (build_pdf_info doc), compress: (doc.attr? 'compress'), skip_page_creation: true, text_formatter: ( theme: theme), } end |
#convert(node, name = nil, _opts = {}) ⇒ Object
149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 149 def convert node, name = nil, _opts = {} method_name = %(convert_#{name ||= node.node_name}) if respond_to? method_name result = send method_name, node else # TODO: delegate to convert_method_missing log :warn, %(missing convert handler for #{name} node in #{@backend} backend) end # NOTE: inline node handlers generate HTML-like strings; all other handlers write directly to the PDF object node.inline? ? result : self end |
#convert_abstract(node) ⇒ Object
789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 789 def convert_abstract node add_dest_for_block node if outdent_section do pad_box @theme.abstract_padding do theme_font :abstract_title do ink_prose node.title, align: (@theme.abstract_title_text_align || @base_text_align).to_sym, margin_top: @theme.heading_margin_top, margin_bottom: @theme.heading_margin_bottom, line_height: (@theme.heading_line_height || @theme.base_line_height) end if node.title? theme_font :abstract do prose_opts = { align: (@theme.abstract_text_align || @base_text_align).to_sym, hyphenate: true, margin_bottom: 0 } # FIXME: allow theme to control more first line options if (line1_font_style = @theme.abstract_first_line_font_style&.to_sym) && line1_font_style != font_style case line1_font_style when :normal = { styles: [] } when :normal_italic = { styles: [:italic] } else = { styles: [font_style, line1_font_style] } end end if (line1_font_color = @theme.abstract_first_line_font_color) ( ||= {})[:color] = line1_font_color end if (line1_text_transform = @theme.abstract_first_line_text_transform) ( ||= {})[:text_transform] = line1_text_transform end prose_opts[:first_line_options] = if # FIXME: make this cleaner!! if node.blocks? node.blocks.each do |child| if child.context == :paragraph child.document.playback_attributes child.attributes convert_paragraph child, prose_opts.dup prose_opts.delete :first_line_options else # FIXME: this could do strange things if the wrong kind of content shows up child.convert end end elsif node.content_model != :compound && (string = node.content) if (text_align = resolve_text_align_from_role node.roles) prose_opts[:align] = text_align end if IndentableTextAlignments[prose_opts[:align]] && (text_indent = @theme.prose_text_indent) > 0 prose_opts[:indent_paragraphs] = text_indent end ink_prose string, prose_opts end end end end # NOTE: next enclosed block here is confined to preamble theme_margin :block, :bottom, (next_enclosed_block node) end |
#convert_admonition(node) ⇒ Object
884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 884 def convert_admonition node type = node.attr 'name' label_text_align = @theme.admonition_label_text_align&.to_sym || :center # TODO: allow vertical_align to be a number if (label_valign = @theme.admonition_label_vertical_align&.to_sym || :middle) == :middle label_valign = :center end if (label_min_width = @theme.admonition_label_min_width) label_min_width = label_min_width.to_f end if (doc = node.document).attr? 'icons' if !(has_icon = node.attr? 'icon') && (doc.attr 'icons') == 'font' icons = 'font' icon_data = admonition_icon_data type.to_sym icon_size = icon_data[:size] || 24 label_width = label_min_width || (icon_size * 1.5) elsif (icon_path = has_icon || !(icon_path = (@theme[%(admonition_icon_#{type})] || {})[:image]) ? (get_icon_image_path node, type) : (ThemeLoader.resolve_theme_asset (apply_subs_discretely doc, icon_path, subs: [:attributes], imagesdir: @themesdir), @themesdir)) && (::File.readable? icon_path) icons = true # TODO: introduce @theme.admonition_image_width? or use size key from admonition_icon_<name>? label_width = label_min_width || 36.0 else log :warn, %(admonition icon image#{has_icon ? '' : ' for ' + type.upcase} not found or not readable: #{icon_path || (get_icon_image_path node, type, false)}) end end unless icons label_text = sanitize node. theme_font_cascade [:admonition_label, %(admonition_label_#{type})] do label_text = transform_text label_text, @text_transform if @text_transform label_width = rendered_width_of_string label_text label_width = label_min_width if label_min_width && label_min_width > label_width end end cpad = @theme.admonition_padding lpad = (lpad = @theme.admonition_label_padding) ? ( lpad) : cpad arrange_block node do |extent| add_dest_for_block node if theme_fill_and_stroke_block :admonition, extent if extent pad_box [0, cpad[1], 0, lpad[3]] do if extent label_height = extent.single_page_height || cursor if (rule_width = @theme.admonition_column_rule_width || 0) > 0 && (rule_color = resolve_theme_color :admonition_column_rule_color, @theme.base_border_color, nil) rule_style = @theme.admonition_column_rule_style&.to_sym || :solid float do extent.each_page do |first_page, last_page| advance_page unless first_page rule_segment_height = start_cursor = cursor rule_segment_height -= last_page.cursor if last_page bounding_box [bounds.left, start_cursor], width: label_width + lpad[1], height: rule_segment_height do stroke_vertical_rule rule_color, at: bounds.right, line_style: rule_style, line_width: rule_width end end end end float do adjusted_font_size = nil bounding_box [bounds.left, cursor], width: label_width, height: label_height do if icons == 'font' # FIXME: we assume icon is square icon_size = fit_icon_to_bounds icon_size # NOTE: Prawn's vertical center is not reliable, so calculate it manually if label_valign == :center label_valign = :top if (vcenter_pos = (label_height - icon_size) * 0.5) > 0 move_down vcenter_pos end end icon icon_data[:name], valign: label_valign, align: label_text_align, color: (icon_data[:stroke_color] || font_color), size: icon_size elsif icons if (::Asciidoctor::Image.format icon_path) == 'svg' begin svg_obj = ( icon_path, mode: 'r:UTF-8'), self, position: label_text_align, vposition: label_valign, width: label_width, height: label_height, fallback_font_name: fallback_svg_font_name, enable_web_requests: allow_uri_read ? (method :load_open_uri).to_proc : false, enable_file_requests_with_root: { base: (::File.dirname icon_path), root: @jail_dir }, cache_images: cache_uri svg_obj.resize height: label_height if svg_obj.document.sizing.output_height > label_height svg_obj.draw svg_obj.document.warnings.each do |icon_warning| log :warn, %(problem encountered in image: #{icon_path}; #{icon_warning}) end unless scratch? rescue log :warn, %(could not embed admonition icon image: #{icon_path}; #{$!.}) icons = nil end else begin image_obj, image_info =, 'rb') {|fd| build_image_object fd } icon_aspect_ratio = image_info.width.fdiv image_info.height # NOTE: don't scale image up if smaller than label_width icon_width = [(to_pt image_info.width, :px), label_width].min if (icon_height = icon_width * (1 / icon_aspect_ratio)) > label_height icon_width *= label_height / icon_height end image_obj, image_info, width: icon_width, position: label_text_align, vposition: label_valign rescue log :warn, %(could not embed admonition icon image: #{icon_path}; #{$!.}) icons = nil end end unless icons label_text = sanitize node. theme_font_cascade [:admonition_label, %(admonition_label_#{type})] do label_text = transform_text label_text, @text_transform if @text_transform # NOTE: make sure the textual label fits in space already reserved if (actual_label_width = rendered_width_of_string label_text) > label_width adjusted_font_size = font_size * label_width / actual_label_width end end redo end else # NOTE: the label must fit in the alotted space or it shows up on another page! # QUESTION: anyway to prevent text overflow in the case it doesn't fit? theme_font_cascade [:admonition_label, %(admonition_label_#{type})] do font_size adjusted_font_size if adjusted_font_size # NOTE: Prawn's vertical center is not reliable, so calculate it manually if label_valign == :center label_valign = :top if (vcenter_pos = (label_height - (height_of_typeset_text label_text, line_height: 1)) * 0.5) > 0 move_down vcenter_pos end end @text_transform = nil # already applied to label ink_prose label_text, align: label_text_align, valign: label_valign, line_height: 1, margin: 0, inline_format: false, # already replaced character references overflow: :shrink_to_fit, disable_wrap_by_char: true end end end end end pad_box [cpad[0], 0, cpad[2], label_width + lpad[1] + cpad[3]], node do node, category: :admonition, labeled: false if node.title? theme_font :admonition do traverse node end end end end theme_margin :block, :bottom, (next_enclosed_block node) end |
#convert_audio(node) ⇒ Object
1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 1894 def convert_audio node add_dest_for_block node if audio_path = node.media_uri node.attr 'target' play_symbol = (node.document.attr? 'icons', 'font') ? %(<font name="fas">#{(icon_font_data 'fas').unicode 'play'}</font>) : RightPointer ink_prose %(#{play_symbol}#{NoBreakSpace}<a href="#{audio_path}">#{audio_path}</a> <em>(audio)</em>), normalize: false, margin: 0 node, labeled: false, end: :bottom if node.title? theme_margin :block, :bottom, (next_enclosed_block node) end |
#convert_code(node) ⇒ Object Also known as: convert_listing, convert_literal, convert_listing_or_literal
QUESTION: can we avoid arranging fragments multiple times (conums & autofit) by eagerly preparing arranger?
1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 1044 def convert_code node extensions = [] source_chunks = bg_color_override = font_color_override = adjusted_font_size = nil theme_font :code do # HACK: disable built-in syntax highlighter; must be done before calling node.content! if == 'source' && (highlighter = (syntax_hl = node.document.syntax_highlighter)&.highlight? && case highlighter when 'coderay' Helpers.require_library CodeRayRequirePath, 'coderay' unless defined? ::Asciidoctor::Prawn::CodeRayEncoder when 'pygments' Helpers.require_library PygmentsRequirePath, 'pygments.rb' unless defined? ::Pygments::Ext::BlockStyles when 'rouge' Helpers.require_library RougeRequirePath, 'rouge' unless defined? ::Rouge::Formatters::Prawn else highlighter = nil end saved_subs = (subs = node.subs).drop 0 callouts_enabled = subs.include? :callouts highlight_idx = subs.index :highlight # NOTE: scratch? here only applies if listing block is nested inside another block if !highlighter || scratch? highlighter = nil if highlight_idx # switch the :highlight sub back to :specialcharacters subs[highlight_idx] = :specialcharacters else saved_subs = nil end source_string = guard_indentation node.content elsif highlight_idx # NOTE: the source highlighter logic below handles the highlight and callouts subs if (subs - [:highlight, :callouts]).empty? subs.clear # NOTE: indentation guards will be added by the source highlighter logic source_string = node.content else if callouts_enabled saved_lines = node.lines.drop 0 subs.delete :callouts prev_subs = subs.drop 0 subs.clear source_string, conum_mapping = extract_conums node.content node.lines.replace (source_string.split LF) subs.replace prev_subs callouts_enabled = false end subs[highlight_idx] = :specialcharacters source_string = node.content || '' # NOTE: indentation guards will be added by the source highlighter logic source_string = unescape_xml (sanitize source_string, compact: false) unless source_string.empty? node.lines.replace saved_lines if saved_lines end else highlighter = saved_subs = nil source_string = guard_indentation node.content end else highlighter = nil source_string = guard_indentation node.content end case highlighter when 'coderay' source_string, conum_mapping = extract_conums source_string if callouts_enabled srclang = node.attr 'language', 'text' begin ::CodeRay::Scanners[(srclang = (srclang.start_with? 'html+') ? (srclang.slice 5, srclang.length).to_sym : srclang.to_sym)] rescue until ::LoadError === (cause ||= $!) || ::ArgumentError === cause raise $! unless (cause = cause.cause) end srclang = :text end fragments = (::CodeRay.scan source_string, srclang).to_prawn source_chunks = conum_mapping ? (restore_conums fragments, conum_mapping) : fragments when 'pygments' unless (style = (node.document.attr 'pygments-style')) && (::Pygments::Ext::BlockStyles.available? style) style = 'pastie' end # QUESTION: allow border color to be set by theme for highlighted block? pg_block_styles = ::Pygments::Ext::BlockStyles.for style bg_color_override = pg_block_styles[:background_color] font_color_override = pg_block_styles[:font_color] if source_string.empty? source_chunks = [] else lexer = (::Pygments::Lexer.find_by_alias node.attr 'language', 'text') || (::Pygments::Lexer.find_by_mimetype 'text/plain') lexer_opts = { nowrap: true, noclasses: true, stripnl: false, style: style } lexer_opts[:startinline] = !(node.option? 'mixed') if == 'PHP' source_string, conum_mapping = extract_conums source_string if callouts_enabled # NOTE: highlight can return nil if something goes wrong; fallback to encoded source string if this happens result = (lexer.highlight source_string, options: lexer_opts) || (node.apply_subs source_string, [:specialcharacters]) if node.attr? 'highlight' if (highlight_lines = node.resolve_lines_to_highlight source_string, (node.attr 'highlight')).empty? highlight_lines = nil else pg_highlight_bg_color = pg_block_styles[:highlight_background_color] highlight_lines = {}.tap {|accum| highlight_lines.each {|linenum| accum[linenum] = pg_highlight_bg_color } } end end if (node.option? 'linenums') || (node.attr? 'linenums') linenums = (node.attr 'start', 1).to_i postprocess = true extensions << FormattedText::SourceWrap elsif conum_mapping || highlight_lines postprocess = true end fragments = text_formatter.format result fragments = restore_conums fragments, conum_mapping, linenums, highlight_lines if postprocess source_chunks = guard_indentation_in_fragments fragments end when 'rouge' formatter = (@rouge_formatter ||= theme: (node.document.attr 'rouge-style'), line_gap: @theme.code_line_gap, highlight_background_color: @theme.code_highlight_background_color) # QUESTION: allow border color to be set by theme for highlighted block? bg_color_override = formatter.background_color if source_string.empty? source_chunks = [] else if (node.option? 'linenums') || (node.attr? 'linenums') formatter_opts = { line_numbers: true, start_line: (node.attr 'start', 1).to_i } extensions << FormattedText::SourceWrap else formatter_opts = {} end if (srclang = node.attr 'language') if srclang.include? '?' if (lexer = ::Rouge::Lexer.find_fancy srclang)&.tag == 'php' && !(node.option? 'mixed') && !((lexer_opts = lexer.).key? 'start_inline') lexer = lexer_opts.merge 'start_inline' => true end elsif (lexer = ::Rouge::Lexer.find srclang)&.tag == 'php' && !(node.option? 'mixed') lexer = start_inline: true end end lexer ||= ::Rouge::Lexers::PlainText source_string, conum_mapping = extract_conums source_string if callouts_enabled if (node.attr? 'highlight') && !(hl_lines = (node.resolve_lines_to_highlight source_string, (node.attr 'highlight'))).empty? formatter_opts[:highlight_lines] = {}.tap {|accum| hl_lines.each {|linenum| accum[linenum] = true } } end fragments = formatter.format (lexer.lex source_string), formatter_opts rescue [text: source_string] source_chunks = conum_mapping ? (restore_conums fragments, conum_mapping) : fragments end else # NOTE: only format if we detect a need (callouts or inline formatting) source_chunks = (XMLMarkupRx.match? source_string) ? (text_formatter.format source_string) : [text: source_string] end node.subs.replace saved_subs if saved_subs adjusted_font_size = ((node.option? 'autofit') || (node.document.attr? 'autofit-option')) ? (compute_autofit_font_size source_chunks, :code) : nil end = @theme.&.to_sym == :bottom arrange_block node do |extent| add_dest_for_block node if tare_first_page_content_stream do theme_fill_and_stroke_block :code, extent, background_color: bg_color_override, caption_node: ? nil : node end pad_box @theme.code_padding, node do theme_font :code do typeset_formatted_text source_chunks, (calc_line_metrics @base_line_height), color: (font_color_override || @theme.code_font_color || @font_color), size: adjusted_font_size, bottom_gutter: @bottom_gutters[-1][node], extensions: extensions.empty? ? nil : extensions end end end # TODO: add protection against the bottom caption being widowed node, category: :code, end: :bottom if theme_margin :block, :bottom, (next_enclosed_block node) end |
#convert_colist(node) ⇒ Object
1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 1353 def convert_colist node if !at_page_top? && ((prev_context = node.previous_sibling&.context) == :listing || prev_context == :literal) margin_top @theme.callout_list_margin_top_after_code end add_dest_for_block node if @list_numerals << 1 last_item = node.items[-1] item_spacing = @theme.callout_list_item_spacing || @theme.list_item_spacing item_opts = { margin_bottom: item_spacing, normalize_line_height: true } if (item_text_align = (resolve_text_align_from_role node.roles) || @theme.list_text_align&.to_sym) item_opts[:align] = item_text_align end theme_font :callout_list do line_metrics = theme_font(:conum) { calc_line_metrics @base_line_height } node.items.each do |item| allocate_space_for_list_item line_metrics item_opts[:margin_bottom] = 0 if item == last_item convert_colist_item item, item_opts end end @list_numerals.pop theme_margin :prose, :bottom, (next_enclosed_block node) end |
#convert_colist_item(node, opts) ⇒ Object
1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 1377 def convert_colist_item node, opts marker_width = nil @list_numerals << (index = @list_numerals.pop).next theme_font :conum do marker_width = rendered_width_of_string %(#{marker = conum_glyph index}x) marker_font_color = @theme.callout_list_marker_font_color || @font_color float do bounding_box [bounds.left, cursor], width: marker_width do ink_prose marker, align: :center, inline_format: false, margin: 0, color: marker_font_color end end end indent marker_width do traverse_list_item node, :colist, opts end end |
#convert_collapsible(node) ⇒ Object
1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 1218 def convert_collapsible node id = title = (collapsible_marker = %(\u25bc )) + (node.title? ? node.title : 'Details') indent_by = theme_font(:caption) { rendered_width_of_string collapsible_marker } if !at_page_top? && (id || (node.option? 'unbreakable')) arrange_block node do add_dest_for_block node if id tare_first_page_content_stream { title } indent(indent_by) { traverse node } end else add_dest_for_block node if id tare_first_page_content_stream { title } indent(indent_by) { traverse node } end theme_margin :block, :bottom, (next_enclosed_block node) end |
#convert_dlist(node) ⇒ Object
1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 1395 def convert_dlist node add_dest_for_block node if case (style = when 'unordered', 'ordered' if style == 'unordered' list_style = :ulist (markers = @list_bullets) << :disc else list_style = :olist (markers = @list_numerals) << 1 end list = node.parent, list_style stack_subject = node.has_role? 'stack' subject_stop = node.attr 'subject-stop', (stack_subject ? nil : ':') node.items.each do |subjects, dd| subject = (Array subjects).first.text if dd list_item_text = %(+++<strong>#{subject}#{(StopPunctRx.match? sanitize subject) ? '' : subject_stop}</strong>#{dd.text? ? "#{stack_subject ? '<br>' : ' '}#{dd.text}" : ''}+++) list_item = list, list_item_text dd.blocks.each {|it| list_item << it } if dd.blocks? else list_item = list, %(+++<strong>#{subject}</strong>+++) end list << list_item end convert_list list markers.pop when 'horizontal' table_data = [] term_padding = term_padding_no_blocks = term_font_color = term_transform = desc_padding = term_line_metrics = term_inline_format = term_kerning = nil max_term_width = 0 theme_font :description_list_term do term_font_color = @font_color term_transform = @text_transform term_inline_format = (term_font_styles = font_styles).empty? ? true : [inherited: { styles: term_font_styles }] term_line_metrics = calc_line_metrics @base_line_height term_padding_no_blocks = [term_line_metrics.padding_top, 10, term_line_metrics.padding_bottom, 10] (term_padding = (term_padding_no_blocks.drop 0))[2] += @theme.prose_margin_bottom * 0.5 desc_padding = [0, 10, 0, 10] term_kerning = default_kerning? end actual_node, node = node, node.dup (node.instance_variable_set :@blocks, do |item| terms, desc = item term_text = ?\n term_text = transform_text term_text, term_transform if term_transform if (term_width = width_of term_text, inline_format: term_inline_format, kerning: term_kerning) > max_term_width max_term_width = term_width end row_data = [{ text_color: term_font_color, kerning: term_kerning, content: term_text, inline_format: term_inline_format, padding: desc&.blocks? ? term_padding : term_padding_no_blocks, leading: term_line_metrics.leading, # FIXME: prawn-table doesn't have support for final_gap option #final_gap: term_line_metrics.final_gap, valign: :top, }] if desc desc_container = node, :open desc_container << ( desc_container, :paragraph, source: (desc.instance_variable_get :@text), subs: :default) if desc.text? desc.blocks.each {|b| desc_container << b.dup } if desc.blocks? row_data << { content: ( self, content: (item[1] = desc_container), text_color: @font_color, padding: desc_padding, valign: :top, source_location: desc.source_location) } else row_data << {} end table_data << row_data end max_term_width += (term_padding[1] + term_padding[3]) term_column_width = [max_term_width, bounds.width * 0.5].min table table_data, position: :left, column_widths: [term_column_width] do border_width: 0 @pdf. node if node.title? end theme_margin :prose, :bottom, (next_enclosed_block actual_node) #unless actual_node.nested? when 'qanda' @list_numerals << 1 convert_list node @list_numerals.pop else # TODO: check if we're within one line of the bottom of the page # and advance to the next page if so (similar to logic for section titles) node, category: :description_list, labeled: false if node.title? term_spacing = @theme.description_list_term_spacing term_height = theme_font(:description_list_term) { height_of_typeset_text 'A' } prose_height = height_of_typeset_text 'A' node.items.each do |terms, desc| advance_page if !at_page_top? && cursor < (nlines = terms.size + (desc && desc.text? ? 1 : 0)) * term_height + (nlines - 1) * term_spacing + (desc && !desc.text? && desc.blocks? ? term_spacing + prose_height : 0) theme_font :description_list_term do if (term_font_styles = font_styles).empty? term_font_styles = nil end terms.each_with_index do |term, idx| # QUESTION: should we pass down styles in other calls to ink_prose ink_prose term.text, margin_top: (idx > 0 ? term_spacing : 0), margin_bottom: 0, align: :left, normalize_line_height: true, styles: term_font_styles end end indent @theme.description_list_description_indent do #margin_bottom (desc.simple? ? @theme.list_item_spacing : term_spacing) margin_bottom term_spacing traverse_list_item desc, :dlist_desc, normalize_line_height: true, margin_bottom: ((next_enclosed_block desc, descend: true) ? nil : 0) end if desc end theme_margin :prose, :bottom, (next_enclosed_block node) unless node.nested? end end |
#convert_document(doc) ⇒ Object Also known as: convert_embedded
161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 161 def convert_document doc doc.promote_preface_block init_pdf doc # set default value for outline, outline-title, and pagenums attributes if not otherwise set doc.attributes['outline'] = '' if doc.attr_unspecified? 'outline' doc.attributes['outline-title'] = '' if doc.attr_unspecified? 'outline-title' doc.attributes['pagenums'] = '' if doc.attr_unspecified? 'pagenums' # NOTE: & prefix required here to pass resolved method as block of on_page_create method on_page_create(&(method :init_page).curry[doc]) marked_page_number = page_number # NOTE: a new page will already be started (page_number = 2) if the front cover image is a PDF ink_cover_page doc, :front has_front_cover = page_number > marked_page_number doctype = doc.doctype if (has_title_page = (title_as_page = doctype == 'book' || (doc.attr? 'title-page')) && (start_title_page doc)) # NOTE: the base font must be set before any content is written to the main or scratch document font @theme.base_font_family, size: @root_font_size, style: @theme.base_font_style if perform_on_single_page { ink_title_page doc } log :warn, 'the title page contents has been truncated to prevent it from overrunning the bounds of a single page' end start_new_page else @page_margin[:cover] = @page_margin[page.layout][:recto] if @media == 'prepress' && page_number == 0 start_new_page unless page&.empty? # rubocop:disable Lint/SafeNavigationWithEmpty # NOTE: the base font must be set before any content is written to the main or scratch document # this method is called inside ink_title_page if the title page is active font @theme.base_font_family, size: @root_font_size, style: @theme.base_font_style end unless title_as_page body_start_page_number = page_number theme_font :heading, level: 1 do ink_general_heading doc, doc.doctitle, align: (@theme.heading_h1_text_align&.to_sym || :center), level: 1, role: :doctitle end if doc.header? && !doc.notitle end num_front_matter_pages = toc_page_nums = toc_num_levels = nil indent_section do toc_num_levels = (doc.attr 'toclevels', 2).to_i if (toc_at_top = (doc.attr? 'toc') && !((toc_placement = doc.attr 'toc-placement') == 'macro' || toc_placement == 'preamble') && !(get_entries_for_toc doc).empty?) start_new_page if @ppbook && verso_page? add_dest_for_block doc, id: 'toc', y: (at_page_top? ? page_height : nil) @toc_extent = allocate_toc doc, toc_num_levels, cursor, (title_as_page && theme.toc_break_after != 'auto') else @toc_extent = nil end if @ppbook && verso_page? && !(((next_block = doc.first_child)&.context == :preamble ? next_block.first_child : next_block)&.option? 'nonfacing') min_start_at = 0 start_new_page else min_start_at = 1 end if title_as_page zero_page_offset = has_front_cover ? 1 : 0 first_page_offset = has_title_page ? : zero_page_offset body_offset = (body_start_page_number = page_number) - 1 if ::Integer === (running_content_start_at = @theme.running_content_start_at) running_content_body_offset = body_offset + [running_content_start_at.pred, min_start_at.pred].max running_content_start_at = 'body' else running_content_body_offset = body_offset case running_content_start_at when 'title' running_content_start_at = 'toc' unless has_title_page when 'toc' uses_start_at_toc = true running_content_start_at = 'body' unless toc_at_top when 'after-toc' uses_start_at_after_toc = true running_content_start_at = 'body' end end if ::Integer === (page_numbering_start_at = @theme.page_numbering_start_at) page_numbering_body_offset = body_offset + [page_numbering_start_at.pred, min_start_at.pred].max page_numbering_start_at = 'body' else page_numbering_body_offset = body_offset case page_numbering_start_at when 'cover' if has_front_cover page_numbering_body_offset = 0 else page_numbering_start_at = 'title' end when 'title' page_numbering_start_at = 'toc' unless has_title_page when 'toc' uses_start_at_toc = true page_numbering_start_at = 'body' unless toc_at_top when 'after-toc' uses_start_at_after_toc = true page_numbering_start_at = 'body' end end # table values are number of pages to skip before starting running content and page numbering, respectively num_front_matter_pages = { %w(title cover) => [zero_page_offset, page_numbering_body_offset], %w(title title) => [zero_page_offset, zero_page_offset], %w(title toc) => [zero_page_offset, first_page_offset], %w(title body) => [zero_page_offset, page_numbering_body_offset], %w(toc cover) => [first_page_offset, page_numbering_body_offset], %w(toc title) => [first_page_offset, zero_page_offset], %w(toc toc) => [first_page_offset, first_page_offset], %w(toc body) => [first_page_offset, page_numbering_body_offset], %w(body cover) => [running_content_body_offset, page_numbering_body_offset], %w(body title) => [running_content_body_offset, zero_page_offset], %w(body toc) => [running_content_body_offset, first_page_offset], }[[running_content_start_at, page_numbering_start_at]] || [running_content_body_offset, page_numbering_body_offset] else body_offset = body_start_page_number - 1 if ::Integer === (running_content_start_at = @theme.running_content_start_at) running_content_body_offset = body_offset + [running_content_start_at.pred, 0].max else running_content_body_offset = body_offset end if ::Integer === (page_numbering_start_at = @theme.page_numbering_start_at) page_numbering_body_offset = body_offset + [page_numbering_start_at.pred, 0].max elsif page_numbering_start_at == 'cover' && has_front_cover page_numbering_body_offset = 0 else page_numbering_body_offset = body_offset end num_front_matter_pages = [running_content_body_offset, page_numbering_body_offset] end @index.start_page_number = num_front_matter_pages[1] + 1 doc.set_attr 'pdf-anchor', (derive_anchor_from_id, 'top') doc.set_attr 'pdf-page-start', page_number if doctype == 'book' || (columns = @theme.page_columns || 1) < 2 convert_section generate_manname_section doc if doctype == 'manpage' && (doc.attr? 'manpurpose') traverse doc # NOTE: for a book, these are leftover footnotes; for an article this is everything outdent_section { ink_footnotes doc } else column_box [bounds.left, cursor], columns: columns, width: bounds.width, reflow_margins: true, spacer: @theme.page_column_gap do convert_section generate_manname_section doc if doctype == 'manpage' && (doc.attr? 'manpurpose') traverse doc # NOTE: for a book, these are leftover footnotes; for an article this is everything outdent_section { ink_footnotes doc } end end if (toc_extent = @toc_extent) if title_as_page && !toc_at_top && (uses_start_at_toc || uses_start_at_after_toc) if uses_start_at_toc toc_offset = - 1 num_front_matter_pages[0] = toc_offset if @theme.running_content_start_at == 'toc' num_front_matter_pages[1] = toc_offset if @theme.page_numbering_start_at == 'toc' end if uses_start_at_after_toc after_toc_offset = after_toc_offset += 1 if @ppbook && (recto_page? after_toc_offset) num_front_matter_pages[0] = after_toc_offset if @theme.running_content_start_at == 'after-toc' num_front_matter_pages[1] = after_toc_offset if @theme.page_numbering_start_at == 'after-toc' end end toc_page_nums = ink_toc doc, toc_num_levels,, toc_extent.from.cursor, num_front_matter_pages[1] else toc_page_nums = [] end # NOTE: delete orphaned page (a page was created but there was no additional content) # QUESTION: should we delete page if document is empty? (leaving no pages?) delete_current_page if page_count > 1 && page.empty? end unless page_count < body_start_page_number ink_running_content :header, doc, num_front_matter_pages, body_start_page_number unless doc.noheader || @theme.header_height.to_f == 0 # rubocop:disable Lint/FloatComparison ink_running_content :footer, doc, num_front_matter_pages, body_start_page_number unless doc. || @theme..to_f == 0 # rubocop:disable Lint/FloatComparison end add_outline doc, (doc.attr 'outlinelevels', toc_num_levels), toc_page_nums, num_front_matter_pages[1], has_front_cover if (initial_zoom = @theme.page_initial_zoom&.to_sym) case initial_zoom when :Fit[:OpenAction] = dest_fit state.pages[0] when :FitV[:OpenAction] = dest_fit_vertically 0, state.pages[0] when :FitH[:OpenAction] = dest_fit_horizontally page_height, state.pages[0] end end[:ViewerPreferences] = { DisplayDocTitle: true } stamp_foreground_image doc, has_front_cover ink_cover_page doc, :back add_dest_for_top doc state.pages.each {|it| fit_trim_box it } if (@optimize&.[] :compliance)&.start_with? 'PDF/X' nil end |
#convert_example(node) ⇒ Object
1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 1236 def convert_example node return convert_collapsible node if node.option? 'collapsible' = @theme.&.to_sym == :bottom arrange_block node do |extent| add_dest_for_block node if tare_first_page_content_stream do theme_fill_and_stroke_block :example, extent, caption_node: ? nil : node end pad_box @theme.example_padding, node do theme_font :example do traverse node end end end # TODO: add protection against the bottom caption being widowed node, category: :example, end: :bottom if theme_margin :block, :bottom, (next_enclosed_block node) end |
#convert_floating_title(node) ⇒ Object
697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 697 def convert_floating_title node title = node.title hlevel = unless (text_align = resolve_text_align_from_role node.roles) text_align = (@theme[%(heading_h#{hlevel}_text_align)] || @theme.heading_text_align || @base_text_align).to_sym end hopts = { align: text_align, level: hlevel, outdent: node.parent.context == :section } arrange_heading node, title, hopts unless at_page_top? || node.last_child? add_dest_for_block node if # QUESTION: should we decouple styles from section titles? theme_font :heading, level: hlevel do ink_general_heading node, title, hopts end end |
#convert_image(node, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 1707 def convert_image node, opts = {} target, image_format = (node.extend ::Asciidoctor::Image).target_and_format unless image_format == 'pdf' if (float_to = node.attr 'float') && ((BlockFloatNames.include? float_to) ? float_to : (float_to = nil)) alignment = float_to.to_sym elsif (alignment = node.attr 'align') alignment = (BlockAlignmentNames.include? alignment) ? alignment.to_sym : :left elsif !(alignment = node.roles.reverse.find {|role| BlockAlignmentNames.include? role }&.to_sym) alignment = @theme.image_align&.to_sym || :left end end if image_format == 'gif' && !(defined? ::GMagick::Image) log :warn, %(GIF image format not supported. Install the prawn-gmagick gem or convert #{target} to PNG.) image_path = nil elsif ::Asciidoctor::Image::Base64Encoded === target image_path = target elsif (image_path = resolve_image_path node, target, image_format, (opts.fetch :relative_to_imagesdir, true)) if image_format == 'pdf' if ::File.readable? image_path if (replace = page.empty?) && ((parent = node.parent).attr? 'pdf-page-start', page_number) && (parent.attr? 'pdf-anchor') replace_parent = parent end if (id = || replace_parent add_dest_block = proc do node_dest = dest_top if id node.set_attr 'pdf-destination', node_dest add_dest id, node_dest end if replace_parent replace_parent.set_attr 'pdf-destination', node_dest add_dest (replace_parent.attr 'pdf-anchor'), node_dest end end end # NOTE: import_page automatically advances to next page afterwards if (pgnums = node.attr 'pages') (resolve_pagenums pgnums).each_with_index do |pgnum, idx| if idx == 0 import_page image_path, page: pgnum, replace: replace, &add_dest_block else import_page image_path, page: pgnum, replace: true end end else import_page image_path, page: [(node.attr 'page', nil, 1).to_i, 1].max, replace: replace, &add_dest_block end return else log :warn, %(pdf to insert not found or not readable: #{image_path}) image_path = nil end elsif !(::File.readable? image_path) log :warn, %(image to embed not found or not readable: #{image_path}) image_path = nil end end return on_image_error :missing, node, target, (opts.merge align: alignment) unless image_path # TODO: support cover (aka canvas) image layout using "canvas" (or "cover") role case (width = resolve_explicit_width node.attributes, bounds_width: (available_w = bounds.width), support_vw: true, use_fallback: true, constrain_to_bounds: true) when ViewportWidth # TODO: add `to_pt page_width` method to ViewportWidth type width = page_width * (width.to_f / 100) when ImageWidth scale = width.to_f / 100 width = nil end = @theme.&.to_sym || :bottom = @theme. = 'fit-content' if float_to && !(&.start_with? 'fit-content') # NOTE: if width is not set explicitly and max-width is fit-content, caption height may not be accurate = node.title? ? ( node, category: :image, end: , block_align: alignment, block_width: width, max_width: , dry_run: true, force_top_margin: == :bottom) : 0 align_to_page = node.option? 'align-to-page' pinned = opts[:pinned] begin rendered_h = rendered_w = nil span_page_width_if align_to_page do if image_format == 'svg' if ::Asciidoctor::Image::Base64Encoded === image_path svg_data = image_path.unpack1 'm' file_request_root = false else svg_data = image_path, mode: 'r:UTF-8' file_request_root = { base: (::File.dirname image_path), root: @jail_dir } end svg_obj = svg_data, self, width: width, fallback_font_name: fallback_svg_font_name, enable_web_requests: allow_uri_read ? (method :load_open_uri).to_proc : false, enable_file_requests_with_root: file_request_root, cache_images: cache_uri rendered_w = (svg_size = svg_obj.document.sizing).output_width if scale svg_size = svg_obj.resize width: (rendered_w = [available_w, rendered_w * scale].min) elsif !width && (svg_obj.document.root.attributes.key? 'width') && rendered_w > available_w # NOTE: restrict width to available width (prawn-svg already coerces to pixels) svg_size = svg_obj.resize width: (rendered_w = available_w) end # NOTE: shrink image so it fits within available space; group image & caption if (rendered_h = svg_size.output_height) > (available_h = cursor - ) unless pinned || at_page_top? || (node.first_child? && (node.parent.attr? 'pdf-at-top')) advance_page available_h = cursor - end rendered_w = (svg_obj.resize height: (rendered_h = available_h)).output_width if rendered_h > available_h end add_dest_for_block node if node, category: :image, end: :top, block_align: alignment, block_width: rendered_w, max_width: if == :top && node.title? image_y = y # NOTE: prawn-svg does not compute :at for alignment correctly in column box, so resort to our own logic case alignment when :center left = bounds.left + (available_w - rendered_w) * 0.5 when :right left = bounds.left + available_w - rendered_w else left = bounds.left end svg_obj.[:at] = [left, (image_cursor = cursor)] svg_obj.draw # NOTE: cursor advances automatically svg_obj.document.warnings.each do |img_warning| log :warn, %(problem encountered in image: #{image_path}; #{img_warning}) end unless scratch? draw_image_border image_cursor, rendered_w, rendered_h, alignment unless pinned || (node.role? && (node.has_role? 'noborder')) if (link = node.attr 'link') add_link_to_image link, { width: rendered_w, height: rendered_h }, position: alignment, y: image_y end else # FIXME: this code really needs to be better organized! # NOTE: use low-level API to access intrinsic dimensions; build_image_object caches image data previously loaded image_obj, image_info = ::Asciidoctor::Image::Base64Encoded === image_path ? 'm'), 'rb') {|fd| build_image_object fd } :, 'rb') {|fd| build_image_object fd } actual_w = to_pt image_info.width, :px width = actual_w * scale if scale # NOTE: if width is not specified, scale native width & height from px to pt and restrict width to available width rendered_w, rendered_h = image_info.calc_image_dimensions width: (width || [available_w, actual_w].min) # NOTE: shrink image so it fits within available space; group image & caption if rendered_h > (available_h = cursor - ) unless pinned || at_page_top? || (node.first_child? && (node.parent.attr? 'pdf-at-top')) advance_page available_h = cursor - end rendered_w = (image_info.calc_image_dimensions height: (rendered_h = available_h))[0] if rendered_h > available_h end add_dest_for_block node if node, category: :image, end: :top, block_align: alignment, block_width: rendered_w, max_width: if == :top && node.title? image_y = y left = bounds.left # NOTE: prawn does not compute :at for alignment correctly in column box, so resort to our own logic case alignment when :center left += (available_w - rendered_w) * 0.5 when :right left += available_w - rendered_w end # NOTE: specify both width and height to avoid recalculation image_obj, image_info, at: [left, (image_cursor = cursor)], height: rendered_h, width: rendered_w draw_image_border image_cursor, rendered_w, rendered_h, alignment unless pinned || (node.role? && (node.has_role? 'noborder')) if (link = node.attr 'link') add_link_to_image link, { width: rendered_w, height: rendered_h }, position: alignment, y: image_y end # NOTE: Asciidoctor disables automatic advancement of cursor for raster images, so move cursor manually move_down rendered_h if y == image_y end end node, category: :image, end: :bottom, block_align: alignment, block_width: rendered_w, max_width: if == :bottom && node.title? if !pinned && (block_next = next_enclosed_block node) if float_to && (supports_float_wrapping? block_next) && rendered_w < bounds.width init_float_box node, rendered_w, rendered_h + , float_to else theme_margin :block, :bottom, block_next end end rescue => e raise if ::StopIteration === e on_image_error :exception, node, target, (opts.merge align: alignment, message: %(could not embed image: #{image_path}; #{e.}#{(recommend_prawn_gmagick? e, image_format) ? %(; install prawn-gmagick gem to add support for #{image_format&.upcase || 'unknown'} image format) : ''})) end end |
#convert_index_categories(categories, pagenum_sequence_style = nil) ⇒ Object
727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 727 def convert_index_categories categories, pagenum_sequence_style = nil space_needed_for_category = @theme.description_list_term_spacing + (2 * (height_of_typeset_text 'A')) categories.each do |category| bounds.move_past_bottom if space_needed_for_category > cursor ink_prose, align: :left, inline_format: false, margin_bottom: @theme.description_list_term_spacing, style: @theme.description_list_term_font_style&.to_sym category.terms.each {|term| convert_index_term term, pagenum_sequence_style } @theme.prose_margin_bottom > cursor ? bounds.move_past_bottom : (move_down @theme.prose_margin_bottom) end end |
#convert_index_section(node) ⇒ Object
712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 712 def convert_index_section node if ColumnBox === bounds || (columns = @theme.index_columns || 1) < 2 convert_index_categories @index.categories, (node.document.attr 'index-pagenum-sequence-style') else end_cursor = nil column_box [bounds.left, cursor], columns: columns, width: bounds.width, reflow_margins: true, spacer: @theme.index_column_gap do convert_index_categories @index.categories, (node.document.attr 'index-pagenum-sequence-style') end_cursor = cursor if bounds.current_column == 0 end # Q: could we move this logic into column_box? move_cursor_to end_cursor if end_cursor end nil end |
#convert_index_term(term, pagenum_sequence_style = nil) ⇒ Object
741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 741 def convert_index_term term, pagenum_sequence_style = nil term_fragments = unless term.container? pagenum_fragment = (parse_text %(<a>#{DummyText}</a>), inline_format: true)[0] if @media == 'screen' case pagenum_sequence_style when 'page' pagenums = term.dests.uniq {|dest| dest[:page] }.map {|dest| pagenum_fragment.merge anchor: dest[:anchor], text: dest[:page] } when 'range' first_anchor_per_page = {}.tap {|accum| term.dests.each {|dest| accum[dest[:page]] ||= dest[:anchor] } } pagenums = (consolidate_ranges first_anchor_per_page.keys).map do |range| anchor = first_anchor_per_page[(range.include? '-') ? (range.partition '-')[0] : range] pagenum_fragment.merge text: range, anchor: anchor end else # term pagenums = {|dest| pagenum_fragment.merge text: dest[:page], anchor: dest[:anchor] } end else pagenums = consolidate_ranges {|dest| dest[:page] }.uniq end pagenums.each do |pagenum| if ::String === pagenum term_fragments << ({ text: %(, #{pagenum}) }) else term_fragments << { text: ', ' } term_fragments << pagenum end end end subterm_indent = @theme.description_list_description_indent typeset_formatted_text term_fragments, (calc_line_metrics @base_line_height), align: :left, color: @font_color, hanging_indent: subterm_indent * 2, consolidate: true indent subterm_indent do term.subterms.each do |subterm| convert_index_term subterm, pagenum_sequence_style end end unless term.leaf? end |
#convert_inline_anchor(node) ⇒ Object
2440 2441 2442 2443 2444 2445 2446 2447 2448 2449 2450 2451 2452 2453 2454 2455 2456 2457 2458 2459 2460 2461 2462 2463 2464 2465 2466 2467 2468 2469 2470 2471 2472 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 2495 2496 2497 2498 2499 2500 2501 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 2440 def convert_inline_anchor node doc = node.document target = case node.type when :link anchor = ? %(<a id="#{}">#{DummyText}</a>) : '' attrs = [] if (role = node.role) attrs << %( class="#{role}") end if (@media ||= doc.attr 'media', 'screen') != 'screen' && (target.start_with? 'mailto:') node.add_role 'bare' if ( = target.slice 7, target.length) == (text = node.text) = target unless doc.attr? 'hide-uri-scheme' else = target text = node.text end if (role = node.attr 'role') && (role == 'bare' || (role.split.include? 'bare')) # QUESTION: should we insert breakable chars into URI when building fragment instead? %(#{anchor}<a href="#{target}"#{attrs.join}>#{breakable_uri text}</a>) # NOTE: @media may not be initialized if method is called before convert phase elsif (doc.attr? 'show-link-uri') || (@media != 'screen' && (doc.attr_unspecified? 'show-link-uri')) # QUESTION: should we insert breakable chars into URI when building fragment instead? # TODO: allow style of printed link to be controlled by theme %(#{anchor}<a href="#{target}"#{attrs.join}>#{text}</a> [<font size="0.85em">#{breakable_uri }</font>]) else %(#{anchor}<a href="#{target}"#{attrs.join}>#{text}</a>) end when :xref # NOTE: non-nil path indicates this is an inter-document xref that's not included in current document if (path = node.attributes['path']) # NOTE: we don't use local as that doesn't work on the web %(<a href="#{target}">#{node.text || path}</a>) elsif (refid = node.attributes['refid']) if !(text = node.text) && AbstractNode === (ref = doc.catalog[:refs][refid]) && (@resolving_xref ||= (outer = true)) && outer if (text = ref.xreftext node.attr 'xrefstyle', nil, true)&.include? '<a' text = text.gsub DropAnchorRx, '' end if ref.inline? && ref.type == :bibref && !scratch? && (@bibref_refs.add? refid) anchor = %(<a id="_bibref_ref_#{refid}">#{DummyText}</a>) end @resolving_xref = nil end %(#{anchor || ''}<a anchor="#{derive_anchor_from_id refid}">#{text || "[#{refid}]"}</a>).gsub ']', ']' else %(<a anchor="#{doc.attr 'pdf-anchor'}">#{node.text || '[^top]'}</a>) end when :ref # NOTE: destination is created inside callback registered by FormattedTextTransform#build_fragment %(<a id="#{}">#{DummyText}</a>) when :bibref id = # NOTE: technically node.text should be node.reftext, but subs have already been applied to text reftext = (reftext = node.reftext) ? %([#{reftext}]) : %([#{id}]) reftext = %(<a anchor="_bibref_ref_#{id}">#{reftext}</a>) if @bibref_refs.include? id # NOTE: destination is created inside callback registered by FormattedTextTransform#build_fragment %(<a id="#{id}">#{DummyText}</a>#{reftext}) else log :warn, %(unknown anchor type: #{node.type.inspect}) nil end end |
#convert_inline_break(node) ⇒ Object
2503 2504 2505 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 2503 def convert_inline_break node %(#{node.text}<br>) end |
#convert_inline_button(node) ⇒ Object
2507 2508 2509 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 2507 def node %(<button>#{((load_theme node.document). || '%s').sub '%s', node.text}</button>) end |
#convert_inline_callout(node) ⇒ Object
2511 2512 2513 2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 2511 def convert_inline_callout node result = (conum_font_family = @theme.conum_font_family) == font_name ? (conum_glyph node.text.to_i) : %(<font name="#{conum_font_family}">#{conum_glyph node.text.to_i}</font>) if (conum_font_color = @theme.conum_font_color) # NOTE: CMYK value gets flattened here, but is restored by formatted text parser result = %(<font color="#{conum_font_color}">#{result}</font>) end result end |
#convert_inline_footnote(node) ⇒ Object
2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 2531 2532 2533 2534 2535 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 2520 def convert_inline_footnote node if (index = node.attr 'index') && (fn = node.document.footnotes.find {|candidate| candidate.index == index }) anchor = node.type == :xref ? '' : %(<a id="_footnoteref_#{index}">#{DummyText}</a>) if defined? @rendered_footnotes label = (@rendered_footnotes.include? fn) ? fn.label : (index - @rendered_footnotes.length) else label = index end %(<sup class="wj">#{anchor}[<a anchor="_footnotedef_#{index}">#{label}</a>]</sup>) elsif node.type == :xref %(<sup class="wj"><font color="#{theme.role_unresolved_font_color}">[#{node.text}]</font></sup>) else log :warn, %(unknown footnote type: #{node.type.inspect}) nil end end |
#convert_inline_icon(node) ⇒ Object
2537 2538 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 2544 2545 2546 2547 2548 2549 2550 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 2582 2583 2584 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 2595 2596 2597 2598 2599 2600 2601 2602 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 2537 def convert_inline_icon node if (icons = (doc = node.document).attr 'icons') == 'font' if (icon_name = '@' icon_name, icon_set = icon_name.split '@', 2 explicit_icon_set = true elsif (icon_set = node.attr 'set') explicit_icon_set = true else icon_set = doc.attr 'icon-set', 'fa' end if icon_set == 'fa' || !(IconSets.include? icon_set) icon_set = 'fa' # legacy name from Font Awesome < 5 if (remapped_icon_name = resolve_legacy_icon_name icon_name) requested_icon_name = icon_name icon_set, icon_name = remapped_icon_name.split '-', 2 glyph = (icon_font_data icon_set).unicode icon_name log(:info) { %(#{requested_icon_name} icon found in deprecated fa icon set; using #{icon_name} from #{icon_set} icon set instead) } # new name in Font Awesome >= 5 (but document is configured to use fa icon set) else font_data = nil if (resolved_icon_set = FontAwesomeIconSets.find {|candidate| (font_data = icon_font_data candidate).unicode icon_name rescue nil }) icon_set = resolved_icon_set glyph = font_data.unicode icon_name log(:info) { %(#{icon_name} icon not found in deprecated fa icon set; using match found in #{resolved_icon_set} icon set instead) } end end else glyph = (icon_font_data icon_set).unicode icon_name rescue nil end unless glyph || explicit_icon_set || !icon_name.start_with?(*IconSetPrefixes) icon_set, icon_name = icon_name.split '-', 2 glyph = (icon_font_data icon_set).unicode icon_name rescue nil end if glyph if node.attr? 'size' case (size = node.attr 'size') when 'lg' size_attr = ' size="1.333em"' when 'fw' size_attr = ' width="1em"' else size_attr = %( size="#{size.sub 'x', 'em'}") end else size_attr = '' end class_attr = node.role? ? %( class="#{node.role}") : '' # TODO: support rotate and flip attributes %(<font name="#{icon_set}"#{size_attr}#{class_attr}>#{glyph}</font>) else log :warn, %(#{icon_name} is not a valid icon name in the #{icon_set} icon set) %([#{node.attr 'alt'}]) end elsif icons image_path = ::File.absolute_path %(#{icon_name =}.#{image_format = doc.attr 'icontype', 'png'}), (doc.attr 'iconsdir') if ::File.readable? image_path %(<img src="#{image_path}" format="#{image_format}" alt="#{node.attr 'alt'}" fit="line">) else log :warn, %(image icon for '#{icon_name}' not found or not readable: #{image_path}) %([#{icon_name}]) end else %([#{node.attr 'alt'}]) end end |
#convert_inline_image(node) ⇒ Object
2604 2605 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 2618 2619 2620 2621 2622 2623 2624 2625 2626 2627 2628 2629 2630 2631 2632 2633 2634 2635 2636 2637 2638 2639 2640 2641 2642 2643 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 2604 def convert_inline_image node if node.type == 'icon' img = convert_inline_icon node else target, image_format = (node.extend ::Asciidoctor::Image).target_and_format if image_format == 'gif' && !(defined? ::GMagick::Image) log :warn, %(GIF image format not supported. Install the prawn-gmagick gem or convert #{target} to PNG.) img = %([#{node.attr 'alt'}]) # NOTE: an image with a data URI is handled using a temporary file elsif (image_path = resolve_image_path node, target, image_format) if ::File.readable? image_path class_attr = (role = node.role) ? %( class="#{role}") : '' fit_attr = (fit = node.attr 'fit') ? %( fit="#{fit}") : '' if (width = resolve_explicit_width node.attributes) if ImageWidth === width if state # check that converter is initialized width = (intrinsic_image_width image_path, image_format) * (width.to_f / 100) else width = %(auto*#{width}) end elsif node.parent.context == :table_cell && ::String === width && (width.end_with? '%') width += (intrinsic_image_width image_path, image_format).to_s end width_attr = %( width="#{width}") elsif state # check that converter is initialized width_attr = %( width="#{intrinsic_image_width image_path, image_format}") else width_attr = ' width="auto"' # defer operation until arranger runs end img = %(<img src="#{image_path}" format="#{image_format}" alt="#{encode_quotes node.attr 'alt'}"#{width_attr}#{class_attr}#{fit_attr}>) else log :warn, %(image to embed not found or not readable: #{image_path}) img = %([#{node.attr 'alt'}]) end else img = %([#{node.attr 'alt'}]) end end (node.attr? 'link') ? %(<a href="#{node.attr 'link'}">#{img}</a>) : img end |
#convert_inline_indexterm(node) ⇒ Object
2645 2646 2647 2648 2649 2650 2651 2652 2653 2654 2655 2656 2657 2658 2659 2660 2661 2662 2663 2664 2665 2666 2667 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 2645 def convert_inline_indexterm node visible = node.type == :visible if scratch? visible ? node.text : '' else unless defined? @index # NOTE: initialize index and text formatter in case converter is called before PDF is initialized @index = @text_formatter = theme: (load_theme node.document) end # NOTE: page number (:page key) is added by InlineDestinationMarker dest = { anchor: (anchor_name = @index.next_anchor_name) } anchor = %(<a id="#{anchor_name}" type="indexterm"#{visible ? ' visible="true"' : ''}>#{DummyText}</a>) if visible visible_term = node.text @index.store_primary_term ( parse_text visible_term, inline_format: [normalize: true]), dest %(#{anchor}#{visible_term}) else @index.store_term (node.attr 'terms').map {|term| parse_text term, inline_format: [normalize: true] }, dest anchor end end end |
#convert_inline_kbd(node) ⇒ Object
2669 2670 2671 2672 2673 2674 2675 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 2669 def convert_inline_kbd node if (keys = node.attr 'keys').size == 1 %(<kbd>#{keys[0]}</kbd>) else {|key| %(<kbd>#{key}</kbd>) }.join (load_theme node.document).kbd_separator end end |
#convert_inline_menu(node) ⇒ Object
2677 2678 2679 2680 2681 2682 2683 2684 2685 2686 2687 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 2677 def node = node.attr 'menu' caret = (load_theme node.document). || %( \u203a ) if !( = node.attr 'submenus').empty? %(<menu>#{[, *, (node.attr 'menuitem')].join caret}</menu>) elsif ( = node.attr 'menuitem') %(<menu>#{}#{caret}#{}</menu>) else %(<menu>#{}</menu>) end end |
#convert_inline_quoted(node) ⇒ Object
2689 2690 2691 2692 2693 2694 2695 2696 2697 2698 2699 2700 2701 2702 2703 2704 2705 2706 2707 2708 2709 2710 2711 2712 2713 2714 2715 2716 2717 2718 2719 2720 2721 2722 2723 2724 2725 2726 2727 2728 2729 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 2689 def convert_inline_quoted node case node.type when :emphasis open, close, is_tag = ['<em>', '</em>', true] when :strong open, close, is_tag = ['<strong>', '</strong>', true] when :monospaced, :asciimath, :latexmath open, close, is_tag = ['<code>', '</code>', true] when :superscript open, close, is_tag = ['<sup>', '</sup>', true] when :subscript open, close, is_tag = ['<sub>', '</sub>', true] when :double open, close = (load_theme node.document).quotes.slice 0, 2 quotes = true when :single open, close = (load_theme node.document).quotes.slice 2, 2 quotes = true when :mark open, close, is_tag = ['<mark>', '</mark>', true] else open = close = '' end inner_text = node.text if quotes && (len = inner_text.length) > 3 && (inner_text.end_with? '...') && !((inner_text_trunc = inner_text.slice 0, len - 3).end_with? ?\\) inner_text = inner_text_trunc + '…' end if (roles = node.role) inner_text = inner_text.gsub DoubleSpaceRx, ' ' + ZeroWidthSpace if (node.has_role? 'pre-wrap') && (inner_text.include? DoubleSpace) quoted_text = is_tag ? %(#{open.chop} class="#{roles}">#{inner_text}#{close}) : %(<span class="#{roles}">#{open}#{inner_text}#{close}</span>) else quoted_text = %(#{open}#{inner_text}#{close}) end # NOTE: destination is created inside callback registered by FormattedTextTransform#build_fragment ? %(<a id="#{}">#{DummyText}</a>#{quoted_text}) : quoted_text end |
#convert_list(node) ⇒ Object
1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 1577 def convert_list node # TODO: check if we're within one line of the bottom of the page # and advance to the next page if so (similar to logic for section titles) node, category: :list, labeled: false if node.title? opts = {} if (text_align = resolve_text_align_from_role node.roles) opts[:align] = text_align elsif == 'bibliography' opts[:align] = :left elsif (text_align = @theme.list_text_align&.to_sym) # rubocop:disable Lint/DuplicateBranch # NOTE: theme setting only affects alignment of list text (not nested blocks) opts[:align] = text_align end line_metrics = calc_line_metrics @base_line_height #complex = false # ...or if we want to give all items in the list the same treatment #complex = node.items.any(&:compound?) if (node.context == :ulist && !@list_bullets[-1]) || (node.context == :olist && !@list_numerals[-1]) if == 'unstyled' # unstyled takes away all indentation list_indent = 0 elsif (list_indent = @theme.list_indent) > 0 # no-bullet aligns text with left-hand side of bullet position (as though there's no bullet) list_indent = [list_indent - (rendered_width_of_string %(#{node.context == :ulist ? ?\u2022 : '1.'}x)), 0].max end else list_indent = @theme.list_indent end indent list_indent do node.items.each do |item| allocate_space_for_list_item line_metrics convert_list_item item, node, opts end end theme_margin :prose, :bottom, (next_enclosed_block node) unless node.nested? end |
#convert_list_item(node, list, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 1616 def convert_list_item node, list, opts = {} # TODO: move this to a draw_bullet (or draw_marker) method marker_style = {} marker_style[:font_color] = @theme.list_marker_font_color || @font_color marker_style[:font_family] = font_family marker_style[:font_size] = font_size marker_style[:line_height] = @base_line_height case (list_type = list.context) when :dlist # NOTE: is always 'qanda' junction = node[1] @list_numerals << (index = @list_numerals.pop).next marker = %(#{index}.) when :olist junction = node if (index = @list_numerals.pop) if index == '' marker = '' else marker = == 'decimal' && index.abs < 10 ? %(#{index < 0 ? '-' : ''}0#{index.abs}.) : %(#{index}.) dir = (node.parent.option? 'reversed') ? :pred : :next @list_numerals << (index.public_send dir) [:font_color, :font_family, :font_size, :font_style, :line_height].each do |prop| marker_style[prop] = @theme[%(olist_marker_#{prop})] || marker_style[prop] end end end else # :ulist junction = node if (marker_type = @list_bullets[-1]) if marker_type == :checkbox # QUESTION: should we remove marker indent if not a checkbox? if node.attr? 'checkbox' marker_type = (node.attr? 'checked') ? :checked : :unchecked marker = @theme[%(ulist_marker_#{marker_type}_content)] || BallotBox[marker_type] end else marker = @theme[%(ulist_marker_#{marker_type}_content)] || Bullets[marker_type] end [:font_color, :font_family, :font_size, :font_style, :line_height].each do |prop| marker_style[prop] = @theme[%(ulist_marker_#{marker_type}_#{prop})] || @theme[%(ulist_marker_#{prop})] || marker_style[prop] end if marker end end if marker if marker_style[:font_family] == 'fa' log :info, 'deprecated fa icon set found in theme; use fas, far, or fab instead' marker_style[:font_family] = FontAwesomeIconSets.find {|candidate| (icon_font_data candidate).yaml[candidate].value? marker } || 'fas' end marker_style[:font_style] &&= marker_style[:font_style].to_sym marker_gap = rendered_width_of_char 'x' font marker_style[:font_family], size: marker_style[:font_size], style: marker_style[:font_style] do marker_width = rendered_width_of_string marker # NOTE: compensate if character_spacing is not applied to first character # see character_spacing_correction = 0 character_spacing(-0.5) do character_spacing_correction = 0.5 if (rendered_width_of_char 'x', character_spacing: -0.5) == marker_gap end marker_height = height_of_typeset_text marker, line_height: marker_style[:line_height], single_line: true start_position = bounds.left - marker_width - marker_gap + character_spacing_correction float do advance_page if @media == 'prepress' && cursor < marker_height flow_bounding_box position: start_position, width: marker_width do ink_prose marker, align: :right, character_spacing: -0.5, color: marker_style[:font_color], inline_format: false, line_height: marker_style[:line_height], style: marker_style[:font_style], margin: 0, normalize: false, single_line: true end end end end opts = opts.merge margin_bottom: 0, normalize_line_height: true if junction if junction.compound? opts.delete :margin_bottom elsif next_enclosed_block junction, descend: true opts[:margin_bottom] = @theme.list_item_spacing end end traverse_list_item node, list_type, opts end |
#convert_olist(node) ⇒ Object
1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 1506 def convert_olist node add_dest_for_block node if # TODO: move list_numeral resolve to a method case when 'decimal' list_numeral = 1 when 'loweralpha' list_numeral = 'a' when 'upperalpha' list_numeral = 'A' when 'lowerroman' list_numeral = 'i', :lower when 'upperroman' list_numeral = 'I', :upper when 'lowergreek' list_numeral = LowercaseGreekA when 'unstyled', 'unnumbered', 'no-bullet' list_numeral = nil when 'none' list_numeral = '' else # rubocop:disable Lint/DuplicateBranch list_numeral = 1 end if !list_numeral.nil_or_empty? && (start = (node.attr 'start') || ((node.option? 'reversed') ? node.items.size : nil)) if (start = start.to_i) > 1 (start - 1).times { list_numeral = } elsif start < 1 && !(::String === list_numeral) (start - 1).abs.times { list_numeral = list_numeral.pred } end end @list_numerals << list_numeral convert_list node @list_numerals.pop end |
#convert_open(node) ⇒ Object
1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 1255 def convert_open node return convert_abstract node if == 'abstract' id = has_title = node.title? if !at_page_top? && (has_title || id || (node.option? 'unbreakable')) arrange_block node do add_dest_for_block node if id tare_first_page_content_stream { node, category: ( === 'table-container' ? :table : nil), labeled: false } if has_title traverse node end else add_dest_for_block node if id node, labeled: false if has_title traverse node end end |
#convert_page_break(node) ⇒ Object
NOTE: to insert sequential page breaks, you must put nbsp between page breaks
1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 1941 def convert_page_break node if (page_layout = node.attr 'page-layout').nil_or_empty? unless node.role? && (page_layout = ( & PageLayouts)[-1]) page_layout = nil end elsif !(PageLayouts.include? (page_layout = page_layout.to_sym)) page_layout = nil end if at_page_top? && !(node.option? 'always') if page_layout && page_layout != page.layout && page.empty? delete_current_page advance_page layout: page_layout, margin: @page_margin[page_layout][page_side nil, @folio_placement[:inverted]] end elsif page_layout bounds.current_column = bounds.last_column if ColumnBox === bounds && !(node.has_role? 'column') advance_page layout: page_layout, margin: @page_margin[page_layout][page_side nil, @folio_placement[:inverted]] else bounds.current_column = bounds.last_column if ColumnBox === bounds && !(node.has_role? 'column') advance_page end end |
#convert_paragraph(node, opts = nil) ⇒ Object
844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 844 def convert_paragraph node, opts = nil add_dest_for_block node if prose_opts = opts || { margin_bottom: 0, hyphenate: true } if (text_align = resolve_text_align_from_role (roles = node.roles), query_theme: true, remove_predefined: true) prose_opts[:align] = text_align else text_align = @base_text_align.to_sym end role_keys = {|role| %(role_#{role}) } unless roles.empty? if IndentableTextAlignments[text_align] && ((text_indent = @theme.prose_text_indent) > 0 || ((text_indent = @theme.prose_text_indent_inner) > 0 && node.previous_sibling&.context == :paragraph)) prose_opts[:indent_paragraphs] = text_indent end if (bottom_gutter = @bottom_gutters[-1][node]) prose_opts[:bottom_gutter] = bottom_gutter end block_next = next_enclosed_block node insert_margin_bottom = proc do if (margin_inner_val = @theme.prose_margin_inner) && block_next&.context == :paragraph margin_bottom margin_inner_val else theme_margin :prose, :bottom, block_next end end if (float_box = (@float_box ||= nil)) ink_paragraph_in_float_box node, float_box, prose_opts, role_keys, block_next, insert_margin_bottom else # TODO: check if we're within one line of the bottom of the page # and advance to the next page if so (similar to logic for section titles) node, labeled: false if node.title? role_keys ? theme_font_cascade(role_keys) { ink_prose node.content, prose_opts } : (ink_prose node.content, prose_opts) end end |
#convert_pass(node) ⇒ Object
1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 1964 def convert_pass node theme_font :code do typeset_formatted_text [text: (guard_indentation node.content), color: @theme.base_font_color], (calc_line_metrics @base_line_height) end theme_margin :block, :bottom, (next_enclosed_block node) end |
#convert_preamble(node) ⇒ Object
779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 779 def convert_preamble node # FIXME: core should not be promoting paragraph to preamble if there are no sections if (first_block = node.first_child)&.context == :paragraph && node.document.sections? && !first_block.role? first_block.set_attr 'role', 'lead' end traverse node theme_margin :block, :bottom, (next_enclosed_block node) convert_toc node, placement: 'preamble' end |
#convert_quote_or_verse(node) ⇒ Object Also known as: convert_quote, convert_verse
1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 1272 def convert_quote_or_verse node category = node.context == :quote ? :quote : :verse # NOTE: b_width and b_left_width are mutually exclusive if (b_left_width = @theme[%(#{category}_border_left_width)]) && b_left_width > 0 b_left_width = nil unless (b_color = resolve_theme_color %(#{category}_border_color), @theme.base_border_color, nil) else b_left_width = nil b_width = nil if (b_width = @theme[%(#{category}_border_width)]) == 0 end if (attribution = node.attr 'attribution') # NOTE: temporary workaround to allow bare & to be used without having to wrap value in single quotes attribution = escape_amp attribution if attribution.include? '&' if (citetitle = node.attr 'citetitle')&.include? '&' citetitle = escape_amp citetitle end end arrange_block node do |extent| add_dest_for_block node if tare_first_page_content_stream do theme_fill_and_stroke_block category, extent, border_width: b_width, caption_node: node end if extent && b_left_width float do extent.each_page do |first_page, last_page| advance_page unless first_page b_height = start_cursor = cursor b_height -= last_page.cursor if last_page bounding_box [bounds.left, start_cursor], width: bounds.width, height: b_height do stroke_vertical_rule b_color, line_width: b_left_width, at: b_left_width * 0.5 end end end end pad_box @theme[%(#{category}_padding)], (attribution ? nil : node) do theme_font category do if category == :quote traverse node else # :verse content = guard_indentation node.content ink_prose content, normalize: false, align: (resolve_text_align_from_role node.roles) || :left, hyphenate: true, margin_bottom: 0, bottom_gutter: (attribution ? nil : @bottom_gutters[-1][node]) end end if attribution theme_margin :block, :bottom theme_font %(#{category}_cite) do attribution_parts = citetitle ? [attribution, citetitle] : [attribution] ink_prose %(#{EmDash} #{attribution_parts.join ', '}), align: :left, normalize: false, margin_bottom: 0 end end end end theme_margin :block, :bottom, (next_enclosed_block node) end |
#convert_section(sect, _opts = {}) ⇒ Object
637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 637 def convert_section sect, _opts = {} if (sectname = sect.sectname) == 'abstract' # HACK: cheat a bit to hide this section from TOC; TOC should filter these sections sect.context = :open return convert_abstract sect elsif (index_section = sectname == 'index') && @index.empty? # override numbered_title to hide entry from TOC sect.define_singleton_method :numbered_title, ->(*) { '' } return end title = sect.numbered_title formal: true sep = (sect.attr 'separator') || (sect.document.attr 'title-separator') || '' if !sep.empty? && (title.include? (sep = %(#{sep} ))) title, _, subtitle = title.rpartition sep title = %(#{title}\n<em class="subtitle">#{subtitle}</em>) end hlevel = text_align = (@theme[%(heading_h#{hlevel}_text_align)] || @theme.heading_text_align || @base_text_align).to_sym chapterlike = !(part = sectname == 'part') && (sectname == 'chapter' || (sect.document.doctype == 'book' && sect.level == 1)) hidden = sect.option? 'notitle' hopts = { align: text_align, level: hlevel, part: part, chapterlike: chapterlike, outdent: !(part || chapterlike) } if part if @theme.heading_part_break_before == 'always' started_new = true start_new_part sect end elsif chapterlike if (@theme.heading_chapter_break_before == 'always' && !(@theme.heading_part_break_after == 'avoid' && sect.first_section_of_part?)) || (@theme.heading_part_break_after == 'always' && sect.first_section_of_part?) started_new = true start_new_chapter sect end end arrange_heading sect, title, hopts unless hidden || started_new || at_page_top? # QUESTION: should we store pdf-page-start, pdf-anchor & pdf-destination in internal map? sect.set_attr 'pdf-page-start', (start_pgnum = page_number) # QUESTION: should we just assign the section this generated id? # NOTE: section must have pdf-anchor in order to be listed in the TOC sect.set_attr 'pdf-anchor', (sect_anchor = derive_anchor_from_id, %(#{start_pgnum}-#{y.ceil})) add_dest_for_block sect, id: sect_anchor, y: (at_page_top? ? page_height : nil) theme_font :heading, level: hlevel do if part ink_part_title sect, title, hopts elsif chapterlike ink_chapter_title sect, title, hopts else ink_general_heading sect, title, hopts end end unless hidden if index_section outdent_section { convert_index_section sect } else traverse sect end outdent_section { ink_footnotes sect } if chapterlike sect.set_attr 'pdf-page-end', page_number end |
#convert_sidebar(node) ⇒ Object
1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 1334 def node arrange_block node do |extent| add_dest_for_block node if theme_fill_and_stroke_block :sidebar, extent if extent pad_box @theme., node do tare_first_page_content_stream do theme_font :sidebar_title do # QUESTION: should we allow margins of sidebar title to be customized? ink_prose node.title, align: (@theme. || @theme.heading_text_align || @base_text_align).to_sym, margin_bottom: @theme.heading_margin_bottom, line_height: (@theme.heading_line_height || @theme.base_line_height) end end if node.title? theme_font :sidebar do traverse node end end end theme_margin :block, :bottom, (next_enclosed_block node) end |
#convert_stem(node) ⇒ Object
1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 1971 def convert_stem node arrange_block node do |extent| add_dest_for_block node if tare_first_page_content_stream { theme_fill_and_stroke_block :code, extent, caption_node: node } pad_box @theme.code_padding, node do theme_font :code do typeset_formatted_text [text: (guard_indentation node.content), color: @font_color], (calc_line_metrics @base_line_height), bottom_gutter: @bottom_gutters[-1][node] end end end theme_margin :block, :bottom, (next_enclosed_block node) end |
#convert_table(node) ⇒ Object
1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2286 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 2324 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345 2346 2347 2348 2349 2350 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 2356 2357 2358 2359 2360 2361 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 1986 def convert_table node = (theme = @theme).&.to_sym || :top if !at_page_top? && ((unbreakable = node.option? 'unbreakable') || ((node.option? 'breakable') && ( || node.title?))) # NOTE: we use the current node as the parent so we can navigate back into the document model (table_container = node, :open) << (table_dup = node.dup) # NOTE: we need to duplicate the attributes so that the unbreakable/breakable option is preserved on subsequent conversions table_dup.instance_variable_set :@attributes, node.attributes.dup if unbreakable table_dup.remove_attr 'unbreakable-option' table_container.set_attr 'unbreakable-option' else table_dup.remove_attr 'breakable-option' end = 'table-container', =, nil if == :top && table_dup.title? table_container.title = '' table_container.instance_variable_set :@converted_title, table_dup. table_dup.title = nil end return convert_open table_container end add_dest_for_block node if # TODO: we could skip a lot of the logic below when num_rows == 0 num_rows = node.attr 'rowcount' num_cols = node.columns.size table_header_size = false prev_font_scale, @font_scale = @font_scale, 1 if node.document.nested? tbl_bg_color = resolve_theme_color :table_background_color # QUESTION: should we fallback to page background color? (which is never transparent) #tbl_bg_color = resolve_theme_color :table_background_color, @page_bg_color # ...and if so, should we try to be helpful and use @page_bg_color for tables nested in blocks? #unless tbl_bg_color # tbl_bg_color = @page_bg_color unless [:section, :document].include? node.parent.context #end # NOTE: emulate table bg color by using it as a fallback value for each element head_bg_color = resolve_theme_color :table_head_background_color, tbl_bg_color foot_bg_color = resolve_theme_color :table_foot_background_color, tbl_bg_color body_bg_color = resolve_theme_color :table_body_background_color, tbl_bg_color body_stripe_bg_color = resolve_theme_color :table_body_stripe_background_color, tbl_bg_color base_header_cell_data = nil header_cell_line_metrics = nil body_cell_padding = theme.table_cell_padding table_data = [] theme_font :table do head_rows = node.rows[:head] body_rows = node.rows[:body] #if (hrows = node.attr 'hrows') && (shift_rows = hrows.to_i - head_rows.size) > 0 # head_rows = head_rows.drop 0 # body_rows = body_rows.drop 0 # shift_rows.times { head_rows << body_rows.shift unless body_rows.empty? } #end theme_font :table_head do table_header_size = head_rows.size head_font_info = font_info head_line_metrics = calc_line_metrics theme.table_head_line_height || theme.table_cell_line_height || @base_line_height head_cell_padding = (theme.table_head_cell_padding ? ( theme.table_head_cell_padding) : body_cell_padding).drop 0 head_cell_padding[0] += head_line_metrics.padding_top head_cell_padding[2] += head_line_metrics.padding_bottom # QUESTION: why doesn't text transform inherit from table? head_transform = resolve_text_transform :table_head_text_transform, nil base_cell_data = { inline_format: [normalize: true], background_color: head_bg_color, text_color: @font_color, size: head_font_info[:size], font: head_font_info[:family], font_style: head_font_info[:style], kerning: default_kerning?, padding: head_cell_padding, leading: head_line_metrics.leading, # TODO: patch prawn-table to pass through final_gap option #final_gap: head_line_metrics.final_gap, } head_rows.each do |row| table_data << ( do |cell| cell_text = head_transform ? (transform_text cell.text.strip, head_transform) : cell.text.strip cell_text = hyphenate_text cell_text, @hyphenator if defined? @hyphenator base_cell_data.merge \ content: cell_text, colspan: cell.colspan || 1, align: (cell.attr 'halign').to_sym, valign: (val = cell.attr 'valign') == 'middle' ? :center : val.to_sym, source_location: cell.source_location end) end end unless head_rows.empty? base_cell_data = { font: (body_font_info = font_info)[:family], font_style: body_font_info[:style], size: body_font_info[:size], kerning: default_kerning?, text_color: @font_color, } body_cell_line_metrics = calc_line_metrics (theme.table_cell_line_height || @base_line_height) (body_rows + node.rows[:foot]).each do |row| table_data << ( do |cell| cell_data = base_cell_data.merge \ colspan: cell.colspan || 1, rowspan: cell.rowspan || 1, align: (cell.attr 'halign').to_sym, valign: (val = cell.attr 'valign') == 'middle' ? :center : val.to_sym, source_location: cell.source_location cell_line_metrics = body_cell_line_metrics case when :emphasis cell_data[:font_style] = :italic when :strong cell_data[:font_style] = :bold when :header unless base_header_cell_data theme_font_cascade [:table_head, :table_header_cell] do header_cell_font_info = font_info base_header_cell_data = { text_color: @font_color, font: header_cell_font_info[:family], size: header_cell_font_info[:size], font_style: header_cell_font_info[:style], text_transform: @text_transform, } header_cell_line_metrics = calc_line_metrics @base_line_height end if (val = resolve_theme_color :table_header_cell_background_color, head_bg_color) base_header_cell_data[:background_color] = val end end cell_data.update base_header_cell_data cell_transform = cell_data.delete :text_transform cell_line_metrics = header_cell_line_metrics when :monospaced cell_data.delete :font_style cell_line_height = @base_line_height theme_font :codespan do mono_cell_font_info = font_info cell_data[:font] = mono_cell_font_info[:family] cell_data[:size] = mono_cell_font_info[:size] cell_data[:text_color] = @font_color cell_line_metrics = calc_line_metrics cell_line_height end when :literal # NOTE: we want the raw AsciiDoc in this case cell_data[:content] = guard_indentation cell.instance_variable_get :@text # NOTE: the absence of the inline_format option implies it's disabled cell_data.delete :font_style # QUESTION: should we introduce a dedicated category? theme_font :code do literal_cell_font_info = font_info cell_data[:font] = literal_cell_font_info[:family] cell_data[:size] = literal_cell_font_info[:size] * (cell_data[:size].to_f / @root_font_size) cell_data[:text_color] = @font_color cell_line_metrics = calc_line_metrics @base_line_height end when :asciidoc cell_data.delete :kerning if theme.table_asciidoc_cell_style == 'initial' cell_data.delete :font cell_data.delete :font_style cell_data.delete :size cell_data.delete :text_color end # NOTE: line metrics get applied when AsciiDoc content is converted cell_line_metrics = nil asciidoc_cell = self, (cell_data.merge content: cell.inner_document, padding: body_cell_padding, root_font_size: @root_font_size) cell_data = { content: asciidoc_cell, source_location: cell.source_location } end if cell_line_metrics cell_padding = body_cell_padding.drop 0 cell_padding[0] += cell_line_metrics.padding_top cell_padding[2] += cell_line_metrics.padding_bottom cell_data[:leading] = cell_line_metrics.leading # TODO: patch prawn-table to pass through final_gap option #cell_data[:final_gap] = cell_line_metrics.final_gap cell_data[:padding] = cell_padding end unless cell_data.key? :content cell_text = cell.text.strip cell_text = transform_text cell_text, cell_transform if cell_transform cell_text = hyphenate_text cell_text, @hyphenator if defined? @hyphenator cell_text = cell_text.gsub CjkLineBreakRx, ZeroWidthSpace if @cjk_line_breaks if cell_text.include? DoubleLF # FIXME: hard breaks not quite the same result as separate paragraphs; need custom cell impl here cell_data[:content] = (cell_text.split BlankLineRx).map {|l| l.tr_s WhitespaceChars, ' ' }.join DoubleLF cell_data[:inline_format] = true else cell_data[:content] = cell_text cell_data[:inline_format] = [normalize: true] end end if node.document.attr? 'cellbgcolor' if (cell_bg_color = node.document.attr 'cellbgcolor') == 'transparent' cell_data[:background_color] = body_bg_color elsif (cell_bg_color.start_with? '#') && (HexColorRx.match? cell_bg_color) cell_data[:background_color] = cell_bg_color.slice 1, cell_bg_color.length end end cell_data end) end end # NOTE: Prawn crashes if table data is empty, so ensure there's at least one row if table_data.empty? log(:warn) { 'no rows found in table', source_location: node.source_location } table_data <<[node.columns.size, 1].max) { { content: '' } } end rect_side_names = [:top, :right, :bottom, :left] grid_axis_names = [:rows, :cols] border_color = ( theme.table_border_color, 'transparent').to_h border_style = ( ( theme.table_border_style, :solid).map(&:to_sym)).to_h border_width = ( theme.table_border_width, 0).to_h grid_color = ( (theme.table_grid_color || [border_color[:top], border_color[:left]]), 'transparent').to_h grid_style = ( ( (theme.table_grid_style || [border_style[:top], border_style[:left]]), :solid).map(&:to_sym)).to_h grid_width = ( (theme.table_grid_width || [border_width[:top], border_width[:left]]), 0).to_h if table_header_size head_border_bottom_color = theme.table_head_border_bottom_color || grid_color[:rows] head_border_bottom_style = theme.table_head_border_bottom_style&.to_sym || grid_style[:rows] head_border_bottom_width = theme.table_head_border_bottom_width || (grid_width[:rows] * 2.5) end case (grid = node.attr 'grid', 'all', 'table-grid') when 'all' # keep inner borders when 'cols' grid_width[:rows] = 0 when 'rows' grid_width[:cols] = 0 else # none grid_width[:rows] = grid_width[:cols] = 0 end case (frame = node.attr 'frame', 'all', 'table-frame') when 'all' # keep outer borders when 'topbot', 'ends' border_width[:left] = border_width[:right] = 0 when 'sides' border_width[:top] = border_width[:bottom] = 0 else # none border_width[:top] = border_width[:right] = border_width[:bottom] = border_width[:left] = 0 end if node.option? 'autowidth' table_width = (node.attr? 'width') ? bounds.width * ((node.attr 'tablepcwidth') / 100.0) : (((node.has_role? 'stretch')) ? bounds.width : nil) column_widths = [] else table_width = bounds.width * ((node.attr 'tablepcwidth') / 100.0) column_widths = {|col| ((col.attr 'colpcwidth') * table_width) / 100.0 } end if ((alignment = node.attr 'align') && (BlockAlignmentNames.include? alignment)) || (alignment = (node.roles & BlockAlignmentNames)[-1]) alignment = alignment.to_sym else alignment = theme.table_align&.to_sym || :left end = theme. || 'fit-content' table_settings = { header: table_header_size, # NOTE: position is handled by this method position: :left, # NOTE: the border color, style, and width of the outer frame is set in the table callback block width: table_width, column_widths: column_widths, } cell_style = { border_color: grid_color.values, border_lines: grid_style.values, border_width: grid_width.values } # QUESTION: should we support nth; should we support sequence of roles? case node.attr 'stripes', nil, 'table-stripes' when 'all' table_settings[:row_colors] = [body_stripe_bg_color] when 'even' table_settings[:row_colors] = [body_bg_color, body_stripe_bg_color] when 'odd' table_settings[:row_colors] = [body_stripe_bg_color, body_bg_color] else # none table_settings[:row_colors] = [body_bg_color] end left_padding = right_padding = nil table table_data, table_settings do instance_variable_set :@node, node # NOTE: cell_style must be applied manually to be compatible with both prawn-table 0.2.2 and prawn-table 0.2.3 cell_style @column_widths = column_widths unless column_widths.empty? # NOTE: call width to capture resolved table width table_width = width @pdf. node, alignment, table_width, if == :top && node.title? # NOTE: align using padding instead of bounding_box as prawn-table does # using a bounding_box across pages mangles the margin box of subsequent pages if alignment != :left && table_width != (this_bounds = @pdf.bounds).width if alignment == :center left_padding = right_padding = (this_bounds.width - width) * 0.5 this_bounds.add_left_padding left_padding this_bounds.add_right_padding right_padding else # :right left_padding = this_bounds.width - width this_bounds.add_left_padding left_padding end end if grid == 'none' && frame == 'none' (rows table_header_size - 1).tap do |r| r.border_bottom_color = head_border_bottom_color r.border_bottom_line = head_border_bottom_style r.border_bottom_width = head_border_bottom_width end if table_header_size else # apply the grid setting first across all cells cells.border_width = [grid_width[:rows], grid_width[:cols], grid_width[:rows], grid_width[:cols]] if table_header_size (rows table_header_size - 1).tap do |r| r.border_bottom_color = head_border_bottom_color r.border_bottom_line = head_border_bottom_style r.border_bottom_width = head_border_bottom_width end (rows table_header_size).tap do |r| r.border_top_color = head_border_bottom_color r.border_top_line = head_border_bottom_style r.border_top_width = head_border_bottom_width end if num_rows > table_header_size end # top edge of table (rows 0).tap do |r| r.border_top_color, r.border_top_line, r.border_top_width = border_color[:top], border_style[:top], border_width[:top] end # right edge of table (columns num_cols - 1).tap do |r| r.border_right_color, r.border_right_line, r.border_right_width = border_color[:right], border_style[:right], border_width[:right] end # bottom edge of table (rows num_rows - 1).tap do |r| r.border_bottom_color, r.border_bottom_line, r.border_bottom_width = border_color[:bottom], border_style[:bottom], border_width[:bottom] end # left edge of table (columns 0).tap do |r| r.border_left_color, r.border_left_line, r.border_left_width = border_color[:left], border_style[:left], border_width[:left] end end # QUESTION: should cell padding be configurable for foot row cells? unless node.rows[:foot].empty? foot_row = row num_rows.pred foot_row.background_color = foot_bg_color # FIXME: find a way to do this when defining the cells foot_row.text_color = theme.table_foot_font_color if theme.table_foot_font_color foot_row.size = theme.table_foot_font_size if theme.table_foot_font_size foot_row.font = theme.table_foot_font_family if theme.table_foot_font_family foot_row.font_style = theme.table_foot_font_style.to_sym if theme.table_foot_font_style # HACK: we should do this transformation when creating the cell #if (foot_transform = resolve_text_transform :table_foot_text_transform, nil) # foot_row.each {|c| c.content = (transform_text c.content, foot_transform) if c.content } #end end end if left_padding bounds.subtract_left_padding left_padding bounds.subtract_right_padding right_padding if right_padding end node, alignment, table_width, , if == :bottom && node.title? theme_margin :block, :bottom, (next_enclosed_block node) rescue ::Prawn::Errors::CannotFit log :error, ( 'cannot fit contents of table cell into specified column width', source_location: node.source_location) ensure @font_scale = prev_font_scale if prev_font_scale end |
#convert_thematic_break(node) ⇒ Object
2363 2364 2365 2366 2367 2368 2369 2370 2371 2372 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 2363 def convert_thematic_break node pad_box @theme.thematic_break_padding || [@theme.thematic_break_margin_top, 0] do if (b_color = resolve_theme_color :thematic_break_border_color) stroke_horizontal_rule b_color, line_width: @theme.thematic_break_border_width, line_style: (@theme.thematic_break_border_style&.to_sym || :solid) end end conceal_page_top { theme_margin :block, :bottom, (next_enclosed_block node) } end |
#convert_toc(node, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
2374 2375 2376 2377 2378 2379 2380 2381 2382 2383 2384 2385 2386 2387 2388 2389 2390 2391 2392 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 2374 def convert_toc node, opts = {} # NOTE: only allow document to have a single managed toc return if @toc_extent is_macro = (placement = opts[:placement] || 'macro') == 'macro' if ((doc = node.document).attr? 'toc-placement', placement) && (doc.attr? 'toc') && !(get_entries_for_toc doc).empty? start_toc_page node, placement if (is_book = doc.doctype == 'book') add_dest_for_block node, id: ( || 'toc') if is_macro toc_extent = @toc_extent = allocate_toc doc, (doc.attr 'toclevels', 2).to_i, cursor, (title_as_page = is_book || (doc.attr? 'title-page')) if title_as_page if @theme.page_numbering_start_at == 'toc' @index.start_page_number = elsif @theme.page_numbering_start_at == 'after-toc' new_start_page_number = + 1 new_start_page_number += 1 if @ppbook && (verso_page? new_start_page_number) @index.start_page_number = new_start_page_number end end if is_macro @disable_running_content[:header] += toc_extent.page_range if node.option? 'noheader' @disable_running_content[:footer] += toc_extent.page_range if node.option? 'nofooter' end end nil end |
#convert_ulist(node) ⇒ Object
1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 1541 def convert_ulist node add_dest_for_block node if # TODO: move bullet_type to method on List (or helper method) if node.option? 'checklist' @list_bullets << :checkbox else if (style = case style when 'bibliography' bullet_type = :square when 'unstyled', 'no-bullet' bullet_type = nil else if Bullets.key? (candidate = style.to_sym) bullet_type = candidate else log :warn, %(unknown unordered list style: #{candidate}) bullet_type = :disc end end else case node.list_level when 1 bullet_type = :disc when 2 bullet_type = :circle else bullet_type = :square end end @list_bullets << bullet_type end convert_list node @list_bullets.pop end |
#convert_video(node) ⇒ Object
1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 1903 def convert_video node case (poster = node.attr 'poster') when 'youtube' video_path = %({video_id = node.attr 'target'}) # see poster = allow_uri_read ? %({video_id}/maxresdefault.jpg) : nil type = 'YouTube video' when 'vimeo' video_path = %({video_id = node.attr 'target'}) if allow_uri_read poster = load_open_uri.open_uri(%({video_id}&width=1280), 'r') {|f| (VimeoThumbnailRx.match[1] } rescue nil else poster = nil end type = 'Vimeo video' else video_path = node.media_uri node.attr 'target' type = 'video' end if poster.nil_or_empty? add_dest_for_block node if play_symbol = (node.document.attr? 'icons', 'font') ? %(<font name="fas">#{(icon_font_data 'fas').unicode 'play'}</font>) : RightPointer ink_prose %(#{play_symbol}#{NoBreakSpace}<a href="#{video_path}">#{video_path}</a> <em>(#{type})</em>), normalize: false, margin: 0 node, labeled: false, end: :bottom if node.title? theme_margin :block, :bottom, (next_enclosed_block node) else original_attributes = node.attributes.dup begin node.update_attributes 'target' => poster, 'link' => video_path convert_image node ensure node.attributes.replace original_attributes end end end |
#expand_tabs(string) ⇒ Object
NOTE: only used when tabsize attribute is not specified tabs must always be replaced with spaces in order for the indentation guards to work
2896 2897 2898 2899 2900 2901 2902 2903 2904 2905 2906 2907 2908 2909 2910 2911 2912 2913 2914 2915 2916 2917 2918 2919 2920 2921 2922 2923 2924 2925 2926 2927 2928 2929 2930 2931 2932 2933 2934 2935 2936 2937 2938 2939 2940 2941 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 2896 def string if string.nil_or_empty? '' elsif string.include? TAB full_tab_space = ' ' * (tab_size = 4) (string.split LF, -1).map do |line| if line.empty? || !(tab_idx = line.index TAB) line else if tab_idx == 0 leading_tabs = 0 line.each_byte do |b| break unless b == 9 leading_tabs += 1 end line = %(#{full_tab_space * leading_tabs}#{rest = line.slice leading_tabs, line.length}) next line unless rest.include? TAB end # keeps track of how many spaces were added to adjust offset in match data spaces_added = 0 idx = 0 result = '' line.each_char do |c| if c == TAB # calculate how many spaces this tab represents, then replace tab with spaces if (offset = idx + spaces_added) % tab_size == 0 spaces_added += (tab_size - 1) result += full_tab_space else unless (spaces = tab_size - offset % tab_size) == 1 spaces_added += (spaces - 1) end result += (' ' * spaces) end else result += c end idx += 1 end result end end.join LF else string end end |
#extract_conums(string) ⇒ Object
Extract callout marks from string, indexed by 0-based line number Return an Array with the processed string as the first argument and the mapping of lines to conums as the second.
2946 2947 2948 2949 2950 2951 2952 2953 2954 2955 2956 2957 2958 2959 2960 2961 2962 2963 2964 2965 2966 2967 2968 2969 2970 2971 2972 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 2946 def extract_conums string conum_mapping = {} auto_num = 0 string = (string.split LF).map.with_index do |line, line_num| # FIXME: we get extra spaces before numbers if more than one on a line if line.include? '<' line = line.gsub CalloutExtractRx do # honor the escape if $1 == ?\\ $&.sub $1, '' else (conum_mapping[line_num] ||= []) << ($3 == '.' ? (auto_num += 1) : $3.to_i) '' end end # NOTE: use first position to store space that precedes conums if (conum_mapping.key? line_num) && (line.end_with? ' ') trimmed_line = line.rstrip conum_mapping[line_num].unshift line.slice trimmed_line.length, line.length line = trimmed_line end end line end.join LF conum_mapping = nil if conum_mapping.empty? [string, conum_mapping] end |
#fallback_svg_font_name ⇒ Object
3025 3026 3027 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 3025 def fallback_svg_font_name @theme.svg_fallback_font_family || @theme.svg_font_family || @theme.base_font_family end |
#get_entries_for_toc(node) ⇒ Object
3864 3865 3866 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 3864 def get_entries_for_toc node node.sections end |
#guard_indentation(string) ⇒ Object
Add an indentation guard at the start of indented lines. Expand tabs to spaces if tabs are present
3031 3032 3033 3034 3035 3036 3037 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 3031 def guard_indentation string unless (string = string).empty? string[0] = GuardedIndent if string.start_with? ' ' string.gsub! InnerIndent, GuardedInnerIndent if string.include? InnerIndent end string end |
#guard_indentation_in_fragments(fragments) ⇒ Object
3039 3040 3041 3042 3043 3044 3045 3046 3047 3048 3049 3050 3051 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 3039 def guard_indentation_in_fragments fragments start_of_line = true fragments.each do |fragment| next if (text = fragment[:text]).empty? if start_of_line && (text.start_with? ' ') fragment[:text] = GuardedIndent + (((text = text.slice 1, text.length).include? InnerIndent) ? (text.gsub InnerIndent, GuardedInnerIndent) : text) elsif text.include? InnerIndent fragment[:text] = text.gsub InnerIndent, GuardedInnerIndent end start_of_line = text.end_with? LF end fragments end |
#height_of_typeset_text(string, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
3053 3054 3055 3056 3057 3058 3059 3060 3061 3062 3063 3064 |
# File 'lib/asciidoctor/pdf/converter.rb', line 3053 def height_of_typeset_text string, opts = {} if (transform = opts[:text_transform]) string = transform_text string, transform end if (inline_format = opts[:inline_format]) && |